"Then what are you waiting for? Tell me what to do?"

Yuan Subaru asked anxiously. Just as he was struggling, the monster had already approached the densely populated area.

At this time, the screen of the old computer lit up, and the Ark bracelet on Yuan Subaru's wrist turned into a new transformation prop, and Gulit's voice came out:

"This is the Primal Accepter between me and you. Use your will to make an electro-optical link (Access Flash) with me."

"I see."

Yuan Subaru raised his left hand, pointed the original fusion device at the computer screen, and shouted:

"Access Flash!"

As the words fell, the screen lit up brightly, and then, along with white dotted link energy similar to data flow, stretched out from the screen, guiding Yuan Subaru into the data space where Gulit was. among.

Rikka Takarata, who was driven back, saw this scene very clearly. At first, she thought the guest was crazy, but she didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he actually got in, and Rikka Takarata suddenly bloomed. With his eyes wide open, he subconsciously whispered:

"Computers in the past were really scary..."

Afterwards, Takarata Rikka reacted and carefully moved towards the old computer. Then he saw on the screen that the guest and a robot were standing opposite each other, with dotted lines of light on their heads. Connected to each other.

Until then, Takarata Rikka suddenly realized that the screen was not just a snowflake, but that he could not see the real image on it.

But no matter how shocked Takarata Rikka was, Yuan Subaru no longer cared about it. After completing the link with Gulit, he directly took over the initiative to transform in Gulit's shocked eyes. , completed its enlargement and materialization, appeared in the town, and blocked the advancing monsters.

This body... I'm so uncomfortable with it.

Yuan Subaru moved Gullit's body a little. The agent's body was quite flexible, but it felt completely different from when he used the Light of Nexus. One felt like he was fighting on his own, while the other felt like he was wearing a coat. Although power armor doesn't have many limitations in movement, you still have to get used to it.

‘Sa! ’

While Yuan Subaru was still adapting to this body, the giant Gulit had already rushed towards the monster. It seemed that Gulit realized that Yuan Subaru had no influence on his side and went up on his own. , Yuan Subaru also took advantage of this opportunity...

Wait, let me take a look at what equipment this Gulit comes with.

The Blade of Tektrion, the crown of Gurlitt's helmet, can cut through steel with ease. Radar ears can hear ultrasonic and infrasound waves that humans cannot hear....

The Tectlion armor, the silver armor on Gurlit's chest and back, is harder than all alloys on the earth and can withstand low temperatures, high heat, lightning, and destructive energy at the level of tearing space.

Gullit's ankle can freely control gravity. It makes the body lighter when jumping and heavier when kicking. The wrist guard on Gullit's right hand can emit photoelectron energy.

The energy lamp usually shines cyan. When the computer is overloaded or the energy itself is insufficient, it will flash continuously and sound a warning sound to remind the limits of the activity. It can also launch a grenade beam...

etc! ! What did I just see? !

Yuan Subaru turned back the electronic projection manual in front of him a little, and then fell into thinking——

Pingyi's computer is overloaded...

Your transformation is also affected by external devices, so... how long can that old computer last, and to what extent can it last?


At this moment, Yuan Subaru felt a vibration around him, and there was also pain. Although he didn't know whether it was because of the connection between Gulit and the fusion, or because he was the light of Nexus, In short, there is no doubt that when the giant Gulit is injured, the source Subaru inside it seems to be injured as well.

It's not as exaggerated as when I turned into Nexus, but there will still be pain.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru paid attention to the outside. Gulit's situation was quite miserable. He was pressed and beaten by this monster. He must have been restrained from action by the old computer. In this case, let me do the operation. Not talented, although he is young, he has quite a lot of experience in fighting.

So, in the next second, Gulit's eyes lit up after being beaten by the monster's hands and wings, and his dark yellow eyes turned into gold, which meant that Yuan Subaru had gained control, while Gulit was confused. Shui, the control switch was so smooth, and he even went offline without any feedback from himself. Even though it is now in a fused state, this is too...

Just when Gulit was full of questions, Yuan Subaru, who had read Gulit's instructions, decisively chose to take two punches, then grabbed the monster's arms with both hands, using it as a leverage point, and lifted his feet off the ground. He launched a series of flying kicks towards the monster's body and head.

In fact, Yuan Subaru wanted to tear off the arms directly after a series of kicks, but when he exerted his force, he felt that Gullit's strength was not enough. He could not do this, so he could only change his attack method. In the end, his feet Kick the monster hard to push it back and gain enough space to counterattack, so as not to fall into the situation of being suppressed by continuous beatings again.

Minamoto's feeling was not wrong. When he was exerting his strength, in the second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP", Takarado Rikka looked at the computer in front of her that was constantly splashing with electric sparks. She was at a loss for a moment. Through the screen, she could clearly see the battle scene of Gulit, and vaguely guessed that the current scene of the computer should also be related to that battle, but she really didn't know how to deal with it.

Anyway... Anyway...

Anyway, move the flammable materials next to it first, ah~~~ why did this happen.

While Takarado Rikka began to work, the battle on Minamoto's side quickly entered a fierce battle state. Minamoto tried, but when he was possessed by Gulit, he could not release the Meta field at all. This means that he can only fight quickly and decisively in the future to move the battlefield to a more remote or deserted place as much as possible.

But at present, this battle can no longer be changed, and only a quick battle can be done.

At this time, the monster sprayed a dark green beam towards Yuan Subaru. With just one look at this thing, Yuan Subaru knew that this thing was either highly toxic, highly corrosive, or both, and this beam was fired at high speed, which was quite threatening to Gulit.

So, Yuan Subaru stepped on his feet and jumped into the sky, avoiding the dark green beams that followed one after another as flexibly as a swallow. Then he seized the opportunity, punched out a high-voltage light bomb after charging, and this skill can be fired continuously, and can be used with both the left and right hands. As a containment skill, it is quite qualified.

The monster roared in anger under this attack. Although it couldn't speak, it had already put on a posture of "Wait until you land, I will make you suffer." In response, Yuan Subaru snorted coldly, despised the monster's IQ, and then raised the receiver on his wrist. On Gulit's side, there was a similar armor module at the corresponding position.

On this module, huge energy began to gather, and then it was all shot out in one breath. The high-heat light called [Grid Beam] instantly fell on the monster, and after a brief stalemate, it pierced its body, causing a huge explosion.

The monster was destroyed, and Grid's energy lamp began to flicker, indicating that the time Grid could maintain had reached its limit. In the aftermath of the monster's explosion, the tall figure of the electric superman Grid also disappeared.

Then Gen Subaru was "thrown" out of the computer and landed in front of Takarada Rikka, who was leaning against the cabinet and sweating profusely.

At this time, Takarada Rikka couldn't help but slightly widen her eyes, so in her field of vision, countless hideous wounds appeared on the body of the boy in front of her, which could be said to be covered with wounds.

If Gen Subaru could see his appearance at this time, he would naturally know that those injuries were left behind when he exchanged injuries with the Chaos Shadows at the beginning. When fighting the last enhanced Chaos Shadow, he did not suffer so many external injuries.

However, these injuries should not have appeared originally. After all, as long as the light particles are sufficient in the body of the light particle aggregate, any so-called injuries will heal quickly, at least they cannot be seen on the surface.

And now, after being possessed by Gulit, Gen Subaru has regained the concept of a body. Usually, it was fine when Gulit's energy was not consumed too much. Now, after the battle just ended, Gulit's state has temporarily fallen down. Without the maintenance of energy, these injuries have also appeared, making Gen Subaru look a little miserable and tragic in the eyes of Takarada Rikka at this time.

However, Gen Subaru is very adaptable, and so are the light particles that make up his body. After Gen Subaru saw his current situation clearly from the reflection of Takarada Rikka's eyes, he quietly mobilized the few energies he had, erased the surface injuries, held on to the bar next to him, stood up with difficulty, smiled at Takarada Rikka and said:

"Sorry to bother you, I hope you can keep this secret for me, I still have to find a job here, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, Gen Subaru walked out the door, and Takarada Rikka couldn't help but frown at his shaky body and frivolous steps, but just when she was hesitating about what to say, she suddenly saw Gen Subaru stop and pat his own cheek with his hand, as if he was cheering himself up.

Then, it was as if his spirit and energy returned to him all of a sudden. Although he was still walking slowly, his body suddenly became straight. A kind of aura that Rika Takara couldn't explain, which seemed to be quite reliable, blocked all her remaining words. It felt like insulting if she said anything about sympathizing with him.

"Ah, it's you, cute boy."

At this time, Rika Takara heard a familiar voice. It was her mother, who was also the manager of the second-hand store "JUNK SHOP". A manager who ran away without knowing where to open the store door finally came back. From what she said, she should be talking to the customer. I don't know how they met.

However, Rika Takara could also hear that it was just a polite greeting from her mother. After saying this, her mother's hurried footsteps came into the store.

"Hu... Rika, you have to remember to answer the phone."

The brown-haired, yellow-eyed woman hurried in and saw that Takarada Rikka, who was sitting next to the bar, was safe and sound. She heaved a long sigh of relief, put down her worried heart, and then casually put the shopping bag aside and said:

"By the way, what did that guy do in the store just now? Is he your classmate? I haven't seen him before."

"No, he was a customer, and he was very interested in this computer."

Takarada Rikka lowered her head and supported her forehead with her hand. Her smooth black hair fell down, covering her face. Her worldview was really challenged by what happened today. If it wasn't her mother who was talking to her at this time, she wouldn't want to talk at all. Her mind was in a mess now. Monsters, giants, she couldn't figure it out at all, and she was also worried about the safety of her friends. She really wanted to be quiet.

"Mom, why did you leave with the store door open?"

"Ah... this..."

Rika's mother touched her neck, thought about it and said softly:

"I heard from Mrs. Nara that Rote's store was having a big sale, and I looked at the time. You would be home in three minutes at most, so I left. It was only about three minutes. As far as the public security here is concerned, there won't be any problems."

No wonder, it's a big problem. In just three minutes, something incredible came to our house.

Takata Rika sighed helplessly and powerlessly in her heart, then got up and casually said to her mother, 'Don't wait for me for dinner', and went upstairs to her room. As she said before, no matter what she hadn't done or said, she wanted to be quiet now.

On the other side, Yuan Subaru sat on a bench in the park. The terrain of this park is relatively high, so he can have a panoramic view of the field below where the battle had just occurred. Although the monster was finally destroyed, it was undoubtedly a failed battle. This monster annihilation war for protection did not seem to play the due protection responsibility.

Ouch... Damn Chaos... No, it's my incompetence.

Yuan Subaru was angry at first, angry at Chaos' evil deeds, which made his condition so bad, but Yuan Subaru immediately reacted and realized that he was escaping from reality. If he was stronger, there would be no such mess.

Um... My head.

Yuan Subaru, who just wanted to deduce skills, covered his head helplessly. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to polish those skills related to [Amplification] that were not yet perfected, but this process can only be put aside for now.

At this time, Yuan Subaru looked at his wrist, and then he realized that when Gulit projected the original fusion device, he also transferred the Ark bracelet from his right hand to his left hand. If he remembered correctly, Gulit seemed to have explained the reason when they were linked just now, as if the high-tech product of the Ark bracelet as a medium can better improve the degree of fusion between them.

"Hey, Gulit, can you hear me?"

Yuan Subaru looked at the Ark bracelet that was still broken, and shouted over there. As expected, there was no response. Come to think of it, the current state of the two of them is both annoying.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that at this time, in the old computer at the second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP", Gulit was in a state of autism. Not only because Yuan Subaru easily took over his control during the battle, but also because, after witnessing Yuan Subaru's entire battle process, Gulit suddenly felt that Yuan Subaru, the warrior who had just merged with him, seemed to use Gulit's body much better than his own consciousness.

There is no doubt that this giant who fell from the sky is an extraordinary warrior. He has been through hundreds of battles and is experienced. When fighting monsters, he will catch any flaws and become the horn of victory.

However, compared with the amazing performance in the battle, at this moment, Gulit is more concerned about the fact that after the fusion, Gulit discovered an important thing, so important that Gulit couldn't help but wonder if his core processor had made a mistake, so that he now repeatedly calculated many times before he dared to make a preliminary determination...

This giant...

seems to be really only four years old? !

No, is there really nothing wrong with my test? Is there really no wrong decimal point in this age? !

277 Lost Memory

Minamoto didn't know about the shock and distress of Gulit, and the fact that the old computer was almost burned. He didn't know that after seeing the old computer with sparks flying all over it, Ms. Takarada Orie, the mother of Rikka, unplugged the power cord and thought about whether to lower the price of the computer to make it easier to sell the product.

He only knew that he had to make money quickly, and the key was to buy the computer where Gulit was, so he got up and continued to look for a job. Because of the monster invasion incident, there were not many shops open at night, so Minamoto could only say that he returned empty-handed. He sat on the bench, thinking about making do with it tonight, going into hibernation, and recovering his telekinesis.

As soon as the thought of sleeping came to his mind, Gen Subaru felt that he was suddenly so sleepy that he could not open his eyes. Gen Subaru was keenly aware that this sleepiness was not normal. Even though it was already 11 o'clock in the evening, which was the time for most people to go to bed, this kind of thing should not happen to Gen Subaru.

Yuan Subaru resisted the strong sleepiness and used the remaining means to set up safety precautions around his body, and then he couldn't hold on and fell asleep. If someone wanted to do something while he was sleeping, these protective measures would not only protect his safety, but also leave marks on the person who did it, providing follow-up pursuit.

However, this time, Yuan Subaru obviously thought too much. When he woke up, he hurriedly looked up and saw that the electronic screen opposite showed that it was five o'clock in the morning. Looking at the protective measures beside him that were not triggered, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He moved his body, and the feedback from his body was much better than last night.

But what was the inexplicable sleepiness?

Yuan Subaru couldn't figure it out. After all, the means that affected him now didn't need to be too advanced, and therefore there were too many things that could be included in the scope of thinking.

Wait, the air...isn't it a little too fresh.

Gen Subaru stood up, stretched his arms and kicked his legs, and suddenly realized something was wrong. Although this park was not high, before he fell asleep last night, Gen Subaru could still smell the pungent smoke from the battlefield and hear the sirens over there.

As for the situation there, even if the ventilation conditions were good, it was impossible to blow away all the smell overnight.

What's going on?

Gen Subaru noticed something strange and walked over there carefully. Not long after, he saw an amazing scene -

The part that was destroyed by the monster yesterday is now intact, as if the battle yesterday had never happened. It was really shocking. If Gen Subaru hadn't made sure that he was awake, he would have thought that what happened yesterday was a dream.

Yuan Subaru frowned and walked towards the city that was supposed to be destroyed, to feel the situation there personally. He didn't notice anything wrong along the way. No matter where it was, no matter who it was, it was as it should be. There was no falsehood at all, let alone the so-called illusion. The traces of the battle yesterday just disappeared completely from this world.

This place... is really abnormal.

From the beginning, Yuan Subaru felt that this town gave him a feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't find any evidence and had no clue to investigate. Now, he found evidence, but he felt that the truth became more confusing.

I always feel that things are starting to get interesting.

Yuan Subaru looked at the shadow of the monster outside the town and couldn't help whispering in his heart. He vaguely realized that this change in this city might be related to these things.

Well... the time agreed with Qingshan Barber Shop is coming.

At this time, Gen Subaru finally remembered that he had an appointment to keep today, so he turned around and walked towards the destination. Soon, he arrived there in advance and greeted Tony, who told him to wait a moment because there was another hair model coming. At that time, the two of them could take pictures together, which would save trouble.

Gen Subaru naturally had no opinion on this. He sat on the chair next to him, closed his eyes and took the opportunity to restore his telekinesis. He didn't pay attention to how long he waited until he heard a familiar voice. He opened his eyes and met the blue eyes of the water spirit.

"Ah... meet again, what a coincidence."

Takarado Rikka never expected to see this customer in Aoyama Barber Shop, nor did she expect that he was the hair model this time like herself, but there were many people here. Gen Subaru also noticed that Takarado Rikka didn't seem to want to have anything to do with him, so he responded in a friendly way and there was no follow-up conversation.

Teacher Tony didn't say much about this. He looked at the appearance of Gen Subaru and Takarada Rikka and thought that they might be from the same school. They were classmates who had met a few times but were not very familiar with each other. This situation was very common. He himself had experienced it, so he didn't make any jokes. He directly took Gen Subaru and Takarada Rikka to work as models.

It's called work, but in fact it's just sitting there and letting the hairstylist toss on your head. This Qingshan Barber Shop is not big or small, and there are not so many contents in the hair promotion book. In addition, some hairstyles are directly put on wigs on Gen Subaru's side, so his shooting work is completed first.

Gen Subaru counted the money he got from Teacher Tony and put it in his pocket, and then he planned to look for a job. At this time, he noticed something, turned his head and looked at the blue pupils again, but compared with before, there seemed to be some changes in the eyes.

In response, Gen Subaru didn't say much, nor did he react. He just smiled politely and pushed the door open to leave. Seeing this, Takarada Rikka felt a little complicated, but she had things to do, so she could only put her thoughts aside for the time being.

After Takarada Rikka finished her filming, she tidied her bangs, took her wages, and came to the street. She looked around and didn't see Gen Subaru, then laughed self-deprecatingly -

Yeah, from beginning to end, she only said a greeting, and at most counted one eye contact. In such a communication situation, how could he know that I had something to do with him? I was really a little too self-righteous.

Takarada Rikka sighed helplessly, stretched out her hand to wrap the hair on the side of her face, gently twisted it, and then walked towards the second-hand store "JUNK SHOP". Although there were many things she wanted to ask and things she wanted to ask for help, but... it seemed that she could only wait for the customer to come again in front of the computer.

By the way... is his name Yuan Subaru? The store manager seemed to have called this name just now, Yuan Subaru Yuan Subaru Yuan Subaru... I have never heard of this name.



Just as Takarada Rikka was thinking about things and walking, a sudden voice came, which frightened her. Takarada Rikka looked up in surprise and saw Yuan Subaru, who she was looking for, standing under the tree and greeting her. He was holding a bag of milk in his hand and threw it towards her. The milk was still hot, no, to be precise, it was warm, just the kind that was suitable for drinking.

And why milk....

Takarada Rikka remembered that when she was getting her hair done, she mentioned to her hairdresser that she didn't have breakfast. The hairdresser said that she would treat her to something after work, and she said that she was losing weight recently and she would just drink a glass of milk when she got home.

I didn't expect him to remember this. What an honest guy.

"You seem to have something to talk to me about."

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