Gen Subaru understood that what this girl said was reasonable, so after expressing his gratitude, he planned to leave this thrift store, prepare to find a suitable job, and collect the 30,000 yen as soon as possible...


At this time, Yuan Subaru realized something and looked at Gulit on the screen calmly. Although this man had lost his memory, he was still an agent and a living being in this universe. Maybe he could come up with some money. Coming.

On the other side, Gulit also noticed Yuan Subaru's gaze. After a brief thought, he understood what Yuan Subaru meant, and then shook his head decisively.

Ah... I still have to go.

Yuan Subaru murmured in his heart. Although he had already expected it, the feeling of having to complete the 'side mission' for the 'main mission' made him feel a little disliked... huh? !

Yuan Subaru is a person with full mobility, and he is also a person who comes and goes in a hurry in the eyes of others. Even if he is just walking, his pace is much faster than that of ordinary people. At this moment, Yuan Subaru, who has completely woken up, is holding on to his head. The mental exhaustion caused by the lack of mental power kept high spirits and prepared to accomplish the small goals at hand.

But his body did not support such an exciting pace, so when Yuan Subaru was about to start, his body balance failed to keep up, and he almost tripped over his left foot and fell down. Seeing this The girl in the scene quickly went over to help him, and her eyes fell on Yuan Subaru's forehead involuntarily, and she began to worry about whether the impact just caused internal injuries.

When she was helping this time, the girl also noticed that this guest was very light. He looked about the same age as herself, taller than her, and not very thin, but this came from his hand. It feels like something is quite wrong.

"I'm fine, please don't worry."

Yuan Subaru was naturally happy to accept the concern from humans, and felt that he should respond. Therefore, he smiled gently at the girl, then stood up and prepared to leave, and just when he was about to leave the old While in the store, Yuan Subaru suddenly realized something, looked at the girl, and said softly:

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what your name is..."

"Ah, Takarata Rikka."

The girl looked at Yuan Subaru with some surprise and said, how should I describe it? The girl felt that this guest was somewhat contradictory, but she couldn't tell where the contradiction was.

"I remember, Miss Baoduo, see you later."

"Miss Baoduo..."

Looking at Yuan Subaru's leaving figure, Rikka Takarata complained in a subtle voice:

"Why do you shout me like that? I feel like I'm getting older all of a sudden. And...with this tone, what kind of office worker is this? Ha...what a weird guest."

After sending away the guest Gen Subaru, Takarata Rikka stretched out and lay on the bar, lazily scrolling through her phone, waiting for her mother who didn't know what she was busy with to come back.

At this moment, Takarata Rikka's eyes fell on the old-fashioned computer next to her. Looking at the screen full of black and white snowflakes, she thought for a moment, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, 'Is this screen like this caused by the one just now? The guest's idea of ​​​​losing it, after all, he was just frightened and reacted too much.

But Rikka Takarazuka tilted her head and thought for a moment, feeling that this was unlikely. Although there was no more conversation, Rikka Takarata still felt that if the computer was really damaged by the guest, he should be on the spot. To put it bluntly, that guest doesn't seem like the kind of person who has such a thoughtful mind.

As for this computer...just leave it on like this for now. The screen is broken like this, and I'll wait for my mother to come back and see what to do.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru was forced to walk slowly on the street. After all, he almost fell to the ground not long after leaving the store, so he could only be so careful.

Yuan Subaru looked at the shop next to him, and finally his eyes fell on the monster outside the town, and then he fell into deep thought.

There are monsters → There may be people from space → People from space can rob → If you rob, you will get money → If you have money, you can buy Gulit.

Yuan Subaru felt that this set of logic was perfect. The only flaw could only be said to be his current situation. He was afraid that when he robbed the people of the universe, there was a possibility of being counterattacked.


Where are the cosmic beings hiding? I've walked a short distance and haven't found them at all.

Yuan Subaru scratched his hair helplessly. He couldn't keep looking for the cosmic people who were hiding somewhere. In that case, it wouldn't be in vain in the end.

So it’s better to find a job and work.

I looked at the shop next to me and didn't find any sign on the outer wall recruiting workers, but I had to give it a try. Maybe they were short of manpower and just hadn't posted it.

So, Yuan Subaru directly opened the door, looked at the beverage store manager who was sitting in the store and played with his mobile phone, and said:

"Sorry to excuse you, are you hiring temporary workers?"

"Ah, sorry, we have no such plan here."

"That's it. Please tell me, Mr. Store Manager, do you know where I can find workers around here?"

"Well...I really didn't pay much attention to it. Why don't you go to the east and have a look."

"OK, thanks."

Yuan Subaru said goodbye to the store manager with a smile, and then walked towards the east.

"Sorry, may I ask, are you hiring temporary workers here?"

"Ah... we are indeed short of manpower, but... how long can you work, brother? If you don't work for a long time, we will be very troubled."

"I'm afraid I won't be here for long, so I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, it's okay. I remember that Qingshan Barber Shop on the next street seems to be looking for hair models. Brother, you are so handsome. Why don't you go there and give it a try. If they are not full, I believe there will be no problem with you being selected. "

"Okay, I'll remember it, thank you."

The so-called hair models are to let barbers use their hair to create various legislative styles, and then take photos and make them into books or posters for publicity. However, the recruitment is only a barber shop, so this is probably a one-shot deal. As long as the work can be completed, the money can be obtained on the spot.

This is good, this is good, this is good, a job that can be settled on-site is a good job.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru walked happily...


Yuan Subaru lay on the ground with a black line on his head. The passers-by were shocked, but for the sake of being a handsome young man, they still helped him up.

There was also a mature woman with brown hair and yellow eyes. She put down the big shopping bag in her hand and teased Yuan Subaru with a smile. She said something like, "Brother, are you in a hurry to see your girlfriend?" She looks so cute and is so young.

While helping to pat the dust off Yuan Subaru's clothes, he straightened his clothes, and also fixed his hair style. Then he gave a thumbs up to Yuan Subaru and shouted "Come on".

Yeah...why do you think I'm going to meet my girlfriend? Human cognition in this world is a bit strange.

Yuan Subaru smiled unaccustomedly at the brown-haired woman, and then continued towards the barber shop.


On the way to the barber shop, Yuan Subaru "hurriedly" passed by a shop. He suddenly realized something and slowly stepped back. He raised his head and looked at the words "Anorectal Clinic" on it. A series of exclamation marks popped up in my head. I was busy fighting monsters every day, and I almost forgot the old skills I learned from my mother-in-law. I am very familiar with this hemorrhoid!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru happily opened the door and walked in. The doctor inside who was holding tea and reading a newspaper was slightly startled, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"These days, all kinds of diseases are really starting to appear at younger ages."

"No, no, no, I'm not here to treat you."

Yuan Subaru quickly waved his hand, smiled, and said with considerable confidence:

"I would like to ask, are you hiring part-time workers here? I have learned to treat hemorrhoids from my family since I was a child, and I think I should be qualified for the work here."

After a while, Yuan Subaru quietly 'refreshed' at the door of the anorectal clinic. Although he showed the doctor his excellent basic skills, which made the doctor marvel that he could do so many things at such a young age, but he This is a regular clinic. For someone like me who wants everything but nothing, they really don't have the guts to take me in to work.

But the doctor didn’t know what he was thinking. Although he didn’t accept Yuan Subaru, he still gave him a small red envelope, asking Yuan Subaru not to think so much and not to spend his energy on those part-time jobs that he didn’t have. Study hard now. If you plan to work in this industry in the future, the most important thing is to get into medical school first.

Yuan Subaru felt that he had done nothing and it was not appropriate to receive money like this, so he did not accept the red envelope. His mother-in-law said that there is nothing in the world that can be obtained for nothing, but sometimes you are not aware of the price you pay.

So, let’s go to the barber shop now, I don’t know if it’s too late.

After walking for a while, Yuan Subaru asked passers-by, and then the child who noticed that he was going in the wrong direction quickly turned around. After about ten minutes, he finally arrived at the Qingshan barber shop. At this time, there was indeed a sign posted outside the barber shop. With the paper on the hair model, Yuan Subaru pushed the door open, pointed outside and said:

"Um, hello, are you still recruiting people now?"

"Oh! What a handsome guy."

When Teacher Tony in the store saw Yuan Subaru, his eyes couldn't help but light up. Although Yuan Subaru still looked like a boy, looking like he hadn't grown up yet, he had clear facial features, eyes as clear as a clear spring, and that... The figure that appears under the strange uniform has to be said, as long as he doesn't get too fat in the future, he will definitely be a popular young man.


Teacher Tony took a look at Yuan Subaru's hair. The only flaw was that this guy's hair was not very long. According to the requirements of a hair model, he was not a qualified candidate.

Forget it, barely qualified is still qualified. The key to hair modeling is the model itself. At worst, it will be the same if I put the entire wig on this kid later.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru successfully found his first job. However, Yuan Subaru currently had no phone number, address, or contact information, which made Yuan Subaru unable to respond to Teacher Tony’s inquiries for a while. Fortunately, he did not ask too many questions, but After agreeing on a time to meet tomorrow, Yuan Subaru was asked to leave.

But the money is still not enough, and Yuan Subaru doesn’t know whether the price offered to him is reasonable, but that is not important. The important thing is to find a new job, preferably one that pays daily wages. Yuan Subaru looks at this moment It was already a crowded street, and he felt a little bit of a headache. Now he felt that fighting monsters was actually quite good. Although he liked humans, he still felt a little uncomfortable if he really had to deal with humans.

My mother-in-law once said, don’t be afraid of embarrassment, social terror is also a part of social terror, you must try it...

So, what have my mother-in-law seen? This statement is seriously inconsistent with her painting style at that age.

Yuan Subaru complained for a while, and then strode forward... Ah, no, instead he walked slowly and leisurely towards the new store. This time Yuan Subaru went to a convenience store, because at this time, he finally remembered, Whether it's Shiori-san, Saijo-san, or Captain Wakura, it seems that she has worked in a convenience store before, and it sounds like... there is a shortage of people there.

Um? !

At this moment, Yuan Subaru noticed something, frowned slightly, and his eyes became sharp. At that moment, he felt a slight vibration coming from the ground. That kind of vibration was not the daily earthquake in the island country. It felt like something was slamming upwards, as if a big guy was about to emerge from the ground.

Is it possible that besides the monsters in those towns, there are also things operating underground?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's face became even more ugly. If it was true, then the humans in this town could be said to be quite unfortunate. Not only were they surrounded by monsters, but they even lived above the monster's lair.

But now is not the time to think about this.

Yuan Subaru took out the Evolutionary Truster from his arms. Because Yuan Subaru was in a very bad state now, this transformer that was directly linked to him also changed at this time. Not only did it become smaller, most of it also became smaller. They are all petrified, but they can still transform.

However, there is one thing to say. After this transformation, no, to be precise, whether he can still transform, Yuan Subaru feels unsure.


At this time, with a roar, a huge monster appeared in the town. It was a creature that resembled a combination of a bird and a Shiba Inu, but the monster's head was like a snake, spiraling around the monster's strange body. On the neck and chest, coupled with the patchwork-like scales all over the monster's body, it feels like it could be integrated into the set of Alien Beasts.

‘Nexus! ’


Yuan Subaru pulled out the petrified Evolved Truster without hesitation and called out Nexus' name in his heart. The shrunken transformer also responded, showing a faint faintness, but Yuan Subaru's body was at this moment. Suddenly, there was a sudden pause, like a frame dropped, and the rebounding force caused Yuan Subaru to fall heavily to the ground.

He could feel the pain in his internal organs as if they were being burned. At this time, the light particles making up his body were doing their best to respond to the transformation, but in the end they were unable to do anything.

Damn it, stop it!

Yuan Subaru covered his chest and stretched out his hand towards the monster. Regardless of the severe pain caused by the use of telekinesis in his head, his eyes lit up with golden light, and he forcefully held the huge monster in place. For a moment, Unable to move.

But this happened in an instant. Yuan Subaru's ultra telekinesis was no longer enough to directly confront the monster. When the monster broke free from the suppression of telekinesis with brute force, Yuan Subaru almost fainted because of it.

Yuan Subaru gritted his teeth and endured the time when his eyes went dark. Just when he was about to try another way to transform, he suddenly felt a strange movement on his wrist. He looked down and saw that it was his The damaged Ark bracelet was emitting light. According to the frequency on it, it was Gullit calling him.

Is there anything this guy can do?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru hurriedly ran towards the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop". Although he was stumbling, he still accelerated his charge. After adapting to this body, Yuan Subaru's running posture was a bit ugly. , but the speed has improved again compared to before.

Finally, Yuan Subaru came to the door of the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop". He took a breath and rushed in. Then while the monster was still far away, Yuan Subaru quickly packed up his things and prepared to move to a safe place. Rikka Takarata in the zone met her eyes.

" you like that old computer so much?"

Takarata Rikka was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she felt that the only reason that could make this guest come back was the old computer, but such a computer was not enough, now the monsters are coming, don't even risk your life. !

Thinking of this, Baoda Rikka grabbed Yuan Subaru's wrist without saying a word and said in a solemn voice:

"Don't worry about the computer for now, we're going to run away."

"Huh? No, wait, wait..."

Yuan Subaru failed to keep up with Rikka Takarata's thoughts for a moment, and then he was grabbed by the girl's arm and dragged out. Seeing that the door he finally ran to was getting further and further away from him, Yuan Subaru's eyes widened. His eyes were blinded, especially after he found that he couldn't break free from the girl's 'grab', and even more so. In the end, he could only squeeze out another wave of telekinesis, get rid of the pull, and regain his freedom...

"Oh, forget about that computer. Why are you so stubborn?"

Seeing his wrist being grabbed again, Yuan Subaru fell into a speechless silence...

No, what is the level of my body now? !

276 Gullit: Four years old? !

Gen Subaru now has a clearer understanding of his current physical condition. He is truly unstoppable and weaker than when he was in Sangami Town.

But don’t really think that you can control me.

Although he shouted passionately, it was embarrassing to be in this situation by such a human girl. After gaining experience this time, Gen Subaru used telekinesis to get rid of it, flexibly dodged the hand of Takarada Rikka, and rushed to the second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP".

Takarada Rikka looked at Gen Subaru's back, scratched her hair with a tingling scalp, and then didn't care, let go of the plot of helping others, and respect the fate of others... No wonder!

Takarada Rikka couldn't stand it and turned her head to run towards the second-hand shop. This good-looking but mentally abnormal customer was really unbearable!

"Gulit, here I come."

On the other side, Yuan Subaru finally came to the old computer, looked at the projection of Gulit on the screen, and said breathlessly:

"You are calling me."


Gulit nodded and said in a concentrated voice:

"In this world, I am just a body of energy without a physical body. If I can't merge with you, I can't fight."

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