This is indeed the case. This is the reason why Yuan Subaru bought this. However, Yuan Subaru does not take this kind of trivial matter into his heart at all. Rather, he thinks who would care about such a trivial matter that takes little effort. At this time, he folded his arms and looked at Zhubao Duoliuka said:

"Sorry if I feel wrong. I think you don't want others to think that I'm familiar with you, so I'm waiting for you in this quieter place. If you have anything, you can tell me Shall I listen?"

"Thank you for your understanding. It's just that you make me a little embarrassed."

Rikka Takarata held the milk and spoke softly with a subtle expression, while Gen Subaru waved his hand carelessly and took over the words:

"What's so embarrassing about this? Relax, I'm not in your store now, and I'm not a guest... So, what on earth do you want to see me for?"

"Ah, I do have something I want to consult with you on, but before that, give me some time."

Baoda Rikka thought for a while, shook the milk in her hand and said:

"I feel like I won't have time to eat for a while."

After saying that, Takarata Rikka opened the cap and drank the milk in one gulp. Feeling the warm liquid flowing through her body, she breathed out lightly, threw the bottle aside, and looked at Yuan Subaru as if she had drank it. Like a cup of coffee, he cheered up and said softly:

"Well, it's like this...wait."

Baoda Rikka thought of something, and her eyes suddenly became a little frightened. She subconsciously raised her hands in front of her chest, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Why do you know that I will pass by here? How do you know so much about my whereabouts?!"


Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, looked at both ends of the street, and said in confusion:

"Isn't this the shortest route from the barber shop to your home? I've been running along this route several times, so I feel fine."

"No, no, it's not a matter of distance."

Baoda Rikka waved her hands and said softly:

"Why did you acquiesce that I would go home? Today is the weekend and a day off."


Gen Subaru looked at Takarata Rikka with a question mark on his head and said:

"It's your day off, where else can you go if you don't go home?"


Baoda Rikka felt that there was some kind of ideological disagreement between herself and this guest. She couldn't help but press her temples and said softly:

"Is it possible that I still have the option of hanging out with my friends."


"You didn't expect that at all, did you?"

Rikka Takarata looked at Yuan Subaru helplessly, as if his mind was empty. This honest guest really showed what was in his heart right on his face.

It's really rare to see such honest people with avatars like this these days.

Silently muttering something in her heart, Baoda Rikka also breathed a sigh of relief. How should I put it, after what happened yesterday, her nerves were really a little sensitive. She couldn't sleep well last night because of her random thoughts. Her dreams were all about being chased by monsters. I ran so much that when I woke up today, I had no appetite to eat.

And at this time when her heart was pounding, there was another person who seemed to have locked her position accurately, and Rikka Baoda felt that her little heart was really stimulated.

But fortunately, in the end, she was overthinking it. I have to say that at this time when she felt that the style of the world was getting more and more wrong, this guest unexpectedly gave her a sense of security.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Gen Subaru smiled awkwardly, then brought the topic back to the right track, looked at Takarata Rikka in front of him and said softly:

"I also have a lot of doubts now. Maybe we have something in common."

"Well, go sit over there and talk."

Rikka Takarata nodded. After sitting down, she told Gen Subaru about her uneasiness and troubles. First of all, it was what happened yesterday. Originally, when Rikka Takarata got up in the morning, she wanted to get some comfort and enlightenment from her mother. , but after a brief chat, Rikka Takarata noticed something was wrong. Her mother seemed not to remember the monster at all.

Rikka Takarata, who felt uneasy because of this, continued her mother's words with a absent-minded "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh." There are no posts either.

Baoda Rikka refused to give up and thought that the posts had been deleted by the administrator, so she looked through her browsing history in an attempt to find some evidence to prove the existence of the monster. After all, she could look through it before going to bed last night. There are a lot of posts discussing monsters. Even if the posts are deleted, the records are still there. At most, they just cannot be clicked on.

But no, those posts in Rikka Takarata's memory disappeared, replaced by some posts that would indeed arouse her interest just by looking at the titles, but did not correspond to her memory at all. This made Rikka Takarata completely panic. , and then, while panicking, I read through the interesting posts in my browsing history that I had not seen before, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Therefore, Rikka Takarata was really depressed at that time, wondering whether she had fallen asleep and had some memory error that made her so suspicious.

278 Evaporated Humans

With such troubles, Takarado Rikka went out, also because of the Aoyama Barber Shop. On the way to the barber shop, Takarado Rikka looked at the city area that was not destroyed at all, and felt more and more that she must have hallucinations. The monsters, the customers, and the big robots were all fake.

Yes, it must be fake. Such a horrible thing should... probably, how could it happen? I guess there is something wrong with my brain.

But after arriving at the barber shop and seeing the figure of Minamoto Subaru, Takarado Rikka felt like a nightmare suddenly appeared again, which made her troubled again. Until she just finished taking a hairstyle and took a break, Takarado Rikka habitually opened her mobile phone to see if she had missed any new chat messages and any interesting gossip.

Then at this time, Baoduo Liuhua found something wrong. Because the school had already started preparing for the summer ball skills competition, each class was assigned some tasks to a greater or lesser extent. This ball skills competition was held every year in the school. Therefore, after the novelty wore off, Baoduo Liuhua lost interest in this activity. The main reason was that there was no holiday for this ball skills competition. Sometimes after the morning, there were classes in the afternoon.

But she couldn't resist her friends who liked to join in the fun, so she just mixed in as a companion and joined a lot of temporary chat groups. Although she didn't like to talk in them, she still noticed the active people in them by peeping at the screen, and therefore remembered a lot of familiar IDs. She also found some seniors she knew in other groups.

Then, Baoduo Liuhua found that the number of members in these groups had changed. However, if only someone quit the group, it would not be a big deal, but the previous group owner and administrator disappeared, who were the teachers and classmates who were responsible for organizing the affairs of the ball skills competition for this grade in reality.

Also, please note that it is not quitting the group, but disappearing. When I woke up, not only did the group owner and administrator quietly change, but when I pretended to mention the original group owner and administrator why they wanted to quit the group, everyone in the group said that they had never heard of this name at all, and asked if they were confused or had mistaken the group.

Takarado Rikka couldn't figure it out, thinking that this was some kind of school bullying. Now she could only admit that she had indeed misread the group, and then chatted privately with her bestie to find out what happened. Then, she realized that this was not bullying, but a real disappearance, as if those teachers and classmates had never existed in her school.

But this is impossible. Apart from anything else, Senior Kanobi, as an administrator, is her predecessor. She has talked to her and helped her predecessor. She disappeared for no reason and disappeared without leaving any trace in other people's memories. This is too terrible!

This is why Takarado Rikka changed her attitude and looked at him with such eyes when Gen Subaru left, because in this situation, she couldn't find anyone else to turn to except Gen Subaru, after all, she couldn't see the robot in the old computer in her own shop.

"You are quite calm."

Listening to Takarado Rikka's story, Gen Subaru glanced at the girl unexpectedly and said softly:

"From your expression just now, I didn't think you were afraid."

"Only idiots would write all their thoughts on their faces."

"You are right."


So you are not aware of your situation?

Takarado Rikka glanced at Gensuba, but in the end said nothing, and listened to the guest quietly:

"First of all, there is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with your memory. A battle with a monster did break out there yesterday, and last night, I should have been attacked by some kind of mental attack, which made me lose my sense of the outside world immediately. This is a very bad sign. Although I am in a very bad state now, I should not be taken down so easily."

At this point, Gensuba glanced at the shadow of the monster outside the town, pointed over there, looked at Takarado Rikka and said:

"Can you see what's over there?"


Takarado Rikka looked over there, looking very hard, her eyes narrowed slightly, but apart from the blue sky and white clouds, there were only birds passing by, and there was really nothing unusual.

Seeing that Rikka shook her head blankly, Subaru nodded in understanding, and then couldn't help but whisper:

"Is it because I am an outsider? This setting is really good, otherwise I still have no idea now."

"Can we not have the riddle man?"

Rikka leaned on the railing like Subaru, and said helplessly:

"What is there over there? Can't I take a look too?"

"Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of protection."

Subaru thought for a while, rejected Rikka's request, and said slowly:

"And I haven't figured out what's going on yet. For you, it's still unclear what the consequences will be after knowing all this. Once the enemy's actions are triggered, you may have no power to fight back in terms of your strength."

"Our... strength?"

Rikka thought of something at this time, grabbed Subaru's wrist, and looked at him with a smile. Obviously, the girl remembered what happened yesterday afternoon, when a fit person was dragged around by her.

"...Although I am really powerless right now."

A black line flashed across Yuan Subaru's head, and then his eyes lit up. He gently opened Takarata Rikka's hand with his telekinesis and said casually:

"But a lot of the time, I don't need physical strength."

"Psychic power?"

Baoda Rikka looked at her hand in astonishment. Just now, she felt like a gust of wind blew over and blew her fingers away. This experience was really novel. At the same time, she also remembered the time when she was in class. The thing that Satochu Erbo had called looked at Yuan Subaru with a probing look.

"Yeah, almost."

"Then who are you?"

Gen Subaru's gentle attitude made Rikka Takarata lower her guard. She felt that this person was somewhat complicated. When they were just chatting, his expression was very vivid, but now that he started talking about business, his His face seemed to be stiff, without any change at all, and his tone became calmer, as if he was a different person.

But I have to say that the sense of security brought by this calmness really makes Rikka Baoda feel at ease a lot.

"Do you have any clues about those missing humans?"

At this time, Yuan Subaru changed the topic to a new aspect, and Rikka Takarata subconsciously took out her phone, as if she wanted to look for something on it, but after unlocking the screen, she remembered that the relevant information in it was also It had disappeared. The girl tapped her head lightly with the edge of the phone in some trouble, trying hard to remember and said:

"I don't know anything else, but I remember that Senior Luye's house seems to have a laundry. The name seems to be Luye Laundry, and it's right on the street from Lawson Supermarket."

"That's it. Then I'll go over and have a look later."

Gen Subaru wrote down this information, and then continued to talk to Takarata Rikka:

"What about you, do you want me to delete your memory too?"


Hearing this, Takarata Rikka's eyes widened slightly, while Gen Subaru said calmly:

"After all, you are the only one who still remembers these things. In a sense, you are considered a heretic, and retaining your memory may bring you unnecessary trouble and danger. If you choose to forget, , it’s not a shameful thing, it should be human nature.”


Baota Rikka said with a face full of resistance:

"I don't want to lose my memory. Now I am the only one who still remembers Kano-senpai and the others. If even I forget, then wouldn't they really leave no trace at all?"

That being said, in fact, Rikka Takarata also has her own fears in her heart. If she chooses to forget today, then... one day in the future, if she suddenly disappears like Shikano-senpai, then she still remembers herself. Will other people choose to forget me? If there is really no trace left, how should I feel in my heart?

"Don't worry."

At this time, Takarata Rikka heard Gen Subaru's calm and determined tone and said:

"As long as I'm here, whether it's you or other humans, I will do my best to protect you, and... to put it bluntly, even if your world is destroyed, I can turn back time. , to save you all, so you don’t have to worry too much, you can trust me, I won’t let you humans down.”

"To be honest, when you say that, it sounds like you are talking big words. After listening to it, I feel even more unsure."

Rikka Takarata complained for a moment, then looked at Gen Subaru and said softly:

"Then again, we have been chatting for so long, and I still don't know who you are. I can't keep calling you 'a customer who wants to buy a computer.'"

"Huh? Haven't I introduced myself yet? This is really rude."

At that moment, Takarata Rikka saw that the young man in front of him seemed to have achieved some success, and his stern face suddenly softened. Just by looking at him, you could feel the embarrassment in his heart:

"My name is Gen Subaru, and I am also Ultraman Nexus. I am also the fusion of Gurlitt at the moment. In short, I am a friend of mankind."

"Ultraman? Is that the character that the TV station broadcasts on time every week, wearing a leather suit and fighting monsters?"

Although Rikka Takarata has no interest in those tokusatsu, she can't stand those things. The popularity among boys is very high. I heard that some male students save money for several months to buy those tokusatsu toys and so on. of.

"Ah, it's like that, but it's not really wearing a leather holster."

For things like Ultraman's tokusatsu dramas, Gen Subaru has seen them in other worlds. After all, he has traveled through quite a few universes, and it's not just Gen Subaru, but also Hong Kai and Jia Gu. These people have also seen similar tokusatsu dramas, stage plays, animation dramas and the like on other planetary civilizations.

Hongkai even said that when he was working with Dyna once, he saw an Ultraman stage play produced by local people on a planet. Although the protagonists in the play had different names, they only had the same leather suit. There is no doubt that it is Dyna, and then in Dyna's "dying" eyes, the leather-covered giant on the stage completes his journey of chasing love.

What, why didn't Dyna just leave?

Of course Hong Kai was holding him tightly.

So, Subaru really has no interest in these special effects dramas. He has no doubt that some planetary civilizations in the TLT Earth Universe have already arranged for him. Although the plot is not so outrageous, it should be something that can blow up his shame.

"Okay, okay, let's put this matter aside for now."

Subaru waved his hand, diverting Takarada Rikka's attention to reality, and said softly:

"Let's go, go to that Shikano Laundry and take a look."

Subaru made such an invitation, and Takarada Rikka naturally would not refuse. Anyway, it's not far away, and there is nothing else to do here today.

"By the way, is this really okay with you?"

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