Because of his current actions, he couldn't help but think of the Chinatown Adventures told to him by Mr. Boko of TLT-J. In it, the protagonist's father opened such an antique shop. Whenever some black magic enemy appeared, and the protagonist wanted to When he couldn't defeat him, his father would dig out a magical old prop from the antique shop and beat the enemy away.

Now, although this is not an antique store, the second-hand goods and antiques are similar. They are all old things. If you round up, the difference is not big.

When Yuan Subaru suddenly became playful and had extra motivation to search, it didn't take long for him to find the 'magical old prop'. This 'old prop' was a computer. Look at its style and matching accessories. settings, I believe that in the computer world, this guy can be considered an antique.

Yuan Subaru looked at the old-fashioned computer from side to side, moving very carefully. To be honest, this kind of thing that looked like it might be broken into pieces with a gentle tap, Yuan Subaru really didn't expect that it could be the same as him now. Build relationships.

etc? !

Just when Yuan Subaru was looking at the computer, his eyes suddenly fell on the computer's display screen. Through the reflection of the screen, Yuan Subaru realized the change in his current appearance. He was originally severely malnourished. His appearance was now much more rounded, allowing his proper appearance to return to Yuan Subaru's body. Yuan Subaru felt for a moment that he was indeed quite good-looking, at least not weak, but rather a bit manly.

It’s just that white hair and red eyes...

Yuan Subaru reached out and touched his hair, pulled down his lower eyelids, and took a closer look at the screen. After confirming that he had not seen it wrong, his expression became a little subtle, although he didn't know whether the white hair and red eyes were due to the influence of the link. , or because of the true manifestation of his own genes, Yuan Subaru still likes his appearance with black hair and black eyes, at least that way he looks more earthly.

Forget it, this kind of thing is not important at all. Just go with white hair and red eyes.

Yuan Subaru threw this episode aside and carefully fumbled around on the old computer. Then he found the plug, powered on the computer, and pressed the button he thought should be the power button.

Immediately, accompanied by a strange operating sound, the old computer was successfully turned on. Snowflake-like black and white spots first appeared on the screen, and a figure slowly emerged. It looked like a robot, with only his upper body on the screen. And as the computer started up, he made a very human and dazed movement as if he had just woken up, and then he and Yuan Subaru looked at the computer screen...

274 Electric Superman Gullit

There is no doubt that this robot has self-awareness and is a real life. Moreover, at the moment when they looked at each other, Yuan Subaru felt the strengthening of the connection more clearly. It was because of this existence that he could In its current position, it is carrying out activities.

"Are you...that giant?"

At this time, the robot inside started talking to Yuan Subaru and said in a somewhat delighted voice:

"I didn't expect your true self to look like this. At first, I thought it was some mistake on my part that caused you to appear in a state that shouldn't exist."

"Well, please wait a moment."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand quickly, interrupting the robot on the screen. He sorted out his thoughts, quickly arranged the questions he wanted to ask, then looked at the robot and said softly:

"I'm sorry, may I ask who you are..."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself to you."

The robot on the screen moved its body slightly. Although the movement was very slight, it still gave people a serious feeling:

"I'm Gulit, nice to meet you..."

Gurlitt is an energy body from the "Hyper World" and a being named "Hyper Agent". He is given the power to punish evil and promote good and maintain the balance of the multiverse by the Hyper World. Mission, and before that, Gulit had been working hard for this mission.

"Hello, I am Subaru Gen, and I am Ultraman Nexus. Just call me Subaru."

Although this Gulit said it very tactfully and did not mean to boast, Yuan Subaru still heard that he was unusual, so the child looked at the Gulit in front of him who obviously couldn't get out of this old computer. He said awkwardly:

"Well, I can't remember the aftermath of the previous battle. Could you please Mr. Gullit to explain to me what happened?"

In fact, Yuan Subaru didn't have the nerve to ask directly, did I bump you into what you are now, so that you can only hide in this computer and cannot show up in reality? But if he asked directly, Yuan Subaru felt that the atmosphere was changed. It was too embarrassing for me. After all, my current state was too stretched, and I couldn't use the power of fantasy to pull people out of it.

"Ah, that's right."

Hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Gulit didn't care. He explained to Yuan Subaru in a very normal tone. Before that, Gulit had planned to go on a mission as usual, but he was suddenly stabbed in the back. To the point of falling apart.

And in that extremely critical situation, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the sky. It was Yuan Subaru who broke through the cosmic plane barrier here with the shadow of chaos, surprising the sneak attackers.

At the same time, due to the particularity of this universe, time and space are relatively unstable. The act of breaking through the barrier of the universe also caused time and space chaos here, which made the sneak attacker lose the opportunity to continue attacking Gullit. , also involved Gullit in unknown time and space.

In the process of being drawn in and then teleported, Gulit unexpectedly discovered that the giant had been drawn in and was quickly dissipating. I feel that this giant is probably going to die soon.

So, Gulit used his possession ability. As a super agent, Gulit himself is not an entity, but he can attach to other objects and affect them. Therefore, Yuan Subaru at this moment is both Nike and The fittest person of Ses is also the possessor of Gulit. It is precisely because of Gulit's possession that Yuan Subaru can continue to act in human form.

As for why Gulit did not hesitate to lend a helping hand to Yuan Subaru, it was not simply because of his kindness. It was also Gulit's ability. He could quickly sense strong feelings from massive amounts of information through telepathy. , a firm sense of justice and love.

Therefore, even if he and Yuan Subaru had never met each other before, and they had never heard of each other's deeds, relying on this telepathy, Gullit immediately realized that this was a person worth helping and who might become a friend. .

"That's it. Thank you very much for your helping hand, Mr. Gullit."

After listening to Gulit's story, Yuan Subaru sincerely thanked this super agent. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was not knocked into this disembodied state by himself. This is really good news.

But after breathing a sigh of relief, Yuan Subaru immediately directed the topic to something he considered very serious. He looked at Gulit and said seriously:

"Mr. Gullit, did you see the gray figure being held up by me? Was that guy completely eliminated?"

"Well...this...should have dissipated."

Regarding this issue, Gulit was a little hesitant. He recalled it seriously, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"At least in my last memory, the gray figure is indeed collapsing, but that figure should not have been involved in this world, so I have no way of knowing the subsequent development."

"Well, this is really dangerous."

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but sigh with a heavy heart, and then briefly told Gulit about the Tide of Chaos and Shadow of Chaos, and then asked casually:

"By the way, Mr. Gullit, is there any way for you to contact your other companions? Not only does the Shadow of Chaos matter need to be dealt with, but there are monsters around this town, and..."

Having said this, Yuan Subaru frowned slightly, couldn't help but rub his arms, and said softly:

"This cosmic plane gives me a very bad feeling, but I can't express it more accurately. I'm afraid there is some terrible hidden secret. As far as you and I are now, I'm afraid it's time to deal with it. , unable to protect the humans in this town.”

"Um...sorry, I don't remember."

"Ah...that's it."

Unexpectedly, Gulit responded like this. Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, then changed the topic and said, after all, a super agent has forgotten the contact information of his companions. This is indeed a bit embarrassing:

"So Mr. Gullit, what is the origin of the person who attacked you? Did he follow you?"

"Sorry, this...I can't remember it for a moment."


Hearing this, Yuan Subaru was keenly aware that something was wrong. Gulit seemed not to have forgotten it, but to have experienced unexpected changes. Therefore, Yuan Subaru's expression became serious. He looked at Gulit and whispered softly. asked:

"Mr. Gullit, do you...have you lost your memory?"

"At present, it seems like this is the case."

Gullit sighed helplessly and said:

"I was torn apart by a sneak attack. Not only was my original power separated, but now it seems that my memory has also been separated. What I just told you is basically all I can remember now."

In fact, Gulit's amnesia was not only due to the sneak attack, but also related to his action of possessing Yuan Subaru. Generally speaking, when Gulit possessed a thinking thing, he would not forcefully interfere with their thoughts and actions. ,

But before, he was seriously injured to pieces, so that when he possessed Yuan Subaru, he lost control and wanted to temporarily cover Yuan Subaru's personality.

However, who is Yuan Subaru? He is a naturally powerful user of ultrasonic power. Even if he is in an unprecedented weak state, that is not something that Gurlit can cover.

Therefore, Gulit's instinctive actions were resisted by Yuan Subaru's instinctive reaction. And Gulit's current weak state could not bear this slight resistance, which led to Gulit's amnesia becoming more serious. .

Moreover, this has also led to the situation that Gulit was obviously possessed by Yuan Subaru before, but now it appears in this old computer. But right now, these two together can't even spell half of it. The guy with half a health bar and half a blue bar couldn't realize this problem for a while.

"Ah... I always feel like this is getting into trouble."

Subaru was having a headache. If he wanted to recover his strength, he had to condense the light particles again so that he could maintain his own actions while being free from the possession of Gulit. This process was also the first time Subaru had experienced it, and he didn't know how long it would take. If it took too long, something unexpected might happen.

For example, I mean for example, if the Chaos Shadow wasn't dead, he might be able to wreak havoc everywhere while he was still free from the possession of Gulit.

Ah... This is really a headache!

Subaru grabbed his head and sighed helplessly. At this time, the sound of cheerful footsteps came from the street to the store. Subaru, whose perception ability had seriously declined due to the damage to his telekinesis, was still immersed in calculations and thinking, and didn't notice anyone coming at all.

Therefore, the girl who had just returned to her store and had not yet spoken saw the troubled Yuan Subaru at a glance, and the girl blinked her eyes——

The store is a second-hand store → the old computer is a commodity → someone unknown is operating the commodity → the unknown person is a customer.

This logic was quickly completed in the girl's mind. The girl looked around and found that her mother, who was supposed to be watching the store, was not here. This made the girl sigh in her heart. She didn't know what her mother was busy with, so that she couldn't find anyone to greet the guests, so she had to do it herself.

Therefore, although the girl was reluctant, she could only temporarily act as a salesperson. After all, it would not hurt her if the store's turnover was higher.

"Ahem, hello, wow!!!"

The girl cleared her throat gently to attract the customer's attention, but her voice was too stimulating for Yuan Subaru. Since he entered TLT-J, he had no idea when he was invaded to this distance, and his body moved involuntarily for a while.

Originally, at this moment, Yuan Subaru should have pinched the girl's neck and pressed her against the nearest object. His other hand might have touched her joints, ready to make her lose her ability to fight back.


What kind of body is Yuan Subaru in now? If he encounters a big golden retriever, he might not be able to keep his balance even if the dog pounces on him enthusiastically. In this physical state, it is undoubtedly a bit wishful thinking to want to have the same high-speed reaction as usual.

So, from the girl's perspective, she saw the boy with his back to her suddenly tremble, just like the cat in the TV cartoon, and then he got up in a hurry, but because he was too nervous, his left foot tripped over his right foot, and his body suddenly lost balance, and then he hit his head on the edge of the table and fell heavily to the ground.

How to say... Although this description is not appropriate, the process of this guest falling was so smooth and dramatic that the girl was stunned for a while and failed to help him in time.

At this time, Yuan Subaru also reacted, and was extremely glad that he fell down, otherwise, this human would be injured. Yuan Subaru laughed twice in his heart, and then rubbed his painful forehead while looking at the human in front of him——

This girl has black hair that is slightly over her shoulders, a pair of sapphire eyes, a well-proportioned figure, an orange bracelet on her right hand, a shirt and a short skirt inside, and a knitted cardigan outside. The two buttons below are usually unbuttoned, and occasionally when they are buttoned, it seems that she is not wearing a skirt. Under the clothes are round and smooth legs.

Judging from the schoolbag she put on the table, she should still be a student. Judging from her appearance, she should still be a high school student.

"Sorry, I scared you, are you okay?"

The girl also reacted at this time, and hurried over to lend a hand to Yuan Subaru, helped him up, and then looked at Yuan Subaru's red and swollen...

"Huh? It's not swollen?"

The sound of Yuan Subaru's head hitting the table just now was so loud that the grown-up girl thought that her table might be in trouble. But now, she saw that there was nothing wrong with his head. This made the girl doubt her common sense for a moment, and she didn't realize that her blurted out complaints seemed a bit rude.

"Ah, it's okay, I'm a gym student, so I'm strong."

But the girl didn't realize that Gen Subaru heard her complaints. She couldn't just let her words fall on the ground without anyone picking them up, so Gen Subaru made up an excuse and subconsciously patted his chest, and then...

"Cough cough cough cough!!!!"

"Even if you're a gym student, you can't pat your chest so hard."

The girl patted Gen Subaru's back helplessly to help him breathe, and then she felt the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she decisively changed the topic to the old computer after Gen Subaru stopped coughing, and whispered:

"Guest, are you interested in this computer? That, although it's snowing now, it's just because it hasn't been turned on for too long, it's not broken..."

The girl looked at the display screen that didn't jump out the picture, and said helplessly:

"After a little processing, it should be fine, probably."

"Ah? Ah...Is that so."

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but be stunned for a moment at the girl's words. Originally, he thought that Gulit was hiding, so the human being couldn't see his figure, but after Yuan Subaru turned his head to look, Gulit's figure was so bright. Placed in the middle of the monitor, Yuan Subaru looked at the girl with his peripheral vision in surprise, and realized from her expression that this human being could not see Gulit at the moment.

"Then what is the price of this old computer?"

Since this is a thrift store, the items displayed in the store are naturally commodities. Although Gulit did not say it clearly, Yuan Subaru is not an idiot who does not understand the world. He naturally understands that Gulit is basically unable to do so in his current state. After leaving this old-fashioned computer, if you want to ensure that Gulit will not be bought, then buying it first is undoubtedly the simplest solution.

"this price...."

The girl tilted her head and looked at the old computer. She vaguely remembered that her mother had said something about this before, so she made a gesture towards Yuan Subaru with a somewhat hesitant expression:

"It's about 37,400 yen." long do I have to work to earn this price?

Hearing this number, Gen Subaru suddenly fell into silence. Regarding the concept of money, Gen Subaru actually had very little contact with it. When he was in Sangami Town, although Granny Sakura also gave him pocket money, Gen Subaru felt that it was better to If you keep the money in your own hands, why not give it to your mother-in-law, and let her use the money to buy more food to eat.

Therefore, what often happens at Sakura's house is that her mother-in-law gives her pocket money to Yuan Subaru, and Yuan Subaru stuffs the money back and says with a smile that he wants to eat meat, mother-in-law, can we make meatballs tonight? ah.

Then after arriving at TLT-J, Mr. Matsunaga first opened a card, which was used to put his salary as a member of the Night Raid Team, as well as other subsidies. Then the three officers used their authority to upgrade, and he could be in the TLT-J branch. Within the scope, all places where the card can be swiped can be used at will, and then it was further improved by the director of TLT. It is no exaggeration to say that at that time, the entire TLT funds were at Yuan Subaru's disposal.

But even so, Yuan Subaru never spent any money. Those cards were placed in the drawer of Yuan Subaru's room and were never taken out. On the one hand, it was because Yuan Subaru was busy training and fighting monsters; on the other hand, it was also because TLT's cafeteria is very well organized. Even before going to fight against the Gu'a Legion, Yuan Subaru had not eaten all the food.

And even Yuan Subaru's favorite appetite has been satisfied, so other desires are even more insignificant.

Therefore, now Yuan Subaru suddenly realized that he had surprisingly no common sense. He had no idea what kind of purchasing power these 30,000 yen had.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I never thought I would be troubled by something like this...

275 The girl is easy to capture

"Well, that's it. I understand. After collecting the money, I will come over and buy him."

Although Yuan Subaru now wants to run to the nearest market to observe the price level here, but now that the girl is looking at him, he can't ignore her, so he can only pretend to be confident. , said softly:

"Although it's a bit rude, if you can, can you keep this old computer for me for a while? I will send the money as soon as possible."

"Ah, this..."

The girl glanced at the old computer, thought for a moment and said:

"It should be fine. This computer has been here for a long time and no one has ever asked about it. However, I can't say for sure about this kind of thing. I'm not the store manager here, so I can't give you a solid guarantee. "

"I understand, thank you for your answer."

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