Forget it, it’s a good addition and can be considered a good thing.

In this way, Beria returned to his base and continued to study the Tide of Chaos. This matter was deliberately forgotten by Beria and put aside for the time being.

At this time, on Yuan Subaru's side, he had completed absorbing the plasma sparks and his condition had recovered a lot. At the same time, the father of Ultra from the Kingdom of Light also flew over to talk to Yuan Subaru. It can be concluded that the father of Ultra wanted to have a good chat with the Ultra warrior in front of him regarding Gen Subaru's previous massacre on Earth, but after all, he was not from the Kingdom of Light, and his starting point was to defend his hometown. So for a while, he really couldn't find a topic.

Therefore, the father of Ultra decided to talk about something else first. What he was talking about was not a small thing, but something also related to chaos.

"You said... when you were exiled from the Kingdom of Light, did you ever see the surging tide of chaos in the dimensional space and the shadow of chaos that was eating away at the plane of the universe?"

Yuan Subaru whispered with some surprise. These two things can be understood as the existence of the base camp and military units. When correcting the time point, he had encountered this power of chaos. At that time, the senior gatekeeper also said that he would try it. Conduct investigation.

But now Hundu's recovery is much faster than expected. I wonder if the senior gatekeeper has found relevant clues.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru has no intention of staying here anymore. The matters in this mobile Ultraman universe have almost been dealt with. I believe that the unsealed Kingdom of Light can handle the next thing. Complete, after all, the moral level of these giants of light can still be believed.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru said "I understand" and stopped talking to the father of Ultra. He directly lifted the summons and wanted to return to his own universe, and then tried to break through the seal and find the gatekeeper. Senior asked him if there was anything he needed help with.


This return is not like the previous one where "you close your eyes and open your eyes and the person goes back", it's more like the data is read to 99%, and then the card is stuck, which leads to the "card owner" The reason is none other than the disordered chaos!

Yuan Subaru's face was unusually solemn at this time. His method of being summoned based on the light of Nexus was also quite an incredible skill in a sense. After all, no matter which plane he was in, no matter what the relationship between them was. Whether there is a difference in the speed of time, Yuan Subaru can rush to the designated location from the TLT earth plane at the moment he hears the call. This also gives Yuan Subaru sufficient reason to believe that this skill is not directly from Novo in the first place. It was imprinted on the body of Senior Ya.

The way this skill operates also determines that every time Yuan Subaru responds to the call, he will pass through a varying number of cosmic planes, ranging from one or two to hundreds, which makes it difficult for him to return home. The probability of Yuan Subaru encountering the rapidly expanding tide of chaos has increased rapidly, which has led to the current situation.

This is really a weird thing.

This is how Yuan Subaru felt when he saw the tide of chaos for the first time. There was obviously no form in front of him, and there was only an endless gray fog, but it made every living being unable to help but feel excited when he saw this area. Resistance and disgust in the heart are the most instinctive reactions of any being born and accustomed to order.

Yuan Subaru was no exception, but after a brief period of psychological discomfort, he began to size up the power of the tide of chaos in front of him. He did not care about the so-called order and chaos. If he could use it, even if he was walking with the devil, he There won’t be much resistance.

However, it is a pity that Yuan Subaru soon realized that if he wanted to use this power of chaos, it seemed that he had to give up all the power he had obtained so far, including [Eternal Original].

Although the conflict between light and darkness is quite fierce, according to the senior gatekeeper, light and darkness originally originated from chaos. Therefore, the opposition between chaos and order can no longer be neutralized with pure white light. This is a life-and-death war.

Of course, this is the conclusion that Yuan Subaru has drawn based on his current vision. If there is someone who can fuse the two together, or make them coexist smoothly in the same body, then Yuan Subaru will be able to He gave a thumbs up.

In this case, Yuan Subaru's interest in this chaos was gone. He looked around. The link of light to his hometown was interrupted by the tide of chaos. It was also a matter of course to think of reconnecting it. Is it difficult or not? It's neither simple nor simple, but no matter what, you have to find the disconnected 'clues' first before talking about it.

But Yuan Subaru is unwilling to pay attention to others, but it does not mean that the tide of chaos is not interested in Yuan Subaru. To be precise, this tide of chaos has a strong tendency to devour all things of order.

As a result, Yuan Subaru noticed that the momentum seemed to turn the entire universe into a weapon. The shadow of chaos that was pressing towards him broke away from the turbulent wave and approached him quickly. Moreover, like this The number of shadows of chaos was extremely staggering, and they almost occupied Yuan Subaru's entire field of vision in an instant.

It seems that this battle is inevitable.

Yuan Subaru waved his hand casually, and the space-time force was set randomly in his hand. The originally dense shadows of chaos were immediately cut apart. Each one was far apart and at different time nodes. .

But Subaru also felt the inherent position of the Chaos Shadow to interfere with [Order]. It is no exaggeration to say that if he only used the adaptability of the space-time force in the Nexus form to perform skills on them, he would return in vain, and might even be attacked by the backlash of the Chaos Force and be forcibly released from the transformed form.

It seems that you can't be too comfortable.

Subaru pursed his lips. He had already thought that if Hong Kai, Gagra, and Daichi encountered this Chaos Shadow, they would not be able to hold on for long and would be defeated.

In this case, let me test your level first!

Thinking of this, Subaru's eyes were stern, and the power of fantasy was urged to the limit. Under the dreamlike light, complete micro-universes lingered around [Eternal Original], like satellites running.

And Yuan Subaru used these micro-universes to connect with the real universe planes in the outside world, turning them into projections of the real universe, so as to further enhance the power of these micro-universes.

Originally, it was a rather troublesome skill casting process, but in this universe plane interlayer, in the lawless land that has been destroyed by the tide of chaos, for warriors of the level of [Eternal Original], this environment also invisibly lifted some of their usual restrictions, and it was for this reason that Yuan Subaru was able to complete the universe connection so easily.

And with the addition of these micro-universes, Yuan Subaru's power was also fed back and blessed, and those shadows of chaos were completely killed in the dreamy time and space. The shrunken time and space severed their connection with the tide of chaos, and the impact from light and darkness made their existence completely disappear.

However, as the micro-universes became stronger, the existence of Yuan Subaru was too much of an eyesore for the Chaos Tide, and thus set off a more terrifying frenzy. The abnormal movement here even made Belia, who was observing the power of chaos in the border universe, notice the abnormal fluctuations of the numerical model.

Yuan Subaru had no inner waves about this. From the beginning, his goal was the Chaos Tide. The establishment of these micro-universes was not to deal with those so-called Chaos Shadows. As the origin of this chaos disaster, the main body of the Chaos Tide that reappeared for unknown reasons was the target that Yuan Subaru wanted to wipe out this time!

When the Chaos Tide surged, Yuan Subaru also raised his hands, and the orbits of the micro-universes changed as a result. They became a ray of light, and became the light that constituted the "sun".

They brought the laws of the real universe to the current disordered land, evolved order here, built an indestructible anchor point, and condensed the regular framework that was originally scattered in the universe and everywhere into one point, and then realized it and fell on Yuan Subaru's hands.

The shining four-pointed star light in the giant's hand is the purest base point of order. Yuan Subaru, who holds such a crystal, can be said to be the creator and ruler of thousands of universes. It is no exaggeration to say that everything is born with one thought and the stars die with one thought. This is also the limit that Yuan Subaru can reach at present, and even the spirit that evokes "one thought" cannot be distracted and withdrawn.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Subaru does not have a very high evaluation of this skill, so that it is always in a theoretical state. Yuan Subaru has no idea of ​​actually practicing and testing it, because its relatively long casting process and the subsequent difficult to achieve expected attack methods really make it difficult for Yuan Subaru to be interested in it.

But now, to deal with this tide of chaos, there is no need for such fancy means. Its opposition to order is the best weapon. What Yuan Subaru has to do next is to obey the hostility of this [Order Crystal] to [Chaos], just like pushing down the first domino. A simple and weak guidance can automatically trigger all subsequent events.

So, in the next second, the fluorescent four-pointed star light flew into the thick gray fog, and then everything was silent. Although this word is quite inappropriate to use in the interlayer of the universe, Yuan Subaru still involuntarily emerged in his mind. Here, not only sound, but all perceptions, all existence, and even the operation of time and the construction of space are stagnant here. The drastic changes that are beyond Yuan Subaru's cognition are quietly happening.

Then, there was no possibility of escape. The last second that Yuan Subaru could see was that everything in front of him turned into pure black and white, like an unfinished, uncolored comic line drawing, simple and sloppy, and even this "painting style" spread to everything around him.

There is no doubt that this was an extremely violent explosion, and the opposition between order and chaos was much more intense than Yuan Subaru had expected.

However, it was far from enough to wipe out the reappearing tide of chaos. When Yuan Subaru regained consciousness from the black and white impact, he saw the gray mist that seemed to be about to dissipate. His sight also saw the twisted lines similar to pupils in the depths of the mist. The gray mist was spreading from it into the real universe. It should be the [breach] that formed the tide of chaos.

Yuan Subaru didn't know if this [breach] was the only one, and he didn't know if blocking it would make the reappearing tide of chaos disappear.

But there is one thing that is beyond doubt, that is, blocking it will bring all benefits to the real universe without any harm!

"Get up!!!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru clenched his exhausted hands suddenly, and gnashed his teeth and squeezed out a roar from between his teeth. Based on the skill means above [Amplification], the little energy left in his body was forcibly pulled to a relatively considerable storage level. As for the cost, Yuan Subaru had no time to care at this time, or he never cared.

The giant with a shining dark golden light opened his hands, overlapped them, and aimed his palms at the chaotic [breach]. The dream power used joints as nodes, bones as a framework, and meridians as lines to weave an advanced sealing skill based on the ‘Ultimate Cross Barrier’ and referenced by ‘Noah·Final·Seal’.

Afterwards, Yuan Subaru used his own light particles as a carrier to offset the loss when passing through the gray mist, and preserved the integrity of the seal energy as much as possible, so that it landed on the [breach] accurately and smoothly. The dark golden energy spread out instantly, cutting off the source of the power of the chaos tide here. The power of order from the universe also quickly repaired it based on this.

At this moment, whether in Belia's base, in the special space of Tartarus, or in other places, all groups in the entire universe who were observing chaos, tracing chaos, testing chaos, and connecting chaos noticed the weakening of the power of chaos.

And it was not an ordinary reduction. The energy level of this chaos power dropped by more than one level. Although for the ordinary universe, this is still equivalent to the existence of a natural disaster, at this moment, in front of the Ultra Warriors and other highly developed planetary civilizations, the existence of the shadow of chaos is no longer an invincible enemy, and order is no longer blindly defeated in front of chaos. The two fell into a stalemate.

Moreover, this stalemate is not a bad thing for the real universe. After all, the main theme now is [Order]. As long as the current situation can be maintained, even without the help of others, [Order] can suppress [Chaos] again in the face of time and completely isolate it from the real universe.

The hero who rewrote the situation with his own strength is now in a dangerous fighting situation. Although the [Breach] has been sealed, there is still a considerable amount of chaotic power here.

Although [Order] has begun to intervene in this disordered land, no matter how fast [Order] moves, Gen Subaru is now deeply trapped in the enemy camp. The remaining chaotic power has turned into a residual image and launched an extremely fierce attack on Gen Subaru.

This also aroused the fierceness in Yuan Subaru. The child who had walked out of a series of fierce battles did not know what it meant to be a coward. Even though he could no longer enter the state of [Eternal Original], he still held a lightsaber and only attacked without defending. This kind of fighting style naturally quickly made Yuan Subaru covered with wounds, but each wound must have marked the fall of a shadow of chaos. Under the sword light and shadow, there was a dissipating gray mist that returned to the end.

In the end, the sword energy of the ‘V’ shape ripped open the belly of the sudden attacking shadow of chaos. As the shadow of chaos dissipated, there was no opponent in front of the giant. Yuan Subaru sensed the surroundings indifferently, and then the dazzling lightsaber spun in his hand and returned to his arm, which completely ended this fierce battle.

273 Is it okay to become handsome?

With the end of the battle, Yuan Subaru's tense spirit could not help but relax. He covered his forehead and looked shaky, as if a gust of wind would blow down the giant's body. However, from an angle that no one could observe, Yuan Subaru's eyes were filled with a wolf-like cold light--

This was his act of showing weakness. If there were any enemies hiding around, Yuan Subaru felt that such a half-true and half-false posture was full of temptation to the ambushers. Even if he did not show up to assassinate, at least some flaws would be revealed.

After waiting for a while, after not receiving any feedback, Yuan Subaru also initially confirmed his safety, and then immediately began to try to find the link to return home.

His current state is quite bad, whether it is his body, light energy, or telekinesis. The temptation just now was indeed half true and half false, but it was really his own exhaustion, and the false thing was that he seemed to have the strength to fight back. At this moment, if another strong enemy popped up, he would have to explain it here anyway.

However, just as Yuan Subaru was trying to stay awake as much as possible and looking for a way to return to the TLT Earth Universe, he saw the familiar gray mist. This was not the remnant from before, but the tide of chaos that permeated from other places. After all, this disaster affected not only this place, and the form of the chaos power spreading in this universe was like penetrating from a high-concentration area to a low-concentration area.

Now that this place has been cleaned up by Yuan Subaru, it is not unexpected that new chaos power surges over.

But no matter what, the current situation is definitely not a good thing for Yuan Subaru. Looking at the Chaos Shadow that pounced on him, Yuan Subaru's face froze, and he put his left hand on his right wrist and held the Ark bracelet. This device, which was slightly modified and affected by the power of fantasy, was Yuan Subaru's counterattack trump card that he had exposed before.

Under Yuan Subaru's activation, the long-lost Dragon God armor covered his body, and the remaining energy was also switched to pure white light. With the movement of the armor module, all the firepower systems on the Dragon God were activated, and the muzzle wrapped in white light poured out the most ferocious blow to the approaching Chaos Shadow.

But relying on the Dragon God, it is impossible to eliminate the chaos tide that has just surged. In addition, Yuan Subaru also noticed that the chaos tide seemed to have ideas about the [breach] that had just been sealed. At this time, the power of [Order] has not yet completed the repair of the [breach]. If the chaos tide really gets close to it, the efforts just now will probably be in vain.

Oh, I can only gamble again. If it doesn't work, then I really have no tricks.

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly in his heart, and then without hesitation, he squeezed the energy in all modules of the Dragon God and absorbed it into his body. He still used the means of [amplification] to force another wave. As for the cost, it was all transferred to the Dragon God armor and borne by it. In an instant, the Dragon God armor became tattered, and even if it was recycled into a bracelet state, it fell into a downtime situation.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for the Ark bracelet. Yuan Subaru clasped his hands together, and the stars emerged in the dreamy light, and then gathered the power of the stars' explosion and shattering, and poured it on the Chaos Tide, flattening the first wave that rushed up, and erasing the Chaos Tide's attack on the seal.

However, this move also allowed Yuan Subaru to successfully attract the firepower of the Chaos Tide to himself. Looking at the Chaos Shadows that suddenly rose, Yuan Subaru slapped his backhand and directly shattered the time and space in front of him, creating a fault.

Then, using this as a breakthrough point, he launched the [Eternal·Original] version of [Super Time and Space·Ultra Bomb], which completely disrupted this piece of time and space, and artificially created a terrifying turbulent sky ridge, which buried the Chaos Shadow and hindered the Chaos Tide's offensive against the seal.

However, the power of chaos in the current universe plane can't be said to be omnipresent, but it is not far behind. Yuan Subaru blocked the crisis on the other side of the seal, but behind him, the ominous gray mist was infiltrating little by little, and the ghostly shadow quietly launched a fatal attack on Yuan Subaru.

Yuan Subaru's face condensed, and he grabbed the deadly blade, but the force from then on pressed Yuan Subaru back, and finally broke through the universe plane and came to the real universe.

This guy... should be a small BOSS.

Feeling the pressure from the opposite side, Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart, not knowing whether it was because of his previous record or because of his disgust for the creatures of order, the tide of chaos actually created such a thing to deal with him.

But no matter what, it's not that easy to kill me!

Yuan Subaru roared, exerted his strength suddenly, pushed this ominous thing out of the real universe, and moved the battlefield to the interlayer of the universe.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru has withdrawn from the posture of [Eternal·Original], and in a short time, without external support, he is afraid that there is no way to enter that form again. As for the seal, Yuan Subaru can only say that he has tried his best. Now, leading away the small BOSS-level Chaos Shadow is the limit of what he can do at present.

In the following battle, Yuan Subaru and the Chaos Shadow constantly switched battlefields between the real universe and the interlayer of the universe. With Yuan Subaru's rich combat experience, he maintained the situation with great resilience and began to fight back little by little with difficulty.

At the end of the fight, Yuan Subaru didn't know how much time had passed, nor how many real universes he had passed, but he clearly remembered that this was the 7,400th attack he had made that left a mark on the Chaos Shadow, and this was also the limit of what he could do. After this series of battles, his light energy was about to be completely exhausted.

Therefore, facing this situation, the last attack that Gen Subaru could do was only...

Nexus lowered his head without saying a word to avoid the attack of the Shadow of Chaos, then rushed forward, holding up the enemy's body, and then used his own light particles as fuel to burst out the final impact, and with the Shadow of Chaos, he broke through the space-time barriers of the real universe planes one after another.

This level of damage is insignificant to those space-time barriers, and it can be healed immediately. Even if there are remnants of the Shadow of Chaos left on them, as long as there is a little power of order, that kind of remnant can be wiped out, and there will be no worries about the future. This is also the result that Gen Subaru has proven in the battle just now.

But for the Shadow of Chaos, the injuries accumulated by such continuous collisions with the real universe of [Order] should not be underestimated, especially before that, Gen Subaru has tried his best to weaken it. Therefore, as long as it crashes down, this Shadow of Chaos will inevitably die!

Facing the shackles of Yuan Subaru, the Shadow of Chaos had no room to escape. Before the light particles burned out, it could only continue to face such impacts.

But at this time...


Although he didn't know what happened, Yuan Subaru could no longer perceive everything around him, but his instincts made him vaguely aware that he seemed to have hit something outside the barrier of the real universe. Then, Yuan Subaru's brain went blank and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

Huh? !

Yuan Subaru didn't know how long he had been unconscious. Although it felt like only a blink of an eye, the truth was by no means that simple. He looked at the unfamiliar sky in front of him, feeling the weakness in his body, and for a while he didn't have the strength to get up from the ground.

But Yuan Subaru's consciousness was rapidly awakening. He wanted to use his telekinesis to sense his surroundings, but the pressure was too severe before. As soon as he used telekinesis, he felt a needle-like pain in his head.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru could only helplessly restrain his thoughts and control the pain within a range that would not make him pass out again. He began to carefully examine his current body.

It has to be said that now Yuan Subaru is beginning to understand why the immortals in the story books in China have to spend so much time after being injured and reduced to the mortal world, or why they have to find some rare treasures before they can be ranked among the immortals again. , the more power one possesses, the higher the combat field he participates in. Once he is disrespectful, the injuries suffered cannot be described in a small fight. The same is true for Yuan Subaru now.

However, unlike those gods who were stabbed in the back or whose skills were inferior to others, Yuan Subaru was more likely to suffer from severe overdraft and subsequent effects on himself through the shadow of chaos when he hit the barrier of the real universe. The aftermath of the impact.

Ouch, how powerful is the upper limit of this [Chaos]? I don’t know what my level is after sealing a [Chaos Crack].

After checking his physical condition, Yuan Subaru began to think about things and shift his attention because of the pain in his head. Soon, his attention was attracted by a new question——

That is, he is very clear that his current light particle reserves are not enough to maintain the existence of his body. He should be a weak light point now. And during the inspection just now, he noticed that he seemed to be connected to something. Things have reached a connection, a very subtle, symbiotic relationship that allows them to maintain their human appearance.

Moreover, it is not difficult to find the other end of the connection. Yuan Subaru can feel that he can easily find the existence of the other end as long as he searches for the past according to the vague power aura.

Great, let me take a look... huh? !

At this time, Yuan Subaru felt that he had almost recovered, so he stood up with difficulty, intending to search for it. When he stood up holding on to the wall, the scene that caught his eye made Yuan Subaru stare. Big eyes.

He saw a monster looming in the fog outside the town. This was undoubtedly a very dangerous event. Yuan Subaru instinctively wanted to transform, but he vaguely sensed something was wrong. His past combat experience made him I noticed something strange. The monsters in the fog had no so-called vitality and no intention of action. They were like statues, standing there.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru naturally would not think that it was really a statue. There is no doubt that these monsters are the product of a certain mechanism. They will only act when relevant conditions are triggered.

Now, Yuan Subaru is well aware of his state. Even if he completes the transformation desperately, he may not have much power to fight against these statue-like monsters.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru silently let go of the Evolution Truster. Now he should investigate what is going on in this world. To be honest, regarding the battle with the Shadow of Chaos, when he finally started to collide with the enemy, Yuan Subaru can't remember the memories related to it very clearly, so at this moment, there are too many questions that Yuan Subaru needs to figure out.

While thinking about things, Yuan Subaru held on to the wall and moved forward step by step. After walking about a hundred meters, Yuan Subaru gradually regained control of his body and began to walk upright like a human being.

At this time, I don’t know whether it was because it was time to go to work, or because there were not many people in this town, or under the influence of other factors. When Yuan Subaru walked out of the alley and came to the street, except for There were still people in the shops that were open, and basically no pedestrians were seen.

Gen Subaru looked around. How should I put it? This town is like the old Mishami Town. It is really deserted. But when it gets lively, I don’t know if the residents here are crazy enough. After all, the clergy of Mishami Town are But he will take the lead in playing DJ at the temple fair.

Yuan Subaru shook his head and threw those past memories aside, not because this was not the time to recall the past, nor because those things had passed and there was no need to recall them, but because just now Yuan Subaru noticed that When he recalled it, he no longer had any trouble in his heart about what happened in Sangami Town. This made him a little sad, and he became sad because he would no longer be sad.

But let’s let go of sadness and all that. The matter at hand is the most important thing.

Yuan Subaru continued to walk forward following the inexplicable feeling in his heart, and soon found his destination. He looked up and looked at the name of the store in front of him——


thrift shop

Yuan Subaru looked inside again. How should I put it? It really looked like a thrift store. Even the bar inside made Yuan Subaru wonder if it was recycled from some bar. It was U-shaped and in good condition. The bar counter really doesn't look like what a thrift store should have.


Yuan Subaru poked his head and looked into the store. He saw some kind of clerk or store manager, as if the owner of the store just opened the door and ran out.

But this was just right, and it made it easier for Yuan Subaru to take his next action. Although he didn’t know what it was, when Yuan Subaru stood at the door of this store, he realized that there was something that reached him. Contact, so that I can still stand here like a human being.

"sorry for disturbance."

Yuan Subaru muttered softly, then walked directly in, carefully looking at the things in the store, wanting to see what magical props he had received in this thrift store, and, regarding this exploration process, Yuan Subaru He was quite enthusiastic.

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