Looking at the data solidified by light energy in his hand, Mitsuhiro Ide sweated with excitement. Although he only briefly glanced inside, the complete systems in it made his blood boil. He had no doubts. , as long as human beings can implement it step by step according to the above technology, it won't be long before the earth can become a quite capable civilization in the universe.

"Very good, very ambitious. I'm looking forward to that day."

Yuan Subaru stood up with a smile, passed the light in his hand to everyone present, and said softly:

"As I said before, I cannot stay on your earth forever, but my light will be with you. When necessary, you can also use it to become the real Ultraman. Rather than wearing that so-called iron shell and becoming the so-called mobile Ultraman."

"Are you going to deal with the [Jadon Core] matter?"

Hearing what Yuan Subaru said, Beidou Star Division was keenly aware of his intention to leave and couldn't help but ask. Yuan Subaru nodded and said softly:

"Well, after all, that [Jayton Core] is quite disgusting. Since [they] like to use their own standards to reason, then I will go and see whose truth is stronger. Maybe now [Jayton Core] Over there, everything is ready, just waiting for my visit. "

After saying this, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and continued:

"But if I can, I won't destroy [Jayton Core]. If I can succeed, it wouldn't be a bad thing to turn the Star Cluster Council into the earth's hall through [Jayton Core]. Then you guys will see Ai De’s reaction, as long as [Zedon Core] is not destroyed, it means I succeeded, but then you have to be careful about Ed, the Zedonian, do you understand?”

After carefully admonishing Susumu Hayata and Mitsuhiro Ide, Gen Subaru breathed out, put his hands on his hips and said:

"But after I finish dealing with the [Jedon Core] matter, I should go and see the situation in the Kingdom of Light. No matter how I can unblock the Kingdom of Light, I will come back to take a look at the situation on Earth. If nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid I will leave. After all, there are too many parallel universes, so there are many earths. Maybe there are other humans on earth waiting for my help. I hope you can understand this. "

"we know."

Shin Hayata nodded and took a step forward. He was about to say something, but he saw the giant of light in front of him turned into a stream of light and disappeared. At the same time, the X space in the room was also forcibly lifted. This made Everyone present couldn't laugh or cry. This Earth's Ultraman was really impatient. If he were an ordinary overtime worker, he might be the most involved scab in the entire company.

On Yuan Subaru's side, he flew straight away from the earth. Just before their group entered the X space, he felt a feeling like being watched wrapped around Ed. At that time, he thought it was a surveillance method from the Scientific Special Search Team. This made Yuan Subaru nod secretly in his heart, and gave a thumbs up to the senior management of the Scientific Special Search Team with satisfaction.

But now it seems that it should be the surveillance of Ed by [Zedon Core]. In any case, there are only a few Zedons left, and Ed’s thoughts cannot escape the speculation of his own race. , and even Ed’s ability to join Earth’s scientific search team was all arranged by [Jeton Core].

While Yuan Subaru was thinking, he casually tore apart the dimensional space and the related space blockade methods. [Jeton Core] never expected that his exposure was not because of Ed's betrayal, nor because of the intelligence of other people in the universe. The leak came from his casual peek at his fellow humans.

Therefore, when the dark golden giant of light appeared in the space area where [Jedon Core] was located, the people in the universe who witnessed everything were dumbfounded. Yuan Subaru appeared in this way, which meant that they had previously tried to prevent All the means prepared by Yuan Subaru to rush home failed.

But [Jaton Core] is not without its back-ups. As the dimensional space shines, an astonishing number of space dinosaurs, Jayton, appear in front of Yuan Subaru. This army of Jayton monsters is what [Jaton Core] can do. Let the Star Cluster Council become its puppet's force base.

It's just that you can use these things to deal with those cosmic beings, but use them to deal with me? It’s a bit hard to think about!

Yuan Subaru sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the black hole that even light could not escape suddenly appeared, burying all the Jayton army without any effort. Then, [Jayton Core] saw the "Jayton Core" wrapped in light. The devil's eyes slowly fell on him...

271 Beria: How many were killed? !

Jayton Core never thought that one day he would face such an enemy that was beyond his understanding. Although his previous behavior of detonating planets one by one and blasting hundreds of galaxies with one shot was already outrageous, there was no sign of this. He dug out a black hole, and after the black hole disappeared, he couldn't find any relevant data on his side, as if the black hole had never appeared before.

But if it hadn’t appeared before, why wouldn’t my Jayton army be there?

The Jeton core is down and I don’t know how to deal with it. This kind of existence and phenomenon cannot be described by science at all. Even using Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light to describe it seems too extraordinary. This kind of existence and phenomenon cannot be described by science at all. How to deal with something that should not exist in the real universe in the first place! ! !

‘Then there’s no need to deal with it.’


Just as the Jetton Core was thinking frantically, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind. The Jetton Core looked up in surprise and saw that the figure of the giant of light appeared in front of him at some point. The majestic mental power distorted and blocked the space around him. The hand that was slowly reaching out to him was like a shackle that was about to fall, trapping him in an eternal prison.

Of course, the Jetton Core was unwilling to accept such a result, but he could not find a way to save himself. He could only watch himself being held down by the huge palm, and then...

Rewriting the mental power!

With a cold face, Yuan Subaru unceremoniously poured his telekinesis into the Zetton Core, trying to use the powerful Ultra telekinesis to make the Zetton Core his puppet, but...

Looking at the unresponsive Zetton Core, Yuan Subaru touched his neck helplessly. Although he could fix it, it didn't make much sense. After all, in the test just now, Yuan Subaru had already realized that telekinesis overwriting was not an easy task. Fundamentally distorting the idea of ​​the existence of an object and making it not act like a simple puppet is a topic worth studying.

However, Yuan Subaru didn't like this method very much. Although he did use it this time, it was just an attempt. If it succeeded, he would get a new skill. If it failed, he didn't plan to invest too much energy in it. After all, he had a lot of things to deal with.

So, Subaru disposed of the broken Jetton core, turned around and left, returned to the outside of the earth, stretched out his hand towards the surface and pulled outward, and a human-like 'Bermuda' appeared in front of him, and this 'Bermuda' was the first generation Ultraman of this universe.

"Okay, Senior Ultraman, no matter how much you disagree with my approach."

Subaru looked at the first generation Ultraman who was pulled out of the body of 'Bermuda' with his help and existed in the form of light energy, and said softly:

"But now, go and rescue your people first, and if you still want to settle this account with me later, I will come and fight with you."

After saying that, Subaru did not give the first generation Ultraman any chance to talk, and took him out of the solar system directly, and came directly to the original location of the Kingdom of Light at the speed of teleportation.

Looking at the disappeared mother planet, the first Ultraman was a little sad for a while, but as Subaru said, the key now is to save the Kingdom of Light. Therefore, when the first Ultraman was about to talk to Subaru about how the Kingdom of Light was expelled from the dimension by the Star Cluster Council, he saw Subaru raised his fist covered with colorful light and swung it hard at the original location of the Kingdom of Light.

Then, the first Ultraman saw that the space was suddenly covered with cracks, and then collapsed. At this time, a colorful giant hand reached into the broken space, as if it was fishing for something, and took the exiled Kingdom of Light out of it.

Seeing this scene, the first generation Ultraman fell into silence for a while. How to say it, all this happened too...fast, just like some game players I had seen when I was possessed by Hayata Shin before, the plot part was either accelerated or directly skipped, and then took the weapon and went straight to the final boss, and the whole game was speeded through.

Who is this person?

The first generation Ultraman felt that his head was a little swollen. Although he was in an energy state now, he still felt like he needed to grow a brain.

Gen Subaru didn't care about the actions of the first generation Ultraman. He looked at the unsealed Kingdom of Light and the confused Ultra Warriors on it, and directly directed his thoughts to the Ultra Father of the Kingdom of Light. What he wanted to say was very brief, that is, "I saved you, but my consumption is not low, let me absorb a breath of plasma spark's energy", and then he opened his hands towards the plasma spark tower, absorbing the energy in it and replenishing his state.

Gen Subaru was not lying. After all the trouble just now, the consumption of [Eternal Original] was still very scary. Even though Gen Subaru had improved his energy recovery ability and channel, unfortunately, under his uninterrupted use, there was still a certain energy shortage problem.

Although Gen Subaru felt that if he could absorb this plasma spark tower cleanly, he would not have to worry about energy problems for a long time, but next, regarding this mobile Ultraman universe, the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light would still be needed to handle subsequent events, and he did not need to cut off their energy source.

Gen Subaru's energy absorption process was relatively slow, which gave the Kingdom of Light time to sort out the situation. Whether it was what happened when the Kingdom of Light was expelled from the dimension, or the changes in the outside world brought back by the first generation Ultraman, it took some time to digest.

Therefore, during this time, Gen Subaru and the people of the Kingdom of Light were in a state of not disturbing each other.

But during this period of time, in the universe that Gen Subaru was familiar with, Tartarus, who had finally escaped from the pursuit of Noah's clone, carefully poked his head out of his special space, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and then his brows couldn't help but frowned tightly.

This is not only because of Noah's clone, but also because just when he was escaping, when he was jumping through time and space, Tartarus noticed that the shadow of chaos in the cracks of time and space became stronger and stronger.

There is no doubt that the legendary power of chaos is reviving. Under the influence of this power, the laws of "time" and "space", and the boundaries between universes may become blurred. The events that occur as a result may be large or small, but there may also be major events that are no less than the previous green disaster.

Damn, this chaos... Why did it appear? This doesn't make sense...

Tartarus couldn't help but frown even more. Under the current order, there shouldn't be a tide of chaos of this scale. Is there someone behind the scenes pushing all this development? Huh? !

Just as Tartarus was thinking, he suddenly noticed something and looked towards the space not far away. There, there was a moment of time and space blurring, which was a phenomenon caused by the influence of chaos.

And there, in the space and time that just collapsed, Tartarus saw a fragment of a battleship, on which he sensed a very powerful and magical force, and in this force, he vaguely felt a familiar breath, but for a while he couldn't figure out what kind of conditions this familiar breath was based on to cause the reaction.

Just when Tartarus was puzzled, the fragment was swallowed by chaos, and the vague phenomenon was also repaired by the coercive force of space and time, and this clue was broken here.

At the same time, in the frontier universe, the Belia base also sensed the existence of the surge of the tide of chaos. For this phenomenon, Belia couldn't help but feel heavy-hearted. Although the power of chaos is not unusable, using it is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger, and it requires extreme caution.

Therefore, Belia temporarily put aside all the things on hand and devoted himself to the observation of the Chaos Tide. After all, in this base, Belia is the pinnacle of both civil and military skills. His actions will naturally not drag down other subordinates. Moreover, Belia thought about this matter carefully and felt that it was better to personally take action and supervise all the processes in person to feel at ease.

Because the universe where Belia's base is located is a relatively frontier area, the space-time around it is not so stable in comparison. Therefore, the number of phenomena encountered by Tartarus is really not small.

Therefore, Belia harvested some unexpected spoils...

Looking at the wreckage of the warships piled up in the warehouse in front of him, the dark gold energy reaction left on it made Belia feel a little frightened. Belia also saw the figure of Gensuba when he was chasing Noah Gliza, so when Belia saw the source of these energy reactions in the instrument, he had an idea in his mind.

That is why Belia ignored the danger of chaos and forcibly brought these things back. Gensuba did not expect that he sank these fleets into the universe layer simply because he wanted his skills at that time to look more deterrent. Under the influence of chaos, some of the wreckage was relatively intact.

However, the cosmic people and other monsters above were undoubtedly dead. Their vitality was not so strong.

At this time, Belia picked up the ultimate battle instrument and carefully peeled off and expelled the remaining dark gold energy bit by bit. He wanted to know the whereabouts of his gene heir from these wreckages. After all, the previous time vortex incident really opened Belia's eyes. He could no longer use normal thinking to speculate what kind of experience his gene heir had.

This process of stripping and expelling was very meticulous and careful. Even when Belia finished the process, he couldn't help sweating. Looking at the wreckage that was not affected at all, he chuckled with satisfaction, and then waved his hand, asking the subordinates who had been waiting for a long time to investigate immediately and find as much information as possible.

Soon, what Belia wanted was sorted out. There were not many things, but Belia noticed that the hands of the Pedan star who came to report to him were shaking inexplicably, which made Belia a little confused. Before being recruited by him, this Pedan star seemed to be a ruthless person. What did he see that scared him like this?

Belia, who didn't understand, received the information and looked down curiously:

"A golden Ultraman of unknown origin appeared on the earth."

Oh, it's my genetic heir.

"That Ultraman claimed that the earth was his place and wanted to punish those cosmic civilizations that offended the earth and the earthlings."

Not bad, not bad, well done, we have to teach those guys a lesson.

"The home planet of the Pedan people was destroyed, and the Pedan people were also exterminated."


Belia was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, nodded, and expressed his understanding-

What he did was not wrong. For those dishonest things, they should be killed to scare the monkeys.

"He destroyed hundreds of star systems."


"Perolinka was destroyed, and the Perolinka people were also exterminated."

? ?

"Zarab was detonated, and the Zarab people were exterminated."

? ? ?

"The planet Tepet was burned into glass, and all the people on the planet Tepet were killed."

? ? ? ?

"The planet Salome was disintegrated, and all the people on the planet Salome were killed."

Just wait! ! !

Beria scrolled down with an expressionless face, and what appeared in front of his eyes were all lists of Star Destroyers, with a number of one hundred and fifteen, and even this number was not all, because Due to the wreckage, some data cannot be restored.

But with this amount alone, there is no doubt that this is a terrible cosmic massacre. One thing to say is that even during the Caesar Galaxy Emperor period, Beria had never exploded so many civilized planets, let alone so many A complete act of genocide.

"We must also take action. Our people's hands and feet are not clean. Sooner or later, this judgment will fall on us. I hope the fleet of the Star Cluster Council can eliminate this demon and the earth together."

Looking at the last record, even just looking at this cold text, Beria could feel the despair in the recorder's heart. No matter whether this race has done anything to the earth or whether they have any sins, there is no doubt that this It is the death struggle of a cosmic civilization.

"This this...."

Looking at the information in his hand, Beria didn't know what to say for a moment. If this number of genocide was placed in some parallel universes that have just started, I am afraid that the entire universe's civilization would not be enough to kill such a large number of people. The murderous nature made Beria suddenly understand the fear of his subordinates on the Pedan Star. No matter where this kind of murderous embryo is placed, it is a terrifying existence.

"Okay, you guys go down. Today's events will rot in my stomach."

Beria glanced at the subordinates next to him and drove them all out. When the sound of the door closing behind him was heard, the dark giant immediately acted and squatted in front of the wreckage. He went through the data with his own hands and found that What I just saw did not contain any traces of mistakes or fraud.

"This shouldn't be...my genes...are I so fond of killing?"

His family knows his family, and Beria knows very well that what he likes is the pleasure after conquest, not the screams of destruction. For things like killing, they are dispensable in comparison. Of course, the Light Except for the Kingdom of Light, he would never get tired of hearing the screams of the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light, especially Ken's screams, even if he heard them a thousand or ten thousand times, but...

This shouldn't be the case. Why is it so lethal? Even if I provoke you, I won't kill them so cleanly. With a little manipulation, your power will expand a lot. Those you kill may become your new capable subordinates.

Wait, you can't think like that. After all, killing so many people will make your original subordinates more loyal to you. You can be regarded as standing up for the people below. Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no problem... .

No problem, damn it! You have killed all the civilizations in the universe. What did you conquer? Stone? What kind of brain circuit do you have!

Beria walked back and forth in the warehouse with his hands behind his back, as if Yuan Subaru was standing in front of him at this moment, muttering constantly. He was very confused now. His previous impression of the genetic successor was still What is quite good is the kind of impression that is relatively kind-hearted.

And now, after discovering the other side of this genetic heir, Beria's impression of that genetic heir...can't be said to have changed for the worse. With such a character, after he re-establishes the Galactic Empire, Letting him take over and defend the empire is still a good choice. After all, he is killing so much just to make a difference for himself. It is also good to be cruel to the enemy.


To be honest, Beria didn't want to see this scene. How should I put it, an inexplicable disappointment lingered in his heart. He knew that this disappointment was not directed at the genetic successor, but in the end For what reason, he couldn't figure it out at this moment, so he couldn't help but become irritated.

And just when Beria was angrily smashing the ultimate combat device in the warehouse, looking at the wreckage in front of him, he suddenly froze. At that moment, he seemed to understand all of a sudden, and understood the inexplicable thing. What exactly was the reason for the disappointment?

Beria raised his head and slowly looked to the side. His figure was reflected on the reflective wall, reflecting his current dark posture:

Am I... maybe I'm disappointed in myself?

272 I don’t know what cowardice is




Tsk...what the hell am I thinking about.

Beria covered his forehead with some irritation, his eyes full of ferocity. He glanced at the wreckage that had not yet been destroyed, and swung out the light to completely destroy it——

During this time, I have been thinking too much about things, so much so that I have been thinking so wildly. I am thinking so mother-in-law and being so pretentious. It’s really disgusting. This is impossible!

Disappointed in yourself? How could such a thing happen? I was so busy.

Compared with this, the more critical point now is that you need to confirm it yourself first.

Thinking of this, Belia disappeared directly from the base and appeared on the earth, striding towards the grocery store where Asakura Lu was. However, what surprised Belia was that the silly-looking gene inheritor was not there. According to the store manager, he seemed to have gone out to play. Finally, Belia found Asakura Lu on the lawn not far away. At this moment, the guy was posing there. It should be the transformation action in the Flash.

So childish.

Belia tutted in dissatisfaction, then walked over directly, grabbed Asakura Lu's shoulders, turned him around, and then pinched his face, looked left and right, and finally, as if he had confirmed something, he threw Asakura Lu to the ground and left with satisfaction, leaving Asakura Lu with a puzzled face.

It's confirmed that the murderous character of the gene inheritor should have nothing to do with me. I remember... The batch of genes given to Fukui Desui at the beginning should only have a little bit of Rebrando's power left, and that kind of remnant should not cause any personality distortion mutation.

Hmm~~ The case is solved, it's because of the 'Nexus' that sneaked in, damn Fushigi Desei, what a mess, look at the appearance of this tokusatsu fan gene inheritor, although he is a bit timid, but he is not...

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