Yuan Subaru put his head on the window frame, shaking it from side to side, frowning slightly as he thought, but it was too difficult for a kid like him to infer the result out of thin air. He didn't have the reasoning experience of his predecessors, and he could only fight.

By the way, what was I thinking about just now?

Oh, yes, I overlooked something.


Yuan Subaru concentrated on thinking, continued to shake his head helplessly, and finally, when he looked up at the sky, he finally reacted.

Yes, I forgot, how could I forget the alien beasts? Now TLT Earth is still facing the alien beast factors projected from space. Now that I am back, I have to try to find the source of the attack of this factor and see if I can have a chance to strangle it. In this way, even if one alien beast on Earth is eliminated, there will be one less.

Oh, my brain.

Yuan Subaru patted his forehead in annoyance. Although the enemies he had encountered recently were much stronger than the alien beasts, it was really wrong for him to forget his original enemy.

Okay, it's time to set off.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru moved his body, turned into a stream of light without hesitation, disappeared on TLT Earth, spread his telekinesis, and began to move at high speed, looking for the source of the alien beast factor.

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't know was that in fact, two months before TLT Earth time, the concentration of the alien beast factor from space began to drop sharply. This phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of TLT and the visitors. According to their calculations, they couldn't understand why this happened.

After all, alien beasts are not like cosmic people or cosmic monsters. A race or activity range is within a certain area. They are more like unique substances naturally generated in this universe. Long before they attacked the visitor's home planet, they had existed for a long time, and a considerable number of planets and civilizations had already encountered their poisonous hands.

Therefore, the visitors and TLT did not even think of starting from the source, but planned to create a corresponding anti-Xenomorph factor to save themselves.

Now, the success of the anti-Xenomorph factor is foreseeable, but why does this Xenomorph factor start to disappear on its own? This is wrong, very wrong.

202 Pit Starman

Regarding this issue, Gen Subaru actually heard the visitors and Matsunaga Yoichiro mention it, but it is obvious that this was just a casual mention at the time. At this time, Gen Subaru was affected by the [Backup Engine]. At the same time as the loss of emotions, the fluctuating soul state also caused his memory to temporarily degenerate from the ‘superhuman’ state to the human level.

Perhaps when his soul adapts to the influence of this [Engine], his photographic memory will be restored.

However, at this moment, Gensuba, who had transformed into Nexus, was traveling through the universe at high speed. With the continuous extension of his telekinesis and the results of his perception, he began to realize that something was wrong. Although the alien beast factor could not be said to be everywhere, it could be seen everywhere. It was just because of the concentration.

And, as far as the concentration was concerned, if no one deliberately guided the mobilization of these alien beast factors and created enough initial fear to allow the alien beasts to take shape, it would be difficult to cause a large-scale alien beast riot like the one on Earth.

Of course, if you are also a race like humans, where fear is prevalent, it is another matter.

But in any case, after realizing this, Gensuba vaguely realized that he might have returned in vain this time. If he wanted to eliminate this scale of alien beast factors, he would spend a lot of energy and time. Maybe he would spend the last two years on this, but he could not completely erase it. If he added two more zeros after the '2', Gensuba felt that he could give it a try.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru had no more ideas and planned to return to Earth to continue his mission of protection.

But at this moment, he heard the frequency of a distress call.

It was not a voice from another world, but a civilization in a galaxy not far away that sent out an urgent distress signal. Although he could not understand the unique language of that civilization, he could still easily hear the anxiety and pleading in the tone.

So, Yuan Subaru did not hesitate much, and turned around and flew to the galaxy where the call for help came from. At the speed of the photosphere, Yuan Subaru soon saw the planet that sent the message for help. At this moment, the planet was entangled by a very amazing electric current beam, like an electromagnetic barrier, wrapping up the entire planet bit by bit. I believe that the communication Yuan Subaru just received should be the last wave of help that the civilization of this planet can send out.

Is it a cosmic disaster? Not really.

Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart, and then his body began to rotate at high speed, using his raised hands as spearheads to land on the electromagnetic barrier. Don't mention it, the strength of this thing is quite good, and Yuan Subaru's penetrating power did not instantly penetrate it.

After realizing this, Yuan Subaru put away his heart of playing soy sauce and began to face this battle seriously. With the child's seriousness, he instantly broke through the electromagnetic barrier and landed on the surface of this planet, then his feet turned a few times with some discomfort, and then floated in the air——

The ground of this planet is also full of electric currents, and the intensity is not low. Although it is not enough to penetrate Nexus's defense, it is still quite hot.

At this time, in this dark yellow electric current, Yuan Subaru began to look at the real culprit behind all this. Looking at the monster that was about 400 meters tall, Yuan Subaru's expression changed slightly. It was not because he was scared, but if he remembered correctly, this should be the space monster Aire King.

This is a space monster from the Pitt star. It has a beige body and black stripes. Its characteristic is the 57-meter-long tail at the back of its body. The current in its body is mainly released from it.

And the part of the head where the eyes should be has a crescent-shaped horn. The rotation of the horn is also its iconic feature, and the function of this horn is to capture signals and receive orders from the Pitt star people.

Except for the thumb, the other four fingers of its hand are connected like mittens, and there are small holes on the top, which are very similar to Jetton's fingers, and can make unique sounds.

And Yuan Subaru was quite impressed by this monster because this guy still looked a little cute. In the monster illustrations of visitors, the comments about it were also quite interesting, saying that he was a big eater who didn't know how to restrain himself. If he encountered sufficient power energy, he would eat non-stop and eat himself to death.

So.... Is this a case of eating too much?

Such a tall body is far beyond the height of ordinary El Kings. After all, the height of ordinary El Kings is only about 50 or 60 meters.

In this case, let me help you digest it.

This is not Earth, and King Ailei is not harming humans, so Gen Subaru's attitude towards him is not to kill him without hesitation. He looked at King Ailei who was roaring and sending dense electric currents to attack him. He dodged his attack with a flash of his body, and at the same time, he turned his hands and evolved into the red youth form Nexus, and at the same time, he sealed the tall King Ailei with the Ultimate Cross Barrier.

Then, Gen Subaru crossed his hands in front of his chest, gathered energy, and pushed forward. King Ailei, who was trapped in the Ultimate Cross Barrier and was releasing electric currents like crazy, making the plasma inside the sealed space surge like waves, saw the villain in front of him and didn't know what means he used to deal with him.

Then, his body surface flashed with a faint blue light, and the electric energy began to gather in his mouth, releasing a large amount of electric energy accumulated in his body, and spitting out lightning-like rays towards the ultimate cross barrier in front of him. This light can not only be emitted for a long time, but also gradually increase its power. At the same time, the plasma that has been formed also began to move violently, building a defensive barrier around the giant King Aire's body to resist the next unknown attack.

But this King Aire obviously does not have enough combat experience. If you want to control him, why bother to fight him head-on? Moreover, he does not accumulate energy to prepare for the next possible seal gap, and now he starts to attack randomly, which really gives Yuan Subaru a feeling that he is not very smart.

Regardless of King Ailei's operation, the energy pushed out by Yuan Subaru quickly unfolded and turned into golden light rain after entering the Ultimate Cross Barrier. Yes, this is the Meta Realm. Now the Ultimate Cross Barrier has withstood the most ferocious wave of attacks from King Ailei when he was mad. Taking advantage of the current stage when new power has not yet been generated, it is a good time to trap him in the Meta Realm.

As for what to do after trapping him, it is quite simple. The suppression of the Meta Realm is fully exerted, mixed with dark energy, and all the extra electrical energy swallowed by this giant King Ailei is eaten by me!

How strong is the suppression and devouring power of the Dark Energy Meta Field? If Dark Zagi is still alive, he must have aggrieved to tell a few thousand words. Therefore, it is almost certain to use it on this not-so-strong King Ailei. Under the comprehensive suppression of the Meta Field, the giant King Ailei went from furious to angry, from angry to puzzled, from puzzled to timid, from timid to aggrieved, from the roar with full confidence at the beginning to the current whimpering, and his eyes were much clearer.

But Yuan Subaru couldn't help but frown, because when he just absorbed King Ailei, he accidentally sucked out something unexpected from the body of King Ailei.

Yuan Subaru opened his hand and looked at the crystal clear green crystal ball in his hand. His face became quite complicated for a while. He didn't expect that he would see this thing when he turned around and went home after pressing the weird notebook to death outside.

But if you think about it, it seems normal. After all, when I was fighting with the Gu'a army leaders, a large amount of green energy rushed in here. Although Noah's clones fought very hard later, based on my understanding of green energy during this period, that level of battle does not seem to be able to eliminate all of this green energy.

Oh, my universe is now also polluted by the original energy. This universe was originally tormented by the alien beast factor. Why is there such a mess now?

Yuan Subaru observed the original crystal in his hand. Compared with the demons outside, which tortured people with this rule and that rule, the green energy that appeared in his universe was quite stable, like something similar to an energy supply station. The King of Aire just became crazy because of this influence.



Did I...

Forgot something....

oh! Yes, there is also King Airei!

Yuan Subaru woke up from his meditation and quickly put away the Dark Energy Meta Field. In such a blink of an eye, the King of Airei who was several hundred meters away has now become quite small. Yuan Subaru in the fit state can also Played with it.

It's okay, but the size is too small, but he still has life.

Yuan Subaru looked at the electromagnetic barrier that still existed on the planet and the electromagnetic residue on the ground. He raised his hands, turned his body slightly, and sucked all the electromagnetic energy into the ring that appeared above his head, and then absorbed it into himself. In the body, it is assimilated into its own power.

Yes, this trip can be said to be a big boost, and it is completely profitable.

Yuan Subaru muttered something in his heart, and then looked at the ground aside. His telepathy had already sensed that the inhabitants of this planet were not completely wiped out because of King Airei's madness just now. A lot of vitality reacted from the underground space. It has been spread out. It seems that the residents of this planet have already anticipated this situation and are fully prepared?

Just when Yuan Subaru was thinking like this, the residents of this planet finally appeared in front of him. These residents had big red eyes on their heads, no noses and other facial features, and a circle of fangs in their mouths. It looks scary, and the overall color is mainly blue and black.

And this appearance is also recorded in the visitor's monster manual. They are the transformed weirdo Pit Stars. They come from the Pit Star with tens of thousands of satellites. After a long period of evolution, they have evolved into a race of only women. They Each has its own moon, and the larvae of space monsters are raised in many lakes.

But looking at the number of people who were already in the thousands, Yuan Subaru felt that there might be something wrong with the visitor's illustrated book. This Pit star seemed to have the habit of living in groups.


At this time, a Pit star stood up and began to try to communicate with Yuan Subaru. However, Yuan Subaru really did not understand the words, so he began to use the language he learned from the visitors to try them one by one. It was not that he had not thought about it. Communicate directly with telekinesis, but it’s better to hide things like telekinesis. After all, most people can’t see or notice this thing. It’s better to take it out and use it as a backup.

In the end, the two sides finally found a common language. Under the narration of this Pitt star, Yuan Subaru gradually understood everything. This Pitt star did have the same number of satellites as written in the visitor's monster manual. , but first, a batch of satellites were contaminated and unusable due to the passing of a swarm of alien beasts. The Pitts living on them had to defect to other sisters.

After finally dragging the alien beasts to leave the Pitt Galaxy, the damn Gua Army came again. The Ancient Army did not have a simple purpose like the alien beasts. They directly started to destroy the Pitt Galaxy, even if The Pitts have agreed to surrender, but...

After they expressed their surrender, the people in charge of this area were the Atlas people. The Atlas people were only thinking about killing, so the Pitt star people also had a very difficult life. While racking their brains to avoid being turned into wax figures, He had no choice but to leave his satellite to stay away from the Atlas people.

Later, the Pitts were involved in the battle between the Gua Legion and the tide of alien beasts. Those two forces had no habit of avoiding satellites and changing the battlefield. They started fighting directly. In the end, the commander of the three Gua Legions All the exclusive battleships came over, and then they suppressed the group of alien beasts to death.

As for the Pitt galaxy, which is the main battlefield, not to mention the satellites, even the main star has been promoted. Fortunately, when the alien beasts first appeared, they began to look for a suitable new place to stay. Otherwise, They still have to wander in the universe, not knowing when they will find a suitable planet to live on.

This underground shelter was the first thing they started to build after arriving on this planet. They originally wanted to use this underground shelter to avoid the alien beasts or the ancient army that might come again.

But I didn’t expect that not long after it was built, this shelter was opened for the first time because of the rampage of my own pets. Really, what happened to this King Airei? Where did so many of them come from on this planet? Electricity makes it so huge.

But King Airei is so cute at such a big size, I really want to hug him!

Obviously, the cuteness of these Pit Stars towards King Airei is quite unique.

203 The three Rob brothers and sisters in the past

Please wake up, you can't hold King Airei that big.

Looking at the Pitts in front of him who all of a sudden felt that the giant Airei King was adorable, Yuan Subaru handed the small Airei King back to the Pitts in front of him with a black line, and then began to ask, this Did King Airei encounter anything else before he became gigantic?

Regarding this question, the Pitt star who came to answer Yuan Subaru didn't know, but the smaller Pitt star behind him with a more immature voice stepped forward, even though Yuan Subaru had already shrunk Nexus' body. , but the little Pitt star still had to raise his neck to look at Yuan Subaru.

"I went out to play with the little King Airei yesterday and went to the east side to play."

"Why did you run over there? You kid is too scary."

"Are you okay? Come here and let me take a look."

As soon as the words of this little Pitt star came out, the big Pitt stars around him began to talk uneasily. They said anything, but they were all caring and good words, without any weirdness. It seemed that during this period of escape, , their relationship has become very good, which Yuan Subaru is very happy about.

Unity, this is what he likes to see more. Whether it is friendly forces or enemies, the former can unite to overcome various difficulties, and the latter can unite and praise them all at once, so as not to look back one by one. , lest you don’t kill enough to eliminate the roots.

"Okay, okay, let the little guy explain to this giant Mr. what's going on."

At this time, the Pit star who first communicated with Yuan Subaru stopped the internal commotion and called the little Pit star over. The little guy also continued obediently:

"While we were playing there, a big spaceship suddenly fell from the sky with the icon of the big bad guy printed on it. Little King Airei and I ran away quickly. Brother Giant, you don't know, the people in the spaceship with the icon of the big bad guy were there. It’s so scary, they are actually eating their own people there, even though they are about to be burned to death, they are still biting each other.”

"Oh, my little dear, you must be scared."

"The damn Gu'a Legion is so haunting."

"It's okay, darling. Those bad guys are already dead."

Obviously, the big bad icon among the little Pit Stars refers to the logo of the Gua Legion. The name of this legion once again caused a commotion among the Pit Star people. The leading Pit Star people shouted a few times before letting go. They became quiet again, then smiled sheepishly at Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"Sorry, everyone is too nervous during this time, so there are some... please understand."

"It's okay, little darling, please continue talking."

Captain Wakura once said to Yuan Subaru before, "Three women make a show", "One woman is noisier than five hundred ducks" and the like. At that time, Yuan Subaru didn't feel anything about it, but now, He finally understood what Captain Wakura said. Although the Pit Stars were making noise together just now, he didn't find it annoying, but the scene was indeed chaotic enough.

"That, that big bad guy, yes, the big bad guy inside."

It can be seen that these continuous interruptions made this little Pit star forget where she was talking. She recalled it for a moment, and then continued:

"After the big bad guy inside ate his companions, he set his sights on King Airei and me, and wanted to come over and eat King Airei and me too. I was scared and didn't know what to do. But King Airei was very brave. He used electricity to eliminate the big bad guy at once. However, there were other big bad guys who wanted to eat King Airei and me. Although King Airei had no electricity, King Airei It’s so powerful that it eats them all!”

Having said this, Yuan Subaru saw the Pitt stars behind him cheering. As if facing a hero, he lifted up the little King Airei and shook it slightly. The little King Airei also cheered. The '嘘嘤嘤' movement looks really cute.

"In this way, King Airei destroyed all the bad guys."

Little Pitt star said happily:

"But after eating, King Ai Lei seemed to be uncomfortable. I thought he might have a stomachache after eating bad food, so I wanted to get him medicine, but as soon as I took the medicine, the little King Ai Lei turned into a big one. King of Thunder, and then it’s time for you, Brother Giant, to turn the big King of Thunder into the little King of Thunder.”

"That's it, I understand. Thank you for your explanation, little Guaiguai."

After hearing these words, Yuan Subaru nodded. Now the situation is relatively clear. The Gua battleship that crashed here was probably radiated by the green energy when he was fighting with the commander of the Gua Third Army. What has evolved into this situation is that we don't know how many remnants of the Gua Legion in the universe are affected by the green energy.

"Well, Mr. Giant, we still don't seem to know your name until now."

Looking at the giant in deep thought, the leading Pit star asked cautiously, fearing that if he spoke at this time, he would disturb the benefactor in front of him.

"My name? This is not important."

After coming back to his senses, Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said softly:

"In contrast, do you need any help now? If you want me to shield your planet in space, I can do it, and I can guarantee that it will protect your safety to a certain extent. , But correspondingly, until you master space-time technology, you may not be able to leave this planet."

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Giant, but there is no need for this. We still have a certain ability to protect ourselves."

When she heard the first part, the eyes of the leading Pit star lit up, but when she heard the second part, she thought about it and declined Yuan Subaru's suggestion, and said softly:

"I wonder if Mr. Giant has anything important..."

"I'm sorry, I'm having a lot of trouble right now."

Yuan Subaru didn't know what this Pit star was thinking, so he said bluntly:

"If I stay here for a long time, I'm afraid I won't do you any good."

"That's it. That's such a pity. I don't know if we will have a chance to meet in the future."

The Pit star sighed regretfully, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Although we are just fireflies compared to your power, if one day you think we can help you, please speak up."

"Okay, I remember. You just went through something like that. I believe there are other things to deal with. I won't bother you anymore. I will leave after seeing the wreckage of the Gu'a battleship. But as long as you love peace, I believe we will meet again one day. Goodbye."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru's figure disappeared in front of the Pitt people. Even though Yuan Subaru had disappeared, the Pitt people still crossed their hands in front of them and bowed deeply to the place where Yuan Subaru had just stood politely, thanking Yuan Subaru for his rescue.

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