The leader of the Pitt star couldn't help but recall the words of Yuan Subaru before leaving. How should I put it? It's not that she thinks too much, she always feels...

If they don't love peace, it seems to be quite dangerous when they meet again next time...

What am I thinking? That giant is so good-tempered, why did I think he was so murderous, really.

Just when the Pitt star shook his head and wanted to get rid of his crazy thoughts, Yuan Subaru had already seen the crashed Gu'a warship, and there was no residue of original energy on it.

Then he flew into the universe again and began to release his space-time force to sense the surrounding situation. About three minutes later, he noticed a discontinuity between time and space. It seems that this Gu'a warship was folded from there, but because a long time has passed, Yuan Subaru cannot deduce the position of this warship before the fold from the existing time discontinuity point.

It would be great if time could be reversed.

At this time, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but think of the method used by the senior gatekeeper to save him. It was quite practical. If he could do this, he might be able to find the unclosed time discontinuity in the 'past', and then find the position before the warship jumped.

To be honest, if the amount of radiation from the original energy is not small, it is really not a trivial matter.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru thought about it and decided to try it. The senior gatekeeper had used [Time Reversal] on him before, and applied the power of the time waterfall. He had also learned the theoretical basis of relevant time knowledge from Mr. Tartarus. According to Yuan Subaru's past experience, he could try to conduct relevant time skill experiments.

So, Yuan Subaru found an uninhabited planet and started a preliminary attempt. It must be said that time and space are indeed different things. The understanding of space cannot be used for 'time' at all, but Yuan Subaru's learning ability also made Nexus emit a bright silver light, which means that he successfully contacted the power of 'time'.

But at this moment, Yuan Subaru suddenly heard a voice, a voice for help. It was not known whether it came from the past, the present, or the future. Yuan Subaru, whose head was buzzing with "time", could not tell at all.

But it doesn't matter. Since you come to ask for help, I will naturally respond to you.

So, Nexus disappeared in the universe in the next second...

In the past, in other planes, there was a planet called Planet Sanga, and this planet was stuck in the quagmire of war for a long time.

And whether in the past or in the future, the most hurt in war are always children.

Rosso, Blue, and Grigio were all born on Planet Sanga and grew up on this planet. Their parents had died when they were sensible. The three young people relied on their own strength to wander around on this planet that had turned into a battlefield and survived until now.

Finally, the three siblings came to [Bakubaba's House]. The children adopted in [Bakubaba's House] all had the same situation as the three siblings. They were orphans whose parents had passed away. At the same time, none of the children in the facility knew the true identity of Bakubaba.

Although Bakubaba occasionally talked about her life experience, if her words were credible, she was also involved in the war between planets and wandered between planets, so she couldn't ignore the children who had the same situation as herself.

However, even those who had a little dealings with Bakubaba would not believe her life experience. How could such a kind person survive in this universe that is always at war?

But no matter what, Bakubaba guaranteed the children's clothes, food and shelter. At the same time, she also instilled fighting skills into the children and let the children do all the shameful work.

For Bakubaba, children are an important way to survive.

Among them, Rosso, Blue, and Grigio can be said to be promising young talents. These three siblings not only have to earn money for their own food, but also earn the necessary expenses for many children living in the [House of Baku Baba].

In addition to their innate strong physical strength, these three siblings are also accompanied by corresponding wisdom and inspiration. They believe that the [shameful work] that Baku Baba took from the cosmic gang is the [justice] that they must perform, and they have no doubts.

Even if there is a chance that the mission fails, as orphans in the universe, they have no family and identity information, and there is no evidence to prove the connection between the three siblings and Baku Baba.

So even if the mission fails, there is no need to worry about exposing their relationship with Baku Baba.

For the job of hiring disposable soldiers, they are the best talents.

If one of the three siblings has doubts about his work, Bakubaba will tell that person:

"On this planet, [survival is deprivation] and [survival is justice] are common sense. Those who doubt this common sense can only wait for [death] to fall on their heads..."

After Rosso, Blue, and Grigio became children of the [Bakubaba House], if the improvement of killing and destruction technology can be called growth, then they have grown significantly, but as these three siblings grow, Bakubaba's commissions gradually become more cruel.

For example, secret work such as assassinating the cadres of the space alien gang, stealing secret information, etc., or arresting the vicious space alien terrorists with the highest bounty, expelling space monsters, etc., are all dangerous jobs that are accompanied by death.

"Can you contribute more to the friends of [Baku Baba House]?"

One morning, Baku Baba suddenly asked the three brothers and sisters in front of him:

"This is a big job that can make a lot of money."

Then, without waiting for the three people's answers, Baku Baba explained the outline of the new mission to the three people:

"The industrialist Largo asked us to control the monsters. The one we want to defeat is Nairo, the monster that lives on the planet Dontak."


For these three brothers and sisters, managing monsters is a routine job. But Baku Baba, who knows this best, said it was a big job, and there must be corresponding reasons.

Blue asked curiously:

"Is that guy strong?"

"So far, none of the old hunters who went to challenge Nairo after being entrusted by the Largo family have come back."

Hearing this answer, the three brothers and sisters couldn't help but swallow their saliva, pricked up their ears and continued to listen.

"But no matter how powerful a monster is, it must have its weaknesses, but even an excellent hunter has not been able to successfully find out its weaknesses. The Largo family had no choice. Just when they were distressed, they heard the rumors of your activity. So I was given the commission.”

"Is Monster Nero such a vicious being that he must be defeated?"

In response to Gricho's question, Baku Baba nodded deeply.

"Well, the planet Dontak where the monster Nairo lives is also called the forest planet. The Bosk tribe, which is protected by that forest, worships and enshrines the monster as their patron saint."

"Taking a monster as a patron saint? Why is there any need to defeat Nairo, who is worshiped as a god?"

Grigio asked next.

"Bosk means [wheel] in the language of the planet Duntak."

Baku Baba answered.


"The monster Nairo spreads spores from its body to create a forest. The forest brings crops to the villagers. At the same time, Nairo demands a living sacrifice every ten years. If not, it will devour humans. It has such a ferocious side. So there is such a food chain [wheel] between the villagers and Nairo.”

Rosso nodded and said softly:

"I see. Are you afraid of monsters but still dependent on them? This unnatural habit must be abandoned."

Therefore, these three brothers and sisters accepted such a dangerous job for this reason.

Of course, for the three brothers Rosso, Blue, and Grigio, there was no option to refuse Baku Baba's commission.

Soon, the three brothers and sisters flew to the planet Dontak in the small spaceship prepared by Baku Baba. After penetrating the planet's thick atmosphere, suddenly, the scene of the black earth wrapped in forest jumped to the opposite side of the cockpit. There is no doubt that they have reached their destination.

The three brothers and sisters hid the spaceship at the end of the forest and decided to investigate the living area of ​​the monster Nairo separately.

The direction Grigio was going to investigate was an endless black forest, filled with strange trees and various grasses that she had never seen before.

These plants all grow from spores, causing the entire forest to exude life reactions of the same nature as the monster Nairo, so it is difficult to determine the location of Nairo's body.

Moreover, various plants are entangled together to create walls, completely blocking the light from the outside world, turning the forest into lightless darkness.

Gricho moved forward with the light she carried, and after pushing aside a bush, sparkling light particles suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Gricho cautiously moved forward relying on this weak light.

Soon, Grigio realized that the light was woven from the branches. The sunlight shone through the hole in the corner of the canopy. The trajectory of the light was like a spotlight. Colorful flowers bloomed everywhere, and it looked like it was covered with a layer of light. Base fleece blanket.

At the same time, the refreshing fragrance brewed by the flowers floated into Grigio's nostrils. As if tempted by the fragrance of flowers, Grigio walked to a sunny place and saw a particularly huge white flower blooming in the center. petal.

But when she got closer, Grigio discovered that they were not flower petals, but a girl in a white dress unfolding her skirt to pick flowers. The girl's posture, enveloped by the light that penetrated, was so beautiful that it could even be misleading. Think it's an illusion.

Moreover, Grigio suddenly saw a thin figure appearing not far away...

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Um? Gone?

Grigio was stunned for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, the little figure disappeared. She couldn't help but wonder if she had seen something wrong, but she believed in her own perception. As a warrior, if she even If you don’t believe it with your eyes, then she is too useless.

be careful.

Grigio secretly raised her guard in her heart, but considering that the girl in front of her might be frightened by the anti-monster combat uniform she was wearing, she still asked in a gentle tone:

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Hearing Grigio's voice, the girl in the white dress suddenly turned around. The petals she collected on her unfolded skirt instantly flew into the air with her body movements. Seeing this scene, Grigio hurriedly said again:

"My name is Grigio, what are you doing in a place like this?"

Seeing Grigio's seemingly non-hostile look, the girl hesitated for a moment, smiled slightly, and said softly:

"My name is Bianca...I am collecting petals with intoxicating scents that can be used to create perfume."


Grigio didn't expect such an answer. Although she was also a woman, the smell created by perfume was a hindrance in most of her actions, so Grigio basically didn't. Used perfume.

Moreover, there is no such thing as perfume in the house of Baku Baba.

"Yeah! The perfume used in the patron saint's sacrifice ceremony!"

It can be seen that this girl's mind is relatively simple. After a little vigilance, she relaxed, looked at Gricho, and said with a smile. When she heard the word 'Patron Saint', Gricho's mind instantly changed from The perfume was turned up and he said calmly:

"What sacrifice ceremony?"

"This is the ceremony where I will become a sacrifice to the patron saint Nairo. For this day, I have been collecting flowers with intoxicating fragrance and petals full of charm!"

When Bianca was talking, Grigio stared at the girl's face, but she didn't see any grievance on her face. The girl in the white dress had a very happy smile on her face. .


Seeing this scene, Grigio tilted her head in confusion:

"Why...are you so happy?"

Looking at Grigio who had doubts about this, Bianca smiled brightly.

"Because only the most beautiful women in the village will be chosen as sacrifices."

"that is you...."

"Hate it, I'll be shy. This is a very honorable thing, fufufu~~~"


For Grigio, who had been resisting fate and fighting all the way to survive, she could not understand Bianca at this time, and she could not understand why the girl in the white dress accepted her death so easily.

Grigio clearly realized that the two of them had completely opposite personalities, but it was also true that Bianca's incident was deeply engraved in Grigio's mind.

After a brief exchange with Bianca, Grigio bid farewell to the girl. In order to report each other's investigation results, Grigio met with her brothers at the end of the forest where the spaceship was hidden. The three exchanged the information they obtained with each other and further determined Understand the true meaning of the sacrifice ceremony——

"When the sacrifice ceremony is held, I am afraid that it is the only opportunity for the patron saint Nairo to show his weakness once every ten years."

The three Rob brothers and sisters immediately prepared for the next sacrifice ceremony, sneaking into the Bosque village, waiting for the opportunity to repel Nairo, and then that moment finally arrived.

At this time, in the square illuminated by the setting sun, the altar used in the ceremony cast an unusually long shadow.

Standing a head taller than the lush trees surrounding the square, there is a tower built with vines and ivy tied to the wood cut down from the black forest. There is a ceremonial altar at the top of the tower.

As the ceremony progressed, "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ones ones ones with ones with ones with With With With With With With With With With With With With With With With In A Depth Bottom, the shape of the ripples in the forest began to sway like black ripples. There is no doubt that this is a sign that the giant patron saint is approaching.

Realizing this, the three brothers Rosso, Blue, and Grigio looked nervous. They unlocked the safety of the hot-wire cannon for attacking monsters hidden under their cloaks, and put their fingers on the trigger.

Then, on the opposite side of the top of the trees, the monster Nairo raised his upper body and showed his huge figure.

Its face is like a beast with ferocious teeth, and its body is like a thousand-year-old giant tree formed by strange vines wrapped around the trunk. It is an unforgivable synthesis of animals and plants. That is the nature of the guardian beast Nairo.

At this time, the monster Nairo was swinging the snake-like vines while approaching the former female sacrifice who was kneeling on the altar.

A tentacle-like vine stretched out in front of the former sacrifice. At the tip of the tentacle, an earthworm-like organ undulated and trembled, and then turned into the shape of a finger, as if it wanted to grab something.


The kneeling former sacrifice was wrapped in spiritual light, and a glowing ball was spit out from her wide-open mouth. The organ at the tip of the monster's vine tightly bound the light ball, and then the former sacrifice became powerless. fell down on the altar.

Seeing this scene, Rosso whispered in the ears of Blue and Grigio:

"I understand, Nairo is that kind of Cordyceps-like monster that transplants his own weakness, that is, a part of his body, onto the sacrifice. During the time when the weakness is transplanted into the sacrifice, the body will become immortal. The presence."

"In order to protect this weakness, the sacrifice will use up all its life energy. After ten years, it will haggard and die."

"So, Nairo will ask for sacrifices every time, so that he can continue..."

Hearing this, Grigio immediately looked at the altar set up at the top of the tower and found the figure of the new sacrifice - Bianca. But at this time, Bianca was not afraid, and even spread her hands happily. Welcome the arrival of the ball of light.

Seeing this scene, Grigio immediately took off her camouflage cloak, revealing her combat uniform. She quickly climbed onto the altar and asked Bianca:

"Why? Why don't you want to escape from this cruel world? Why do you choose to sacrifice!"

Facing Grigio's fingerprints, Bianca said calmly:

"If everyone can live happily and smile, then I will be happy too. I only know this village, and living in other worlds... I have never thought about that. Grigio, I hope you can bless me too. Because after I become a sacrifice, I can bring happiness to the village."

"That's a really good realization."

At this moment, a strange and childish voice came. At that moment, all the creatures present, including the monster, stopped moving. It was not because time stopped, but because the terrifying and unknown breath suddenly descended. Their survival instincts were frantically warning, so that their bodies were instantly frozen due to tension, fear and other emotions, and they could not make any moves.

What caused all this was the child who suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of Grigio and Bianca. He was wearing the uniform of a mysterious organization, and his childish face was so thin that bones could be seen, but no one would underestimate him. The momentum he exuded was chilling, as if it was filled with a strong smell of blood.

He was an executioner, a butcher who had killed countless enemies!

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