Then, one day... two days... three days.....

Yuan Subaru lay dead on this nameless planet for a whole week before he recovered from the near-death state. The child moved his body a little, and the hot destructive light in his body made him feel like he could spit out flames when he opened his mouth.

But at least now, Yuan Subaru can continue to maintain his actions and basic attack methods while offsetting this destructive energy. He stayed for another day to adjust his state better so as not to die on the road, and then continued to move towards the earth.

At the speed of Yuan Subaru healing while rushing on the road, it took about three days for the child to come to the solar system and the moon. At this time, he saw a lot of warship wreckage scattered between the earth and the moon system. There is no doubt that during the time he was away, the earth should have been attacked by the remnants of the Gu'a Legion again. After all, the logo of the Gu'a Legion was clearly printed on these wreckages.

Standing on the moon, the Earth that Yuan Subaru saw was not in ruins because of the invasion. Except for the huge unknown pits in Heizhou and North America, the rest was fine. It can be said that there was not much difference from when he left.

However, Yuan Subaru was not in a hurry to land. He could see that there were still energy reactions on several debris. If he guessed correctly, they should have been destroyed by TLT's electric particle-related weapon system, less than two days after the battle.

I didn't expect that this weapon system had been developed.

Hiding on the back of the moon, hidden in the phase sandwich, Yuan Subaru, who had eliminated all the means of detecting the universe on the earth, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This was what he got from Dr. Gellman at the beginning. At that time, the scientists of TLT just took a look and said that it was beyond the scope and needed to be studied carefully, and the supporting material system had to keep up. Then, around this topic, three people in the research and cooperation team died suddenly.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's emotion disappeared. He did not forget what price everyone in TLT paid to promote the development of science and technology. It was a heartbreaking price. He had been outside for so long, and he didn't know how much sacrifice TLT had made.

Just when Yuan Subaru's face was gloomy, he suddenly sensed something and looked to his left hand side. He felt the reaction of the space battleship rushing in this direction.


Realizing this, Yuan Subaru's face turned cold, and he turned around without hesitation and took the initiative to meet that direction. Just after flying to Jupiter, he saw the incoming battleship, which was clearly printed with the logo of the Gu'a Legion.

But how to say it, it feels like the passengers on it seem to be unusually panicked, as if they were being chased by something, but what does this have to do with Yuan Subaru? He has heard that the people inside are going to the coordinates of the earth for supplies and "relaxation". Looking at their ferocious appearance, it is obvious that "relaxation" is not a good thing.

Therefore, what they faced was a sharp blade of light.

Watching the battleship turn into fireworks, Yuan Subaru left there and moved closer to the Earth, but he was still hiding his figure to prevent others from discovering him. With his current ability level, even if he walked openly in the TLT base, even if someone passed by him, no one would realize that he was the former Nexus fitter.

At this time, the TLT-J base was not as busy as before, perhaps because the Earth had initially possessed strategic weapons for space. Although it has not yet achieved the plan to include the entire solar system within the range as expected before his departure, now, TLT has basically realized the protection system of the Earth-Moon system.


How long have I been away, and TLT Earth has almost spent a year.

Yuan Subaru looked at the calendar with some emotion, and didn't know what to say for a while. The difference in the speed of time made him begin to feel fortunate that he came back so soon. Otherwise, if he stayed outside for a year, TLT would probably have passed more than ten years.

While Subaru was sighing, he continued to walk in the TLT-J base. Suddenly, he saw Shiori Hiraki and Nagi Nishijo. It seemed that what Mr. Matsunaga said was right. The vice-captain who was injured in the battle against the alien beasts was indeed about to recover. It was just that he was away and missed her awakening period.

At this time, the two were wearing flight equipment. It seemed that they had just finished the training mission of the space shuttle. The two of them gathered together and whispered. According to Subaru's understanding of Shiori Hiraki, they should be talking about gossip. Vice-captain Nishijo no longer had the bitter and vengeful expression in the past. After the hatred in her heart was resolved, she became much more cheerful.

However, from what they said, it seemed to be related to Captain Wakura. The captain of the Night Raid Team was accidentally injured on the way to destroy the micro-alien beasts, and he went to the medical department. After this period of treatment, he was almost discharged from the hospital. During this process, a female doctor seemed to be quite interested in Captain Wakura, and all kinds of straight balls hit Captain Wakura at a loss.

Watching the two people passing by, Gen Subaru smiled slightly and continued walking forward. He saw Commander Ishibori and Kira discussing something in the laboratory. However, judging from the data displayed on the computer screen in front of them, it should be It was Team XIO's electronic simulation monster technology. They must have had a disagreement about the list of simulated monsters.

But these are all minor problems. As far as the monster pictures displayed on the computer are concerned, no matter what the final result of their discussion is, Yuan Subaru thinks there is no problem.

Gen Subaru continued to look towards the next location. Mr. Matsunaga and the three officers of TLT-J were still dealing with various internal and external matters as usual, but their condition was much better than when he left. , I guess it’s because the earth’s situation has improved slightly, and I feel a little relieved.

But it should be said that these four people did lose a lot of hair.

However, Yuan Subaru still did not show up. He continued to walk inside the TLT-J base. He saw that the visitors no longer stayed in the Wangchuan area at the bottom, and some of them began to appear in the TLT-J base. , leading or assisting in the advancement of other experiments.

"Oh, time flies so fast. It will be a year since this child left."

At this time, Gen Subaru heard a very familiar voice. He took a step back and saw two people walking out of his previous room. They were the former members of the death squad, Inuwa Mashiro and Hanzo Myrobalo. They didn't discuss topics like white and black stockings, big breasts and small breasts. They should have just completed the daily maintenance of Yuan Subaru's room.

Inuwa Zhencai moved his arms a little. In the previous training, he suffered some injuries. Even though the wounds had healed, he still felt sore from time to time and needed to stretch. What he just said was what he said. .

"Yeah, time flies so fast. I don't feel like another year has passed."

Hanzo Myrobalan said helplessly:

"I didn't expect that such a powerful capable person would die in battle. The cruelty of space war is beyond our imagination. It is such a pity. If at that time, TLT had the current strength, maybe I can still help the kid a little bit.”

"There's nothing we can do about it. Without Subaru's hard work, TLT wouldn't be able to advance by such a rapid pace right now. When TLT invents a weapon that can transcend time in the future, maybe we can go back and make up for this regret."

Inuwa Zhencai pretended to be careless and said softly:

"But now, even if no one loses Subaru, we humans must work hard. That child has bought us precious time. Next, even without the help of Nexus, we humans will be able to protect him. my own."

"Yeah, come on, let's go. The training time is coming soon. I heard from the captain that we seem to be getting new equipment this time. It is an improved V3 version of the [Kamen Rider] series. It sounds like it is very powerful. "

"Rider...Henshin! I have to say that with this equipment, I'm going to have the chuunibyou disease I had when I was young again. But then again, what's the use of the stick next to Subaru's bed? I can't kill all the mosquitoes. Bar?"

"Who knows, but if it were me when I was a child, if I had such a straight stick in my hand, I would sweep the dandelions passing by with the stick..."

Hanzo Teraboko and Inuwa Masai were talking as they passed by Gen Subaru to perform their duties. Gen Subaru smiled slightly and stood in front of the door of his room. The memories of the past flashed by one scene after another. The past few months have been really fulfilling, and it was also the time when my strength improved the fastest. It can be said that my current combat strength basically laid a good foundation at that time.

After reminiscing about the past, Yuan Subaru did not open the door and go in to take a look. The only thing worth remembering inside was Mr. Mizuta's gift, but that gift had already been eaten before he set off.

Yuan Subaru walked around TLT-J for a few times, and then quietly went to other TLT branches. Everyone there was also full of fighting spirit and firmly believed that after losing Nexus, humans can also rely on themselves. To defend the civilization of the earth, some people are muttering something like, 'How easy it is to have Nexus to help fight monsters,' but they are just muttering, and they are no slower than others when they start working.

Finally, Yuan Subaru came to the TLT headquarters and saw the director who had become much more haggard this year. At this time, he was lying on a chair, taking a short lunch break. The child smiled, slowly released his telekinesis, and began Affecting the director's dreams.

There are so many fish. If you lower your rod here, you will definitely be able to catch them.

In the dream under the influence of telekinesis, a director dressed like a retired old man happily carried a fishing rod and a box, and fished happily in the bright but not hot weather. There were fish beside him. There was a fisherman, but he was not very lucky. He didn't catch any of the many fish.

Finally, the director remembered that he still had some unfinished work, and it was time to relax after fishing for a whole day. He only kept two of the fish he caught, taking one back himself and giving the other to the guy next to him. Fishing friends and people who fish, it is always good to have a fish in your hand when you go back.

The angler took the fish with a smile, and then asked the director to wait a moment, saying that he had something to give the director as a return gift. Then a hard drive appeared in the director's hand. Looking at the familiar hard drive, the director's heart suddenly trembled, and he raised his head suddenly. The angler was obviously the appearance of Yuan Subaru.


The director woke up from his dream, looking at the familiar ceiling, his instinctively tense body began to relax gradually, and then he smiled bitterly and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but at this time, he noticed something, jumped up suddenly, looked at the familiar hard drive in his hand, opened his mouth in surprise, and then quickly retrieved the surveillance video of his office.

And in that video, of course, there was only him. The director looked at the hard drive, thought silently for a while, and then seemed to have figured out something. He didn't say much, nor did he make anything public. He just checked the data of the hard drive calmly, and noticed the energy-related information in it. Now that TLT can be used, he immediately issued the relevant development tasks.

As long as this plan can be realized, Earth civilization will not have to worry about energy supply for a long time.

Looking at the TLT director who started working, Yuan Subaru nodded to him, as if saying goodbye, and turned to leave here, but he did not leave the headquarters immediately. He first went to the conference room where his body collapsed.

Although Yuan Subaru didn't care about what the mysterious voice said, if his body really became a [backup engine], he would still want to take it out to fight with others, especially when dealing with the original monster. Directly [backup engine] to the face, I believe it can solve most of the problems.

However, that conference room no longer exists. It is better to say that the entire administrative area where the conference room is located has been replaced. Yuan Subaru quietly completed the hacking and thought that it was because "the body of the fit person had a violent unknown energy reaction after death, which produced highly penetrating radiation, so the entire administrative Q area was abandoned."

The abandoned administrative Q area was finally processed together with his body in Heizhou. I think the big pit he saw in the universe appeared because of this.

Regarding this statement, Yuan Subaru felt that TLT was quite round. If he could not still vaguely sense the reaction from his body, he would have believed it just by looking at the information in this database.

However, Yuan Subaru could also understand that his body must have undergone some changes. If TLT took it for secret experiments, Yuan Subaru would not be angry. When he was still using that body, he did not mind TLT conducting live experiments on him. Now that he is dead, if he can still use it, it would be great. He can just leave it here and not take it out to use as a weapon.

But he still had to take a look. Yuan Subaru was worried whether the scientists of TLT would make any trouble. After all, he had a feeling now. When these scientists made accidents, it was either nothing or a big one. If it was blown up, the TLT headquarters would at least be finished.

201 The Abnormal Alien Factor

According to the connection between Yuan Subaru and his own body, the child easily found the current location of his body. However, unlike what he expected, there was no relevant experiment conducted on his current body. It was just quietly placed in the safe at the bottom of the TLT headquarters.

In front of the body was a small altar, on which were all the things he loved to eat when he was still in TLT, as sacrifices.

However, his body was still emitting a considerable amount of energy radiation at this moment. Even if the pure white light was not as lethal as the green energy, even if it was ordinary light, if you increased the power of that thing, people would not be able to bear it.

Yuan Subaru gently came to the light cocoon that his body had transformed into. Regarding this light cocoon, TLT might not be able to crack it, but Yuan Subaru was not so helpless. He used the corresponding pure white light frequency to probe into it and took a look. What kind of flesh was inside was indeed a gear meshing and evolving. The statement of [backup engine] was indeed correct.

Since he was already here, Yuan Subaru also started other tests. After all this trouble, he found that what the mysterious figure said seemed to be true. Next to the [Backup Engine], after performing various telekinesis tests according to its established frequency, he found that there was indeed something like a thought stamp on his body, which bound his thinking.

Regarding this point, I think Senior Lei Jieduo should have seen it. Yuan Subaru remembered that the legendary warrior suddenly changed the topic during his explanation to himself. I think he wanted to avoid this topic. He was afraid that this topic might hit him, so he avoided it.

Maybe Senior Lei Jieduo didn't expect that the movement he made when dealing with the notebook would attract other strange things and expose the truth.

How to say it, does this thing similar to a thought stamp really feel like a "big killer" in their eyes?

Yuan Subaru recalled the tone of the strange voice when it said this, as if it was eager to eat his melon, and now he has verified this, but...

The child scratched his head and blinked in confusion.

Isn’t that what it is? I don’t feel anything uncomfortable. Should I (scream) (distort) (crawl) (attack friend or foe regardless) (shout that I can’t accept it)?

Ah, this... the people who do this are not very mentally qualified. If nothing else, there is a main plot to do, and you don't have to worry about confusion. Isn't this good? What a peace of mind.


Is it possible...

Is my lazy and want-to-be attitude so unappreciated by the world?

Oops, this... is still a little embarrassing.

Yuan Subaru sighed uncontrollably, and then started a new test.

After some new troubles, regarding the deep blue space, if the calculation is correct, it should be the ability that appears due to the [primordial energy] in the body. The power to imprint other existences may be due to the engine on my side. The pressure of force caused unexpected changes in the form of expression.

Wait, I remember that when Da Gu called, he could still receive some reaction. Does this deep blue space still exist in this [backup engine]?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru began to try to find the existence of [Dark Blue Space] in this light cocoon. Among other things, this [Dark Blue Space] is quite useful for trial and error.

But it didn’t take long before Yuan Subaru decisively gave up the search. How should I put it, the structure of this [backup engine] is too complicated. There are some things and places that you really can’t see unless you take them apart. .

But if you really dismantle it, not to mention whether it will explode after dismantling it, Yuan Subaru is afraid that when he sees the structure inside and then goes back to put it together, there will be a few extra parts after putting it together. The claws are numb.


Isn’t there a very interesting programming code joke——

Don't delete this line of comments. I don't know why, but if you delete that line of comments, the program will report an error.

So if this is dismantled and things like 'notes' are destroyed, causing this [backup engine] to be unable to run, how can we let Senior Noah recycle it and continue to fight the bad guy's essence?

As for the fact that he can respond to other people's requests for help and carry out transfers, it can be concluded that it is the power of the light of Nexus. It must be said that his light is indeed a rubbing from the body of senior Noah. Yes, this is in response to other people asking for help. Can he do it with other Nexus?


However, this time-travel mode is also very troublesome and difficult to study...

Yuan Subaru, who was a little proud just now, immediately turned bitter. There is no doubt that this kind of operation can be said to be instinctive for senior Noah, but it is really difficult to crack it on his own side. After all, If he successfully cracked this, he would be able to ignore the final seal and be able to come and go freely.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru did not stay here anymore. After closing the light cocoon, he left here. Now he has no doubts about the condition of his body for the time being, so he let him stay here as a The mascot is ready.

But when Yuan Subaru left TLT, he failed to discover one thing, that is, his flesh and blood... had not all disappeared. When he fought with the alien beasts, due to genetic problems and reasons Some scientists' selfish flesh and blood samples from his body still exist in a corner of this world...

After leaving TLT, Gen Subaru came to the old site of Mikami Town, which was no longer inhabited, and because the current population of the island country was not very large, there were no immigrants in Mikami Town. At the beginning , this place was also used as a training ground for superpower troops, but with the completion of the construction of TLT-J's new expansion area, it has become completely quiet.

In fact, Mr. Matsunaga and the three officers had previously wanted to carry out certain reconstruction, maintenance, etc. in Sanjin Town. After discovering this, he felt that this was of no use other than a waste of manpower and material resources, so he stopped it directly. .

As for the cemetery where everyone in Mishami Town is located, Gen Subaru had already visited it when he went to TLT-J before. The staff of TLT-J took good care of it and it was quite clean.

But just like what Senior Reggio said about [emotional loss], Yuan Subaru has already vaguely noticed it. Looking at everyone’s tombstones and the familiar photos on the tombstones, although he is still sad in his heart, he is just sad. That's it, tears can't fall, even when looking at Granny Sakura's grave, and the sadness lasts for a short time. The sadness has almost disappeared as soon as she walked out of the cemetery.

But that doesn't matter. A calm mood is more suitable for fighting, so it can be considered a pros and cons.

Gen Subaru no longer ran around. Now that he was an aggregate of light particles, he did not need the activities such as eating, sleeping, etc. that were used to maintain human activity, so he found a room in the forest where the forest guards of Sanjin Town used to live. After settling down in the cabin, I lay down in it and started practicing.

As for the theory of 'galaxy' and 'unification', senior Regedo gave some pointers to it last time, and now it can be considered a new direction, so it's time to continue working on it.

In this way, Yuan Subaru lay quietly in it for a month, which made him praise the power of this light particle aggregate again. However, the only disadvantage here is that when he thinks at high speed, the high temperature generated by his body may cause a fire. Fortunately, there have been many typhoons and abundant rainfall in the island country recently.

But then again....

Yuan Subaru looked at the drizzling rain outside and tilted his head in some trouble.

He felt like he had forgotten something.

What was it...

The method of simulating the deep blue space was a complete failure. Without the residual twisting force of the original energy, he really couldn't make a substitute.

As for the method of going back and forth to the final seal, well... this is somewhat clear, but it is a little different from what I imagined.

I thought that traveling through time was to respond to the call, take the initiative, cross time and space, pass through the final seal, arrive at the scene, and start fighting.

In fact, the crossing is that the light of Noah, which has been copied, flies to the final seal to apply, and the final seal performs external projection operations according to its own situation.

As for why if the energy on the projection side is exhausted, it will be hurt on its side...

That is because during the projection, the Degraded Light of Noah, which is used as a [mortgage] on the final seal side, that is, Gen Subaru himself, will be deducted by the final seal for the energy lost due to the disappearance of the projection, and used to feed back the existence of the final seal itself. Anyway, you can suffer, but my final seal must not suffer any loss.

Da Gu, I took you through the crossing last time, and it really made you suffer.

After understanding this process, whenever Gen Subaru thought of this matter, he was afraid. It was nothing for him to be detained as a mortgage on the final seal. After all, he had pure white light and would not be eroded by green energy, but Da Gu was different. He was just the light of Tiga. If he was hit by green energy when he was mortgaged, it would be really troublesome.

But Senior Tiga is really strong.

After having a deeper understanding of the final seal, Gensuba was also surprised by Tiga's move to pull him out. This was really not easy, at least he couldn't replicate it now.

But then again, is this [mortgage] mechanism really set in advance for the final seal? I feel that Senior Noah should not make this mechanism so rough, after all, this mechanism himself feels a little bad. If the essence is really sealed here, this mechanism will have too much room for operation for both Senior Noah and the essence.

It should be the situation of the final seal evolving by itself. This is the continuous big move of Senior Noah, and the influence of the green energy. It is not impossible for this situation to occur.

Hey, why is it so troublesome here? A final seal can cause so many problems.

Also, where did all the green energy in the middle of the final seal come from? I remember that when I looked at my "past" in the Time Waterfall before, there weren't so many messy things in it. Could it be that during this period of time, something unknown to me happened?

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