Forget it, let’s go back to the frontier universe first. When we’re tired, let’s destroy it.

At this time, in the Frontier universe, Fushii Deji, who had finished finishing his manuscript, was standing on a high building, looking down at the bustling crowd below. To be precise, it was a young man in the crowd——

After obtaining Beria's permission, Izuku Fushii used Ultraman Beria's genetic factors to conduct non-stop biochemical experiments in his laboratory. In the end, he created a relatively complete and relatively stable , an artificial life form that can become an Ultra Warrior.

However, because this artificial life form could not appear on the earth in a gigantic form for a long time, Izumi Fushii transformed the artificial life form into a baby state and discarded it near the underground base of the observatory that he and Beria jointly built. on the ground.

And he was picked up and adopted by a kind-hearted earthling, so he got the earthling name - Asakura Riku.

However, Izuku Fushii prefers his other name - Geed, Ultraman Geed.

Hum hum, just continue living happily.

Fushii Izuku looked at the laughing Asakura Riku, with a sinister smile on his face.

There is no doubt that this Riku Asakura is his most successful biochemical work in these years. When he matures more, or when Lord Beria needs it, he will become a sacrifice and help Lord Beria become the universe. The only emperor in the world, hum hum hum, ah ha ha ah ha ah ha! ! ! !

I don't know what Izuku Fushii imagined. He covered his mouth and let out a crazy laugh. At this time, while smiling, he took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket. While answering the call, he shook his head handsomely. He smoothed his hair and said softly:

"Hello, who is... Editor Aoki, it's me, please... ah... ah? Urgent? Didn't I just submit... a side story? Why should I write a side story... The document sent the day before yesterday? Sorry, I don’t think I saw it. I’ll take a look now.”

When Izuku Fushii was involved in a new manuscript rush crisis, Tiga had already returned to the earth where TPC was located. How should I put it, the battlefield there was too damaged, with reactions of pure white light everywhere, plus The power of the engine is also quite professional in patching rules and loopholes.

So Diga really couldn't find the whereabouts of Yuan Subaru. He didn't even know whether Yuan Subaru was alive or dead. He had no choice but to come to TPC Earth to try his luck and see if Yuan Subaru had come back.



Dallam, who was sitting in the wilderness, heard someone calling him and looked back. After seeing the complex-colored giant, he pointed in front of him expressionlessly and said:

"Hitela is under the waterfall on the left, Camilla is in the cave on the right, Yuan Dagu, whoever you want to find, you can go yourself."

Hearing this, Diga immediately understood. Dallam had misunderstood something, and said in a solemn voice:

"Dalam, it's me, Tiga."

"I know, you...huh?!"

Durham also reacted now, stood up suddenly, widened his eyes and said:

"Diga?! You actually know how to come back?!"

"Why, do you still want to show off to me?"

199 Subaru, your false belief

"No, that's not what I meant."

Dallam felt the energy on Diga's body and shrank his neck. If it had been the time when the seal of the stone statue had just been lifted, Dallam would have had a bad temper and would have made two gestures with Diga no matter what.

But now, the anger he had when he was young has been suppressed by that little guy Yuan Subaru. During this time, he has been accompanying the nymphomaniac Sister Tou and the evil-minded Hitler every day. Now he just wants to let himself enter retirement smoothly. At this stage, there is nothing to fight or not to fight. This is a bit out of date for me, an old guy who started out at 30 million years old.

"I didn't expect you, Daram, to be so...forget it, it's okay if you can let it go. I did have some problems with my brain before."

Diga patted Durham on the shoulder and said softly:

"Although our lifespan is quite long, and 30 million years is just a blink of an eye for us, I have never come back to lift the seal for you. In the end, it was Yuan Subaru who came to help. This is indeed I didn't do it right."

"Diga, you're done..."

Durham glanced at the multi-colored giant in front of him, thought for a while, and said softly:

"With me, you have passed the test. Go find Camilla, she cares a lot."

"Camilla? Will she not care anymore?"

Diga raised his eyebrows and said incomprehensively:

"She and I are not one and the same? Do I need to explain this kind of thing?"

Did you petrify your brain when you used the stone sealing technique? Oh, no, this guy seemed to be like this 30 million years ago.

Duram, who was about to complain about something, remembered something and didn't bother to care about it. This wooden couple is a slut, so let these two people torture each other.

Just when this idea flashed through Durham's mind, a gust of evil wind came. The strong warrior calmly hid to the side. Sure enough, it was Camilla who came out of the cave. Now this woman is like that Si Ha Si Ha Si Ha Si lying on Diga's body, looking like she is in love.

But Darram, who knew Camilla very well, silently counted down a few numbers. Sure enough, Camilla made a scream that was accompanied by tinnitus even in Darram's position. There was no doubt that Camilla had reacted now. He was still disfigured and turned around to run into the cave. Tiga grabbed Camilla and said while transmitting energy to her:

"Okay, stop tossing around. I can't still dislike you. Stay here and follow me after you finish your business."


Listening to Camilla's sweet laughter with a nasal sound, Darram felt like he had goose bumps all over his body, but he would never rub them. As everyone knows, Camilla is narrow-minded. If he rubbed them now, he was afraid that she would make things difficult for him.

After dealing with Camilla, Tiga looked at Hitler and shouted:

"Hey, Hitler, do you want to come with me?"

"...No, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Hitler jumped out with a dark face, looked at Tiga, and said in a bad tone:

"In this case, I will really be angry."

"You always have your own ideas."

Tiga looked at Hitler and said softly:

"Besides, your temper is also very stubborn. If you feel uncomfortable, I can't ease it with a few words. It's better to let you be free."

"...Ah, I'm really convinced. I'm too lazy to reason with you, a fool."

Hitler shook his head impatiently, then looked at Tiga and said:

"So, what is the main thing you came back for this time?"

"Subaru disappeared, his life or death is unknown, I can't find him, so I came to Earth to see if there is any trace of him."

"That kid is really restless."

Listening to Tiga's words, Hitler said in a low voice with some emotion, then thought about it carefully, looked at Tiga and said:

"In that case, then go find your successor Yuan Da Gu, I remember there seems to be a way to contact Subaru."

"Then let's go."

Tiga is now anxious, calling the three to set off quickly, and on the way he told Camilla and the other two about the matter. The three of them couldn't help but sigh again at Subaru's abundant martial virtue, and then quickly found the TPC base. Hitler came out to fool the members of the Victory Team, lured the players out, and separated them, and then the four giants appeared in front of Yuan Da Gu.

"Then I'll try."

After hearing Tiga's explanation, Yuan Da Gu immediately nodded, began to close his eyes, and called out the name of Yuan Subaru in his heart. At this time, without Yuan Da Gu giving an answer, Tiga had already felt the subtle connection transmitted from the human in front of him, and he immediately opened the channel along the spatial coordinates.

But Tiga just took a look inside, and didn't say much, and immediately closed it again. There was nothing to say. His mother was full of ghost-like Noah. There was no doubt that it was the connection to the earth plane where Yuan Subaru was. Did Yuan Subaru go back?

While Tiga was thinking, Yuan Subaru certainly hadn't gone back yet, but he was on his way back. When fighting the notebook before, Yuan Subaru thought about taking these huge pure white lights to travel back home. After all, now the coordinates are also available, and the frequency of opening the corresponding channel has also been obtained in the Kingdom of Light. The biggest problem is how to pass through the interlayer full of green energy.

Before, whenever Yuan Subaru thought of this problem, he felt an unusual headache. Noah's seal was very interesting, and Yuan Subaru also seriously suspected that this final seal was either distorted by the cyan energy, or it evolved itself according to the current situation.

Because this is the case, this seal has a sandwich in the middle, like a water pipe, the two sides represent the pipes of the seal wall, and the "water" flowing in the middle is the cyan energy. Yuan Subaru has studied so many sealing techniques, but this is the first time he has seen such a structure.

And in this way, it means that the channel frequency of the Kingdom of Light only opens the outer layer of the water pipe wall. If you want to go back, you have to bear the "water" in the middle, and avoid Noah's clones that can be seen everywhere in the seal, and finally find a way to open the inner layer of the seal.

Calculated like this, it is quite troublesome, but so much pure white light, if you rely on rubbing the stone statue to accumulate it, how long will it take to accumulate it?

Therefore, Gen Subaru left a signature for the gatekeeper, explained his plan, and started his journey home with the pure white light.

However, Gen Subaru did not study [Pure White·Original] enough, and some things would produce different results in this form, just like the Ultra Signature he threw out. When he left, the energy in the signature naturally merged into the damaged space and was used for repair work, so that the gatekeeper did not see the signature at all.

However, these things did not matter at this moment. Thanks to the large amount of pure white light obtained by the fixed time, Gen Subaru was confident that he could resist the erosion of the green energy in the final seal.

But just as Gen Subaru was about to start crossing, he suddenly saw something. It was the remaining embers of the notebook. Gen Subaru raised his eyebrows and instinctively felt uncomfortable, intending to completely destroy it with pure white light.

However, at this moment, a faint light flashed through the small embers, and then a human face appeared in front of Yuan Subaru. That face... Yuan Subaru was very familiar.

If I hadn't had more flesh before shrinking, this would be what I would have looked like.

"Hey, we met."

The face showed a subtle smile towards Gen Subaru. What he spoke was the dialect of Mikami Town, so Gen Subaru understood what he was saying immediately.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time since we last looked at each other in the time rift."

The face continued to talk to itself, and when he said this, Yuan Subaru also remembered what happened a long time ago, and thought of that tall and gobbling figure.

But what does it matter? Since it came out of the notebook, just kill it.

Yuan Subaru raised his hand expressionlessly and used the pure white light to destroy it, but even when the pure white light came, there was no other reaction on the face, and he just kept the subtle smile there.

However, even though Yuan Subaru had eliminated the face and the embers of the notebook, there was still a voice ringing in his ears. Yuan Subaru could not help but frown, and controlled the pure white light to wrap himself, However, this still didn't stop the sound from ringing out.

"Oh, this reaction is really easy to guess. It's so cute."

"I didn't expect it. I've been looking for you for so long, but I haven't seen you yet. This is really a mistake. It's mine, but it's not all mine. Who would have thought that you could survive."

"Don't be anxious. I'm here with good intentions to tell you some truths that you may not even know."

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to the sound, but he didn't dare to continue traveling now, so he started to stop in the uninhabited star field, looking for the real source of the sound.

"Let me guess, are you anxious to return to Earth now to meet your old friends from TLT?"

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru's face suddenly turned serious, and murderous intent suddenly burst out. The child closed his eyes and began to search frantically for abnormalities around him, but there was still no response. This voice... was like coming from It just came out of his head.

"Don't be excited. I've left now. The voice you can hear is just my pre-recorded voice. How about it? Did every word I say come to your heart? Because this is normal. Because my name is Sakura Giraku."

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows. Not many people really know this name now.

"Hmm, hahaha, how about it, do you like this name? I like it, and so does Granny Sakura. It's such a good name."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, the topic went off topic. I saw it. Although it's troublesome, I still saw it. You love the earth very much and the humans on it. This is really an amazing ambition, but... .Is it really normal that just four years can make you so dependent on that civilization?”

Sure enough, he started talking nonsense.

Yuan Subaru continued to look for a way to get rid of this voice with an expressionless face.

"You are neither a living person nor a dead person. You are just a living machine, a clone that simply feeds back the [Engine]."

"As the [shell] to protect the unformed [backup engine], it is natural to set the planet where the [backup engine] is located as a [protected area]. The protection, awareness, and belief you thought were just It’s just a set program. Even if you switch to any planet or any civilization, you will still make the same move, because this is your true destiny.”

"Looking at your current appearance, I think your body should be stored somewhere. You can go and see if your body has changed and whether it has become something similar to a machine. Structure, or go to Noah and ask what the [backup engine] is, and ask if you will start to lose all emotions next.”

"Hee, hee, hee, it's so interesting. It's so interesting to look at you now. Hee, it's a pity that a guest should come to me now. I can't see your expression now, otherwise, you will be hurt by the truth. His expression must be very interesting, hee, poor guy, just enjoy the rest of your life. If we have a chance to meet in the future, I may help you, Ciao~~"

As the farewell words fell, the strange voice completely disappeared from Yuan Subaru's ears. After Yuan Subaru used various methods to check his body, soul and consciousness, he made sure that he was not possessed by any messy things. The body has just continued to move forward, heading towards the so-called plane of TLT Earth.

No matter what that weird face was just now, going home is the first priority right now!

In the process of starting to travel, just as Yuan Subaru had expected, he could withstand the flushing of green energy. Moreover, due to the relationship between the light of Nexus and the power of Noah, those free clones of Noah did not face it. Yuan Subaru punched hard, which really made Yuan Subaru breathe a long sigh of relief.

One thing to say, if you are targeted by Noah's clone, it will be quite a headache. One is fine, two is fine, but if this number goes up together, Yuan Subaru feels like he is turning into a pile every minute. Meat sauce, the kind that can't be resurrected...

Alas! There was a clone of Noah that was contaminated, so I quickly stayed away.

As for the final seal of the inner layer, Gen Subaru tried many ways, but couldn't solve it. After all, this was the seal used by Noah to deal with [Essence]. As far as Gen Subaru's current level was concerned, he really didn't have the corresponding removal technology, but...

There is still a way to try.

200 TLT

Gen Subaru switched to the state of [Pure White·Original], wanting to try whether he could get away with it in this state. After all, this seal was aimed at Essence Energy. As the carrier of [Engine Power], it's not too much for you to let me go.

But the fact is that this final seal was so excessive, and there was no intention to open a back door for Gen Subaru. Seeing this scene, Gen Subaru's face darkened, and he switched to [Bow and Arrow Nexus Armament] without hesitation. With a lightning speed, he poured all his remaining energy into it, turning it into a dazzling arrow of light, and blasted it on the seal in front of him.

Fortunately, this attack worked, opening a tiny crack in the seal.

Unfortunately, this attack also attracted the attention of all the Noah clones around.

But Yuan Subaru was very smart. He deliberately used the pure white light to offset the green energy in this area and created this blank space. After he used all his energy on the attack, without the maintenance of the pure white light, the green energy immediately poured in. A large number of Noah clones that were attracted by the attack were immediately contaminated, and the civil war broke out instantly.

At this time, Yuan Subaru drilled into the gap without hesitation.

Indeed, it was not easy to drill through this small gap that was not even as big as Yuan Subaru's fingernail in the state of the fitter. It was not an easy task for Yuan Subaru to shrink it to that state.

However, Gen Subaru is not a human now, but a photoion polymer. He doesn't need to care about the human body structure. Gen Subaru also has the basics of decomposition and reorganization when learning [Saga Super Acceleration]. It is still easy to escape through this gap.

But after Gen Subaru escaped from the seal, he almost failed to complete the reorganization of his body. Even after the reorganization, he lay on the nameless planet without a sound. Nexus's body was so thin that it seemed to dissipate at any time.

The reason for this situation is also very simple. The Noah clone in the seal is really dedicated to his duties. Even in such a melee, when he noticed Gen Subaru, the stowaway, he still pulled out his hand and released a fierce flame ray attack. Gen Subaru, who had no escape space, could only take it hard.

But it is also interesting to say that if the contaminated Noah's clone had not seized the opportunity to attack, causing part of the attack to deviate from the direction and miss Gen Subaru, after almost exhausting all his energy and being attacked like this, Gen Subaru would have no chance of dying here.

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