Gen Subaru answered Masami Horii's doubts and said softly:

"I just let you fall into a very realistic illusion. In the illusion, I can better carry out targeted training."

"Targeted training?"

Tetsuo Shinjo frowned slightly, looked at Gen Subaru and said:

"How do you judge each of us and then target us?"

"It's very simple. I have invaded your TPC system. Unless there is a problem with your database, I think it won't be a big problem."


The correspondent of the victory team, member Ye Rui, who is known as the 'computer genius', couldn't help shouting when he heard this. He had tried TPC's firewall. What method did Yuan Subaru use to overcome it? ? I can't think of it at all.

By what means? Of course, it’s the system that comes with the Ark bracelet.

Yuan Subaru knew how serious his partiality was, so he didn't go to pick up the Yerui team members for fear of leaking the truth. At this time, the message from the TPC director reached Hui Jianjian's terminal. The captain glanced at it and said to Yuan Subaru said softly:

"Yuan Subaru, it's like this, if you are willing, our director would like to talk to you."

"Okay, no problem, then I'll ask Captain Hui to lead the way."

"Then please come over here."

No one knew the content of the conversation between Yuan Subaru and the TPC Director. Megumi, who was listening on the sidelines, mentioned words such as "a bit extreme" in the future.

After this friendly conversation, the Ultra training plan for the Victory Team was approved. Yuan Subaru did not delay and started training everyone that afternoon.

In fact, the illusion of this training is the inspiration that Yuan Subaru got from the deep blue space. Although the effect is rubbish in comparison, it can barely be used, especially after the telekinesis is activated by the 'Unified Concept Method', Yuan Subaru has no idea about it. The control is more skillful, so it is used by these humans.

After sending the other members of the victory team into the illusion, Yuan Subaru and Yuan Dagu met their eyes and smiled slightly. Then Yuan Dagu took the initiative to let go of his mental protection, allowing Yuan Subaru to pull himself into the corresponding phantom. middle.

"Subaru, do we want to transform?"

"No, this illusion of mine cannot support the simulation and battle of the Light of Tiga and the Light of Nexus. After all, this is just a defective product, not that functional."

Yuan Subaru patted Yuan Dagu on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"But we don't need to transform in our training. I have seen your previous battles, and I had similar problems when I first transformed. At that time, my captain used a wonderful method to help me correct it. I I think this should apply to you too.”

"What can I do?"

Yuan Dagu asked curiously, and then he heard the sound of the gate opening. Yuan Subaru looked at it in surprise and saw small forts emerging from the illusion. The electric currents wrapped around them made him tremble just by looking at them. pimple.

"This is a fragment of my memory, so the simulation is quite realistic."

Yuan Subaru smiled and gave a thumbs up to Yuan Dagu and said:

"Sa, let's start training!"

"Um...can I ask?"

Yuan Dagu looked at the jeep that appeared at an unknown time, and watched as Yuan Subaru jumped on it with a "hey" sound. Then the car made a dull engine sound. He felt something was not good. He swallowed his saliva and whispered softly. said:

"What is this used for?"

"Of course I'm here to hit you."

Because it is a creation of the illusion, this jeep can be started without a dedicated driver. Yuan Subaru, who was standing on the seat, pointed his flashing index finger at Yuan Dagu and said:

"Come on, Dagu, rush towards me while avoiding the electric attack."


As Yuan Subaru's words fell, the jeep roared and began to accelerate towards Yuan Dagu. Although Yuan Dagu avoided the impact in time, he failed to avoid the electric attack and was hit by the turning jeep. Up to heaven.

"Da Gu, be serious!"

This is an illusion. Although the body feels very similar to reality, you will never die or be injured. In addition, Yuan Subaru is very considerate and reduces the pain by more than half, so Yuan Dagu is in good condition...

"Subaru, you should be more serious."

What surprised Yuan Subaru was that after landing, Yuan Dagu looked at him with twinkling eyes and said:

"This hurt feeling, and being too light in the deep blue space, are you secretly taking care of me?"

"I understand, then let's let go."

Yuan Subaru smiled and snapped his fingers to release the restrictions in this illusion. Then while urging the jeep, the child pointed at himself and said softly:

"Let me make it clear first that it only took me seven hours to complete this kind of training, so Dagu, don't let me leave you too far. Okay, Dagu, here I come!"

In this way, everyone on the Victory Team has gone through a week that can be called hell. Yuan Subaru has already said hello to them and wants to test their respective limits, but they didn’t see it being so intense, but they still They gritted their teeth and persisted, because they learned from Dagu that Yuan Subaru, that Ultra warrior, seemed to have been maintaining a more intense self-training than them. In order not to be looked down upon by Yuan Subaru, he had to endure no matter what. Come down! ! !

The biggest emotion in Yuan Subaru's heart at this moment was...

The earth in this universe is so peaceful. It's been a week and there hasn't been a monster. It's outrageous.

169 Father of Ultra: My waist!

"I...I can't decide today..."

A week after the special training, in the conference room, Tetsuo Shinjo was lying on the table, whispering feebly. Masami Horii, who was also lying next to him, didn't even raise his head, and took over the words vaguely:

"You said the same thing yesterday, and the day before yesterday. How about you go lie down in the medical room and see if Subaru-sama will give us a day off."

"Ah...I'm sorry, I forgot to say that."

At this moment, Yuan Dagu, who was slumped in the chair, remembered something and said softly:

"Subaru said that he has a new idea about the training illusion, and he plans to try to develop it. If he doesn't start training at three o'clock this afternoon, then we will take a rest."


Nanase Lina looked at the time, it was three twenty-four in the afternoon, so she stretched her hands forward, pressed her upper body on the table, and sighed longly and said:

"Ultraman's training is really strict..."

"Even I can't hold it any longer..."

Hui Jian couldn't help but sigh aloud. Her head was buzzing now, and she spent her rare rest time at night dreaming about the training content. This was really painful, although it was undeniable that she had indeed learned a lot. .


Zong Fangcheng pressed his temples, turned to look at the console next to him, and said softly:

"Is this really okay, Yuan Subaru?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked over, and saw the child lying with his head on the console. His whole person gave people an illusion. In response, Yuan Dagu said softly with a subtle expression:

"Maybe it failed..."

Just as everyone in the victory team was discussing whether to move Yuan Subaru to the medical room, a terrifying invisible wave suddenly spread. In an instant, all members in the TPC base stopped what they were doing, as if time It seems to have stopped, but everything that is shaking undoubtedly indicates that there is a force affecting this base.

At this time, Yuan Dagu benefited from the light of Tiga and could still maintain normal consciousness, but it was precisely because he was resisting that he clearly realized how powerful this terrifying thought power was. Gu felt that his brain was about to be shattered, but no matter how hard he tried, his body remained motionless.

Suddenly, the invisible pressure disappeared, and Yuan Dagu, who could not hold back his strength, ejected directly on the spot. If Yuan Subaru hadn't caught him at this time, this guy would have smashed his head into pieces.

"Huh? Just now...I seemed to have suddenly become distracted..."

As the pressure subsided, people in the TPC base were surprised and touched their heads in unison. After muttering secretly in their hearts, they continued to be busy with other things.

In the victory team conference room, the team members had the same reaction, but they were more curious now about how Yuan Dagu launched himself there in the blink of an eye.

"The training will be suspended temporarily."

But immediately, an even more shocking news diverted their attention again. Yuan Subaru knocked on his aching head and said helplessly:

"I have some problems here, and I can no longer use the illusion to provide you with a training place, so everyone, go and rest."

This is indeed the truth. Just now, Yuan Subaru triggered the second activation of his telekinesis. Now, in terms of the fluctuation of his telekinesis, if everyone on the victory team comes into contact again, something unexpected will happen.

Moreover, according to Master Lei Ting, he can further 'unify' and simulate the 'power galaxy', and he will have new work to deal with next.

"Yeah...what a pity..."

Hearing Gen Subaru's words, Shinjo Tetsuo just wanted to cheer, but he felt that it was not good. After all, the 'instructor' was standing in front of him, so he just changed his words again, with a look of pretentious regret, Yuan Subaru glanced at him and said softly:

"Actually, it's not impossible to continue training. Since you think it's such a pity, then I'll change..."

"No, no, no, no need to bother."

Hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Hui Jian quickly waved his hand and said softly:

"We haven't had the task of running the Victory Team normally for a week. Now we have to make up for the work we left off before. So what, Xincheng team member, come on, I'm going to report to the director."

Seeing Megumi running away towards the blank folder, Munakata Chengichi quickly picked up the document and shouted:

"Captain, you left something behind."


Masami Horii raised her head, as if remembering something, and shouted:

"My petri dish, oh, why did I forget this? I, I, I have to go and see it quickly."


Team member Yerui didn't say anything. He just ran out with Masami Horii. Seeing this, Rina Nanase picked up the dazed Endagu and ran away "tiptoeing". For a moment, the conference room of the victory team The only ones left here were Gen Subaru and Tetsuo Shinjo with a frozen expression.



Looking at the member of the Victory Team in front of him, whose face was turning red as he tried to find an excuse but couldn't find one, Yuan Subaru smiled gently and said softly:

"I see all your efforts. You have done a good job. I am not a capitalist. I will not force you like that. Please go and rest in order to prepare for what comes next."


Tetsuo Shinjo stood upright and nodded slightly flattered, then turned and left.

Yuan Subaru pinched his eyebrows. During this period of time when they were training, he would naturally not fall behind. The fatigue accumulated from continuous multitasking has not been completely eliminated even after the activation of telekinesis.

But it's only at this level, and there is no need to make special adjustments. It has to be said that the light particle aggregate is indeed very convenient, and the limitations of the physical body are almost lifted.

Yuan Subaru tilted his head, nodded satisfied with his current situation, and then started a new practice.

Regarding the point of 'unification', Yuan Subaru is trying to use his mind power to coordinate the conflicts between various light energies. This is destined to be a long process.

As for the 'Galaxy of Power', when Yuan Subaru was building it, he discovered a small surprise, that is, the 'Pure White Light' seemed unable to be placed in the same 'Galaxy' with other forces. Its 'buffer' made the 'Galaxy' 'It is difficult to unleash the expected power when necessary.

On the 'unification' side, the pure white light was in a similar situation. Its 'assimilation' caused fierce resistance from Cascade's energy particles. After thinking carefully for a while, considering some of the things that might happen in the future. Due to the situation, Yuan Subaru finally decided to separate the 'Pure White Light' and not participate in the sequence of 'Unity' and 'Galaxy'.

After dealing with the original power, Yuan Subaru began to formally construct the "galaxy". The galaxy he simulated was naturally the solar system, although he could not make up eight "planets".

As for the [Power] to serve as the sun, Yuan Subaru chose [Cascade Energy] without hesitation -

Firstly, this energy particle is indeed powerful enough. Secondly, it is also because it is too powerful and violent. The child hopes to use this 'ring within a ring', similar to a sealing model, to make [Cascade Energy] Utilization efficiency has been satisfactorily improved.

Then the ring closest to the 'sun' is the light energy of [Miracle·Pleiades], there is a story...

The light response of this form is really weak, so that if it weren't for the second activation of his mind power, it would be difficult for Yuan Subaru to distinguish it from the 'Light of Nexus', let alone use its power.

However, even if it can be separated now, its development sequence has been thrown to the end by Yuan Subaru. In comparison, the light energy of [Miracle Subaru] is too weak, similar to a state of severe stunting.

This made Yuan Subaru suspect that the experimenter who created him only put in and spliced ​​together a small number of gene fragments related to the properties of 'light and dark'.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru placed it in that position. He hoped that [Miracle Subaru] could become stronger under the illumination of [Cascade Energy] at close range.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it grows up. If one day, it has to detonate and burn the galaxy, the first thing to be intensified must be the 'sun'. When the time comes, the 'Mercury Belt' will act as a buffer, don't let [Cascai] The powerful impact of German energy can cause damage to other energies.

Wait... I have to study what kind of explosion method this [detonating galaxy] is. If I make a mistake, it will be a lot of fun...

Just when Yuan Subaru frowned slightly and started a new simulation calculation, in the Kingdom of Light, Mebius and the Father of Ultra looked at the controlled Ultra warriors in front of them, adjusting their status at every opportunity. After Zero was controlled, more and more Ultra Warriors including Justice, Leo, Astra, Max, Eddie, etc. also joined in attacking the Plasma Spark Tower.

Looking at the lineup in front of him, Membius was extremely lucky that when the disaster happened, everyone from GUYS happened to be not far away. Under the cover of the captain, he and his friends became such a posture that they could assist everyone. The captain has been fighting for so long.


There is no way to go on like this...

Membius glanced at the father of Ultra with some worry, or to be precise, at the waist of the captain. When he fought against the Ampera aliens, the father of Ultra left a mark on his waist that has not been cleaned up yet. The injuries of the Ultra brothers are all aware of this. Therefore, in the previous battles, as long as the controlled Ultra warriors seize the opportunity, they will attack the old injuries of the Ultra father, so that now, Meng Even Bius didn't know how long the father of Ultra could last.

Damn it... I can't break out now. If the mastermind behind the scenes is allowed to swallow up the energy of the plasma spark, the consequences will be unimaginable.


Just as Membius was thinking secretly, the controlled Zoffi let out a war cry, and then another round of fierce offensive was launched. Looking at the sure kills, Membius and the father of Ultra Coping with difficulty.

The two of them cannot kill everyone. Even if they use a method similar to a seal, it will be broken immediately by other Ultra Warriors, and they must also be careful not to be touched by the green energy, otherwise If so, the consequences will be quite troublesome.


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