However, trouble still arose. It was Cero. The controlled Cero used the power of "Glory" to mobilize time, allowing him to arrive at the node of the "future" in advance, and ambushed Ultra Father who was fighting with Seven, the First Generation, Zoffy, Leo, Astra, and Mother Ultra, and accurately stabbed Ultra Father's old wound with the [Ultimate Cero Sword].

At the same time, the deep green energy also flowed into Ultra Father's body along the [Ultimate Cero Sword].


Realizing that something was wrong, Ultrafather roared immediately. The impact of the 'True Power' forced all the surrounding Ultra Warriors to retreat. Then he threw the energy ball of the 'True Power' to Mebius, and then immediately sealed himself in the encrypted dimension -

The erosion of the green energy was really terrifying. In just one second, Ultrafather began to feel that he was losing control of his body. He had to find a relatively safe place to resist and even expel the green energy. During this process, if this 'toxin' was injected again, Ultrafather could only watch his body attack Mebius.

And that undoubtedly declared the end of the battle.

On the other side, Mebius looked at the True Power in his hand, and then looked at the approaching Ultra Warriors. His sight finally fell on the plasma spark. He believed in Ultrafather's judgment that as long as they were exposed to enough plasma spark energy, they would be able to recover. So let me become the fuel to intensify the plasma spark!

But without Ultra Father, all the firepower was now concentrated on Mebius. Even though the 'Phoenix Warrior' form could bring out the powerful combat power generated by the friendship between Ultraman and humans, it was difficult to stop so many Ultra Warriors for a while. Mebius could only grit his teeth and endure several fatal rays before repelling Eddie and others who were almost touched by the plasma spark.


Before Mebius could catch his breath, a new attack came again. Max rushed out like lightning, intending to use continuous fierce attacks to force Mebius away from the plasma spark.

And Mebius was ruthless, holding the power of truth in his hand, regardless of the attacks of others, turned around and planned to rush into the plasma spark, but Taro and Taiga, who were transferred by time and space, used [Ultra Bomb] together to blow Mebius away.

Then the other Ultra Warriors rushed forward, and the restrained Mebius could only watch as the reorganized Taro and Taiga were about to reach out to the plasma sparks, with ominous green energy flashing at their fingertips.

‘Captain, I’m sorry, I… failed…’


At this time, on Earth, a child raised his head with a sense of something…

170 Subaru, Business Trip to the Land of Light

Damn it, damn it, damn it, my body is completely out of control!!!

At this time in the Land of Light, Taiga looked at his body reaching out to the plasma sparks, and wailed in his heart, but no matter how he shouted or struggled, it was useless.

As for the current situation, most of the Ultra Brothers understood it. Isn’t this a replica of the original situation in the Deep Blue Space? But they also realized that the control they are under now is much stronger than in the Deep Blue Space.

When fighting Ultra Father before, the Ultra Brothers had transformed into [Super Taro], but they could not break free like they did in the deep blue space.

On the other side, Mebius, holding the True Power, was breaking through the encirclement of the Ultra Warriors and trying to get closer to the Plasma Spark Tower, but even the joint efforts of the ‘Phoenix Warrior’ and the ‘True Power’, without killing the opponent, fighting with the Ultra Warriors with rich combat experience for so long, began to feel a little tired.

Especially after Zero, the Ultra Warrior holding the Noah Holy Shield and possessing the power of time and space, joined the battlefield, this elusive ‘assassin’ made Mebius feel a surge of pressure. After all, their battle was right next to the Plasma Spark, and no matter which side’s consumption would be replenished at a very fast speed. For Zero, who consumed a lot of blue, this was an excellent battlefield.


Mebius groaned, narrowly avoiding Zero who came out of 'time', and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He almost followed the captain's path.

However, Zero's trouble lies in his diverse abilities, and the Ultra Brothers who took advantage of Zero's sneak attack to suppress him with hard power, and Mebius helplessly realized that he had no chance to get close to the plasma spark tower.

In this way, under the gaze of everyone, Taro and Taiga's hands were getting closer and closer to the plasma spark, and everyone couldn't help holding their breath, silently waiting for the moment when the plasma spark was swallowed by the green energy...

And at this moment, a different light suddenly appeared, and the flash of the four-pointed star lit up. Taro and Taiga were immediately bounced out by the light. When the light faded, in the astonished sight of everyone, Nexus stood in front of the plasma spark.

? ? ? ?

To be honest, after seeing this scene, Subaru's brain froze a little. Although this was his first time in the Land of Light, he had directly or indirectly collected a lot of information about this Ultraman country. If he was not mistaken, would these Ultra Warriors from the Land of Light attack the source of their own power?

No, this... this... my old father Belia, it turns out that you touched it too early.

"Subaru! They are controlled, hold on, hold on... ah!"

Although it was unexpected that Minamoto Subaru appeared at this time, Mebius did not have time to think about anything, and hurriedly shouted, and just with this distraction, Zero, who was taking advantage of the situation, stabbed the sword into Mebius' body.

And it was because of this that Minamoto Subaru saw the green energy flowing on the sword.

So that's it, has this place also been invaded?

Minamoto Subaru, who realized this, said nothing, his body flashed with light, and split into two clones, one holding Taro's hand knife, and the other kicking Taiga away, and then immediately exploded.

This time, the self-detonation was also of a special type. The first explosion was not lethal. The mist-like energy moisture was spread out by the impact of the explosion and fell on the surrounding Ultra Warriors. The other one was a spreading cold air, which instantly turned the affected Ultraman into an ice sculpture.

Then Yuan Subaru directly switched to the [Pure White·Original] posture, releasing power like the sun, trying to offset the impact of the green energy on the Ultra Warriors of the Land of Light.

But... Looking at the green pipes extending from the heads of the Ultra Warriors, Yuan Subaru looked up and saw the huge green meat ball shrouding the sky above the Land of Light. There were three familiar faces in the middle of the meat ball. Although I don’t know how the commander of the Gu Asan Army came to the Land of Light, this level of green energy...

The past battles have fully proved the opposition between pure white light and green energy. Whichever side is weaker, the other side will be crushed. At the moment, Yuan Subaru is undoubtedly the side that can’t stand it.


At this time, two head darts came over. That level of ice could stop the Ultra Warriors' actions for such a long time, which was already good. As for the first attack, it was naturally Seven and Max. The head darts controlled by telekinesis attacked Yuan Subaru from the left and right with a tricky attitude. The other Ultra Warriors were also unsealed and rushed towards Yuan Subaru in silence.

In response, Yuan Subaru slapped them out of thin air without saying a word. The amazing telekinetic impact stopped the Ultra Warriors' charge. At the same time, Seven and Max also realized that their head darts had lost control... No, to be precise, the control was taken away. The spinning head darts were controlled by Yuan Subaru, like two poisonous snakes, wandering around him.

But at the moment, Yuan Subaru didn't know how to deal with this big scene. He couldn't offset the green energy by himself, and he couldn't just kill people here. Anyway... First save the Ultra Warrior who was still shouting.

Gen Subaru could see that, except for the Ultraman, the others had been corroded for quite a long time. This guy who hadn't grown a sky-high tube yet might be saved by the pure white light. With such a "local" around, at least he could learn more...

Hmm? !

Just as Gen Subaru turned his head to avoid Jack's hand knife and kicked Leo's kick with his knee, the child suddenly realized that the space-time force around him was not right, and the head dart that was rotating at high speed and resisting various light bullets immediately returned to defense.

As expected, it was Zero again. He rushed out of space and time and stabbed at Gen Subaru's lower back with his sword, but Max's head dart blocked the tip of the sword. At the same time, Seven's head dart took the opportunity to paste Zero's face horizontally.

In an instant, everyone saw that Zero was whipped like a gyroscope, spinning at high speed in the air. In this gap, Gen Subaru summoned a clone to block the attack for himself, and he condensed the pure white light in his hand, and slashed it fiercely at the green pipe that he might be able to capture.

But in that second, Gen Subaru was blown away. He personally experienced the gap between the white and blue sides, so that Gen Subaru was unable to maintain the "Light of Nexus" for a while, and rolled on the ground for a long time as a fit person, but Gen Subaru immediately adjusted his state and restored his giant posture again.

But this is not without benefits. The recoil force also sent Gen Subaru some distance to Mebius, allowing him to protect the plasma spark while also...


At this time, Subaru suddenly remembered something. When the Kingdom of Light was invaded by Belia, it seemed that it was because of the plasma spark that the Kingdom of Light was frozen. In this case...

I will not save people. I will pull this thing out first.

Subaru rubbed his hands [Armed Nexus], and a ball of light flew into the sky, followed by dense particle feathers pouring down. At the same time, various [Ultra Bombs] also began to explode, abruptly intercepting the offensive of the Ultra Warriors. Some Ultra Warriors were directly blown to the ground. Although they did not die, they also lost the battle... Oh my...

In Subaru's perception, he 'saw' the injured Ultra Warriors standing up like puppets under the control of the green energy, and launched an offensive towards him again.

At this time, Taro, Jack and Leo stomped their feet and broke away from the crowd, trying to block Subaru's way with a flying kick. Max attacked like lightning and rushed towards the plasma spark at a terrifying speed. The other Ultra Warriors also cooperated and deployed a formation.

When Yuan Subaru saw this, he frowned, and the Max head dart roared back. Under Yuan Subaru's high-precision locking, it flew back wherever it came from. Under the two completely opposite forces, , Max flew backwards like a windmill, and for those three flying kicks, Yuan Subaru stopped hiding his moves without looking back, and used [Saiga Super Acceleration] to make their attacks fall into the air.

After teleporting over, Yuan Subaru knocked back the charging Zeta with a front fist. Eddie took the opportunity to lock Nexus from behind, but when he instinctively wanted to use green energy to erode Yuan Subaru, The conflict between Bai Qing directly blew the two people away. Yuan Subaru immediately used [Saiga Super Acceleration] again to pull himself back to the plasma spark, while Eddie lay on the ground, flopping around like a salted fish. After several attempts, he managed to stand up.

Just freeze them all for me.

Yuan Subaru grabbed the lower end of the torch-like plasma spark and pulled it out of the device inside the tower. In an instant, the Kingdom of Light, which was always bright in the universe, began to dim rapidly. Things were just as the child expected. The extremely cold temperatures began to freeze everything around.


Yuan Subaru also noticed the change in the sky. When he realized something, he inserted the plasma spark back without hesitation.

Well, sure enough, I was right.

Yuan Subaru felt the changes in the sky above the Kingdom of Light, and couldn't help but feel bitter. Although he didn't know how it was done, the plasma spark tower did play a role in confining it, preventing the green energy from spreading outside the planet. Therefore, this plasma spark It is absolutely impossible to pull it out.

But...I can't stand it if I don't pull it out.

Yuan Subaru put his hands together and caught Zero's sword slash. At the same time, surging energy currents were transmitted from his palms along the blade of the sword. His body immediately reacted and Zero raised his leg to kick Nexus in the abdomen. Down, but Yuan Subaru kicked Zero's supporting leg earlier, destroying his body balance, and kicked Zero's chest, sending him flying backwards.

At this time, Yuan Subaru used the [Ultra Bomb] to detonate close to his body as a breakthrough point, blasting away the Ultra warriors that had surrounded him at that moment. Then, he roared and clenched his hands into fists, with invisible waves flowing on them. , smashed it hard towards the ground, and the internal energy spread like a seismic wave. All the Ultra Warriors who were in contact with the ground were stimulated by the shock, and their bodies could not help but soften, and their movements became slightly sluggish.

Yuan Subaru took the opportunity to reach out to the plasma spark. It was very simple. No matter how he looked at the current breaking point and thought about it, there was only one option left. But after one thing, Yuan Subaru really didn’t want to do this. , because he now has a lot of types of energy in his body. After using the energy of plasma sparks, it will inevitably remain in his body. By then, it will be a trivial matter that the progress of 'Unification' and 'Galaxy' will be delayed. Yuan Subaru is even more afraid. You will be bursting.

But there is nothing we can do. Such a large energy source will go to waste if it is not used.


Just when Yuan Subaru put his hand on the plasma spark, an unimaginable heat surged out. This was not the damage caused by the plasma spark. This bright and powerful energy spark was unexpectedly soft and warm. As for the burning feeling The trigger was actually the [Cascade Energy] in Yuan Subaru's body.

how to say....

Like a cat with full monopoly power, Yuan Subaru usually tries to mobilize the activation reaction of [Cascade Energy], but the golden energy particles move indifferently, indicating that he is still alive. .

And now, with the addition of a 'white cat' in the 'family' who seems to be more obedient than him, the 'golden cat' suddenly has a sense of crisis. This does not require Yuan Subaru to hold the 'cat tease stick' Once seduced, it starts to post on its own initiative.

At this time, a multiple-choice question without a third option was placed in front of Yuan Subaru. Choose one of [Cascade Energy] or [Plasma Spark]. Whether it is a golden cat or a white cat, today this family has There can only be one cat!

As for this issue, Yuan Subaru didn't have to think about it at all and directly chose [Cascade Energy]. The reason is also very simple. The energy reaction of this 'Golden Cat' is much more manic, and the corresponding energy reaction is naturally more violent. break out.

And... although before in the deep blue space, Yuan Subaru said that he was a guy who 'likes the new and hates the old', but when he really wants to give up, the child still can't let go of the old things. Therefore, even if the plasma spark body is by his side , Unless forced, Yuan Subaru is still more willing to fight side by side with [Cascade Energy]. Who asked him to come first? I have memorized their energy fluctuation data.

As Yuan Subaru rejected the plasma sparks, [Cascade Energy] also exploded into an unprecedented activation state. Golden energy particles flew out of Nexus' body, like countless fireflies flying around Yuan Subaru. The powerful energy blew away all the Ultra warriors who rushed towards Yuan Subaru.

At this time, these Cascade energy particles bloomed with a light that was no less than that of plasma sparks. Then, these countless flowing fireflies turned into seven bright and dazzling stars, which lined up in front of Nexus one after another, and stood still for a moment. Then, it spun and flew into Nexus's energy core, landing on Yuan Subaru's forehead.

In an instant, the brilliant golden light of the seven-pointed star illuminated the entire Kingdom of Light!

171 On Opening Unparalleled in the Kingdom of Light.jpg

With the shining of golden light, the gilded Nexus appeared in front of the people of the Kingdom of Light. The visible rising arrogance, wrapped in shocking tyranny and rage, exploded and spread in all directions like a wave of impact, and the weak Ultra Warriors were immediately swept out.

At this time, Minamoto took a deep breath and opened the battle posture. He roared like thunder, and if there was a real pressure, he would clear another wave of medium-strength opponents. The remaining Ultra Warriors were all shocked by Minamoto's current combat power.

And their bodies also realized this. The Ultra Brothers immediately passed the energy of Zoffy, the first Ultraman, Ultraman Seven, Ultraman Jack, and Ultraman Ace through Taro's Ultra Horn without hesitation, and transformed into Super Taro again.

Then Super Taro clenched his fists in front of his chest and opened them diagonally upward to accumulate energy. From his right arm raised diagonally in front to the entire right half of his body, all the energy of the six brothers merged to launch a super large-scale fatal beam - the Cosmo Miracle Beam. This beam was once known as the strongest beam skill in the universe!

At the same time, Zero also flew out of the ‘time and space’, and the Balaji Shield in his hand began to change, turning into a huge silver longbow. This was the ultimate move [Ultimate Light Arrow] from the Ultimate Shield after the transformation of the Ultimate Zero mode. It was the strongest ultimate move of Ultimate Zero, and Belia died under this blow. Although this move requires a lot of time to recharge energy, but...

Behind Zero, countless Ultra Warriors raised their hands towards him and quickly transferred their own energy to him. In an instant, [Ultimate Light Arrow] was charged and completed, and even began to produce some extreme changes. As Zero released the bowstring, the holy light arrow locked the position of Gen Subaru and rushed out like a meteor.

Facing these two killing moves, Gen Subaru raised his left hand and stretched it over his right shoulder. The energy on his arm began to activate rapidly. As the child swung his hand vigorously, a golden flame wave like a tsunami rushed towards the [Cosmic Miracle Ray]. At the moment when the two met, a sharp explosion sounded immediately, and then the golden flame burned the colorful miracle light in the blink of an eye, and continued to rush towards the 'Super Taro' like a tiger. After only one round of contact, he defeated the Ultra Brothers with a devastating attitude.

On the other side, Gen Subaru raised his right hand before throwing the flame, and made a javelin throwing action. The manic [Cascade Energy] turned into lightning that kept exploding out of thin air, and instantly condensed into a thunder spear in Nexus's hand. Gen Subaru's face flushed, and he roared and threw the weapon in his hand towards the [Ultimate Light Arrow].

At the moment when the Thunder Spear was released, all Ultra Warriors felt that the sky seemed to be dark, and there was only a golden flash in their vision. With a slight sound, the [Ultimate Light Arrow] was broken like paper, and the golden Thunder Spear whistled and fell on the [Balaji Shield] in Zero's hand.

Then, Zero heard a slight breaking sound. When he was blown away by the impact, he saw that the silver longbow was covered with cracks. Obviously, the props given by Ultraman Noah were still very strong. It was a miracle that it survived the blow just now.

However, these scars were harmless. Zero immediately switched from [Ultimate Zero] to [Glorious Zero], and created a huge light ball with [Glorious Star Drive], which allowed time to go back. Whether it was the Ultra Brothers who were being burned or the destroyed [Balaji Shield], they were restored to their original state under the power of "time", giving the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light an extra chance to try and make mistakes.

This time, all the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light immediately passed their light to Zero, and even the ball of "True Power" was thrown to Zero. Zero, who suddenly shone, locked the coordinates of Gen Subaru, and without hesitation, transformed the terrifying energy in his body into a beam of light entangled with gold, blue and green, and blasted towards Gen Subaru.

Gen Subaru was not to be outdone. He clenched his left hand slightly, stood in front of him, clenched his right fist, and pulled back sideways. A golden energy ball of light that looked like boiling magma immediately condensed in front of his fist. Then Gen Subaru roared, hit the light ball with his fist, and stretched it forward against it. The Cascade beam that burst out was right in front of Zero's beam of light.

At that moment, this terrible energy collision almost tore the land of the Kingdom of Light apart. It was Subaru who adjusted the angle and sent all the energy aftermath of the impact into the sky. The twisted green flesh ball immediately separated and avoided the terrifying impact, which made Subaru sigh.

Then Subaru retracted his right hand, clenched his left fist, and punched the energy sphere that had not yet been exhausted. The Cascade beam, which was slightly dim in the collision, immediately regained its brightness and even became more powerful. The surge of energy instantly broke through the current situation of the confrontation and caused a terrifying explosion.

In this regard, Subaru was naturally safe and sound. He was the winner of the fight, but because of the failure of the fight, Zero, who was backfired by the energy, could not avoid the explosion. He flew high into the sky and fell straight back to the ground, leaving a deep human-shaped pit on the floor of the Kingdom of Light.

But the offensive from the Land of Light has not yet ended. The Phoenix Hero Mebius seized the opportunity of Subaru and suddenly rushed out. The energy in his body began to rapidly intensify. This is the [Mebium Phoenix].

It is the last and strongest special move of the Phoenix Hero Mebius. Membius uses the breath of Mebius and the breath of knights to turn his body into burning energy light of fire, and uses the form of flames to attack. The enemy used a sudden impact, and the former Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, the Ampera star, died under this move!


If you play self-destruction in front of me, you are looking down on me.

Yuan Subaru turned his eyes coldly, stared at the sudden attack of Mebius, and stretched out his hand towards him. The next second, the pattern of a seven-pointed star suddenly appeared, a mixture of [Ultra Telekinesis] and [Cascade Energy]. A huge palm stretched out from it, grasped Mebius, and obliterated the rioting energy of Mebius with a arrogant attitude, and the penetrating thought power was also interfering with the operation of its light energy.

But it has to be said that the form of Phoenix Hero Mebius is quite valuable. Yuan Subaru unexpectedly discovered that this was not enough to stop his self-destruction. So Nexus crossed his fingers and put his hands together. On the side of Mebius, it was corresponding. A golden giant hand appeared again. The two giant hands clapped together like a clap, and the crashing sound of the explosion drove back the other Ultra warriors who were charging forward. them.

Under the impact, Membius's body slid down the giant palm like a noodle. Yuan Subaru took the opportunity to wave his hand and pulled Membius over, and then summoned the pure white light. Seeing this After the Ultra Warrior still had no tubes on his head, he immediately poured white light into it, and then Mebius twitched his body as if shaking, and let out a shrill wail.


But this pain was fully rewarded. Mebius had already got rid of the erosion of green energy and weakly called Nexus's true name in front of him.

"Quick, tell me, do you have a way to break this situation!"

Yuan Subaru held Membius in one hand, and raised the other hand high. Like a magnetic storm coil, golden thunder exploded outward, suppressing the charge of the Ultra warriors. Those two giant hands were also fighting with the Ultra brothers and the like. The top combat power of Nexus is struggling with all its strength. Although the gilded Nexus is still invincible at the moment, the child also knows very well that such an explosion is the result of overexploitation of [Cascade Energy]. All I can say is' The golden cat really went to great lengths to prevent the white cat from entering her home.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru desperately wants to get the answer from Mebius. If not, then he can only face the failure of [Cascade Energy] and [Pure White Light] to start the forced conversion. There is a saying First, the child really feels that with the current base level of [Cascade Energy], he is afraid that he will die in the middle of the conversion.

"Yes, I'll start it right now."

Membius gave an affirmative answer. He nodded towards Yuan Subaru, and then hit the plasma spark without hesitation, but was immediately pulled back by Yuan Subaru. The child looked at Membius. Yusi looked at the bright energy spark again, and immediately understood something, and said in a surprised tone:

"Are you sure this will work?!"

"I believe in the power of plasma sparks!"

"Okay, then I believe you."

Yuan Subaru nodded, then snapped his fingers, detonating the giant hand, blowing away the Ultra Brothers and others. Then, Yuan Subaru locked Membius with energy and summoned pure white light as a sign. The buffer between [Cascade Energy] and [Plasma Spark] plunged into the bright torch.

At that moment, the rising plasma sparks could even be vaguely seen in the U40 galaxy and the 0-50 planet. Incomparable power washed over the entire Kingdom of Light side by side, and the Ultra Warriors returned to normal. Looking at the unprecedented spectacle and recalling the 'nightmare' just now, I was at a loss for a while. Everything that happened during this period was like a dream.

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