Regarding this...

He was actually distracted like this during the battle. It seemed like he couldn't multitask and listen to the six channels. He also needed to practice this.

The child once again impressed Yuan Dagu. This was not because Yuan Subaru entered the instructor state because of his passion, but because Yuan Dagu had asked for it before. Yuan Subaru did not have time to contact him because of the affairs of the Gua Army. Yuandagu is the one.

On the other side, Yuan Dagu also used the impact of "Dilasium Light Flow" to shrink the fish monster back to its original appearance, allowing it to return to the sea, and then flew into the sky and disappeared. into everyone's sight.

Of course, Yuan Subaru could sense it. Yuan Dagu quietly covered his whereabouts with 'light' and was pretending that nothing was wrong and went to join his teammates.

Then I'll wait a while before looking for Dagu. I'll go to the Luluye ruins first.

Seeing that the monster incident was solved this time, Yuan Subaru was relieved and turned into a red ball again and took action. In the blink of an eye, he came to the familiar ruins and found the place where the three dark giants were sealed with ease.


After being released from the seal, Hitler moved his body, looked at Yuan Subaru next to him, and said softly:

"What's going on? It's only been a while since they released us. Could it be that they want to use us for experiments again?"

Hearing this, Duram, who was about to shout a few words, silently closed his mouth. If he really came to them for experiments, then it would be best not to say anything now, and just pretend that he does not exist. Once the experiment is done on Hitler, it will be over.

"No, I met Senior Diga."

‘Uh-huh! ’

Before they finished speaking, an evil wind blew up. Seeing Carmilla who had been unresponsive just now, Hitler and Durham rushed directly in front of Yuan Subaru, grabbed Nexus's arms, and forcefully He lifted the giant up, shook it vigorously, and said repeatedly:

"Where did I meet you! Where is he now? What is he doing? Is there another woman beside me! Why didn't he come to me! Did he miss me? He... must have, must have! !”


Looking at Nexus who was shaken like a broken sack, Durham couldn't help but want to remind him, but at this moment, as the light lit up on the ground, he had already expected it and used his clone to avoid it. Yuan Subaru emerged from it and said softly:

"I met him in an unknown galaxy. At that time, Senior Diga was trapped in a special space by a mysterious enemy. Senior Diga must be hiding from something now. There is no other member of the opposite sex around him. He asked me to take this here you are."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he took out the light ball. Camilla dropped the Nexus clone whose arm had been broken by her, grabbed the light ball, and felt the familiar light of Tiga. She pressed the side of her face against it and rubbed it gently, which looked particularly tender. However, Yuan Subaru, Hitler and Dallam silently glanced at the clone lying on the ground. Judging from this... .

That’s a bit scary!

‘Boy, tell me everything honestly. ’

At this time, Hitler came over and quietly communicated with Yuan Subaru using telepathy and said:

‘Did you lie just now? If there is a lie, you’d better tell me now, otherwise we will all suffer when this woman goes crazy later. ’

‘I’m not lying, it’s all the truth. ’

Yuan Subaru answered frankly. Hearing this answer, Xitra nodded. Just as he was about to say something, on the other side, Camilla, who had absorbed the message in the light ball, stood up. At that moment, Xitra Terra and Durham seem to have seen Camilla 30 million years ago. The love-hate warrior at that time was not the crazy woman today...well, she was still a crazy woman, at least not as lifeless as she is now. .

Camila, who had regained her energy, threw the ball of light into Yuan Subaru's hand and said in a good mood:

"Let's go, kid, Diga asked me to take care of you for a while."


Although he didn't know how Camilla was going to 'take care' of him, since it was Senior Diga who asked him to come to Camilla, he should be obedient now.

Looking at the direction in which Camilla was leaving with Yuan Subaru, Dallam realized something. He turned around and was about to say something to Hitler when he saw his partner quietly trying to leave. At this point, Durham was silent for a moment and said softly:

"Although that kid doesn't seem as strong as last time, I can feel it. There is a terrifying violent energy hidden in his body. If it breaks out, perhaps only Diga can stop him."


Hearing this, Hitler's body froze immediately. He had just talked with Yuan Subaru using telekinesis, firstly to confirm the truth and falsehood, and secondly to feel Yuan Subaru's reality. Yuan Subaru's current state was indeed not as good as last time. This gave Hitler the idea of ​​​​taking the opportunity to run away. Although he had no idea what to do after he got out, it was better than being in the cave where he vomited.

But... Dallam, as a strong warrior, is not a pure fool. His suggestion is still worth accepting. So, Hitler came back honestly and sat side by side with Dallam, silent. After a while, he couldn't help but said:

"How about we go over and have a look? Judging from their movements, they should be going to the ancient battlefield."

"Well, that's what I wanted to say just now."

So, the two dark giants also followed.

On Yuan Subaru's side, he had followed Camilla to the battlefield full of broken stone statues, where the distorted time and space still bound the traces of the original war.

"Go, stand in the middle."

Camilla raised her chin and asked Yuan Subaru to hold the light ball over. After seeing Yuan Subaru passing by so obediently, she threw out the light whip, pulled Yuan Subaru back, and said softly:

"Wrong, you don't have to go there in person, just summon a clone to go there with a ball of light. Diga taught you this clone skill well."

Are you testing whether I will listen to you?

Yuan Subaru silently complained in his heart, and then followed Camilla's instructions, letting the clone stand at the position she designated. Then, Camilla extended the blue lightsaber from her right hand, and after certain settings After the modification, Camilla threw the lightsaber directly towards the clone, directly piercing the clone and the ball of light.

Then Yuan Subaru felt the heat and tearing pain coming from the clone, as if some kind of change was happening between the ball of light and the clone. In response, Camilla looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Hold it, it will be good for you if you get through it."

After speaking, Camilla stretched out her hand towards Yuan Subaru, her tone became a little softer and said:

"If you can't help it, you can hold my hand."


Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand calmly and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Where did it go? It's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, Camilla..."

"Call Master."

"Sister Camilla."

Yuan Subaru ignored the title of 'Master Mother', looked at the changing clone, and said softly:

"What else should I do next?"


Although she was not called Master Mother, Carmilla was quite satisfied with the call of sister, so she did not continue to entangle with Yuan Subaru on this point. She cast her gaze towards the center of the battlefield and whispered:

"No need, Diga has already done all the other things you need to do for you. Next, as long as Diga's power remembers your breath, combined with the uniqueness of this battlefield, you will be One more life.”


This really shocked Yuan Subaru. He didn't expect that Diga would actually prepare such a back-up for himself. Fortunately, he didn't really use this as a backup hidden energy source.

"Hmph, kid, remember, don't go around and die just because of this."

Seeing Yuan Subaru's reaction, Camilla said in a solemn voice:

"The essence of this skill is 'replacement'. When you are about to die, use the uniqueness of this battlefield and use the connection between Tiga's light to replace your body with the clone there, thereby saving your life, but You should also understand that the anti-interference performance of this operation is very poor. If there is any accident, you will really die. Do you understand?

168 Dagu: What’s going on with this jeep?

That's it....

Hearing Camilla's words, Yuan Subaru nodded, and then walked over. In the surprised eyes of Hitler and Dharam, he stretched out his hand as if to do something to the resurrection beacon. Hitler coughed. He glanced at Camilla, who had an equally unkind expression, and shouted to Yuan Subaru:

"What, I said, don't move. We can't interfere with Tiga's power. If something goes wrong, we can't help you correct it."

"Why did it go wrong?"

In response to this, Yuan Subaru asked back in confusion. He casually built a space-time data model using light energy. While building it, he said:

"Senior Diga's skill is related to time and space, but obviously, because Senior Diga doesn't know much about the frequency of the 'Light of Nexus', it was so unstable when setting it. If it doesn’t fit, now I only need to enter the relevant data on these model nodes, and then make the corresponding settings on my body, so that the resurrection point will not be so easily disturbed.”


Listening to Yuan Subaru's words and looking at the space-time data model shining in the sky, the three dark giants fell into silence at the same time. Then, Camilla and Dallam looked at Hitler at the same time.

In response, Hitler rolled his eyes at the two men. He was a smart warrior, not a wise strategist. He was either busy killing people or being sealed in his life. Where could he learn this?

Moreover, there is one thing to say, although he can't understand this mathematical model, this resurrection point skill is definitely not based on the principles of time and space knowledge. It must be a casting method of 'I thought this should be no problem'. It's not that I don't believe it. When I find Diga, I can 'torture' him and see if he can tell me something.

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to the reactions of the three dark giants, and directly started to attack the resurrection point. He believed that there would be no problem. He used three methods to deduce the process, and finally got the same answer. If There is still a problem. He doesn’t even understand this. Yuan Subaru can only say that he is dying.

It took about three days for Yuan Subaru to successfully debug this resurrection point skill. He also explored the structure of this skill and the possibility of its recurrence. However, he found that he was indeed unable to use 'Nexus'. The light 'simulated the frequency of 'Diga's Light', causing some experimental sessions to be unable to continue.

Go to Dagu to borrow some light?

Forget it, his light energy reserve may be drained before the experiment is completed. Even if pure white light is used to replenish it, the process of extracting light energy is too torture. There is no need to torment his friends like this. .

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru sighed regretfully, stood up, moved his body, and looked behind him, who were sleeping soundly, shoulder to shoulder, with their heads on their heads. Camilla stood aside with her arms raised and said softly:

"Did Senior Diga tell you what you are going to do next?"

"Dalaam and I went out to see the current human society."

Camilla took Yuan Subaru's words and said softly:

"Hitra continues to be turned into stone and sealed here."


Hearing this, Hitler, who was sleeping a second ago, suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted in an unacceptable tone:

"What's wrong with me? I, I..."

"Diga made such a decision precisely because he knew you. This is to protect you."

Camilla glanced at Hitler and said softly:

"Or you promise to listen to me honestly after you go out. Otherwise, with your behavior, I'm afraid that within a few hours, the boy over there and the successor of Tiga's Light will have to send you away. Go to hell.”


Hitler thought for a moment, then looked at Yuan Subaru who had already taken out his lightsaber and was considering whether to kill him now. He gritted his teeth and said:

"It won't work if you seal my energy first and then let me follow you out. I've really had enough of staying here. Let me go out and take a breath."

"Okay, I'll satisfy you. Boy over there, come on, let's do it together."

Hearing what Camilla said, Hitler was calm and did not make any small moves. Now Camilla's head was filled with only Diga's words. As for the other side, it was great that he didn't hack himself to death on the spot.

In this way, these three dark giants successfully walked out of the Luluye ruins after 30 million years. They felt the warm sunshine and looked at the beautiful world. Their faces all couldn't help showing expressions of emotion. Then, they Then he disappeared from Yuan Subaru's eyes.

Yuan Subaru didn't care about this. This was what they had agreed with themselves before they came out. In contrast, there was a clone of Nexus hidden in the phase layer behind them. As long as they acted recklessly, the clone would appear. Tangled up in his body, I immediately teleported over and started beating him to death.

But for now, let’s go sit down with the Victory Team.

Yuan Subaru was thinking as he flew towards the sea base where the Victory Team was located. There, the Victory Team, which was fine for the time being, was sitting at the conference table, chatting about the next plan. Yuan Dagu took the hand from Rina Sakaki. Of water, no, she should be called Nanase Lina now. This team member's parents divorced when she was nine years old. Later, Lina was very prejudiced against her father, so she changed her mother's surname and almost broke up. Later, she and Lei During the struggle between the Qiulan stars, the father and daughter reconciled, and her name was changed back to her original name.

Yuan Dagu smiled and thanked Nanase Lina. He just raised the cup and took a sip. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Yuan Subaru who was leaning against the door and saying hello with a smile. He couldn't bear it. Hold on, the water spurted out with a 'pop' sound, and Captain Hui Jianjian on the opposite side screamed out instinctively.

But the water did not fall on the captain. Under the control of exquisite telepathy, everyone saw the water droplets suspended in the air being smoothly sent into the trash can, and then Yuan Subaru walked away with a chuckle. He came out, attracted everyone's attention and said:

"Don't be nervous, I'm just coming back to take a look."

"Yuan Subaru?"

Unexpectedly, everyone on the Victory Team was at a loss when this child came again. After all, this was a living Ultra Warrior and a child whose life was about to end.

"To put it simply, the purpose of my visit this time is very simple."

Yuan Subaru poured himself a glass of water and shook it in his hand, but did not drink it. After all, photoionic polymers did not require food and drink, and even sleep was not a necessity.

"I saw you fight before."

The child continued:

"I am very disappointed with your performance. As a member of the Earth Defense Force, you actually performed such a bad thing as a plane crash during the battle."

Hearing this, some members of the Victory Team who often crashed began to murmur in their hearts, while Yuan Dagu felt keenly that when Yuan Subaru mentioned this matter, it seemed that it was directed at him.

"So, I want to give you some training so that you can reach the level that an Earth Defense Force should have. How about it? Everyone, are you interested?"

"This...please allow me to make a report to the director."

At least from Hui Jian's perspective, the existence of Nexus Gensubaru is relatively friendly to humans. Therefore, after thinking about it, she decided to report it to her superiors.

As for Yuan Dagu, he has already realized that Yuan Subaru is mainly here to train him, and his teammates may be taken along with him.

"Yuan Subaru, can I ask, how do you plan to train us?"

At this time, Horii Masami next to him asked curiously, Gen Subaru glanced at him, and then the other members of the victory team saw the "brain" of their team suddenly jumped up from the chair and looked left and right in surprise. Go and ask with disbelief:

"Just did you do that?"

"Ultra telekinesis."

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