"Okay, okay, isn't this matter over?"

Subaru gently pushed Justice and said with a smile:

"Let's go, aren't you going to take me to find a place to rest? Then let's go quickly. Although I don't lack energy now, I'm still very tired."

"Okay, then let's go. Let's go to the planet Zhulan to see if Gauss has returned."

166 Civil War in the Light

Under the leadership of Justice, Subaru quickly arrived at the planet Zhulan. This planet was destroyed many years ago because of some things, but under Haruno Musashi's Utopia Plan, Zhulan was once again transformed into a habitable planet.

In the end, Haruno Musashi used a carrier rocket to transport the monsters he had saved to Zhulan to live, making Zhulan regain its vitality and become the home of Gauss and the monsters.

Looking at the monsters running around and coexisting peacefully on this planet, Yuan Subaru felt a little subtle. He felt that if Priest Kobayashi and his family came here, they would probably find a lot of common topics.

However, compared to these cute things running around, Yuan Subaru was more concerned about the beautiful golden-winged giant sitting on the cliff. Yuan Subaru sensed a powerful force on that giant.

"That's Chaos's head."

After noticing that Yuan Subaru's body was subconsciously tense, Justice looked along his line of sight, patted the child's shoulder gently, and said softly:

"The former guardian beast of Juran planet, Parastan, was killed by Saint Deros's subordinates, causing the planet Juran to become a desert. Now, Chaos's head has replaced Parastan as the guardian beast of Juran, maintaining the vitality here."

After speaking, Justice smiled and waved at Chaos's head, and the golden giant with some feminine features also responded gently.

EMMM....There don't seem to be these terms in the Visitor Monster Encyclopedia.

Yuan Subaru carefully flipped through his memory and didn't find terms like 'Chaos Head' in the Visitor Monster Encyclopedia. However, different universes have different specialties, and it's a good thing that there are no records. Otherwise, when he returns to his own universe, he might have to fight with such a guy.

"Senior Justice, if possible, I hope you can help me find the unstable space-time node."

Yuan Subaru asked at this time:

"I am a little short of time here. If possible, I still hope to finish the things in hand as soon as possible and return to my world."

"Okay, I'll take care of this."

Justis smiled at Yuan Subaru and said:

"When Delacion took Gauss away, he also opened certain permissions for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't use it just now... But it should be no problem to help you check this."

"Thank you, Senior Justice."

"It's nothing. You take a rest first. This battle has exhausted you."

Justis patted Yuan Subaru on the shoulder, and then began to fly towards the South Pole of Zhulan Planet. There is a Delacion terminal station there. There, Justice can find things better and faster. Yuan Subaru sat in place, sorting out the various skills and knowledge given to him by Regido, while rubbing the stone statue, preparing for the next possible battle.

The friendly monsters around him looked at Yuan Subaru curiously. They wanted to get close to this strange giant of light because they felt a gentle light on him. However, the idea of ​​getting close only turned around in their hearts. No one dared to go over. The reason was very simple. The murderous aura unconsciously emanated from the giant made their legs tremble. Some little monsters who had never seen the world even cried in their parents' arms.

At this time, Chaos's head slowly landed from the cliff and waved his hand to let the monsters disperse. She slowly walked to Yuan Subaru's side. After seeing the child's actions, she sat aside and poured her wings on Yuan Subaru's body, speeding up the recovery of Yuan Subaru's energy consumed by rubbing the stone statue.

Yuan Subaru turned around and smiled at Chaos's head in gratitude, but he didn't know what to say. The sudden social phobia made him continue to concentrate on rubbing the stone statue.

At the same time, on the other side of the universe, a space suddenly broke, and Zero suddenly jumped out of it, but this time he was not as excited as last time. He was exhausted now.

The trial he conducted this time was very painful. Just like the plant zombie before, he could not leave the field, and he could only use the card characters given in that space to fight. If he wanted to get a powerful card character, he had to go to the lottery pool. The props used to draw the lottery pool required completing tasks one by one.

Moreover, if he was unlucky, he might have to complete more than ten tasks to draw once, and Zero once drew nearly a hundred times before he drew a card character, and it was the kind that he had drawn before...

I can't think about it anymore. If I recall it again, I really can't hold it.

Zero shook his head. If "plants fighting zombies" makes him grow brains, then this time, it directly tortured all his brain cells.

No, I have to find a place to rest well. I can't continue to act in this state.

Zero began to look for a suitable planet weakly, but at this moment, he noticed something and raised his arm. The "Zero Bracelet" on it flashed and led the space-time beam he sensed.

Is it a message from the Mirror Knight?

Regarding the actions during this period, Zero did not bring his Ultimate Zero Guard partners, and did not say what they were going to do, just saying that there were some secret missions to deal with...

There was nothing he could do about it. He had a son for no reason, and he had not yet adapted to this. How could he tell his friends about this?

However, before setting out to find the King of Ultra, Zero still used the form of [Ultimate Zero] to set a time-space beacon for each member of the Ultimate Zero Guard. After all, they had provoked a lot of enemies outside with him over the years. Now that he was going on a long journey, if they were attacked by someone, he would not be able to bear it.

And the function of this time-space beacon was also very simple, to shake people across time and space, no, to shake Zero, but because he was trapped in that green space, this beacon did not find him when it was activated, and then it was in a stagnant state.


At this time, Zero's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't know what happened during the time he was trapped, but he remembered that he was controlled by Belia and killed his partner with his own hands in the monster cemetery. The heart-wrenching pain at that time was like the hand of the devil, grabbing Zero's heart again.

Zero slowly activated the beacon. When the message came out, he subconsciously held his breath, and then a line of words suddenly appeared:

The Kingdom of Light was attacked!


Seeing this, Zero subconsciously let out a long breath. It was great that it was not the last words of the Mirror Knight. As for the attack on the Kingdom of Light? No problem, let alone anything else, Grandpa is still in the Kingdom of Light. If it is attacked, it is attacked. It's not a big problem.

But it's better to go back and take a look.

After calming down, Zero began to head towards the Kingdom of Light. The green energy during this period was still quite troublesome. If the Kingdom of Light also encountered that kind of strange mechanism monster, he could still help a little if he went back now. After all, I am very strong now.

With this idea, Zero turned into the "Ultimate Zero" and went to the Kingdom of Light. With the power of time and space in this posture, even if he flew from one extreme point of the galaxy to another relative extreme point, it would not take much time. So, a few minutes later, Zero appeared above the Kingdom of Light.

Hey, what did I say? Isn't everything normal?

Zero looked at the still bright mother planet, breathed a sigh of relief, and began to land at the same time. After all, he was so tired. He had already arrived home. It was really unreasonable not to go back to sleep and make up for his condition.

Hmm! ?

What does it feel like? !

Just when Zero landed on the ground of the Kingdom of Light, he suddenly felt a chill, as if something was staring at him. Zero instinctively looked around, and then saw his father rushing over from the Plasma Spark Tower.

Oh, no, there are Uncle Zoffy, Uncle Man, Uncle Ace and Uncle Taro...

"No, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation..."

Seeing that these five elders were going to beat him to death, Zero waved his hands and explained:

"It's not that I didn't go to the king, but the Mirror Knight told me that the Kingdom of Light was attacked, so I came back to see it. I, I, I, I will go and find the king now, and ask him to open the way to where Subaru is..."

No, this is... murderous intent? !

Just when Seven and others approached a certain range, it was like the fog covering the world suddenly dissipated, and Zero suddenly realized that something was wrong. Although his father wanted to find a reason to beat him up for a day or two, he didn't really want to do it. This... is really a problem!

Zero quickly threw out his head dart, trying to gain some distance and time for himself to buffer, but at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the shining floor of the Kingdom of Light. It was none other than the Mirror Knight who had sent him a message. The Mirror Knight pounced on Zero like an octopus. Although Zero immediately shook them off, the five Ultra Brothers had already rushed to him after being delayed like this...

Zero still failed to escape after all. The five Ultra Brothers plus the luxurious lineup of the Mirror Knight were too much for Zero, who was in poor condition at the moment. Zero, who was pressed on the floor and unable to move, was horrified to see the green energy spikes surging from the hands of his uncles and piercing into his body fiercely.

At that moment, Zero felt that his body suddenly lost control, and even his consciousness began to become blurred, but with a faint light flashing, Zero's soul suddenly woke up. He looked out through his uncontrolled body, but what he saw was completely different, dim and dead, the Kingdom of Light.

Obviously, what he saw before was an illusion!

At this time, Zero realized that his body began to move, and began to fly towards the Plasma Spark Tower with Seven and others. Soon, Zero saw Ultra Father and [Phoenix Hero·Mebius] turned into the last barrier to protect the Plasma Spark, stopping the Ultramen who were rushing in like a tide.

As he got closer to the Plasma Spark, Zero also felt that the control he was under seemed to be weakened a little. If he could be exposed to the Plasma Spark for a long time, he might be able to get rid of the current bad state.


Zero watched his body activate the [Balaji Shield] and joined the ranks of attacking Ultra Father and Mebius...

During the Civil War in the Kingdom of Light, Subaru had already created a dozen energy-supplying stone statues with the help of Chaos' head. At this time, Justice also flew over and handed Subaru a set of space-time coordinates. Obviously, that was the unstable space-time node that Subaru needed.

"Subaru, are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Looking at Subaru, who was about to leave after thanking himself and Chaos' head, Justice said reluctantly:

"Stay here for a few more days, just a few days, it should be...nothing, right?"

"No, no, if there are still things to do, I can't rest well even if I rest."

Subaru smiled and waved his hand, refusing Justice's request to stay. Then, after a solemn farewell, Nexus left the planet Zhulan.

"You really can't stay idle..."

Justice sighed helplessly, then stretched his body, and decided not to rest. He set off to the Kingdom of Light to see what was going on there, and how even the monster cemetery came to his side.

In the universe, Subaru flew towards the unstable time and space node while practicing with one mind. Master Lei Ting said that the time for daily practice can be shortened, but practice is not allowed. The "unified visualization method" must be adapted as a habit and instinct.

At this moment, two groups of red light suddenly flew past Subaru. When the three of them passed by, Subaru subconsciously glanced over there, then realized something, quickly braked, turned around and flew back, and the other side did the same thing as Subaru.

So, after the Gliza annihilation battle, Subaru and Leo accidentally met again in the universe.

"Senior Leo, long time no see. This must be Senior Astra. Hello, I'm Subaru."

Looking at the child in front of him who was saying hello, Leo smiled and patted Subaru's arm and said:

"It's been a long time since we last met, Subaru, why are you here? Do you have something to deal with? Is it troublesome? Do you need help? I'm free now, so I can help you."

When Leo saw Subaru, he couldn't help but think of his nightmare of beating him to death, so he couldn't help but want to do something for Subaru, but Subaru declined Leo's kindness. After all, he was just on his way, and he couldn't let Senior Leo carry him. However, he really had something to ask Senior Leo and Senior Astra.

"Senior Leo, Senior Astra, you came at the right time. It's like this, can you help me take a look, this... is it something from your planet L77?"

167 Camilla: Where is Tiga!

Hearing what Subaru said, Leo and Astra immediately leaned over curiously. L77... This name has really been heard for a long time for them. Now they suddenly heard this from Subaru, and they were a little uncomfortable. They didn't expect that this little guy knew that L77 was related to them.

And what Subaru took out was naturally the L77 specialty he got from the parallel world. After those gadgets were processed by shrinking light, it was not a problem to put them into the Ark bracelet module, but the medal of honor could not be taken out. There was his name engraved on it, so Subaru collected it as a souvenir.

"This... Is this Kamas candy?"

"Brother, look, Kurulu."

Looking at the pile of things Subaru took out, Leo and Astra subconsciously took it over, and turned out the corresponding name from their long-ago memories, with a tone full of emotion and nostalgia.

"Subaru, where did you get these things?"

Leo looked at Subaru and asked in a subtle tone. To be honest, if this kid took out the wreckage of L77's battleship or the broken marks, he would not be surprised at all, but these... were just like they were taken from L77.

"Ah... because of a little adventure, I was lucky enough to get these things from time and space."

Subaru did not explain the matter very clearly. He originally wanted to take some things from L77 as a memorial for the two Ultra predecessors in this world. How to say it, from the child's own point of view, if he put himself in the position of Leo/Astra predecessors, someone took things from the parallel world as a memorial for him, he would feel a little weird.

And if he didn't explain it clearly, he would mistakenly think that they were things from the mother planet (Earth), and he would naturally and comfortably keep these things.

Anyway, the probability of this lie being exposed is very low, so let it be.

The child nodded in his heart, feeling that there were not many problems with his handling of this wave.

Hearing what Subaru said, Leo and Astra did not continue to ask. They used light to save those little things, and then looked at Subaru who was about to say goodbye and said:

"Subaru, you... are in a hurry?"


Subaru nodded and said:

"I have to rush to an unstable space-time node. I am afraid that if I go too late, it will be stable again. So Senior Leo, Senior Astra, let's talk again later. To be honest, I didn't expect to meet you this time."

Hearing what Subaru said, Leo felt a little regretful. He originally wanted to talk more with Subaru. It was rare that this child liked him, but since he had something important to do, there was nothing he could do:

"Then go quickly. Astra and I are going back to the Kingdom of Light. If you are done, remember to come to the Kingdom of Light for a visit."

"Okay, I will. I'll go first. Senior Leo, Senior Astra, we'll meet again."

After saying that, Subaru turned and left here, continuing to fly towards that space-time node. After Leo watched Subaru leave, he also called Astra to leave here and continue to head towards the Kingdom of Light.

On the other side, Subaru had accelerated to the unstable space-time node. Fortunately, it had not stabilized yet, but there were signs of stability. Subaru quickly took the light ball given to him by Senior Tiga and performed space-time folding according to the beacon inside.

No accidents happened during the folding process. The Light of Nexus and the basic space-time theoretical framework that Subaru learned successfully helped him avoid a lot of trouble.

Then, under the shining light, a figure appeared in the solar system. Looking at the familiar yet strange earth, Yuan Subaru flew down with a subtle mood.

Sure enough, this is the earth where Dagu is. I didn't teleport to the wrong place.

Yuan Subaru looked at the TPC logo and nodded calmly. At this time, he noticed the reaction of Tiga's light, and turned into a red ball and flew towards the place where the reaction occurred.

At this time, the Tiga transformed by Yuan Dagu was fighting with a fish-like monster. In Yuan Subaru's opinion, the strength of this fish monster was average. It was a pity that Dagu's light energy reserve was not as good as his own, otherwise he could have killed it long ago...

No, Dagu didn't want to kill it?

Looking at Tiga's actions, Yuan Subaru seemed to realize something. He sat on the stone next to him and watched the battle over there. When he saw that the fish monster used high-pressure water flow and orange light to trick Daigo's skills, the child silently remembered in his heart that although Daigo had made rapid progress, he still lacked combat experience. He would have to help him train well later.


At this time, Yuan Daigo, who was fighting, trembled suddenly. An inexplicable chill made him look around subconsciously. For some reason, Yuan Daigo suddenly felt that he was going to be unlucky.

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