Yuan Subaru clenched his fists, felt the disorder of the space-time data, and knew that the last glimmer of life had disappeared. He gave up all thoughts and waved his hands. The energy body of Nexus' head was thrown out. They opened their mouths wide, swallowed and absorbed the flame energy, and then expanded their bodies.

But this flame energy was too terrifying. In just two seconds, the energy body of Nexus' head was blown up, causing a violent explosion, but such an explosion also opened a gap in the fire wall, and Yuan Subaru and Justice immediately flew through it.

Justice immediately released the energy from the color timer and gathered the energy in his hands. After raising his hands above his head, he strengthened the energy and gathered it between his hands, converted the energy into destructive light and fired at Beludora's body with all his strength.

Yuan Subaru was not idle either. He took out the only three remaining energy-supplying stone statues from the storage space, activated their energy, and then threw them out.

When the three energy-supplying stone statues fell on Belyudora, they did not explode immediately, but turned into light particles, penetrated into Belyudora's body along the gaps between the monsters, and exploded from the inside after reaching a certain depth, creating a pit in Belyudora's abdomen that was quite large compared to Nexus.

But for Belyudora, such injuries were not painful, and under the effect of the green energy, he even began to be reborn.

Tsk... If only the energy-supplying stone statues I made on Planet D60 could follow.

Yuan Subaru smacked his lips helplessly. If those stone statues were there, he might have tried to blow it in half, but now...

Looking up at the huge body with almost no head, Yuan Subaru gritted his teeth and flew straight all the way to Belyudora's head. As the saying goes, to capture a thief, you must first capture the king. If the head can be killed, the actions of this hundred-body monster should be curbed.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. When Subaru dodged all kinds of attacks from Belyudora all the way and came to the head with difficulty, he found that there was a turquoise crystal on his forehead. There was a burly figure in the crystal. I think Belia should have been in this position.

Thinking of this, Subaru burst into pure white light, trying to offset the turquoise crystal, but at this time, Belyudora's whole body released a terrifying energy flash. In an instant, the time and space around Subaru seemed to be still, like a stone statue frozen in ice. As the ice outside broke, the stone statue was also greatly damaged.

"Damn it!"

Looking at Subaru falling from the sky, Justice roared, chopped off the energy tentacles that besieged him, and quickly caught him. Although the energy flash just now was not directed at Justice, he could also feel the horror of the attack.

But Gen Subaru recovered and regained his balance. He had just added a layer of Ultimate Cross Barrier to the outer layer of his body, so the damage he received was not as severe as he had imagined.

However, this also made Gen Subaru clearly aware of the gap in strength between himself and Belyudora. When the gap between the pure white light and the green energy was too obvious, it was a ruthless crushing posture.

But I can still try again!

[Cascade Impact]!

Gen Subaru activated the Cascade energy particles in his body and turned into a golden Nexus. The powerful 'V'-shaped golden light released from the energy core blasted towards Belyudora. Justice also released the Dagrium Beam to assist Gen Subaru in an attempt to penetrate the body of this hundred-body monster.

But Belyudora only let out a wild roar, and the impact caused the Dagrium Beam to shatter. Justice couldn't help but cover his chest and let out a cry of grief.

The monsters and corpses of aliens awakened by the roar also opened their mouths and spit out the aggregated beams of destruction to confront Subaru's [Cascade Impact].

Looking at the golden beam that was being forced back step by step, Justice quickly flew behind Subaru and transferred his energy to resist Belyudora, but it was still useless. In the desperate roar of Subaru and Justice, the green light of destruction finally engulfed the two.

But at this time, the pure white light made the last instinctive resistance. It seemed to be triggered by some setting. Without Subaru's will, it acted on its own. The gentle light linked Justice's light energy with Subaru's original core, superimposing the power of both parties. Then, before death came, a bright light bloomed from it, and a figure was looming in it.

In this world, there is an ancient legend that when two great forces in the universe meet, the true figure will be revealed in the dazzling brilliance, the legendary warrior - Ultraman Legend!

165 Legend: How did you survive? (Sixth update)

Ultraman Legend is called the ultimate hero "full of golden light like the phoenix". He exerts fighting power corresponding to the "Almighty God" and is a legend praised by the universe.

He is also an existence that seeks cosmic harmony based on cosmic justice. He silently pays attention to and protects all life in the universe. He is a powerful warrior in the cosmic legend.

The last time he appeared was when Gaos and Justice were fighting against the ultimate weapon of Drasion, the Giga Endora. In order to protect the earth from the strongest weapon in the universe, Gaos and Justice merged into Ultraman with the power of miracles when their minds were united.

And now, this legendary warrior has come again. He slowly walked out of the light. He looks like a knight, domineering, tall, with silver light bands on his body, which is somewhat similar to the [original] posture of Minamoto Subaru.

"This is really a huge posture."

Lei Juedo calmly looked at the huge figure, looking at the green light that appeared and disappeared in the body, and said calmly:

"It's really unpleasant energy."

As if he understood what Lei Juedo said, or Lei Juedo's existence made this irrational monster instinctively hostile, and spit out a flame breath that tore through the space towards this legendary Ultraman.

In response, Reijido calmly opened his hands and let the flames fall on him. In this flame, the legendary warrior was unharmed and absorbed the energy of this attack.

At this time, Reijido slightly turned his body, and a circle of blue light appeared, shrinking as Reijido made a whirling gesture. Then Reijido turned his body again in the opposite direction, and the blue light suddenly spread out, and the majestic power burst out. Beludora angrily launched a more terrifying attack, but what followed was a counterattack after amplification.

Under this frenzy of attack, Beludora, the hundred-body monster that once caused Gensuba and Justice to fight hard, was annihilated under the torrent of Reijido's power. Reijido looked at the still shining green crystal, snorted coldly, and the invisible power suddenly emerged, shattering and obliterating the crystal.

No wonder Gauss and Justice merged into one, allowing me to descend. Such an enemy is really troublesome.

Reijido looked at the surrounding space-time environment, and removed the space-time closed loop caused by the turquoise crystal, whispering in his heart.

I don't know what the demon was stimulated by, and he actually started to attack the blockade so frantically. Did he find something? It shouldn't be. That universe was blocked so tightly by Noah, and that bastard shouldn't have the opportunity to contact it...

Thinking of this, Reijido sighed with a headache.

Forget it, no matter what, it's better to clear all the leaked "original crystals" during this period. These things are still too dangerous for ordinary Ultra Warriors.

While thinking about this, Reijido examined the surrounding space-time again. After confirming that there was no problem, he lifted his advent state.



Why is Justice and Nexus fused this time?

Is there still such a linkage between Noah's Light and me?


This white light looks a little familiar...

No, wait! What's wrong with this pure white light? !

In the second before the release of the advent, Reijido seemed to have seen something incredible, and stretched out his hand to interrupt his return, but he was still a step slower. With the release of the fusion, Gensuba and Justice returned, and the carrier carrying Reijido no longer existed.

"Which Ultraman is that?"

Gensuba looked at Justice in shock. He also felt the process of the battle just now. He was extremely shocked by the overwhelming posture. What a powerful force that was.

"That is the legendary warrior Reijido."

Justice was also in a daze at this time. He didn't expect that he and 'Hake' were blown up by others, and how could Reijido be blown out? Could it be that the key material for the fusion of Reijido is not Gauss, but me, Justice? This is too weird.

It turns out that that person is Reijido. Oh, I forgot to learn the skills.

Yuan Subaru felt a little regretful and helpless at the same time. The former was because he was completely shocked by the power of Reijido and forgot the main thing. The latter was because the child remembered that the colorful gem given by Senior Saiga as a token of trust was still in the storage space on the TLT Earth. Without it, he was afraid that Senior Reijido would not teach him skills.

"Well, let's go back first."

At this time, Justice came back to his senses, patted Yuan Subaru on the shoulder and said:

"Anyway, let's find a place to rest first. We've been tossed around a lot this time."

"Ah, Senior Justice, you make sense. By the way, there's something I forgot to say."

Yuan Subaru smiled at Justice, pointed at himself and said:

"My real name is Yuan Subaru. When I met you last time, something happened and I didn't dare to report my real name. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, it's okay. The name is just a code name."

Justice waved his hand indifferently. Just as he was about to say something else, suddenly, Yuan Subaru and Justice noticed the fluctuation in time and space. The two immediately raised their alerts, staring at the fluctuating time and space, ready to start a war again.

But the one who appeared this time was none other than the legendary warrior Reijido who had just descended. He descended in his true form. The first thing he did when he came over was to stare at Subaru motionlessly. At that moment, the child felt as if his body was being pierced by this sharp gaze. Fortunately, Justice on the side noticed something was wrong, stepped forward, blocked Reijido's gaze for Subaru, and said softly:

"Lord Regeda, what can I do for you?"

"Justis, get out of the way, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Regedo had no intention of talking to Justis. He waved his hand casually, and the fixed space light blocked Justis' movements and drove him aside. Then Regedo's figure flashed and appeared at the source. In front of Subaru, he put his hand directly on the child's head. At that moment, Yuan Subaru felt that he was locked by an indescribable force, as if every part of his body was no longer under his control.

But just when Reggio put his hand on it, the pure white light was suddenly drawn out, and Yuan Subaru couldn't help but transform into the form of [Pure White·Native]. At the same time, Yuan Subaru and Jesti What surprised Si was that the pure white light wrapped around Reggio's fingers, very well-behaved, as if he was saying hello to a long-lost friend.

"How did you survive?"

ah! ?

At this time, Yuan Subaru heard Regedo's whisper, which was full of self-doubt and disbelief. Then, Regedo's hand left Yuan Subaru's head, and the child immediately regained his body freedom.

"Come on, attack me in this form."

? ? ?

Then, before Yuan Subaru could breathe a sigh of relief, Reggio's next words made him nervous. Attack? Why did I provoke you? Why did I kill you like this?

Yuan Subaru had a grimace on his face, but after carefully sensing the past, he didn't detect murderous intent from Regedo's body. After thinking for a moment, Yuan Subaru raised his hand and said:

"Um...Senior Regedo, I don't have active attack skills in this form, only passive counterattacks. How about you wait for me to wear armor and then fight you?"


Hearing this answer, Regedo seemed to fall into silence. After waiting for a while, without getting a response, Yuan Subaru assumed that the legendary warrior had acquiesced. Just as he was about to activate the Ark bracelet, he saw Regedo moving toward him. As he fired a very small light bullet, Yuan Subaru quickly opened his white shield, caught it firmly, assimilated and absorbed it, and then counterattacked.

Reggio reached out to catch the incoming attack, crushed it into small pieces, then waved his hand to create a separate space, cutting off all contact with the outside world, and then said to Yuan Subaru:

"Come, child, tell me, tell me about your experience, how you obtained the light of Nexus, and how you awakened this pure white power, tell me, this is very important. "

"Okay, Reggio-senpai..."

Yuan Subaru didn't know why the legendary warrior wanted to listen to his story, but it seemed that he had only one choice at the moment.

So Yuan Subaru began to speak slowly, and Regedo also listened quietly. After a short while, Regedo suddenly spoke:

"you are lying!"

The legendary warrior stared at Gen Subaru and said:

"What are you hiding?"


Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment. He guessed that Reggio had the ability to detect lies, but... forget it.

"I fought with my father's clone, and then my body was absorbed and eaten. Only my soul escaped with the help of everyone in the medical department and survived in the form of an aggregate of light particles. I continued to pay tribute to my father's The clone attacked and was bombarded with energy lightning by my father's clone, and then somehow, this pure white light awakened..."


This time it was Regedo who was silent. He hesitated for a moment, then gently patted Yuan Subaru, who was a little sad, as if to comfort him, and said softly:

"I'm sorry, but... I still have to ask you to continue talking, um... Next, you can choose some things to tell me that are only related to pure white light."

Yuan Subaru nodded and continued to speak in a calm tone. After finishing speaking, Yuan Subaru looked at the giant in front of him. Although he had no expression or movement, Yuan Subaru faintly noticed that he seemed to be the first to learn the theory of time and space. Yuan Subaru couldn't help but think of his commonly used [Shocked Cat Head] expression in TLT.

After waiting for a while, Yuan Subaru heard Reggio murmuring in an incomprehensible tone:

"Are you really alive?!"

"Senior Regedo, can you speak more clearly... Is there anything wrong with me living?"

Yuan Subaru realized that his existence might not be accidental, so he couldn't help but ask curiously. Reggio was silent again, but this time the silence was short. He shook his head and said:

"This should wait until I figure out what's going on. Then, I'll leave first. I have to find someone."

"Senior Regedo, please wait a moment."

Yuan Subaru quickly stopped Reggio and said quickly:

"Although I can't take Senior Saka's token with me for some reasons, Senior Saka really hopes that you can teach me some useful skills. Can this...can..."


Reggio thought for a moment and agreed. He stretched out his hand to touch Yuan Subaru's forehead. The knowledge that poured in immediately made the child have a headache and dizziness and he couldn't stand up. Reggio helped him with his hand, and then After thinking for a while, he hugged Yuan Subaru gently and said softly:

"Child, I want to apologize to you. I just forced you to recall so many bad things. I don't expect your forgiveness, but please understand that the power you named 'Pure White Light' is really important. Use it to protect you, please protect it, goodbye for now.”

After saying that, Reijido let go of Subaru, waved at him, and then disappeared in this space. Then, between the cosmic planes, the stream of light transformed by Reijido shuttled at high speed, and the curved flight trajectory was just like his mood at the moment-

Noah! Noah!!! Noah!!!

Where are you now! Something happened! What happened! The [engine] you want to build has become a living person! Don't tell me this is part of your plan! Come out quickly! We have to have a good talk!!!

Just as Reijido was roaring wildly in his heart, due to the departure of this legendary warrior, the blockade of Subaru and Justice was also lifted, and the skills used to block the two people were also transformed into pure energy, replenishing the two people, which can be said to be full of status.

Justice flew over immediately, looked at Yuan Subaru nervously, and said softly:

"Ha... Subaru, did Senior Reijido not do anything to you?"

"No, no, no."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Senior Reijido just thought I was gifted, so he came to test me and give me some pointers. Hehe, I have learned a lot of skills from Senior Reijido now. When I have mastered them, I will show you."

"Okay, I look forward to it."

After that, Justice complained unhappily:

"Really, Senior Reijido teaches his apprentice like he wants to kill someone. I didn't realize before that he has such a style of doing things."

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