But Red Lotus Flame had no intention of fighting Yuan Subaru. He patted his head, splashing some sparks, and then said in a tone of sudden realization:

"I remembered. Zero told us that Nexus is Noah's trumpet. Oh my, I didn't expect to meet someone like you here. I'm so lucky!"

Why do everyone I meet seem to know the relationship between Nexus and Ultraman Noah? Is this an open secret in the universe?

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but complain, and after asking this question to Red Lotus Flame, the flame giant shook his head and said:

"Probably not. I didn't know about it at all before. I heard from Zero that he only learned about this history after listening to his uncles telling his brother Taiga stories about the Kingdom of Light."


Hearing this, Yuan Subaru nodded first, then thought of something, and tentatively said:

"Let me ask, is your historical record as Captain Zero good?"


Red Lotus Flame was stunned for a moment, as if he had just realized something. He turned to look at Yuan Subaru, thought for a moment, and said softly:

"Zero... he must have gone to school..."

"Okay, let him pass this topic."

Yuan Subaru decisively changed the topic. It would be too bad if this Red Lotus Flame wanted to kill someone to keep his reputation as captain. When the Red Lotus Flame heard this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not really what Yuan Subaru thought, but he was afraid that Nexus would use Zero as a breakthrough point to ask about the average academic level of their Ultimate Zero Guard. If this was the case, Red Lotus Flame would have to Let's have a debate with this Nexus, to prove that after being around the universe for a long time, you can still be knowledgeable.

"Red Lotus Flame, do you know where there are unstable time and space nodes near here?"

Gen Subaru brought the topic to the issue he was most concerned about at the moment and asked this member of the Ultimate Zero Guard (Subaru complained: such a long name):

"I am looking for such a place to travel through time and space to complete the tasks assigned to me by my predecessors. If you have any, please tell me. I would be grateful."


Hearing this, Red Lotus Flame grabbed his head, and clusters of flames emerged from it. After a while, he raised his head and said decisively:

"I don't know, I have no impression."

"That's it. If you're sorry for disturbing me, I'll take my leave now."

Since there was no such thing, Yuan Subaru did not intend to stay here any longer. He stood up and said goodbye to Red Lotus Flame and left. Red Lotus Flame waved his hand and said helplessly:

"It's a pity, it's a pity that Zero is not here, otherwise, let him use [Ultimate Zero]... Oh!!!!"

What's wrong with you! ?

Seeing the red lotus flames that suddenly screamed, Yuan Subaru was startled and patted his chest, soothing the energy of the [Clone Ultra Smoke Bomb] that was almost instinctively activated, and looked at it angrily. Red Lotus Flame, who was grabbing his head and shouting, planned to ignore him and leave directly, letting himself scream there.

But Yuan Subaru wanted to leave, but Red Lotus Flame held him back, and chattered a lot. One thing he said was that Yuan Subaru's cosmic language learning was not perfect. At first, Red Lotus Flame spoke slowly, and he still If you can keep up, this will turn into a machine gun. Who knows what he said.

So, Yuan Subaru broke free from Zai Honglianyan's hand and motioned for him to say it again. Only then did the child know what he wanted to do.

It's very simple. Zero is missing. The Ultimate Zero Guard has completely lost the news of its captain. Its members Red Lotus Flame, James Bert, Mirror Knight, and Zhanai are looking for Zero's whereabouts in the universe.

Just now, Red Lotus Flame remembered that Zero had the equipment given by Noah, and Nexus was Noah's trumpet. He thought about whether Nexus could help him and find him. Captain.

"Well...I can only say that I will keep an eye out for you."

Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and gave this answer. After all, he still had business to deal with, so he couldn't stop to find that Zero. And... That Zero had hacked his father to death, and... The ruthless man with Noah's props is an enemy that he can't even deal with. How can I fight him like this now? I still want to meet Mr. Matsunaga and everyone in the Night Raid Team.


Just when Yuan Subaru wanted to leave again, Red Lotus Flame remembered something again and said to Yuan Subaru:

"About that unstable space-time node, I don't know, but I know a place called 'Time Falls'. That place is more metaphysical. I heard from Zero that that place seems to take the initiative to summon you. If you Once you feel it, remember not to resist.”

"Okay, thank you, thank you for the information."

After saying this, Yuan Subaru left the planet and began traveling aimlessly.

Traveling is not appropriate. Yuan Subaru is trying to build new connections, such as using Cascade energy to find the direction of the kingdom, but he doesn’t know whether it’s because the distance is too far or because he hasn’t completely mastered it yet. Because of the energy, he could indeed vaguely feel some connection, but from which direction that connection came, Yuan Subaru really couldn't tell.


At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly stopped and looked around. After confirming that no one was calling him, he began to listen attentively. Then, he vaguely heard the familiar cry for help.

This... Wasn't it transmitted through the deep blue space? !

Yuan Subaru was surprised to find this. He began to try his best to respond to the urgent call, but this time it was not like in the deep blue space. As long as he thought about it, he could travel to the person he needed. Until the cry for help completely disappeared, Yuan Subaru still stood there.


Yuan Subaru silently put down his hand that acted as an antenna. Without saying anything, he took out the Ark bracelet and turned into the state of "Dragon God". Then, he opened the placement room on the chest armor, where a ball of light flew out. It was nothing else but the space-time "opportunity" given to Yuan Subaru by Tartarus.

Fortunately, this "opportunity" is a pure energy body. Tartarus also took into account the appearance of Yuan Subaru as a "child" and set conditions for it. Otherwise, Yuan Subaru really couldn't bring this here.

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath. Since he didn't know what to do at the moment, he would try to open this opportunity first to see if he could get anything useful from it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru randomly found a deserted planet and began to try to activate it. As Tartarus said, opening this "opportunity" is a test for Yuan Subaru. Since it is a test, Tartarus will not set the test questions too outrageous.

Therefore, after Yuan Subaru calmed down and completed the system according to the knowledge in the Ark bracelet, it was not difficult to open this space-time anchor point.

Looking at the opened anchor point, Yuan Subaru immediately deleted some of the data and information in the Ark bracelet that were no longer used, then raised his hands, [Armed Nexus] lit up, activated the storage space, put the anchor point in it, and then a portal appeared in front of Yuan Subaru.

Yuan Subaru looked at the Ark bracelet again at this time, and after confirming that the recording function of this device had been turned on, he walked into the portal. Then, Yuan Subaru felt that the light of Nexus seemed to be touched by it, but then it became silent again.

Yuan Subaru secretly remembered this change in his heart, and then he came to a place similar to the bottom of the canyon. The surroundings looked very desolate, but this was by no means a dead planet. Yuan Subaru had sensed the breath of living beings, and...

The living beings closest to him were making a sneak attack!

Yuan Subaru leaned over and spun backwards, avoiding the attacker's dive. The attacker was very fast, but not as fast as Yuan Subaru. When it wanted to fly up and prepare for a new round of attack, Yuan Subaru pulled out its tail, and the dark energy surged under the skin. The terrifying brute force immediately broke out, and the bird attacker fell from the sky and fell to the ground over his shoulder.

At this time, Yuan Subaru was able to see the true face of this guy. It was the monster Guerbasa. In the visitors' monster illustrations, it was recorded as follows-

A huge bird-shaped monster, very ferocious and warlike, its flying speed can reach up to Mach 8. Once Guerbasa's huge wings are flapped, a huge tornado will be blown up, attracting dark clouds to cover the sky, and the wind speed of this tornado can even reach more than 90 meters.

For humans, this is indeed a big threat.

But for me, I still consider whether the meat of this thing is delicious.

Just when Yuan Subaru was thinking about whether to steam or grill it, Guerbasa screamed, flapped its wings, and fired darts similar to feathers. Yuan Subaru only glanced at it, and the powerful Ultraman's telekinesis locked those darts, controlled them, and flew back at a faster speed. In the blink of an eye, they penetrated Guerbasa's body, causing the strange bird to frantically flap its wings in pain, and set off one wind whirlpool after another, trying to push Yuan Subaru away from it.

But Yuan Subaru only shook his arm, and the powerful wave that spread out dispersed all the wind whirlpools. Then, Yuan Subaru grabbed Guerbasa's wings, dark energy surged, and his strength soared. With a low roar, he tore off the pair of bird wings abruptly, and then stomped on Guerbasa's chest. The powerful force caused the ground to crack instantly, and the bird-shaped monster also stopped screaming and stopped all life activities.

Subaru kicked it again casually to prevent it from resurrecting, then squatted on the ground and began to think about whether to roast the whole thing or roast it in pieces. To be honest, except for the alien beast, he wanted to try the taste of other monsters he saw. What if they were delicious? If they were delicious and non-toxic, a monster as big as a hot mom would be enough to feed many humans.

It's just a pity that when he was on Earth, Subaru had no time and energy to be a taster. Of course, the director and Mr. Matsunaga refused to approve this application, so this matter was shelved. Now that he is relatively free, the monster tasting plan can be considered on the agenda.

Thinking of this, Subaru started cutting with the energy hand knife, and used Ultraman's telekinesis to remove the hair. His mouth was not idle either, and he said softly:

"Friends over there, do you want to help? When it's roasted, I'll give you half, so you can have a taste of meat."

"Is it possible..."

Following Yuan Subaru's words, a spaceman with a dragon-like head, wearing clothes similar to the ancient costumes from China, walked out of the shadows, touched his chin with his hand and said:

"I raised this bird."

"Then your response is too slow."

Yuan Subaru said calmly:

"When I threw this Guy Basa to the ground just now, I waited for your reaction. You didn't react at all. Now you are saying that you raised this guy..."

Yuan Subaru turned to look at the cosmic man, staring at him with sharp eyes. The dragon head suddenly felt unspeakable pressure.

"Do you want to take it all to yourself? That's not okay. I have to take a bite anyway."

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"...This meat is quite tough and not tasty."

The cosmonaut seemed not to have expected Yuan Subaru to say such a thing, and was a bit dumbfounded for a moment. After waiting for a while, he looked at Yuan Subaru who continued to work, and couldn't help but remind him:

"I tried, really."

"Oh, is it poisonous?"

As Yuan Subaru spoke, his hands were not idle and he continued to process the ingredients. The spaceman thought for a moment and said softly:

"There's no diarrhea, so it's probably not poisonous."

"That's it, thank you."

Yuan Subaru nodded. At this time, Gu Erbasa's flesh was also cooked. In the eyes of the cosmonaut's widened eyes, he canceled the transformation and returned to his human appearance. He blew on it and still emitted hot steam. The flesh of the meat, "Aww", took a bite, shook it left...and right...without tearing it, Yuan Subaru pulled his teeth out of the flesh, cut off a small bite with his telekinesis, and threw it into his mouth , chew...chew...chew...spit!

This meat is chewier than chewing gum, and it takes a lot of calories to cook it. It is not cost-effective, and it is not qualified to enter the food library.

Yuan Subaru took out the Ark bracelet, called up the Monster Manual, added a tasting review on Ancient Urbasa's page, then took out the Evolved Truster, transformed into Nexus again, looked at the spaceman and said:

"Thank you for your answer. In return, come on, I will do my best."

"Etc., etc!!!"

The spaceman quickly waved his hand, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Tell me first, are you born to be this tall, or are you..."

"I just haven't kept up with my nutrition!"

Yuan Subaru didn't accept that he had grown so tall, especially when he saw that the children of employees he knew from TLT had just gone to elementary school and were much taller than him. Yuan Subaru was so angry that he ate more. Two bowls of rice, a few more bottles of milk, and then I went out and came back to weigh myself. I didn't gain any weight and lost two pounds. Not to mention my height, I didn't grow even a centimeter. Yuan Subaru was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Humph, I don't have the habit of bullying children. Let's go. No matter where you come from, don't bother me here."

The cosmic man waved his hand and ignored Yuan Subaru at all. He planned to go back and continue lying down, but this was not possible. Yuan Subaru still expected to fight with him to judge the general strength of the planet. How could he not fight if he said there was no fight? OK.

So, Yuan Subaru tilted his head and said softly:

"Don't you want to fight me? When I was dealing with that strange bird just now, you had 'Come and fight me' written all over your face."

"Annoying little kid...."

After listening to Yuan Subaru's words, the spaceman waved his hand impatiently, trying to drive Yuan Subaru away, but at this moment...

"Do you think it would be embarrassing to have never spanked a child? Well, then I respect your self-esteem as an adult."


There is a saying that when this cosmonaut heard this, he immediately wanted to jump up and roll up his sleeves, but...how to put it, after seeing the tragic situation of Guabasa, he really felt a little guilty. Yes, Cai Caicai was not afraid that he would not be able to beat him, but because he was afraid that the child's small hands were not heavy, so he could not hold back his hand and beat the child until he cried.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Sir."

No, this fight is going to end today anyway.

The spaceman couldn't help but jumped up from the stone, looked at Yuan Subaru, struck a pose, and said in a solemn voice:

"Tatsuban, please enlighten me!"

"Nexus, please teach me!"

Yuan Subaru also pulled out his fighting stance and took the lead in launching an attack. Looking at the punch coming straight at him, Chen Ban used his left hand to move outward, blocking Yuan Subaru's punch, and slapped him with the other hand. He lowered the leg that Yuan Subaru raised to kick, and then struck out with his right hand suddenly, trying to grab Yuan Subaru's neck.

But Yuan Subaru's arm turned, and in turn clasped Chenban's left hand, and broke it straight upward. The strong force forced Chenban to bend his knees to ensure that his arm joints would not dislocate, but Chenfan also Seizing this opportunity, he swept his legs out, trying to destroy Yuan Subaru's body balance.

In response, Yuan Subaru grabbed Chen Ban's arm and did a forward somersault to throw Chen Ban away. Then, Yuan Subaru clenched his fist and sent an atomic punch towards Chen Ban. The whistling wind of the fist made Chen Ban Ban couldn't help but his expression changed, a red dragon crest appeared behind him, and he fired a flaming punch to offset the atomic punch.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru had already taken off. He was like a flexible swallow, moving in the air, confusing Chen Fan's attention. After catching the flaw, the flying 'swallow' suddenly turned into a falling meteor, heading towards him. Chen Fan will kill the general and pass by.

But as a trainer, Chenban, although Yuan Subaru's flying kick is really good, but if you want to hit him with it, you still look down on him.

So in the next second, Chen Fan easily dodged Yuan Subaru's meteor kick. Feeling the vibration from the ground and the dust rising in front of his eyes, Chen Fan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Look, look, look, let me just say that this kid's attack was neither light nor heavy. If this kick hits, it won't just break a few bones. This is too cruel. Whose family is this? Boy, is this a bit too much to fight?

Just when Chen Fan was thinking like this, he suddenly began to feel something was wrong. It stands to reason that at this time, that Nexus should have rushed out of the dust. Could it be...

He kicked me so hard that I broke my leg when I kicked it on the ground! ?

Thinking of this, Chen Fan wanted to shout to see what was going on, but at this moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the dust. The distracted Chen Fan had no time to dodge, and Yuan Subaru hugged his legs, and then Nexus exerted force under his feet, directly carried Chen Ban and flew into the sky, and began to spin at extremely high speed.

problem occurs....

Feeling this astonishing rotation speed, Chen Fan already realized what attack he was going to face next, but by the time he realized it, Yuan Subaru had already completed the rotation and threw Chen Fan heavily to the ground, with a crash. The sound of impact made the canyon tremble.

But Chen Fan was not injured. He opened his eyes and saw that he was protected by a golden barrier. Without this, he might not have been sent to first aid in time. Then, Chen Fan smiled and sat up. One leg was bent, and he put his hands on his knees. He looked at Yuan Subaru who was slowly falling down and said with a smile:

"Boy, who did you learn these moves from? That's fine."


Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and said softly:

"There are too many. If you include the enemies, you can't count them with two hands..."

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