Well, I'll be learning to fight after you were born.

Chen Ban is not a guy with no eyesight. With this kid's style of play, he must have not received any systematic training, but he has just come up with his own style. In this case, it can only be said that he has experienced a very cruel experience. It was only through actual combat training that these bits and pieces were put together.

Wow, this is a tradition for raising children. Are you really not afraid of killing your own children?

Chen Fan couldn't help but complain in his heart, and then after the golden barrier disappeared, he stood up, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"If you are not in a hurry to go home, how about I introduce you to a master?"

Introducing the master (×)

Huo Huo others (√)

Chen Fan has already thought about it. He must not be able to enjoy being beaten by a child alone. As long as everyone has been beaten, it means that no one has been beaten.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you Mr. Tatsuban."

Yuan Subaru came here just to find an opportunity. If someone is willing to introduce him today, he must go and have a look.

"Let's go. Speaking of which, I haven't gone back to see them for a long time. I don't know what level my fellow disciples are now."

Chen Fan waved to Yuan Subaru, then walked out of the canyon, taking Yuan Subaru with him in a leisurely manner. After leaving this place, Yuan Subaru saw the true face of this planet, Green Water Green mountains, blue sky and white clouds, full of the breath of life, is really a good place.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru also noticed that there were simulated robots on this planet, and it seemed that they were performing the duty of protecting the planet.

But I feel like their strength isn't quite there...

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Chen Ban noticed Yuan Subaru's trance, looked along his line of sight, and said with a smile:

"That was a statue that everyone made when they were free. It was okay, not ugly."

"a ha ha ha...."

Yuan Subaru smiled awkwardly. He was not admiring the statue just now. He was just assuming that if he started to fight with those simulated robots, he would emit light and spin around the statue, which would almost sweep away all the robots in the area. middle.

Then, Chen Fan introduced to Yuan Subaru like a tour guide. The planet they are currently on is D60 Draconis, which has a friendly relationship with the planet L77 Leo. D60 Draconis is the origin planet of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist school, such as Chenban, what he learns is the Space Fantasy Beast Fist and the Red Dragon Fist.

On this planet, there is Master Lei Ting, a master of the Space Fantasy Beast Fist. He is the strongest fighter of the Space Fantasy Beast Fist. He uses the supreme boxing technique "Strong Power Breaking Ox Fist". This time Chen Ban wants to take Yuan Subaru to What he saw was Master Lei Ting.

And this grandmaster gave Chen Fan the confidence to take Yuan Subaru directly to the dojo. If there was a problem with this Nexus, he believed that Master Lei Ting could deal with him properly.

However, at this time, Yuan Subaru was frowning slightly as he recalled. He had no impression of the D60 Draconis star, but the L77 star in the Leo constellation, the child always felt as if he had heard of it somewhere. It was so familiar, and it felt like it was there. It's on my lips, but I just can't say it.

However, such doubts did not linger around Yuan Subaru for too long, because after Chen Fan took Yuan Subaru into the training ground of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist, he knew where he had heard it. At this moment, a familiar The figure is standing in the middle of the field. It seems that he has just finished sparring. This person is none other than Ultraman Leo!

"Senior Leo..."

Um? !

Yuan Subaru subconsciously whispered. Although the voice was very soft, who among the people present was not a practicing master, and whose five senses were not beyond ordinary people's. So they all heard Yuan Subaru's voice. Leo turned his head in confusion and looked at Yuan Subaru said in a voice full of vigor:

"Friend, have we met somewhere?"

This voice is so young...

Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment, and then his little head started to spin crazily. Considering that the anchor point Mr. Tartarus gave me was not just pure space energy, but also had a certain time attribute. Senior Leo's voice was so young, Chen It is so natural to say that the star D60 Draconis and the star L77 Leo are allies, can it be inferred...

The current L77 star has not been blown up by the Magma people?

While Yuan Subaru was brainstorming crazily, Leo glanced at Chen Fan next to him with some embarrassment and wanted to ask what was going on. Chen Fan innocently raised his hand. He knew Yuan Subaru. In less than half a day, who knows what this stupid kid is thinking.

Seeing Chen Fan like this, a spaceman with a white tiger head in the training ground frowned, and planned to walk over with his hands behind his back to talk to Chen Fan. But at this moment, Yuan Subaru came back to his senses and looked at Lei Ultraman Ou said in a solemn voice:

"That's it, Senior Leo, I have seen your portrait through some channels before, so I recognize you, but this is not important. The key is that I received a message that the Magma fleet seems to want to destroy Planet L77, I really don’t know when they launched their attack and where they are now.”

I really don't know this. After all, when they chatted with Hong Kai and the others last time, when they talked about the Ultra brothers, they only mentioned Leo's life experience and didn't go into details.


Leo originally came here to exchange boxing skills, but he didn't expect to receive such news, which really surprised him. But at this moment, the white tiger-headed spaceman interrupted what Leo wanted to say next and looked at Yuan. Subaru said seriously:

"Who are you? How can you prove that what you are telling the truth, Chenban, what are you doing?"

"Hey Hey hey...."

Chen Fan looked helplessly at the white tiger-headed cosmonaut and said with indignation:

"Why is the target of the blame here again? Wang Xiao, please don't think that anything happened, it's all related to me, okay? Even though I did bring the person."

"Huh... How to prove that I am telling the truth is as troublesome as asking me to prove that my father is my father."

Yuan Subaru scratched his head with numbness. This kind of thing was a bit beyond the calculation range of his little brain.

So Yuan Subaru raised his fist, looked at Leo and said:

"Then let's have a fight. I believe that after the fight is over, you can trust me, Senior Leo?"

What kind of outrageous logic is this? If you can't explain it well and start a fight, can you go up and punch someone and turn your enemy into a friend?

Chen Fan felt that he was acting like a fool this time, and sighed deeply in his heart. Then, regardless of Wang Xiao's eyes that looked like he was going to kill him, he simply lay down on the table next to him.

That's it, I have no choice but to wait until Master Lei Ting comes over.

And what about Leo.

"Okay! Come on then!"

159 Master Lei Ting: Huh?

Wang Xiao originally wanted to remind Leo, but after hearing Leo's response, he couldn't say anything. He could only quietly act as the referee and wait for the battle to end before saying anything else.

And just when Wang Xiao said 'the discussion begins'...

Pull your right leg back and bend your left leg slightly.

The right hand is the palm, raised upward.

Use the empty palm of your left hand to press down.

This is one of Leo's common starting moves.

But now, there are two such starting moves. The new one makes the same move as Leo. Moreover, everyone present is a martial arts practitioner. It can be seen that this new one is not just a simple move. There is also a natural momentum between the imitation and posture.


Seeing this scene, Chen Fan stopped lying down, sat up, and began to watch the sparring seriously.

Leo, after being slightly surprised, braced himself more seriously for the next battle.

However, this time Yuan Subaru did not rush forward as usual. In the deep blue space, he was really convinced by the projection of Senior Leo. Senior Leo's unarmed combat and close combat were so powerful that the person in front of him now Youth version of Leo, Yuan Subaru still instinctively chooses to take advantage of the situation.

Seeing that Yuan Subaru did not take the initiative to attack, Leo unceremoniously took the initiative and rushed towards Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru spread his arms and arms to block Leo's two hand knife attacks, and at the same time opened the middle. Wanting to knock Leo back with one or two punches.

But after the attack with the hand knife failed, Leo immediately raised his leg and kicked towards Yuan Subaru's chest. Yuan Subaru stopped his hand, slapped it down, and slapped away Leo's kick. Leo used this force to He did a backflip and swung his left leg towards Yuan Subaru like a whip.

Yuan Subaru grabbed Leo's ankle, raised it into the air and rotated it violently, and then used centrifugal force to throw Leo out. Leo supported it with both hands, calmly removed the force and regained his balance.

When Leo had just maintained his posture, Yuan Subaru rushed over again. He quickly moved to Leo's side, grabbed his arm, exploded his muscle strength, wanted to throw him over his back, and smashed him hard. toward the ground.

Leo naturally would not let Yuan Subaru get what he wanted. He immediately broke free from Yuan Subaru's grasp and began to try to lock Yuan Subaru's joints. During the struggle, Yuan Subaru grabbed Leo's upper arm, and then While somersaulting his body, he used the power of his spin to throw Leo, who was caught off guard, away.

Looking at Leo who had once again completed his bodybuilding, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but smack his lips. He received the guidance of Leo, a master of physical skills. He felt that he was a qualified disciple, but he didn't expect to end up with the youth version. Leo-senpai was fighting for a while and it was hard to tell the winner. Is it because I haven't mastered the physical skills yet, or is it because Leo was very good at fighting when he was young.

At this time, Leo launched another attack. This time, Yuan Subaru could clearly detect that Leo's offensive had become much faster. It seemed that he wanted to complete the suppression of Yuan Subaru in this way, and step by step Compressing Yuan Subaru's range of activities.

Realizing this, Yuan Subaru immediately found the right moment, somersaulted to avoid Leo's sweeping leg, and then turned around and kicked sideways. Although Leo also reacted in time, Yuan Subaru's powerful kick was still Making him stumble forward and nearly fall to the ground.

"Okay, let's stop it."

At this time, an old and steady voice came, and a buffalo-headed cosmonaut wearing a wide-sleeved training suit slowly came to the training ground with steady steps. Yuan Subaru looked at the respect of the people around him and thought, This is Master Lei Ting, the master of the Universal Fantasy Beast Fist.

"It's over now, Leo. I think you have made your own decision now."

Master Lei Ting put his hands in his sleeves, looked at Leo in a soft voice and said:

"Star D60 is the forever friend of star L77. If you need help, please be sure to tell us."

"Okay, Master Lei Ting."

Leo put away his posture, nodded seriously, and then walked to Yuan Subaru. Without saying anything, he reached out and patted the child's shoulder, and squeezed it slightly, as if to express encouragement and thanks. , and then he took off and left the D60 star. Regarding the Magma fleet, maybe L77 has to start preparing now, wait! ! !

Leo suddenly remembered something when he was halfway through the flight, braked suddenly, flew back again, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"My friend, what would you call me?"

"Nexus Source Subaru."

Yuan Subaru smiled and pointed at himself and said:

"Both of these are fine, whatever Senior Leo wants to be called."

"I remember, Subaru. When the crisis on Planet Magma is resolved, I will come to see you again for discussion. Goodbye."

After saying that, Leo flew out again. This time, he really left the D60 star.

"Son, follow me."

After Master Lei Ting watched Leo leave, he didn't say much. He looked at Yuan Subaru, stretched out his hand to wave, then looked at Chen Fan and said:

"You haven't been back for a long time. Let's compete with everyone in martial arts. Wang Xiao, that's all."

"Yes, Master Lei Ting."

After hearing Master Lei Ting's words, Wang Xiao agreed, but still glanced at Chen Fan. Chen Fan still looked indifferent, while others around him were helpless. The relationship between the two of them was rather complicated. Chen Fan was once driven away by Wang Xiao because his emotions swallowed up his reason, but Chen Fan and Wang Xiao are brothers, and the kind of relationship is limited to superficial rupture.

Only I can say my brother(brother).jpg

Well, it's probably this subtle brotherhood.

So the other Phantom Beast Fist disciples just pretended that they didn't see anything, and this brother just let them make trouble on their own.

Yuan Subaru quietly followed Master Lei Ting, left the training ground, and slowly came to the cliff of the back mountain. Looking at the picturesque scenery in the distance, Master Lei Ting turned around and looked at Yuan Subaru. said:

"Are you... from the future?"

"Master Lei Ting, you can see it."

Yuan Subaru happily touched the back of his head and said softly:

"Yes, yes, I am from the future. Oh, Master Lei Ting, it is great that you have such vision. I am worried about how to explain this."

"The fighting technique you just used was rather blunt."

Master Lei Ting said calmly:

"It can be seen that that is not your usual style, but the fighting skills you perform have the shadow of Leo. Obviously, those moves are not yours. Combined with your clueless prophecy, your There are only a few identities, and you can always guess them one by one."

"That, Master Lei Ting."

After Yuan Subaru nodded and agreed with Master Lei Ting's statement, he tilted his head and said softly to the master in front of him:

"I seem to be stuck in some kind of bottleneck now. I want to find a breakthrough, but I can't find a way forward."


Master Lei Ting nodded calmly. Although he didn't know how this child came to the 'past', Master Lei Ting could feel that there are many kinds of power in his body now. Combined with what he just said, Master Lei Ting believes that this child may be constantly absorbing other powers in order to become stronger.

After all, this approach has its limits and is still very dangerous, but...

Master Lei Ting looked at Yuan Subaru carefully again, and then closed his eyes with some self-doubt. How should I put it, at first glance, he thought that this child was an aggregate of light particles, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with it. It is different from the vitality of light particle aggregates.

Forget it, I won’t think too much about future people. Maybe it’s some new technology.

Master Lei Ting opened his eyes, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"During this period, you should go to Wang Xiao to do some meditation and other practices. You won't become fat with one bite. Everything needs a process, so go ahead."

"Okay, Master Lei Ting."

Yuan Subaru responded obediently, then turned around and walked back to the training ground. Master Lei Ting reached out and touched his chin, feeling a little headache. It was not that he had never seen a situation like Yuan Subaru's, but Master Lei Ting has never seen such a person who has such powerful energy in his body and can coexist peacefully.

Moreover, Master Lei Ting is also thinking about a question, that is, who asked this child to come back to him. After all, on the D60 planet, in his situation, it seems that he can only ask himself for help, well... Forget it, no matter who it is, since this child has come to your door, you should think about it carefully and observe his situation carefully during this period.

What Master Lei Ting didn't expect was that within a few days, Wang Xiao would come to see him. The reason was very simple. He couldn't teach him. Yuan Subaru was a standard pragmatist. Although the fight might not look that good, it still worked. It is indeed very useful. In the past two days, Wang Xiao and others have been completely stressed, especially Wang Xiao. After all, Chen Fan has already said that this Yuan Subaru is not very old. He is still a child no matter how you look at it. If you have never beaten him before , If nothing else, Chen Fan will definitely not let Wang Xiao go.

At the same time, Wang Xiao also doubted whether Chen Fan had been defeated, but he didn't see the scene of Chen Fan's defeat, and the dragon head would not admit it.

The topic has gone too far. The key issue is that I still can't teach him. These days, Wang Xiao feels that his stomach is about to be emptied, so Wang Xiao starts to look forward to meditation every day, because only then, he doesn't have to worry about being stumped by Yuan Subaru or being defeated.

Also, Yuan Subaru has been asking about the technique of vibration wave transmission recently. Wang Xiao pondered it for a while and felt that this thing is really not his specialty, so he can only ask Master Lei Ting for help.

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