And with Yuan Subaru still here, if those Noah clones notice his existence and attack him again, Diga feels that he really can't stop him.

So, Yuan Subaru stared blankly at Senior Diga who was hurriedly coming and going. He didn't know how to react for a while, but at least there was still a ball of light left here. Yuan Subaru picked it up and began to feel it. message.

It's very simple, just a coordinate and a sentence;

‘Don’t use up your energy, go find Camilla. ’


ah? !

Several question marks popped up on Yuan Subaru's head, and he didn't understand why. But at this moment, the child also noticed that he...

It seems that the connection with the deep blue space has been lost.

Hmm... I've come around. No wonder why Senior Diga didn't let me use up all my energy.

After realizing it, Yuan Subaru nodded, and then looked at the sky with some sadness. How should I put it, he was already prepared to die, but in the end he survived in this posture, that... Now think about it ....What should I do if I feel a little embarrassed? !

Yuan Subaru rubbed his face with some EMO, and then cheered up. Anyway, since he is not dead, let's continue fighting, but before that, I have to sort out the energy. Although the energy given by Senior Diga is very It's powerful, but it's a little bit uncomfortable, so it needs to be transformed with pure white light.

So, Yuan Subaru looked at the creatures on this planet that were cheering for their survival, and quietly escaped into the shadows...

156 Kingdom of Light·Fall·Red Lotus Flame

"It's done, it's done!!!"

"What happened!?"

At this time, in the Kingdom of Light, Hikali cheered, attracting all the Ultra brothers around him. Ace, who was taking care of Zoffie, pulled his big brother and rushed to the scene first. Asked anxiously.

Hikali glanced at Zoffie who was still in 'Aba Aba', then turned his attention to Ace and said cheerfully:

"Of course the space-time channel model leading to Subaru's cosmic plane was successful!"


With a 'swish' sound, he got rid of the trouble of 'amnesia'. Seven, who had just completed his mission, rushed over, grabbed Xikali's shoulder, shook it vigorously, and kept asking:

"Connect to where? Whose universe? Is it really successful?!"

"Seven, seven, seven, calm down, calm down..."

The first-generation Ultraman came over quickly, helped Hikali untie himself and said:

"If you keep dangling any longer, Hikari won't have the strength to open the space-time channel."

This was very effective. After saying this, Severn let go of Hikali and stood in a military posture, waiting for Hikali's next words. Hikali supported his head, which was about to be shaken. , understood very well and did not continue to talk about it, looked at the people gathered around and said:

"Just now, Subaru's world seemed to have experienced huge turbulence on the space-time level, causing a slight gap in the space barrier set up by Noah, and the data of this gap was detected and recorded by me."

Having said this, Hikari clenched her fists vigorously and said happily:

"So, through simple debugging and relying on our Kingdom of Light equipment, we can simulate the data of that gap and open the passage to the cosmic plane where Subaru is!"

"Okay, okay."

Hearing this, the first-generation Ultraman couldn't help but praise him repeatedly. He patted Hikari on the shoulder and said in a solemn voice:

"Then what are you waiting for? Everyone just happened to be back from the mission. We can go together to see if there is anything Subaru needs help with."

" probably won't be feasible to go all of them."

At this time, Eddie, who was standing aside, pondered for a moment and said rationally:

"Now the Kingdom of Light has just been attacked, and the people in the universe outside seem to be restless because of this... Well, I'll stay, and you can go."

“We’ll talk about this kind of thing later.”

Although Ace wanted to go, he definitely couldn't follow because he had to take care of Sophie. However, this did not affect his excitement at all. He couldn't wait to see the space channel appear.

"Yes, let's open the space-time channel first!"

Equally excited is Taro. Putting aside everything else, he also has some selfish motives, that is, after finding Subaru, he will have a good discussion with the child, right? Uncle will take you to the Kingdom of Light's Forbidden Arts Library. Look for new skills in there. If something happens, Uncle Taylor will take care of it for you, so let’s just throw [Ultra Bomb] aside, okay?


However, at this moment, someone suddenly sang a counter-argument loudly. Everyone subconsciously looked over with unkind eyes. Unexpectedly, they discovered that the person who had just yelled was Severn. In everyone's puzzled eyes, Qi Ye looked at him a little at a loss. He paused, shook the red cloak behind him, and whispered:

"Then what, there's nothing wrong with my image, right?"


Hearing this, the first-generation Ultraman and Jack looked at each other. They knew Severn's character very well. If you say it's okay, he is honest now, but later he may have to say, 'No, I don't think so. My headband/cloak/breastplate is a little dirty and messy, I need to sort it out'.

So the first generation Ultraman and Jack made a prompt decision and arranged a set of washing and ironing dragons for Seven. In the blink of an eye, Seven and the cape behind him shone under the light of the plasma spark tower. If Seven was not satisfied with this, The first-generation Ultraman and Jack were about to use the skills they learned on Earth to coat him with wax.

"Ahem, sorry, I'm a little nervous."

After this set of procedures, Severn calmed down, coughed sheepishly, and whispered to his brothers:

"Huh...Okay, now I'm mentally prepared."

"By the way, I'll go tell the captain."

At this time, Membius reacted, raised his hand like a student answering questions in class and said:

"You can't forget to tell him about such an important matter in a moment of excitement."

After saying that, Membius left here in a hurry, wanting to tell the father of Ultra the good news. Hikali immediately started debugging the relevant instruments. When Xiao Meng informed the father of Ultra, The time and space channel has almost been opened on my side. When the time comes, if Little Dream goes, he can just fly directly to the door of the time and space channel and meet everyone.

So, with the strength and skill, under the control of the Ultra brothers, preparations for opening the space-time channel were completed at an alarming speed. After Hikali compared the data, he pressed the start button. There were waves of buzzing, and streams of current rushed out from the equipment, falling on the nodes above the Kingdom of Light. Amid the sharp screams, a channel was slowly being opened.

Seeing this scene, Seven nervously grasped his cloak. In just a few seconds, he had simulated hundreds of ways to greet Subaru in his mind, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn't seem to be able to do it. So suitable.

Really, this bastard, Zero, went out to look for the king for so long and still hasn’t come back. I’ll have to talk to him about it later!

So, Zero was decisively taken by Seven. At this time, Zero, who was playing cards with the strong man in the card, shuddered suddenly, and suddenly felt like a disaster was coming.

Okay, it’s open!

In the Kingdom of Light, Hikali looked at the data displayed on the instrument and clenched his fists excitedly. But when he looked up with a smile, he saw a tide of green energy pouring out of the air channel. A huge sphere crashed onto the floor of the Kingdom of Light. Amid howls, bodies climbed up from the sphere. Under the illumination of green energy, they looked even more terrifying...

On that day, Joanias, who was in the U-40 galaxy, received Ultra's signature from Ultra's father, with only one simple sentence:

"Don't get close to the Kingdom of Light!!!"

Subsequently, all connections between the Kingdom of Light and the outside world were severed, as if the Ultra Star had disappeared into the universe.

Just when Jonias was wondering what happened in the Kingdom of Light, in another universe, a handsome man who looked gentle and elegant was sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and enjoying a wonderful afternoon tea time.

Suddenly, he seemed to have received some excellent news, and the smile on his face suddenly became distorted. He immediately closed the book in his hand, and realized that he looked a little too out of character, and tried his best to maintain his elegant expression. image.

So, in the next second, pedestrians on the street saw a man with a perverted smile disappearing from their sight at a speed like a foot race.

But the man didn't care about this at this time. After he returned home, he immediately went to the basement and started the relevant equipment. Looking at the capsule transmitter that was slowly opening, similar to the elevator entrance, he quickly arranged it nervously. I checked my clothes and hairstyle, then looked in the mirror, adjusted my perfect expression, and then walked in.

After a burst of electric current passing through at high speed, the interior of the capsule transmitter lit up. It was like a high-precision VR device, allowing the man to see images in the distant universe.

"You did a good job."

Just when the man's projection first appeared, the giant sitting on the throne of shadow said in a tone of praise:

"I have seen the product of your experiment. I am very satisfied with the progress of your work. Make good use of the genetic factors I gave you. I hope your final product will not keep me waiting for too long. Okay, you can go back."

Just like that, after saying that, the giant cut off the communication and kicked the man out of the communication channel. In response...

The man was ecstatic. Although he had no idea what the experimental product the adults were talking about was, but...does this mean that the adults have always been paying attention to him? Does this mean that the adults are also reminding him? Don't miss the details in the experiment!

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

You are so gentle! ! ! !

Like a madman, the man rolled on the spot in the basement of his home. He grabbed his head with both hands, as if his brain was shaking inside, and made a terrifying cry.

At this moment, the man's cell phone rang. Still in an excited state, he jumped up like a monkey, picked up the cell phone, and after answering the call, he said in an excited tone:

"Hey! Who's there?"

"Ah... ah... um, Editor Izumo, it's me, I'm Fushii, um, just... that, I remembered a good... good inspiration, so I was a little excited."

"Ah? Ah...ah, yes, it's the inspiration for the new volume. That's right. It has to be handed in next Monday?!"

Fusui glanced at his phone, which showed Sunday at 4:32 pm.

"This... this... ok, ok, no problem, no problem, no, no, no, I didn't move at all. Editor, you really know how to tell jokes, eh, eh, okay, see you on Monday, see you on Monday, eh , ok ok, bye.”

The man named Fushii hung up the phone with a stiff expression, thinking about his blank manuscript paper, and rolled up his sleeves elegantly.

It's time to perform a one-night miracle for the people of Earth.

Under the influence of the different speeds of time and space in the universe, when Fu Jing worked all night to finish the manuscript, Yuan Subaru had also used pure white light to adjust his condition and regain his due combat power. In the process of sorting out just now, he Unexpectedly, I found that Cascade's ability particles seemed to have followed them one by one. No wonder my body felt so hot when I was first summoned.

Okay, the energy has been debugged and it’s time to go.

Yuan Subaru moved his body, took out the Evolutionary Truster, turned into Nexus, and flew into the universe. The purpose of his trip was very simple, to find a place where time and space were not so stable. According to Senior Diga The given spatial coordinates are transmitted.

There was no way, the cross-universe teleportation was still too much of a test for him, a novice in time and space.

But where should one look for so-called unstable places in space and time?

Yuan Subaru is also confused, but you can't sit still and wait for death. As long as you take the first step, it will be much better than staying where you are.

Besides, since I am still alive now, I have to find a way to return to my own earth. I hope that when I find Camilla, I can also find Dagu and see if I can use the deep blue space to connect with him. Get in touch and find a way back.

In this way, Yuan Subaru began to move aimlessly in the universe. However, in this universe, the bigger the territory, the bigger the chaos. Before Yuan Subaru had been flying for a long time, he felt the energy coming from the front. Fluctuating, he cautiously approached and took a look, and saw several two-headed monster Pontun, cooperating with the Goss star's spaceship, besieging a giant with a fiery red body and a head made of flame-like crystal.

At this time, Yuan Subaru also noticed that the two-handed monster Pang Dun seemed to be slightly different from the visitor's monster illustration. At least from what he had seen so far, these Pang Dun were much more resistant to beatings, and their strength seemed to be lower. It increased a lot, so that the red giant never gained a good advantage.


Let's blow it up together.

Faced with this situation, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and made a decisive decision. Since he didn't know which side was good and which side was bad, then don't make a choice and just get down on it.

However, just when Yuan Subaru was about to take action, he sensed something. He pressed his hand on the ground and transmitted his telekinesis. He realized that a group of Gossians were deploying countless underground drilling missiles, intending to blow up the planet. And this planet is by no means a deserted land. Yuan Subaru has already seen the existence of civilization.

Then kill the Gossians first!

After discovering the new situation, Yuan Subaru made a new decision. His hand that was pressed on the ground shook violently, and the energy like shock waves instantly destroyed the earth and was transmitted to the drilling missile, shocking him to death. The Goth aliens there were attacked, but due to accuracy issues, some missiles were also detonated, but that kind of power had no impact on the surface.

Then, when the attention of the Gothian's spaceship and the red giant were both attracted by the explosion, Yuan Subaru suddenly became huge. When [Armed Nexus] collided, the energy intensified, and the splashing light bomb destroyed the enemy's spaceship. , then waved his hands up and down, and the crescent-shaped light blade suddenly flew out, drawing a nearly perfect circle around the red giant.

Then in the red giant's surprised movements, the monster Pontun that besieged him suddenly separated its head and died in the dusk.

"I'm going, brother, it's fierce!"

Seeing this scene, the red giant touched his head like a human arranging his hair, causing its head to release flames, as if he was being cool, then gave a thumbs up to Yuan Subaru and said:

"I'm Red Lotus Flame, thank you for your help this time. I don't know what to call my brother!"

157 Subaru: Do you want to keep it all to yourself? !


Yuan Subaru responded to the Red Lotus Flame calmly, then looked at the red giant and asked in turn:

"What's going on, and who are you?"

"Oh, you saw it too, didn't you?"

Red Wax Flame sat carelessly on the hill next to him, waved his hand and said:

"The people of Goth are causing trouble again. Speaking of which, brother, you are Nexus, right? This name sounds familiar. I don't think I have heard of it before. Are you from the Kingdom of Light?"


Yuan Subaru maintained a cold attitude, shook his head slightly and said:

"Not all Ultra warriors are from the Kingdom of Light."

"Ah - sorry, sorry, it's just that there are more over there."

Red Lotus Flame waved his hand, feeling that his words might have offended the Ultra Warrior, so he quickly apologized, then patted his chest and said in a high tone:

"I, Red Lotus Flame, am now a member of the Ultimate Zero Guard, and can be considered an operative of the Kingdom of Light, so don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I am not a bad person."

Red Lotus Flame could see that Nexus was very cautious in his attitude towards him, probably because he couldn't tell which side he was on. This was understandable. He would be the same if he were in the same situation. It would be too annoying if he met the guys from the Space Invasion Alliance.

"Ultimate Zero Guard..."

Unexpectedly, he would hear this name here. Yuan Subaru looked at Red Lotus Flame for a while. At this time, Red Lotus Flame suddenly screamed and pointed at Yuan Subaru and shouted. This action made Yuan Subaru alert and guard against the sudden attack of Red Lotus Flame.

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