Amidst the roar of Yuan Subaru, the powerful 'V'-shaped golden light released from the energy core rushed towards the Demon Emperor Gu'a. Facing such an attack, Gu'a crossed his hands, and a cold light shone between his arm armors. Then he swung his hands to both sides, and a white shock wave like a tsunami faced the [Cascade Impact] light. In an instant, even if it was several galaxies away, it was easy to detect the terrible energy reaction generated here.

However, what Yuan Subaru did not expect was that in this fight, the first one to collapse was not himself, but the space they were in. Yuan Subaru was shocked to see that this space was broken like glass, and this galaxy was gradually transformed into a huge space-time black hole, sucking everything around it.

Gua had expectedly looked into the depths of the space-time black hole, revealing a satisfied smile. This was a sign that the space-time barrier was being torn apart. After he had dealt with this Ultraman Warrior, the space-time channel leading to the outside world should also be formed. He could freely pass through it and then attack the Ultraman of the Land of Light!

But just as Gua was thinking about how to torture the Land of Light, a strange sound of water drops sounded, which was clearly transmitted to the ears of Gua and Subaru in this universe where sound could not be transmitted. At the same time, Subaru's heart suddenly contracted, and unimaginable pressure instantly enveloped him, forcing him to stop [Cascade Impact].

Gua also began to notice something was wrong, so he put away his offensive and looked seriously at the space-time black hole. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he did notice a threat in the black hole that frightened him.


Another sound of water dripping, and then Yuan Subaru and Gu’a saw that the depths of the space-time black hole were like a broken dam. In the blink of an eye, an astonishing amount of green energy gushed out, and the creepy oily green light suddenly burst out. Yuan Subaru immediately felt that the light was like long needles, piercing his body, but the pure white light that emerged from his body drove away the influence of the oily green light, which made Yuan Subaru recover from the pain with difficulty.

But on Gu’a’s side, the cosmic demon emperor did not have a similar method to the pure white light. He desperately vented the powerful power, trying to disperse the ominous light, but it was just useless. While Yuan Subaru used the pure white light to get rid of the light invasion, the cosmic demon emperor had turned into a green statue, crystal clear, and from the perspective of art, it was flawless.


This is by no means a simple petrification method.

Yuan Subaru could clearly feel that the unknown cyan energy was transforming Gu'a's power. No matter what he would be transformed into, it would be a disaster.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru opened the pure white light, trying to offset the cyan energy, but before Yuan Subaru made a move, his body suddenly trembled involuntarily, and then the sacred light reappeared, and the Noah phantom that was living in the deep blue space appeared in front of Yuan Subaru.

"Senior Noah..."

Yuan Subaru called out subconsciously, but the Noah phantom had no intention of paying attention. Looking at the shining cyan energy, the Noah phantom raised his hand and squeezed it hard. Time and space stopped here. In the blink of an eye, the cyan energy was blocked within their current range.

At the same time, in the space-time black hole, silver lights lit up like meteors. One, two, three... ten, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of Noah phantoms came from different dimensional layers and different timelines. They released dazzling flashes, forcing the green energy back to the space-time barrier little by little.

But with the actions of the Noah phantom, the green energy also erupted in terrible resistance. All kinds of impacts that violated the rules appeared, subverting Yuan Subaru's cognition from the foundation. At the same time, the Demon Emperor Gu'a, who had turned into a statue, also reacted at this time. He let out a beast-like howl and attacked the Noah phantom closest to him.

The Noah phantom that was suppressing the cyan energy flow did not respond to his attack, or in his setting mechanism, the priority of dealing with the cyan energy flow was the highest. But after the Noah phantom was injured by Gu'a, the Noah phantom's body suddenly paused, and then it also made a howl similar to Gu'a, and its body was immediately dyed cyan, and began to attack the surrounding clones.

However, in the next second, the polluted Noah phantom was wiped out by other clones, but Gu'a was not so easy to deal with. He was originally an extremely powerful enemy. After being blessed by the cyan energy, Gu'a became even more difficult to deal with. Looking at his arrogant attitude, it is afraid that it will be difficult to suppress in a short time.

At this time, the Noah phantom that emerged from Yuan Subaru's body suddenly disappeared, and then crossed time and space, appeared behind Gu'a, directly locked the Demon Emperor from behind, hugged it, and rushed straight into the depths of the space-time black hole.

However, this action also caused the Noah phantom to be contaminated by the cyan energy not long after it flew out. At the same time, a new Noah phantom appeared on top and continued to drag Gu'a into the depths of the black hole.

So, within a few seconds, a huge sphere appeared in Yuan Subaru's vision. On the cyan sphere, there were contaminated Noah phantoms howling and waving their limbs, while the surviving Noah phantoms were destroying the contaminated ones while continuing to use the power of time and space to drive Gu'a and the cyan energy tide in the center of the sphere out of the time and space barrier.

In the end, the Noah phantoms completed this task with difficulty, turning back time to the moment before the time and space barrier was broken. Then, thousands of Noah phantoms raised their hands in unison, and the wings behind them emitted a dazzling sound. Yuan Subaru couldn't help but close his eyes.

When Yuan Subaru opened his eyes again, the space in front of him was intact, no longer fragile, and unusually stable. The child looked around blankly, and if it weren't for the fact that there was still such a small half of a star that originally belonged to GH-94, Planets in the galaxy, he would think that he had arrived somewhere else at this time.

What exactly is going on...

Yuan Subaru subconsciously recalled everything that had just happened. There was no doubt that he and Gua had unintentionally been involved in a battle between big shots. However, under the protection of pure white light, he was able to luckily avoid the pollution.


It doesn't matter anymore....

Yuan Subaru took a look at his body and realized something clearly. He dragged his feeble body and left this galaxy. No matter what, the battle was over. He could go home and return to Earth...

When Yuan Subaru left, in the galaxy next door, the members of the Gua fleet who were lucky enough to survive glanced at each other with lingering fear, and then cheered for the rest of their lives, but one of the Babar stars was the first to react. He came over, looked at his companion and said quickly:

"Don't be happy first, don't be happy first, and then run further away!"

"Oh yes yes yes!!"

At the reminder of the Babar star, everyone in the battleship's cab immediately started to take action. At this time, the Babar star noticed something, looked at the Imperial star who was supporting the wall with his hands, and asked curiously:

"What are you doing? Are you scared?"

However, just when the Babar star came over to take a look, the green-faced Imperial star suddenly turned his head and rushed towards the Babar star. At the same time, in other cabins of the battleship, anyone who came into contact with The spacemen who passed the outer wall of the battleship illuminated by green light all fell into a beast-like state, and attacked their companions at random.

Soon, the space battleship fell into a state of paralysis and began to drift aimlessly in the universe...

And the changes happened in Yuan Subaru's plane. When Yuan Subaru and the captains of the Gua Army started a war, the Zarrab people who forced Dada to get close to the battlefield realized that the precious video they had taken could not be saved. , so he shot Dada to death without hesitation, grabbed the steering wheel, and rushed directly into the nearest space-time rift.

Such a move did not save his own life, nor the space shuttle, but his camera survived in the protection facility that the Zarrab people spent a lot of money to purchase, and followed the movement of the space-time black hole. Appeared, was immediately swept out of this cosmic plane, floating in other worlds.

Finally, it landed on a satellite and was handed over to their superiors by the cosmonauts above. After several more handovers, a giant sitting on a throne in the shadows saw the picture... ..

However, even if Yuan Subaru knew about these changes, he would not care about them. He rushed towards the earth at his fastest speed. At this time, he saw a spaceship staying outside the earth, and there was a sign on the spaceship. Wearing the emblem of the Gua Legion.

On the surface of the spacecraft, Yuan Subaru also sensed the light particle reaction left by the self-destruction of the clone. There is no doubt that these are the guys who jumped and escaped from the battlefield in the center of the GH-94 galaxy. They should have passed by the earth before and completed the marking. That's why we can jump here.

But just when Yuan Subaru was about to destroy it, a missile with astonishing speed flew out from the interior of the earth and hit the spaceship accurately. The powerful energy reaction in the warhead instantly destroyed the barrier of the spacecraft, and then destroyed the spacecraft. It turns into a huge firework in the universe.

And this... is the counterattack from the earth, from mankind!

155 Old Man Jia: Go find Camilla!

Was the flower plan a success?

Seeing the explosion of the Nagua spaceship, related memories flashed through Yuan Subaru's heart. As the saying goes, "Flowers are needed to welcome friends." The "flowers" here refer to the explosive fireworks after destroying the enemy.

This plan is a core component of the Earth's defense system, and is also the focus of research and development by TLT and the visitors. In the early stages of the plan, Yuan Subaru also participated in it, but due to various subsequent matters, he separated from the design team of the relevant plan.

Yuan Subaru did not expect that in just a month or so, TLT and the visitors would have perfected it to this point.

Um? !

Just when Yuan Subaru was surprised at how quickly the plan was implemented, he sensed a strange movement on the earth. It was a monster. When the spaceship arrived here, it dropped an invading monster on the earth.


Yuan Subaru quietly sneaked into the earth and saw a Tiga projection fighting the monster on the Heizhou Plain. The superpower part also cooperated with Xiao Linling to fight, and finally won the victory.

"very good!"

Seeing this scene, in the TLT headquarters conference room, the ministers who were paying attention to the two battlefields in the sky and on the ground let out excited cheers. This time, the space invaders were finally eliminated without the assistance of Nexus. , this is undoubtedly a shot in the arm, making the tense TLT members understand that these days of hard work have not been in vain!

"Indeed, well done."

At this moment, Yuan Subaru's voice suddenly sounded in the conference room. Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that Yuan Subaru's body was covered with long lines. The wound, the inside of the wound was like the ashes of a burning cigarette, but the golden light gave the young warrior a sacred and dying glow.

"The main force of the Gua Legion has been eliminated."

Yuan Subaru raised his hand and used his mind power to suppress everyone present, asking them to listen to him quietly:

"But the fleet of the Gua Legion is too large, and I am unable to destroy them all. That's why such fleeing space battleships appear near the earth. However, I have also seen the results of the battle just now. I believe that even if we encounter them again in the future, You can handle similar situations calmly, which... really makes me relieved. "

Having said this, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but laugh happily, and then everyone saw fine ash falling out of the wound on the child's cheek, like burnt yellow paper crumbs.

"As you can see, my... body has reached its limit during the battle with the Gua Legion. If I hadn't been lucky enough to encounter some emergencies, I would have been burned on the spot."

Suddenly Yuan Subaru heard a sharp buzzing sound, and then there was no more sound in his world, but he still said with a calm smile:

"Honestly, I think I should be dead, but the energy in my body is still very strong. This may mean that even after my organs have stopped working, my body still maintains some energy under the influence of light energy. If this happens, please give me a last chance and don’t delay the inheritance of the Light of Nexus.”

At this time, Yuan Subaru felt that he was starting to lose control of his body little by little, and his vision was dimming a little bit. However, Yuan Subaru's mood was as usual. He was lucky now. If he hadn't met Senior Noah and that The green and green energy fought, and the only result was that he was burned to ashes by Cascade's energy, and his soul was lost in a foreign land.

Therefore, even though death was approaching step by step, he continued to seize the time calmly and whispered:

"After I lose consciousness, the energy in my body will flow and merge according to the trajectory designed before using the sealing technique, making the power of the light of Nexus even further, so in the next period of time, you are not allowed to let anyone Anything close to this room, in my estimation, should be completed in seven or eight hours."

After handing this over, Yuan Subaru took a long breath, as if spitting out all the life in his body. Everyone present could clearly feel that the body sitting in front of him was rapidly decaying. Yuan Subaru blinked. He could no longer see anything in his eyes, and he didn't know if he could still speak. He just used his last strength and whispered in a pleading tone:

"You must unite...Only through unity can able to..."

What can you do?

Nobody knows.

Because the person who said this has lowered his head feebly, and the vitality is quickly dissipating. On the contrary, surging energy is surging in that body. This should be the energy fusion process Yuan Subaru mentioned.

The director's face was tense, and he wanted to reach out and close Yuan Subaru's unclosed eyes, but he was stopped by the deputy director of the North and South America branch next to him, who forcefully carried him out. Yuan Subaru was right. , Humanity needs unity, therefore, the director who advocates, implements, and completes the construction of the Earth Alliance cannot have an accident at this time.

But it doesn’t mean that there is no one to deal with this matter. The director’s secretary walked up to the child, bowed deeply, and then stretched out his hand to help Yuan Subaru close his eyes, even though his hand was later , due to exposure to high-intensity energy radiation, the entire body became necrotic and had to be amputated. He did not have any regrets.

At this time, Yuan Subaru's consciousness came to the deep blue space. This time, there was no longer Noah's clone. With the death of Yuan Subaru's body, the space began to collapse. Yuan Subaru sat calmly in the center of the space. Quietly looking at the nothingness after the space collapsed, silently recalling his life.

Although it was only a short four years, there was a distant star shining brightly in my eyes.

I once stood up to pursue that light, became strong because of longing, and won because of protection.

I embarked on this long and short journey, but I was never alone. Even if I couldn't see my figure, I still had friends guarding me in the distance.

What I expected has been met with a strong response and I...

Huh, when did I become so pretentious?

Yuan Subaru laughed, stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his clothes, and took the initiative to walk towards the void of space.

It's time to get off the bus when I arrive at the station. Next, I just have to go back to where I should have been...

Thinking of this, a gentle and relaxed smile appeared on Yuan Subaru's face. He hummed a fragment of a song he learned from the Internet and walked forward more briskly:


?I can be born into the world? It sounds better to say it is a miracle?

?But it must be an accident? It doesn’t make any sense at all, right?


?Everyone loves the earth deeply? I laugh? You laugh too?

?There is nothing that cannot be forgiven?


As Gen Subaru actively embraced death, in the real world, the skills and spells he left behind also began to operate, including [Miracle Subaru], [Dark Giant], [Pure White Native], [Cascade Energy], etc. Wait for everything to be poured into [Light of Nexus] to strengthen it and make the next capable person even more powerful.

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that the reason why so many kinds of energy could coexist peacefully in his body was mainly due to the operation of pure white light. As his consciousness dissipated, the pure white light began to lose control. Originally, it was The pure white light that was meant to be nourishment began to corrode other powers.

Among them, the energy of Cascade was also aroused by the actions of the pure white light. For a moment, the TLT staff outside the conference room broke into a cold sweat and hurriedly reported the data to the director. As far as this energy reaction is concerned, once an accident occurs , let alone the TLT headquarters, most of the continent would have been blown up to the sky.

After seeing this, the director and others also realized that there might be something wrong with Yuan Subaru's back-up plan, and hurriedly started evacuation work.

But Yuan Subaru, who knew nothing about this, was still moving forward. At this time, he suddenly stopped, raised his head in confusion, and looked at the upper level of the deep blue space that had collapsed, where he seemed to I could faintly hear calls for help from others.

Ah...this...I have something a little bit bad to say...

Yuan Subaru raised his head, dumbfounded and began to try to respond to the request.

So, if I fail to respond to you, don’t blame me.

At the same time, outside the space barrier, Diga, who was fighting the seemingly endless Noah's phantom, noticed something. Without saying a word, he gave up his defense and allowed the attack of Noah's phantom to fall on him. Taking advantage of this opportunity to free his hands, he seized the fluctuation of information coming from inside the space barrier.

It is precisely because of this that the response and connection that could not be successfully achieved due to the collapse of the dark blue space were completed instantly, and Yuan Subaru, who had not yet reacted, was immediately teleported out.

As Yuan Subaru left the deep blue space, the violently fluctuating energy reaction in the real world also calmed down. However, due to the damaged state of the deep blue space and the overbearing occupation of [Cascade Energy] Most of the transmission channels were blocked, so a lot of pure white light was left behind. Without the resistance of [Cascade Energy], the erosion and assimilation of [Pure White·Original] went very smoothly, and soon other parts of the body were All the energy is swallowed up.

So when everyone in TLT tentatively opened the door, they saw a cocoon-like white ball of light appearing where Yuan Subaru's body was, with weak energy and life reactions coming from it.


The director said solemnly:

"Set to the highest level of confidentiality."


Director TLT's words were not avoided, and all the members of the departments behind him heard them clearly. The director's meaning was very clear. Even if there are no capable people of Nexus on the earth next, no one will be allowed to do anything to this light cocoon. Take action.

In this regard, the members of each department couldn't help but feel a little angry, angry that the director was actually questioning their consciousness. Yuan Subaru bought them the time and resources for the start of technology. Humanity has also achieved preliminary results in the war of resistance. Ultraman... .The baton has been passed to mankind, and mankind will, with its hope and efforts, independently rush to the end of civilization.

As for this child who has given everything for mankind, let him rest. There will no longer be pressure and enemies urging him to move forward.

In this way, in the deep sadness, everyone at TLT performed their duties and continued the tasks at hand.

In another universe, Yuan Subaru looked at his hands, felt the energy in his body, and felt a little uncomfortable. This was the first time he encountered such an obvious energy shortage.

But no matter what, if it comes, then get on it!

Looking at the sun monster Bemonstein in front of him, Yuan Subaru took out the Evolutionary Truster and prepared to start fighting. However, before he could call out the familiar name, a ray of light fell from the sky and crushed the destroying Bemonstein. Meat Sauce, it was none other than Diga who traveled through time and space and tried his best to come to Yuan Subaru.

"Senior Diga!"

Yuan Subaru looked at the familiar figure in surprise, and called happily. Diga looked at Yuan Subaru's current state, and stretched out his hand to him. The golden and brilliant energy suddenly enveloped Yuan Subaru. In an instant, Yuan Subaru returned to his normal state when he responded to the call.

Moreover, Diga also left something similar to a backup hidden energy in Yuan Subaru's body. After throwing down a ball of light, Diga hurriedly left here.

There is no way, there is really no way.

Diga glanced at the Noah phantoms that were chasing him. It seemed that because he had been fighting with them for too long, some new mechanism was triggered, so that they started chasing him to kill him, and he had just been killed by Noah's clone. After doing this for a few times, we were really out of breath for a while.

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