Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 112: Breakthrough progress!

A burst of special power fell on Uchiha's body, and the next moment, Uchiha's moment felt that his consciousness gradually sank into the darkness.

Open your eyes again.

The rain was pouring down.

"It's the same as last time."

Uchiha looked around in an instant.

An extremely dangerous breath came suddenly.

"Monthly Reading!"

"Exploding clay, biplane!"

"Water Escape, the technique of great bombardment!"

"Lei Dun, pseudo-darkness!"

Uchiha suddenly reacted the same as last time.

"Xu Zuo Nenghu!"

A huge white skeleton arm appeared.

But unlike last time, this time Uchiha was also wearing an infinite hole armor.

Uchiha quickly broke free from the effect of the moon reading.

Immediately, Meng Ran drove the infinite hole armor on his body.

A burst of extremely strong attraction erupted above Infinite Kong Kai, which immediately greatly affected Gan Persimmon's Ghostly Water Escape Technique and Jiaodu's Thunder Escape Pseudo-Darkness.

Compared with the last time, Uchiha was less affected by the moment.

This is enough.

The last time Uchiha was only slightly injured.

But because of the special ability of flying section, Uchiha will be killed so easily.

"Fire escape, the art of arrogant fire extinction!"

"Ksitigarbha space!"

Uchiha Setsuna used the technique of extinction to cover himself.

An invisible vortex appeared, and Uchiha entered the Jizo space in an instant.

Uchiha instantly looked down at the infinite Kong Kai on his body.

"Yes, this kind of ninja tool that can strongly absorb chakra is indeed a good thing."

"Then it's time for my counterattack."

Uchiha's instant seal.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Immediately, Uchiha opened the channel of the Jizo space in an instant.

Let the shadow clone rush out first to attract the attention of members of the Akatsuki organization, and then Uchiha himself reappears in an instant.

The shadow clone that rushed out was attacked by several Xiao organizations at the first time.

Hidean's figure entered Uchiha's line of sight.

"Monthly Reading!"

A complex pattern appeared in Uchiha Mo's left eye.

Immediately Feiduan fell into an illusion.

Uchiha suddenly approached Feiduan at the fastest speed, a storage detonation scroll was held in his hand by Uchiha, stuffed into Feidan's body, and opened.


A violent explosion sounded, and Feiduan was shattered directly under the explosion.

Several other members of Akatsuki's organization responded.

Uchiha looked over in an instant.

There are five shapes in total.

Red Sand Scorpion, Uchiha Itachi, Dried Persimmon Ghosts, Kakudo, Deidara.

Uchiha calculated in his heart in an instant.

"This Xiao organization is probably the configuration of the original story when Xiao organization collected tailed beasts. Deidara is already there, which proves that Orochimaru has been away for a long time."

"In addition to these, there are Konan, Nagato, and Uchiha Obito."

"Those three haven't appeared for the time being."

At the moment when Uchiha Itachi and the others looked over, Uchiha formed a seal in an instant.

"Huo Dun, the art of Longyan singing!"

The dragon head formed by four huge flames flew towards Uchiha Itachi and others.

Just when Uchiha Itachi and others thought that Uchiha would attack further, Uchiha turned and ran away.

Xiao organizes the crowd: "..."

Uchiha Setsuna is very clear about the current situation. If he wants to defeat the members of the Xiao organization, with his current strength, one-to-many, there is basically no possibility of winning.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a breaking method.

In addition, Uchiha Setsuna actually has a guess that needs to be verified.

That is, in this chapter, whether or not he can leave the scope of Yuren Village.

If you can leave the range of Yu Nin Village, then the operating space will be larger.

Uchiha ran towards the edge of Yu Nin Village in an instant.


Uchiha Itachi and the others looked at each other and quickly chased after them.

Not long after, Uchiha came to the edge of Yuren Village in an instant and stepped out.

A countdown appears.

Uchiha's expression froze slightly.

"No, you can't leave the area of ​​Yuren Village."

The four Uchiha Itachi chased after him.

Uchiha's eyes flickered for a moment.

"However, my behavior of running to the edge of Yuren Village is not considered to be completely unreceived. At least I can now use another ability of the left eye kaleidoscope."

The picture of Uchiha's left eye changed.

"Divine power!"

This time, Uchiha Setsuna's target is Deidara.

Uchiha Itachi at this point in time is very strong, and can turn Suzuo Nenghu into the third form of existence. The child power of Kaleidoscope Sharinyan is extremely amazing, and it is very likely that he can respond.

The death of Jiaodu may not be able to be killed by a divine power. Jiaodu, who has the art of resentment, has a full 5 hearts.

With the cooperation of the cross muscle, the dry persimmon ghost has an amazing recovery ability.

The red sand scorpion is the body of the puppet, and Uchiha can't see the position of the core of the puppet for a moment.

Only Deidara is different.

Deidara is very conceited, young and inexperienced.

The possibility of Uchiha Setsuna's divine power hitting is quite high.

And more importantly, once Deidara is seriously injured, his strength will be extremely limited.

An invisible vortex appeared on Deidara's body, and a powerful twisting force fell.


In an instant, half of Deidara's body disappeared.


Deidara let out a scream.

Jiao Du hurriedly approached Deidara's position and treated Deidara.

Uchiha's eyes lit up slightly.

It was a surprise.

What Uchiha originally wanted to do was to twist Deidara's arms, just like Kakashi did in the original plot, but he did not expect to directly injure half of Deidara's body.

Kakuto had to treat Deidara.

In one attack, resolve two opponents.

There are three remaining, namely Uchiha Itachi, Dried Persimmon Ghost, and Chisha Scorpion.

Uchiha ran away again in an instant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Uchiha Itachi's face sank.

"Monthly Reading!"

Uchiha instant broke free than last time, but this time, Uchiha Itachi and the three had already made preparations in advance, and the three of them formed a circle, trapping Uchiha instant in it.

"Then, come to the front."

"Ksitigarbha space!"

Uchiha suddenly entered the Jizo space again.

But this time, the three of Uchiha Itachi will definitely defend, and will not give Uchiha a chance to suddenly appear and attack one of them, which Uchiha knows.

Uchiha didn't expect the same strategy to take effect a second time.

Uchiha Setsuna just wanted to buy time.

Buy time to use the monthly reading again, and to use the divine power.

"All right!"

Uchiha left the Jizo space in an instant.


One against three.

【You are defeated. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

[You can get what you hold in your hand before the simulation ends as a reward. 】

【Do you want to receive it? 】

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