Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 111: 2nd simulation!

"This guy wants to paddle more than me?"

Uchiha shook his head instantly.

However, no problem.

Nara Shikamaru's pretense is too much, you can see it as a person.

Even if Uchiha Setsuna achieves better results than expected, it will not attract much attention.

Yin Ruka watched Nara Shikamaru's performance, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

On the other side, Uchiha Zuosuke won.

The final is Uchiha Setsuna and Uchiha Zuosuke.

For this result, Uchiha Zuosuke is very happy.

"In an instant, I said, you must be a genius."

"That way we have the top two in the class."

"Leading Uchiha back to the top is just around the corner."

Yin Luka announced the start after confirming that the two were ready.

Uchiha Setsuna took the initiative to lose after playing against Uchiha Zuosuke for more than a dozen rounds.

"The winner, Uchiha Zuosuke."

"Let's start the free challenge."


Near the end of the get out of class, the free challenge is over, and the actual combat ranking is also determined.

Uchiha took the top two.

Below are Hinata Hinata and Shikamaru Nara.

Below, the situation has changed a bit compared to the previous exam.

Some people don't perform very well in classified subjects, but once they get to the real combat, they can perform very well.

Inuzukaya and Naruto have both improved their rankings.

Sarutobi Hizan snorted coldly and canceled the telescope technique.

"Nara's brat just admit defeat like this?"

For Nara Shikamaru's actions, Sarutobi Hiizhan actually has no dissatisfaction, and Sarutobi Hiizan knows the people of the Nara family.

Usually very lazy, rely on the critical moment.

But Sarutobi Hiizhan doesn't really want to see Uchiha taking the top two.

Sarutobi Hiizhan himself doesn't like the Uchiha clan.

When Uchiha Itachi disappeared, Sarutobi's disgust for Uchiha became even stronger.

In front of outsiders, Sarutobi Hizen needs to pretend.

But there is no one else now, and Sarutobi Hiizan doesn't need to hide his true emotions.

"Shin, do you want to train together tomorrow?"

Yamanaka Ino trotted to the opposite side of Uchiha Setsuna.

Yamanaka Ino already knew about Uchiha Setsuna. When he said shopping and playing, Uchiha Setsuna would definitely not agree, so Yamanaka Ino said directly about training.

Sakura looked at Uchiha Momo expectantly.

But he couldn't help but look at Uchiha Zuosuke.

Uchiha shook his head instantly.

"I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow. I've already made a training plan. Next time, definitely next time."

It's not that Uchiha Setsuna doesn't want to, it has been confirmed in the simulator that Yamanaka Ino will be a good girl for Uchiha Setsuna, but now, the time has not come.

Now Uchiha Setsuna and Yamanaka Ino are too close, which will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction with the senior officials of Konoha.

It doesn't even need a Konoha high-rise.

The Yamanaka clan will warn themselves.

This has happened before in simulations.

Uchiha judged in an instant that at least after he had completely solved Danzo, it was the right time.

Hearing Uchiha's reply, Yamanaka Ino was a little disappointed.

But after hearing the last sentence, Yamanaka Ino's eyes lit up again.

"Okay, then it's settled, we will train together next time."

"it is good."

Sakura looked at Sasuke Uchiha's back in disappointment.

Today, Uchiha Setsuna didn't do any extra training, but went straight home.

What Uchiha Setsuna and Uchiha Zuosuke said was that he had an actual fight today, rested early, and practiced more tomorrow, but it was actually because Uchiha Setsuna had something to do tonight.

A month has come.

Life Simulator Xiao organizes chapters, and it's time for the second simulation.

Uchiha Setsuna needs to do a simulation tonight.

"I don't know if my shadow clone will come back in time."

At night, Uchiha opened the window in an instant and looked out the window.

To obtain the ninja tools of the Craftsman Ninja Village, Uchiha sent two shadow clones to go.

Until now, the shadow clone has not disappeared, which proves that the shadow clone's action is smooth.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost."

Just at this time.

A burst of memory poured into Uchiha's mind in an instant.

Uchiha's Tong Kong shrank for a moment, put the group of information aside for a while, and left with a flash.

When he reappeared, Uchiha had already come to the outside of Konoha.

A figure is running fast.

It is Uchiha's shadow clone.

Behind the shadow clone, there are more than a dozen figures chasing.

These are all ninjas, and they are not weak.

Uchiha's eyes flickered for a moment.

"Monthly Reading!"

A burst of magic power enveloped the pursuers.

at the same time.

"Ksitigarbha space!"

An invisible vortex appeared, and Uchiha sent all these dozen people into the Jizo space in an instant.

Get the ninja tool and cancel the shadow clone technique.

Uchiha quickly returned home.

Not long after, several figures appeared, looked around and frowned.



After Uchiha returned to the room in an instant, another shadow clone was separated, and the main body entered the Shenwei space.

Two ninja tools appeared in Uchiha Setsuna's hands.

"There are only two, two less than I expected."

"But the key is."

There is only one thing that Uchiha cares about most, and that is the infinite hole armor, which can absorb a large amount of chakra.

The ninjas of the Craftsman Ninja Village used this ninja tool to completely suppress Gaara.

At that time, Gaara was no longer weak.

In the battle with Junmarou, Gaara showed quite strong strength, and Xiao Li next to him had completely lost his performance in the Chunin exam under the background of Gaara.

The power of the Sand Waterfall Burial~www.wuxiamtl.com~ surprised Junma Lu.

At that time, even if Gaara's strength did not reach the shadow level, he was at least the best among the elite johnin.

The ninjas of the Craftsman Ninja Village who lost the infinite Kong Kai are a weak group.

This is enough to prove the strength of this ninja tool.

Uchiha put the Infinite Kong Kai on his body in an instant, and then held another ninja tool, the Peacock Double Sword, in his hands.

"The peacock double sword, you can use the wind to escape, it is better than nothing."

The other two Ninja tools that Uchiha didn't get, Uchiha also remembers.

One is the Longan Retractable Sword, which has bells and whistles, and its strength effect is really not very strong.

It's not as good as Uchiha's instant fire escape.

One is a lightsaber, which shoots light to attack enemies.

Also not great value.

"With the infinite Kong Kai, my plan this time was completely successful."

"Next, let's see how much I can achieve in the chapter of Life Simulator, Xiao Organization, who has obtained the infinite Kong Kai."

Uchiha thought for a moment.

"Start the simulation!"

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