Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 113: Danzo: It must be Itachi!


Uchiha Setsuna chose to receive it.

The next moment, Uchiha's consciousness returned to the real world.

However, Uchiha did not leave the Jizo space in an instant, but digested the information brought back by the two shadow clones before.

After that, Uchiha took out the bodies of those who were chasing his shadow clone.

"Memory Invasion!"

Uchiha instantly read their memories.

The identities of these people were already known by Uchiha instant.

It is a member of the root organization.

It is the same as what Uchiha had guessed before.

Behind this intelligence tavern, there is Konoha's participation, and the degree of participation is not low.

It was higher than Uchiha instant expected.

In the ninja world, there are many intelligence taverns.

Some are separate, some are multiple intelligence taverns together, forming a huge intelligence network.

However, the information that can be circulated in it is relatively less important information.

Because they are confined to the ninja village.

The strength of the ninja village is very strong.

These intelligence taverns must be approved by the Ninja Village in order to survive.

And the existence of the information tavern is also useful to the ninja village.

The number of ninjas in a ninja village is limited. It is busy enough to defend the village and perform entrusted tasks, so the ninja village is also willing to share some things.

The intelligence tavern and the ninja village can be regarded as cooperation.

Not long after, Uchiha left the Jizo space in an instant.

"In this way, there are indeed people from Danzo in the tavern in Suba Town."

"Danzo doesn't care much about the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village, because I don't know what I am doing to find out the information of the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village, so I don't pay much attention, but I also sent a small number of Root Organization members to investigate."

"When my shadow clone found the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village, the members of the root organization had already found them in advance."

"They were attacked, they were killed, their ninja gear was taken away."

"My shadow clone shot and snatched two ninja tools."

"That's why they were chased and killed."

Uchiha's eyes flickered for a moment.

"So, can you use this to fish out Danzo?"

"I didn't care about Danzo before because I didn't know what the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village were useful for. Those members of the root organization thought that Danzo would be interested in those ninja tools, so they worked so hard."

"In addition, many ninjas from root organizations have died now."

"Tuanzo has a certain probability and will make a move."

make a prompt decision.

Uchiha went straight to the outside of Konoha and went straight to the tavern in Suba Town.

"Your Mightiness?"

The people at the front desk seemed a little surprised by Uchiha Setsuna's appearance.

But the next moment, he reacted immediately, took out a sharp blade, and stabbed it straight at Uchiha, who easily escaped the opponent's attack.


He twisted the opponent's wrist and stabbed it back into the opponent's heart.

The opponent's eyes widened, and he fell down unwillingly.

A dozen people appeared, all of them rushing towards Uchiha in an instant.


Uchiha snorted coldly for a moment.

"It came just right!"

In the simulator, Uchiha used Infinite Kong Kai to resist the first wave of attacks by Uchiha Itachi and others, and won a lot of time, causing heavy damage to Feiduan and Deidara.

However, he was still defeated by the joint attack of the three Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha's heart was suffocating for an instant.

Just vented out now.




One after another fell down one after another, and Uchiha deliberately let go of one person in an instant, just wanting this person to inform Danzo. From the memories of the members of the root organization, Uchiha learned that this matter Sarutobi Ridge doesn't know.

Therefore, there is a high probability that only Danzo and members of his root organization will come here tonight.

Here is Konoha again.

Uchiha was not afraid at all.

The escaped tavern ninja hurried to Danzo.

"Master Danzo."

The Tavern Ninja explained the ins and outs of the incident.

Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Because I suspect you have leaked information, so I attack you and get revenge?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo, the entire tavern was almost destroyed by that man, and many people died. I tried my best to escape and report the news to you, Lord Danzo."

Danzo snorted coldly.


Immediately, a palm landed on the chest of the tavern ninja.


The tavern ninja flew backwards.

The body twitched, and there was no movement.

"Think you really escaped on your own merits?"

"That person just wanted you to lead me out."

"But who would it be?"

Danzo frowned and thought.

"Investigating the information of the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village, it is obvious that the existence of those ninja tools is definitely not an ordinary ninja, but a ninja family. The Craftsman Ninja Village has disappeared for many years."

"Which ninja family would it be?"

"Assaulted the tavern, and deliberately let one person go."

"Four ninja tools, I'm not satisfied with taking two of them, and I have to take revenge on the tavern."

"Killed so many of my subordinates."

"That's not enough."

"Also lead out the people behind the tavern."

"This person has full confidence in his own strength."

Danzo looked to the side and gestured.

"Mountain Stroke."

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

Shan Zhongfeng stepped forward and came to the side of the tavern ninja, and a palm fell on the head of the tavern ninja.

"Memory Invasion!"

Not long after, Yamakaze read the memories of the tavern ninja.

Danzo asked, "Have you seen what kind of ninjutsu that person is using? What are the characteristics?"

"Master Tuanzang, in this person's memory, he only saw physical skills, but did not find any characteristics."


Danzang raised his brows slightly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Can you achieve this level with physical skills alone? "

Mountain Stroke Proposal.

"Lord Danzo, let me check the situation first."

Danzo shook his head and said, "You are not that person's opponent, and I have a guess."

"That person, with a high probability, is Uchiha Itachi."

"All the ninja families in Konoha, Zhuludie would not do such a thing. The Inuzuka clan does not have this strength, and the people of the oil girl clan can recognize it at a glance."

"It is possible for the Hyuga clan to exist, but it is unlikely."

"Only Uchiha..."

Danzo looked in the direction of the Uchiha clan's residence.

"The Uchiha family has long been willing to rebel."

"Uchiha Itachi's disappearance is a conspiracy of the Uchiha family."

"That guy can't be truly loyal to the village."

"No one will abandon their family and stand entirely on the side of the village."

"Unless he's not human."

"What's more, he must know about Uchiha Shisui."

"Uchiha Itachi hated the old man to the extreme!"

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