Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 69 Stealing Dragon Vein Chakra

Nara Shikahei touched the beard on his chin and turned to look at his son without making any comments.

"Shikaku, what do you think, what do you think we should do now?"

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"All right."

Nara Shikaku sighed, he knew he would be in trouble.

"First of all, I think Queen Loulan will definitely continue to postpone it after tonight, because no matter what, Konoha defeated Sunagakure here, Loulan must consider the consequences of rejecting Konoha and offending Konoha, even if If we really don’t want to form an alliance, we will definitely not refuse it outright. In other words, no matter how bad the situation is, we will still have a chance to make a comeback.”

"As Baiyun Jōnin said, we need to influence the Queen's thoughts as much as possible. The lowest risk and fastest way to achieve results is to let those ministers who have enough say on the Queen's side to speak for us. So in this regard, We can bribe some ministers to speak for us."

"Secondly, we need to collect intelligence to understand why Loulan is in the current situation and whether there are other forces supporting Loulan behind it. Only in this way can we find other better ways to persuade Queen Loulan and complete the mission."

Afterwards, Nara Shikahei asked Ming Jing and others in detail, and finally made arrangements based on Nara Shikaku's analysis.

He and Baiyun Shixin, two adult jonins, traveled as normal, visiting various ministers in Loulan to see if there was anyone they could win over. The others left their clones in the room and went out to gather information at night.

Of course, Der Spiegel is happy to see this happen.

Acting alone, he would of course have the opportunity to contact the dragon vein and steal its power to repair his reincarnation watch.



The night is dark and windy, and the starry sky is bright in the desert.

Loulan, Royal Palace, within a palace.

"The reaction of the reincarnation watch is the most intense here. It seems that this is the place where the dragon vein seal is located!"

Uchiha Mingjing, who quietly sneaked into the palace, looked at the scene in the palace with joy.

Here, he could see the location of the dragon vein seal at a glance.

The reason is very simple, because there is an open space in the center of the hall, with mysterious sealing techniques painted on it. Around the seal, there are several cylindrical machines that receive the chakra of the dragon vein and transport it. to the connected pipe.

"But speaking of it, I have to thank this Baizu. If he hadn't persuaded the queen to unlock part of the dragon vein seal to draw energy to develop Loulan, I really wouldn't have been able to break the dragon vein seal and absorb the dragon vein chakra."

Uchiha Mingjing walked to the edge of the Dragon Vein Seal, took off the watch on his wrist, and stuck it to the gap in the seal.

Immediately, a stream of purple chakra visible to the naked eye was slowly drawn by the reincarnation watch and inhaled.

[Reincarnation Number: 95277]

[Current task:...@#...**? The information is incomplete and the connection with the mastermind of the reincarnation space is lost...]

[Time and space energy is detected, please replenish it as soon as possible to repair the reincarnation watch, locate the world coordinates, and perform the mission! 】

[Has come into contact with space-time energy, is pulling, absorbing, and connecting to the master brain of the reincarnation space... Connection failed... Repeat, connection failed...]

[Abandon the connection! 】

[Locating world coordinates... There are no world coordinates in the reincarnator's watch. Please set the world coordinates manually and use space-time energy to automatically search for new world coordinates...]

Looking at the information on the reincarnator's watch, Ming Jing's face blossomed with joy.

Although, because I was just a rookie before traveling through time and had not even had time to make a novice copy, the watch did not record the coordinates of any world at all, but this is not a big problem. It only requires a certain amount of time and space energy. It allows the Samsara Watch to automatically search for other worlds in the void.

[The reincarnation watch has been repaired. Please set it manually and use time and space energy to automatically search for new world coordinates...]

Uchiha Mirror looked at the repair in front of him, and the mirror of the watch flashed with a light purple meaning. The Samsara Watch, put it on his hand again, and sat cross-legged on the edge of the seal, while letting the watch continue to absorb the energy of the dragon vein. , concentrated his mind, and entered his thoughts into the watch.

[Enable manual search and set restrictions. The highest energy level of the creatures in this world cannot exceed one level of reincarnation. 】

Uchiha Mingjing now has the strength of a Jonin level. With the three Magatama Sharingan, as long as he does not face strong men of the level of the Five Shadows and Jinchuuriki, he at least has the ability to protect himself or escape.

If he goes to a world that is too high, Ming Jing is afraid that he will not be able to come back, but it is not good if it is too low, as that will not improve his own strength.

While Ming Jing was still controlling the Samsara Watch to continue to accumulate dragon vein energy and search for new world coordinates, a slightly fat man with thick dark circles under his eyes quietly appeared outside the palace.

Minister Loulan, An Lushan, is also the rebel Sunagakure from the future, Baizu.

The moment he noticed the arrival, Ming Jing put away his Samsara watch.

[Konoha ninja... why did you come to Loulan? 】

This was a question An Lushan couldn't help but have when he learned that the Konoha delegation had arrived in Loulan.

In his original time and space, nothing like this happened.

But now, seeing Uchiha Mirror standing in front of the dragon vein, he thought he had guessed the answer correctly.

[Perhaps, it is because of my arrival that Loulan has undergone tremendous changes, which has caused Konoha to set its sights on the dragon veins of Loulan? If so, it will be troublesome...]

As a person who has returned from the future to the present, An Lushan has actually discovered that the world has changed a long time ago - mainly because Kato Dan is not dead now.

[For now, we must find a way to drive the Konoha ninja out of Loulan and deprive them of the opportunity to get their hands on the dragon veins! ]

"Konoha ninja, I want to know why you came to the dragon vein of Loulan."

An Lushan stroked his beard and said solemnly, looking as if he was indeed a loyal minister of Loulan.

"I also want to know why the ninja from the Sand Village came to Loulan and became the minister that the queen valued the most?"

Uchiha Mingjing showed a faint smile on his face, and his right hand was already on the wakizashi handle at his waist.

"What are you talking about?"

An Lushan looked puzzled, but the fingers hidden behind his back also shot out five chakra lines.

He has decided to kill this Konoha ninja here first, and then use the power of the dragon vein to directly control the puppet to kill other Konoha ninjas, forcing the Loulan Queen to turn against Konoha, and then use the Sand Village to maneuver, stabilize the situation, and finally continue his plan!

In the next chapter, I plan to start traveling through the new world, and I plan to go to the Demon Slayer world. Friends who have not watched Demon Slayer can also try to read it. I will try my best to write it so that friends who have not read the original Demon Slayer can also read it. Thank you!

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