Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 70: Traveling to a new world!

An Lushan, or the centipede, failed. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’Searchπ‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

He overestimated his own strength and underestimated the Queen of Loulan's mastery of the dragon vein.

As early as when Mingjing used the Reincarnation Watch to absorb the energy of the dragon vein to a certain extent, the Queen of Loulan had sensed it and rushed over with people.


Nara Shikahei and others, after Yamanaka Haiyi sensed the chakra fluctuations emitted during the battle in the direction of the palace and recognized one of them as Uchiha Mingjing, also set off quickly.

When they arrived, they saw An Lushan, who had been forced by Mingjing to tear off his disguise, revealing a skinny appearance, and using the dragon vein chakra to manipulate the puppet to fight Mingjing.

Now, An Lushan is a ninja who can't be cleaned even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

Is there any doubt about this? Just looking at this puppetry, we know that Baizu is a ninja from the Sand Village. This must be a spy sent by the Sand Village to greed for the energy of the dragon vein. In the process of trying to destroy the alliance between Konoha and Loulan, he was discovered and exposed by Konoha's special ninja Uchiha Mingjing. In the end, the angry Sand Village spy An Lushan used the dragon vein chakra to manipulate the puppets and tried to kill the Konoha ninja to subvert Loulan!

Even the fact that Mingjing stole the dragon vein chakra and was sensed by the queen was pushed onto An Lushan's head!

An Lushan wanted to say that this was a misunderstanding, but no one would believe it.

Because all his abilities did come from the Sand Village, with a deep mark of the Sand Village puppeteer, any ninja with some experience can see it.

In addition, he did have some plans for the Loulan dragon vein, and he also borrowed the dragon vein chakra to control these puppets.

Therefore, after recognizing the "truth" of the facts, the Queen of Loulan decisively asked several other Konoha ninjas to take action and eliminate An Lushan together, and agreed to the alliance with Konoha.

In terms of strength, Nara Shikahei is a real elite jonin, Mingjing and Baiyun Shixin are also absolutely standard jonin combat power, and the other new generation of Zhu Shikacho three, under the command of Nara Shikaku, use their own abilities to play a good auxiliary effect.

Even An Lushan, who has accumulated nearly 20 years of experience in Loulan in the future, may not be able to win when facing such a lineup, let alone now.

At this time, although he can use the chakra of the dragon vein to repair the puppet, he cannot use it to recover his injuries.

However, the fragments of the puppets were later fixed by the Nara father and son with the shadow manipulation technique, unable to move, so that the puppets could not automatically recover in a short time, and finally withstood Mingjing's Haolong Fire, and burned both the man and the puppets to ashes.

Ming Jing did this to prevent An Lushan's body from being left behind and Yamanaka Inoichi from taking An Lushan's head to explore the intelligence in it, so as to avoid some information from the future from having an impact.



Just three days after Nara Shikahei returned from Loulan with Ming Jing and others, Sunagakure began peace talks with Konoha.

At this time, news came from the Kumogakure front that Orochimaru had sneaked into the depths of Kumogakure and successfully assassinated the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki. The high-level combat power of Kumogakure was missing. With the Third Raikage being held back by Sarutobi Hiruzen, there was no one in the entire Kumogakure who could stop Orochimaru. Therefore, in order to maintain its strength, Kumogakure also considered that Konoha had ended the war with Sunagakure. If they continued to fight, they would undoubtedly face Konoha in its prime, and it would be difficult to achieve results. They also began peace talks with Konoha.

As a result, the Second Ninja World War that affected the entire ninja world was finally declared over this year. The subsequent negotiations, distribution of benefits, and other matters had nothing to do with most ninjas, and Konoha also recalled the ninja troops stationed on the border.

After so many years of war, even Konoha, the most powerful family, could not bear it. A large number of ninjas continued to return to daily tasks and began to rebuild the village's economy.

This means that Ming Jing finally has a stable time to explore the new world explored by the Samsara Watch.

After returning to Konoha and meeting with Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Fugaku, Ming Jing informed Kato Dan, Inuzuka Ryo and others, and then announced that he would start a retreat.

This is also normal in the eyes of others.

After all, Uchiha Ming Jing had just opened the three-magatama Sharingan, and in just two years, he was quickly promoted from Genin to Chunin, and then to Special Jonin through the tempering of war. It takes some time to consume the familiarity of the rapidly increasing strength.

In this regard, whether it is Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Yu, or other elders of the Uchiha clan, they all strongly support it after knowing it.

Even now, some people in the clan have called Ming Jing the first genius of Uchiha. He has three magatama Sharingan at the age of twelve. If he is not a genius, then what is he?

The disturbances in the outside world did not affect Uchiha Ming Jing.

He did not even know that he was called the first genius of Uchiha, nor did he know that his teacher Kato Dan was now competing with Orochimaru for the position of the leader of the jonin class.

What he had to do now was to use the newly repaired Samsara watch to go to other worlds and obtain the resources to quickly improve his strength.

A few days later.

The small house in the Uchiha clan.

The dim moonlight shone into the room through the gap in the curtains.

"I hope this world will not let me down..."

Uchiha Mingjing sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at the Reincarnation watch on his wrist, and gently tapped it with his left hand. In an instant, a blue-purple light flashed, and Uchiha Mingjing's figure disappeared without a trace, leaving only a little residual warmth on the bed.




Under the moonlight, a few crows flew over the treetops, and the mountains and forests were quiet.

A blue-purple light flashed, and Uchiha Mingjing's figure appeared quietly.

"Is this the new world?"

After landing, Mingjing quickly checked the surrounding scene and obtained first-hand information at the first time.

"The crows' calls indicate that the species of creatures are not much different from the ninja world, and it is not that kind of strange world."

"The tree species basically have typical Lauraceae characteristics, belonging to evergreen broad-leaved forests, and the climate is similar to that of the Fire Country, close to the subtropical climate characteristics."

'It should be a normal world. '

Mingjing raised his head, glanced at the position of the moon, and roughly judged the time.

It was probably midnight.

These are the information that Mingjing could obtain when he first came to this world.

For ninjas, obtaining information is a practical skill that must be mastered.

Next, if you want to obtain more useful information, you must find human settlements.

"So next, try to find a water source first. Following the water source, you will definitely be able to find a human settlement!"

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