The wind and sand are flying, and the desert is solitary smoke.

Konoha's envoys were moving quickly in a desert.

They don't need to worry about stepping on quicksand in the desert. Ninjas can even walk on water, let alone quicksand.

There are a total of six people on the mission. Among them, Ming Jing and Shirayun Tokinobu were arranged by Kato Dan to gain qualifications for an S-level mission. One of them is a disciple of Kato Dan, and the other is a jounin who first surrendered to Kato Dan. If they are strong enough, Kato Dan will definitely arrange it for them first.

Among the other four people, except for the head of the Nara clan who is the leader of the mission, the other three will be older than Ming Jing. They are similar to the Namikaze Minato that they met before, and their ninja level is also the same as Ming Jing's special jounin.

They are the new generation of Ino Shikacho - Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Kaiichi. They are members selected by the old Nara family head.

"Is this Loulan? Didn't the intelligence say that this is a small, poor country? Why does it look so prosperous?"

Akimichi Dingzao gnawed on a bag of potato chips and looked at the people coming and going in front of him, which looked like fireworks. There were also several tall buildings in Loulan and he exclaimed.

This is not like a city-state growing up in the desert.

"Maybe this Queen of Loulan is better at managing civil affairs."

Yamanaka Haiichi also said with some surprise.

Ming Jing's expression was calm, but he shook his head secretly in his heart.

It is not easy to build such a prosperous city in the desert, even if Loulan is not as densely populated as it will be many years ago.

To achieve that point, it cannot be achieved by simply being good at managing civil affairs, unless oil can be dug underground here.

However, although there is no oil here in Loulan, there is something more precious than oil.

It possesses dragon veins that are almost equivalent to endless chakra and have energy of time and space attributes!

[Looking at this, maybe the Shagakure rebel named Baizu has come to Loulan and gained the Queen of Loulan’s favor. I hope this guy will not affect my plan, otherwise...]

Ming Jing frowned slightly, and after thinking in his heart, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

As for Nara Shikaku, he also felt that this mission might not be as simple as imagined, and thought that the originally sure-fire mission would have quite a few twists and turns.

If you want to win over Loulan, Konoha must use both kindness and power. On the one hand, you can show the strength of the strongest ninja village and let Loulan have confidence in Konoha's strength. On the other hand, you must use the abundant supplies of the Fire Country to defeat Loulan. to support the development and construction of the country.

And looking at Loulan's current appearance, he may not need material assistance from the Fire Nation.

[Hey, S-level missions are really troublesome. If I really become a jounin in the future, wouldn’t it be even more troublesome? 】

This is Nara Shikaku's inner monologue at this moment.

The old head of the Nara family led a group of people to the gate of Loulan. After notifying the guards, he was quickly invited to her palace by Queen Loulan.

"The chief envoy of the Konoha Mission, Nara Shikupei, the jounin, has met Queen Loulan."

"The deputy envoy of the Konoha Mission, Jonin Baiyun Shixin, has met Queen Loulan."

The old head of the Nara family, or Nara Shikahira, and Hyakumo Tokishin, bowed slightly and bowed to Queen Loulan, who was at the top.

It was a young woman with long red hair, a beautiful and dignified appearance, and a crown. Next to her throne was a delicate little loli, who was looking at the Konoha ninja in the palace with curiosity. .

Following the two jounins of the envoy, Ming Jing and the others also bowed to Queen Loulan.

This is already a sign of respect for Lou Lan. No matter how severe it is, Lou Lan won't be able to bear it.

The Fire Nation is the strongest among the five major nations. As the Jonin of Konoha Village, they can only do this when facing the Fire Nation daimyo.

After all, the highest leader recognized by Konoha ninjas will only be Konoha's Hokage.

"Excuse me."

Queen Loulan raised her hand to signal, not looking dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty the Queen, this is a document from the Third Hokage. Konoha hopes to establish good diplomatic relations with Loulan. If the Queen agrees, Konoha will provide shelter to Loulan, and will also propose to the Daimyo of the Fire Country to provide protection for Loulan. Loulan support supplies..."

After Nara Shikahei finished reading, he handed the documents of the Third Hokage to an official beside him. After checking to confirm that there was no tampering, it was handed over to the Queen of Loulan.

After Queen Loulan took the document, she glanced through it briefly. Except for some more polite words of praise, the contents were almost the same as what Nara Shikupei said.

"What the Nara Jonin said is indeed very reasonable. I, Loulan, have always had a good impression of peace-loving ninja villages like Konoha. However, this matter is of great importance. Why don't you let me think about it carefully for a night and then give it to the Nara Jonin? What’s the answer?”

Before Nara Shikahei entered Loulan, he, like Nara Shikaku, had already guessed that this mission might take a little more effort after seeing the current development and changes in Loulan, so he agreed.

Or so, it only takes one night.

When the meeting with Queen Loulan ended, the six members of the Konoha envoy quickly gathered secretly in Nara Shikahei's room for a meeting.

The reason why they have to be sneaky is because Queen Loulan assigns two waiters to each Konoha ninja. In name, they are convenient to serve at any time, but in fact they are for surveillance.

This is normal. Every ninja has extremely destructive humanoid weapons, not to mention that the members of the Konoha Mission are all special jounin. In order to prevent someone from causing damage and causing a major impact within the territory, Queen Loulan will definitely send someone Come and watch.

Everyone, please tell me your opinions. "

Nara Shikahei glanced at everyone in the field with his cloudy eyes and said.

He is already a ninja of the older generation, and now he is a young and outstanding ninja in Konoha Village. It is the time when he needs training.

"I'll go first."

As the person present second only to Nara Shikahira in terms of age and status, Baiyun Tokishin was naturally the first to speak.

"Obviously, the Queen of Loulan was also hesitant. Judging from what we saw when we entered Loulan, Loulan is developing very well now. The resources provided by the Fire Country may speed up their development, but it is no longer necessary. , and Loulan's geographical location will be closer to the Kingdom of Wind, and it will inevitably sway between Sunagakure and Konoha. I think what we have to do now is to convince the queen that Konoha has completely suppressed Sunagakure, making Sunagakure unable to Find trouble with Loulan, who is allied with Konoha, so that Queen Loulan will truly agree to form an alliance with us."

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