Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 45 Maruboshi Kosuke

Especially Uchiha Mingjing, in terms of strength, he is considered to be the best among all Chunin. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

If he were to face Dalang Yuxian now, the one who would survive in the end would most likely be Ming Jing himself.

This strength of the team can be regarded as the backbone of the entire Konoha.

It is definitely incomparable to those jounin-level figures, but how many jounin are there in the entire Konoha?

Kato Dan mentioned before that after so many years of ninja wars, the number of jounin in Konoha has already fallen below two hundred, and there are even fewer in other ninja villages.


The jounin-level masters have their own jounin to resist. With the strength of their team, as long as they are not too careless or extremely unlucky on the battlefield, there is still a high probability that they can come back alive.

After spending a day packing up his ninja tools and summarizing his three months of dedicated practice, Ming Jing and his two teammates set out with the troops early the next morning.

This time, a total of two squadrons were dispatched to the camp, both composed of chuunin and relatively outstanding genin. The teams were led by Inuzuka Paladin and Shirogane Tokishin. One squadron contained approximately ten squads.

After arriving at the front line, these people will be broken up again and organized into different teams according to the ninjutsu they are good at.

Ming Jing hopes that Kato Dan and Tsunade can arrange their team to a less dangerous unit.

In any case, the current commander-in-chief of the Rain Country battlefield is Orochimaru, and Kato Dan and Orochimaru are close friends. Tsunade is a teammate who grew up with Orochimaru, so she should be able to help her team. Arrange a better location.

Although, Ming Jing still hopes that he and others will not have to go to the battlefield so early. It is best to give him more time to develop, and it is best to go to the level of Jonin or even stronger.

But this time, Orochimaru obviously decided to mobilize all the available forces around the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain to the greatest extent. Except for some places where the minimum level of manpower must be maintained, all the manpower that could be mobilized came to the Rain Country. In the camp of the country.

"Don't worry about these, Orochimaru has actually made arrangements."

In the camp, facing the somewhat embarrassed expressions of his three disciples, Kato Suan burst into laughter.

"For young ninjas like you who are not old, have strong talents, and even have certain backgrounds, Orochimaru has already incorporated you into the reserve team. You will only be in a situation of disadvantage or stalemate, or when it is necessary When the final word is made, the last force of the reserve force will be put into the battlefield. "

After Kato Dan finished speaking, he explained in detail the tasks and characteristics of the reserve force. Finally, he briefly checked the practice status of the three disciples, then turned and left to get busy.

Now, he is the deputy of Orochimaru, the commander-in-chief of the Rain Kingdom battlefield, and is mainly responsible for the intelligence network of the entire Rain Kingdom battlefield. However, because the other two high-level leaders in the camp, Jiraiya and Tsunade, are not very used to taking care of things, so There were many other tasks that fell into the hands of him and Mumu Gandao.

After meeting Kato Dan, Ming Jing felt a little relaxed.

At least their teacher is one of the people with the highest status and power in the entire Rain Kingdom battlefield system, so he will not place his team in more dangerous places.

Moreover, Orochimaru obviously also knows that some young people like Kato Ban, who are young and have high potential and have certain strength, can only be used at the most critical time, otherwise they will undoubtedly deplete Konoha's future war potential.

No matter what Orochimaru will become in the next ten or twenty years, at least at this time, he is still a young Sannin and has great feelings for Konoha, which trained him. He is also the future of Sarutobi Hiruzen. The best successor.



Junior troop camp.

In the camp of Kato's squad.


Following the movements of Ming Jing's hands forming seals, a small iron pot, several dishes and condiments, and some scattered canned biscuits and other foods suddenly appeared on the seal scroll.

"Hehe, I had already expected that the camp would only have unpalatable dry food and those military ration pills that are not edible for humans, so I specially prepared these things before setting off this time."

Ming Jing smiled at the two teammates beside him.

He prepared two sealing scrolls, one of which was naturally these cooking utensils and food, and the other was a normal configuration of sealing scrolls, which contained a large number of kunai, shurikens and other ninja tools, as well as some valuable detonators. charms, as well as bandages and regular medicines.

"What a coincidence, isn't it? On the way here just now, Tiewan was playful and accidentally brought back a rabbit in his mouth."

A similar smile appeared on Inuzuka's face, and he took out a rabbit that had been skinned and hollowed out.

Aburame Nami pushed up the big sunglasses on her face expressionlessly and took off a bag from her waist.

"It would be bad for your health to just eat those, so I just asked the bugs to find some edible wild vegetables outside."

Ming Jing was very pleased to see that his two teammates were successfully led astray by him.

"By the way, Mingjing, it's okay in the camp now, but what if we go out on a mission? After all, if we still do this outside, the smoke from cooking and grilling will undoubtedly expose our position."

Inuzuka Ryo asked Mingjing while helping to build the stove.

A smug smile appeared on Mingjing's face.

"What's the big deal? I've been practicing fire escape for a while. Although I'm still a little short of mastering the nature change, I've gained a lot. Look, this is the new ninjutsu I invented!"

Mingjing made seals with both hands and aimed at the bottom of the stove.

"Fire escapeΒ·SuperΒ·Smokeless cooking and fire making technique!"

Inuzuka Ryo's eyes lit up.

"It just so happens that I also learned a secret technique taught by the clan that can limit the smell and hide the trace! And, hurry up! Nami, put the food in the pot first! Fry a few dishes tonight, and then ask Mingjing to use this trick to grill the rabbit! I'm going to the battlefield tomorrow, so I have to eat a lot tonight to have the strength to fight?"

After saying that, Inuzuka Ryo couldn't wait to clap his hands.

"Ninjutsu: Hidden Tracks and Smell Technique!"

However, what Inuzuka Ryo didn't know was that before he used this ninjutsu, a blind old man in his fifties carrying an iron pot outside the camp had already smelled some fragrance from the canned food in the tent.

"Hehe, isn't this the tent of the disciples of Duan Xiaozi and Xiao Gangshou?"

Maruboshi Kosuke stroked his beard and walked towards the tent in front of him with a smile.

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