Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 44: Changes in the nature of Fire Escape

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After practicing the art of spiritual activation to the second stage, you can maintain a relatively focused state no matter what you do, and apply this state to learning, practice and even battles.

As for the third stage, the spiritual energy is so powerful that it can overflow and be able to directly perceive everything happening around it, and the perception is extremely accurate, giving people the feeling of being almost the same as the divine consciousness in Xianxia novels.

Kato Suan believes that if you can achieve this step and learn some more sensory ninjutsu, you can basically become a top sensory ninja.

It is a pity that all the people who have been taught this ninjutsu by him have not been able to reach this stage. Only Jiraiya has barely touched this realm.

As for the fourth stage, the overflowing mental power is powerful enough to affect reality. Kato Dan is at this level.

Only when you reach this state can you reach the point where Kato Suan believes that you can safely learn the complete art of spiritual transformation.

Of course, these are still far from the mirror.

He is still in the first stage, but his concentration is getting higher and higher, but he doesn't know how far he is from the second stage.

At least he can maintain a fairly focused state by practicing after he meditates.

This may be because the soul contained in his body is equivalent to the souls of two people, and the spiritual power is superimposed and amplified, so the progress of practicing the art of spiritual activation is quite fast.

This is why Kato Dan said that people with strong innate mental strength like himself are the most suitable to inherit his ninjutsu.

Aburame Nami has just barely reached the first stage, while Inuzuka Yu has not made any progress - he will be completely unable to sit still as long as he sits still for ten minutes.

Just like now, he only lasted nine minutes this time before he couldn't sit down any longer. He simply took Tetsumaru to a farther place to practice the ninjutsu of the Inuzuka clan.

As for Ming Jing, he has finished his morning exercises and is sitting quietly under a tree, carefully reading and comparing the three different scrolls on his hand.

This is the fire escape training experience given to Ming Jing by Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Yu and Kato Dan respectively.

"Are the properties of explosion and high temperature, or...high temperature is the most common property change of fire escape, and the Uchiha clan has further evolved the property change of high temperature into the property change of explosion through many years of experience in fire escape training, which is also , only the Sharingan can grasp such unstable changes in nature."

The more I looked in the mirror, the more amazed I became.

The changes in the nature of the fire attribute mastered by Kato Dan are the mainstream among Konoha's fire escape jounin, and the article covers them in great detail. However, the changes in the nature mastered by the two Uchiha jounin are somewhat different from this mainstream.

It is more powerful, but also more difficult to control, but it is also more suitable for Uchiha, and the change in the nature of high temperature is itself included in the change in the nature of the explosion.

"Just like Earth Release, the mainstream of the entire ninja world is to strengthen the thick and solid nature of Earth Release, but in Iwagakure Village, there is a light and heavy rock technique that can reduce the density of matter and enable people to fly. This is probably the Iwajutsu. Another change in the nature of earth escape taught by the Hidden Village, similar to Jiraiya's turning water into oil, the Black Thunder Secret Technique of Kumo Hidden Village, etc. "

Ming Jing's thinking became more and more diffuse, he read several scrolls tirelessly, and soon started to try it out.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

An orange-red fireball suddenly hit the ground in the distance, attracting the attention of Inuzuka Inuzuka who was training taijutsu on the other side. As for Aburame Nami, she tried hard not to be affected by what was happening outside. .

Being able to find stillness in chaos is also an important key point in the early stage of practicing the art of spiritual activation.

"The orange-red flame...the core will look more yellow. According to the temperature, the color of the flame will continue to change, from red to orange, from orange to yellow, and then to white and blue at the back, at least During the process of performing ninjutsu, the color of the flame in the center of the flame changes to white to master the change in the chakra properties of the fire attribute. In order to achieve the change in the properties of the explosive, it is required that the core of the flame appears blue. "

Ming Jing squatted on the ground, touching his chin and thinking carefully.

The color of the Fire Release Ninjutsu used by ninjas through Fire Release is definitely not monotonous.

If he is a jounin who has mastered the changes in the nature of fire chakra, then the core of the fire escape he performs must be different, and most of the outside, or even most of the flames, appear in three colors: red, orange, and yellow.

For the next whole day, Ming Jing was immersed in the practice of fire escape.

It wasn't until that night that I dragged my exhausted body back to rest.

But when I got up the next day and received the news from Inuzuka Paladin, I knew that the good days were coming to an end.

After forming an alliance with Konoha and Amegakure, Iwagakure and Sunagakure faced the combination of Hanzo, Sannin, and Kato Dan, and they were naturally defeated.

At this time, Konoha decided to launch a large-scale battle against Sunagakure to completely establish Konoha's advantage on the battlefield of Rain Country and compress Sunagakure's territory as much as possible. It would be best to drive Sunagakure out in one fell swoop. In the Country of Rain, there will only be one Iwagakure left, which will be much easier to deal with.

To launch such a large-scale battle, the more ninjas available, the better.

Although Mingjing and his team were just three unknown people before, in the last battle, the three-person team had killed many Chunins head-on, and had a record of fighting against the same number of Chunins and directly killing one person. Naturally, they were also transferred to the front line of the battle as a force.

There is only one day to rest and replenish. Tomorrow, they will form two squadrons with some members of this camp to go to the front-line camp.

"In a war of this scale, I'm afraid we can only be regarded as an inconspicuous wave."

Aburame Nami looked at the flying insects in front of her, and then looked at a wave splashing in the river in the distance and said.

"There is nothing we can do about it. As a ninja of Konoha, it is a matter of course to go to the battlefield for the village. Now we should think about how to survive on the battlefield. I hope that Mr. Kato and Lady Tsunade can cover us a little bit over there, so that we don't have to face the enemy's core troops directly."

Mingjing sighed and said.

To be honest, the current strength of their team is already very good.

After returning from the front line three months ago and experiencing the trials of life and death, the three members of Kato's class have made great progress in strength. Now, in the past three months, they have further improved their strength. Everyone's strength level has reached above the level of Chunin, and can be considered good among Chunins.

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