Kato Dan and Tsunade had visited him specifically before, hoping that if their disciples were in danger on the battlefield in the future, they would ask this powerful "Ten Thousand Years Genin" to take care of them. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

After Kosuke Maruboshi learned about the talents of his three disciples from Kato Dan, he patted his chest and agreed. He believed that protecting the future of the village was the right thing to do, and he inherited it from the Second Hokage.

When he was young, he killed his companions because of his rash commanding, so he apologized in front of the Second Hokage and was willing to be a genin for the rest of his life to atone for his sins.

But in fact, his strength is enough to rank at the forefront of all jounin in Konoha, especially at this time, he has not broken his leg, but he was blind in one eye, and he is not old enough to have passed his prime. level, still possessing extremely strong combat effectiveness.

In terms of water escape, he has been taught by the second generation and is now almost the strongest water escape ninja in Konoha, because he is the only one who can use the water barrier with only two seals and four seals like the second generation Hokage. A water escape ninja who can use water dragon bullets just by sealing his seal.

This is something that even the Third Hokage, who is a second-generation disciple and is known as the professor of ninjutsu, cannot do.

Relying on his powerful water escape and sword skills, his strength can definitely be ranked very high among all jounin in Konoha, and he can be regarded as the top figure below the shadow level.

Otherwise, the second generation would not have thought so highly of him and taught him water escape.

He can also be regarded as the hidden back-up of the entire reserve force. If it comes time for the reserve force to come on stage, with his strength, he can definitely become the person who holds the battle for this unit.


"Hey, I guessed right. You guys are indeed my comrades."

Maruhoshi Kosuke opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. He smiled and looked at the small pot in the middle that was boiling canned wild vegetable soup.

"Come on, come on, put on this big pot, so you can cook a little more at a time and share some with me."

Kosuke Maruhoshi sat down next to Ming Jing, looking at the three genin in the field with a smile.

"Eh? Grandpa, you are..."

Inuzuka looked at the old man in front of him in surprise.

You know, both he and Nami Aburame are very good sensory ninjas, but they didn't notice at all that the old man in front of them entered the camp.

[This is at least a jounin-level master. 】

Inuzuka Rui and Aburame Nami immediately made a judgment in their hearts.

"I, Kosuke Maruhoshi, am just a genin in the village. I happened to smell the smell of your cooking and wanted to come over and share some. You won't refuse, right?"

Maruboshi Kosuke said while stroking his beard.

"Eh? Genin? How is that possible? But when you came in, even Maru and I didn't notice it!"

Inuzuka asked with a look of disbelief.

"It's a small matter, eat first, eat first."

Maruboshi Kosuke waved his hands indifferently and said, while secretly sizing up the three genin.

He quite liked the character shown by Inuzuka Inu, but among the other two, Aburame Nami had a cold and dull look, which fit well with his impression of the Aburame clan.

As for the mirror...

[This brat from the Uchiha family grasped the wakizashi behind his back as soon as he noticed someone coming in. He seemed to have a strong sense of crisis, and he had been sizing me up. He sensed the presence of a powerful ninja from his body. Are you trying to judge my strength? He's a pretty good kid. 】

Kosuke Maruboshi is more interested in Ming Jing.

He has received guidance from the Second Hokage, but unlike several of his disciples who have been nurtured by the Second Hokage for many years and regard the Uchiha clan as a threat, he still recognizes that the Uchiha clan are all companions in the village. .

"Senior Gu Jie? The elders in the family have mentioned you to me."

He was short in stature, carrying a long iron pot and a sword on his back, and was blind in one eye.

Except for the fact that his hair has not turned completely white and his left foot has not been replaced with a prosthetic leg, he is exactly the same as the Maruhoshi Kosuke in Ming Jing's impression.

"Oh? Elder? Dare I ask..."

"Grandpa Yu once told me that Kosuke-senpai is the most legendary genin in the village. Although he has strength beyond most jounin, he is still willing to serve as a genin and has always contributed to the village."

Hearing Ming Jing's compliment, Maruhoshi Kosuke immediately beamed.

"Grandpa Yu? Is he Uchiha Yu-senpai? I remember the heroic appearance of this senior during the first ninja war."

Uchiha Ha did comment on the masters in the village to Ming Jing, and also mentioned a few words about the legendary genin Kosuke Maruhoshi.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk too much about you. Let's try my cooking skills first."

After Maruhoshi Kosuke finished speaking, he took off the big iron pot from behind and replaced the small iron pot that Ming Jing had before.

"Come on! Kid, aren't you an Uchiha? Come and light a fire."

Ming Jing obediently used his unique ninjutsu to light a fire.

At this time, Kosuke Maruhoshi was surprised to find that there was no smoke from the fire lit by the mirror.

Then, the smile on the old man's face suddenly became a little thicker, and he moved his buttocks and got closer to the mirror.

"Ahem, I've already introduced myself, it's your turn, right?"

As Maruhoshi Kosuke spoke, he kept stirring the pot with his long-handled spoon.

Ming Jing and Inuzuka Ryo Aburame Nami didn't understand why, but they still introduced themselves.

"You are all young talents from famous families, but I have never heard that the Uchiha clan has this kind of fire escape ninjutsu that burns fire without producing smoke."

Ming Jing instantly understood what Maruboshi Gujie meant.

This old man is also a glutton, as can be seen from the iron pot on his back.

It seems that he also wants to learn this fire escape that burns fire without producing smoke, so that he can cook for himself when he is doing tasks outside.

"Senior Gujie, this is the fire escape secret technique that I created after going through countless hardships, going through many twists and turns, and thinking hard. Although the process of creating this ninjutsu is really difficult, if you want to learn it, I will definitely teach you everything I know."

Ming Jing smiled shyly and replied.

My meaning should be very obvious, right?

You, an old senior, asked a new generation junior from my village for a small ninjutsu, shouldn't you give me something good?

"You are really not like an Uchiha, not happy at all, but of course I won't treat you badly."

Maruboshi Kosuke pouted and pointed at the wakizashi behind Mingjing.

"From your appearance, you should have learned swordsmanship, right? I am not talented, but I learned the swordsmanship of Konoha style from the second generation Hokage, so I should be able to teach you a little bit."

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