Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 306 Elder Centipede

Chapter 308 Elder Centipede

"Mr. Rilun is older than Bang Gu in the martial arts world. His swordsmanship is not inferior to mine, and there are many masters from the Sword Saint Association. I can definitely gain something from you, Ming Jing.

Atomic Warrior walked in front and said to the mirror.

"Hey, I can't believe it. I am already old and my legs and feet are not very flexible. I am definitely no match for young people like you."

Rilun clasped his hands behind his back and smiled.

In addition to him and Atomic Samurai, the official members of the Sword Master Association also include Tenqing, Zanmei, and Fukariri. Each of them has the strength to become an S-class hero. Among them, he and Atomic Samurai are the strongest.

In terms of swordsmanship, Nichirin and Atomic Samurai are on par.

It's just that Hinata is old, but Atomic Samurai is only thirty-seven years old and in his prime. Hinata's physical strength is definitely not as good as Atomic Samurai's.

"Okay, this is it."

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The Atomic Warrior opened a door and entered a room with Ming Jing and Nichirin.

Der Spiegel doesn't know why, but in order to show off their strength, this kind of organization often deliberately chooses a very dark room during meetings, and then lights a few candles in the middle to create a mysterious atmosphere.

Fusukiri is a long-haired old man who looks like a master with fierce eyes. Canmei is a monk who has been sitting in his seat and reciting scriptures silently. Tianqing is a dark-skinned old man with glasses and dirty braids. It looks a bit scholarly.

"Everyone, this meeting was proposed by Atomic Warrior. It has two main purposes."

After everyone took their seats, Ri Lun sat in the middle position and slowly spoke.

"The first one is to invite the Scarlet Ninja and Uchiha Mirror to join the Sword Saint Association and become a formal member of the Sword Saint Association."

"As for the second one, at the invitation of Atomic Warrior, please activate your contacts in the martial arts world to find the whereabouts of the heroic hunter."

After Hinata finished speaking, he picked up the water glass and observed the reactions of other members of the Sword Saint Association.

Tianqing and Canmei looked at Mingjing with a bit of inquiry in their eyes, but they also knew that this was an S-class hero who was very powerful and could be recognized by Atomic Samurai. His swordsmanship level was probably not too bad.

Kapukuri, on the other hand, stared at the Atomic Warrior for a while, then turned to look at the mirror, and finally withdrew his gaze and took out a package from his arms.

"Just in time, I have something serious to tell you, but don't say I didn't do you any good. I thought of my colleagues as soon as I got this thing."

Fusukiri threw the package onto the table and spread it out, revealing three squirming balls of flesh.

"You should be like me. You haven't felt that you have made much progress for many years, right? Even because of the growth of age and the aging of the body, you feel that your strength is constantly declining, but as long as you take these weird cells, you will Can gain even more power than when I was young!"

Kaposiri stood up and said excitedly.

"Sepsis, what have you done?"

Hinata sighed.

"It's very simple. A group of powerful weirdos formed a weirdo association. They found me, and I just swallowed the weirdo cells, gave up my human identity, and gained more powerful power!"

"So, you are now..."

The Atomic Warrior said as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Of course, I am already a weirdo now! Kamikaze, you may not be my opponent now!"

After speaking, the voice of abdominal incision gradually became dull, and his face also changed, turning into that of a tiger, and his tone was full of confidence.

"You have fallen into disgrace and committed septorrhea."

Nichirin also put his hand on the sword.

"I only give you three seconds to think about eating these weirdo cells! As for you, Kamikaze, if the association has something to say, you can't be left alone! Together with another S-class hero, it's enough for me to become a high-level cadre of the weirdo association!"

"We're not as stupid as you."

Nichi Lun shook his head and said.

"Then don't blame me! Nichirin!"

With a flash of cold light, the sharp long sword was pulled out from the scabbard on the side of Fukariri's waist. Judging from its posture, it was going to cut off the heads of everyone present in an instant.

But as soon as the sword was swung out, the sword of abdominal incision stopped.

Two fingers entwined with armament-colored Haki firmly clamped the blade of Kapukiri's sword, preventing it from moving.

"Your tone is very arrogant, but your strength is not very good. Among dragon-level monsters, you are only in the middle and lower reaches. Who gave you the confidence to show off in front of me?"

Ming Jing opened a pair of reincarnation eyes full of intimidation and stared at Fusukiri.


He didn't have time to say his next words.

Because the Atomic Samurai has also drawn his sword.

"Atomic Slash!"

Countless rays of sword light crisscrossed across Fukariri's body.

Kasukiri slowly lowered his head and saw that his body was disintegrating bit by bit, turning into ashes.

"I'm so sorry, Scarlet Ninja, for letting you see such a joke on your first day here."

The Atomic Warrior held a toothpick in his mouth and said solemnly.

"It is not uncommon for people to get lost in the pursuit of power."

Ming Jing shook his head and said.

In the ninja world, aren't there many people who fall into various misguided paths in pursuit of power?

"It's that weirdo association..."

"Ah, that sounds like a big fish."

The Atomic Samurai turned his head and looked at the three monster cells on the table, and swung his sword again to chop them all into ashes.

"Next, I plan to take my three apprentices to find that weirdo association and kill them. What about you? Scarlet Ninja?"

"Intelligence searches, ninjas are professionals, but if you can recruit a master like Kapiri, the strength within this organization should be very strong. It's best to be cautious."

Ming Jing reminded the Atomic Warrior.

In the original time and space, the Monster Association made all the S-class heroes of the Hero Association suffer. If Atomic Samurai went alone, he would probably have to deliver food.

Although this guy is strong and his attack power is enough to inflict heavy damage on peak dragon-level monsters, there are quite a few peak dragon-level monsters in the Monster Association.

And there are also black spirits who specialize in restraining atomic samurai.

"If we need to take action, the Sword Saints will also take action."

Hinawa listened to the conversation between the two and interjected.


"I haven't moved my muscles for a long time."

Tianqing and Canmei also responded.

Ming Jing glanced at the two of them without making any comments.

Among the Sword Masters, the strongest ones are Nichirin and Atomic Samurai. The abdominal cuts are at the bottom. Even if they take the monster cells, they are only in the middle and lower reaches of dragon level.

Tianqing and Canmei are not necessarily much stronger than Kapuku, and they will definitely be able to deal with ghost-level monsters, but if they are dragon-level, even a weak dragon-level would probably be difficult.

In the eyes of the Mirror, the strength of these two people is similar to that of the Vest Master and the Sexy Prisoner. They are not as good as those above, but they are incomparable to those powerful S-class heroes who can kill dragon-level monsters, but they are better than those A-class heroes. Too much force.

While several people were talking, the door of the room was knocked again.

Atomic Samurai opened the door and saw Iai Steel standing outside.

"Teacher! There is news from the association. The hero hunter Wolf appears. Death Gatling, Buffalo Armor, Smiling Superman, Stinger, four A-level heroes, and B-level chain toad, glasses, blue archer and The eight-person team of Chain Toad was completely wiped out, and then the S-class Devil Transformer Mr. Bangu and the martial arts master Bangpu arrived. "

"Ah, Mr. Banggu and Mr. Bump, together with a devil transformer, should be able to solve the hero hunting, right? In other words, the matter is over now?"

"No! A new monster has appeared and rescued the wolf. Now three S-class heroes are fighting against the dragon-class monster Elder Centipede!"

"Elder Centipede?!"

The Atomic Warrior suddenly darkened his face.

"Is it the Elder Centipede two years ago, who finally defeated it with explosives, but still let it escape with his life?"

"I'm afraid... yes!"

The Bushido drill pointed at the TV in the living room downstairs.

On the TV screen, a dark purple centipede with a body length of several thousand meters was wreaking havoc on the edge of S City.

"Oh, the other S-class heroes have already dispatched. Well, I'm fighting."

In a certain bachelor's apartment, King was holding a phone in one hand and the controller in the other, playing a game in front of the screen.

"Although the enemy is very difficult, I should be able to deal with it, but what I need to do next is to search their lair."

King took a look at the customs clearance process and continued.

The call was hung up, and at the association headquarters, the cadre of the Hero Association with a stubble on his chin couldn't help but sigh.

"Even King is in a tough fight... I wonder if there will be new powerful weirdos appearing elsewhere."

"What should we do now? There were weirdos who attacked the high-level conference room just now. Fortunately, they were solved by the super alloy black light. But according to the news brought by the weirdos, they formed a weirdo association composed of many powerful weirdos to fight against our hero association. Confrontation, I’m afraid it will be even more troublesome now!”

The male cadre with glasses couldn't help but shook his head, and then continued:

"Now it can be judged that Hero Hunting and the Weird Association at least have a cooperative relationship. The association shareholders who were protected by the metal bat before were captured by Baohua Fu and his son Hao Suiran. The person who attacked the metal bat at that time was Elder Centipede. Later, when Metal Knight arrived for support, the Hero Hunting Wolf attacked Metal Bat again. We received a call from Metal Bat’s sister two hours ago and sent him to the hospital in a coma. "

"Now, after defeating many heroes, we finally managed to take down the evil wolf. Now Elder Centipede and the Weird Association appeared and rescued him. In the conference room that was just attacked, the Weird Association issued an order The ultimatum is, after three days, if we haven’t rescued Luo Hua Fu and Huan Hua Hao, they will break up the vote.”

Hu Zhanan said: "They are forcing our main force to fight them!"

"Everyone! Just when Elder Centipede appeared, riot attacks by weirdos occurred in various areas. Many S-class heroes such as Drive Knight, Zombie Man, Flash Flash, Pig God, and Child Emperor have been dispatched!"

A girl sat in front of the monitor, watching in horror the red alert screens that popped up one after another.

"They are provoking us and showing us their power. Their purpose is to tell us that only by using all their power can we defeat them. And their real purpose is to eliminate all our power at once!"

Xiqi walked from the door with long steps and a solemn expression.

"Now, we still can't contact Blast, so we can only place our hope on the three most unfathomable heroes, Tatsumaki, Scarlet Ninja and King."


A staff member from an association suddenly barged in.

"Atomic Samurai and Scarlet Ninja have been dispatched to deal with Elder Centipede!"

City S, on the edge of the urban area.

"This guy's size is really ridiculously big. He seems to be no smaller than your wooden man and energy giant."

The Atomic Warrior held a toothpick in his mouth and looked at Elder Centipede, who was meandering and squirming quickly in front of him and said.

"Scarlet Ninja, you are here. My brother and I teamed up to use a combined attack, but we could only break off his outer shell. This in turn further enhanced his strength. I think, maybe your black flame, or the Atomic Samurai Only with the atomic slash can he break through his defense."

The shirtless and rather embarrassed Banggu shouted into the distance while fighting.


The next second, the upper half of Genos's body fell in front of Ming Jing, and another one was broken off.

"Damn it, I was careless again! Teacher Mingjing, I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

Genos had an expression of pain and unwillingness on his face.

"Uh...it's okay, I'm used to it."

Ming Jing twitched his lips and said.

Although Genos was upgraded with alien technology by Dr. Kusno and became a lot stronger, there was still a big gap compared to Elder Centipede, the top weirdo among the dragons.

Among the S-class heroes in the Hero Association, Ming Jing believes that apart from Blast, who has not shown up for a long time, he and Tatsumaki are the only ones who can definitely defeat Elder Centipede.

This is almost a super dragon-level monster. Even the super powerful Bang Gu and Bang Pu can't do anything to him.

Bang Pu and Genos were not there, and Bang Pu knew that he alone could not withstand Elder Centipede's attack, so he jumped here decisively, intending to gather the power of the other four S-class heroes to defeat Elder Centipede.

"Coming over!"

Atomic Samurai reminded him, holding his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The next second, Elder Centipede's head was like an oversized locomotive, rushing towards here quickly.

"Just leave it to me!"

A stream of light flashed by, and Ming Jing also charged in front of Elder Centipede, with his right hand condensing armed domineering energy, and punched out.


The shock wave exploded, and Ming Jing retreated violently. He put his hands on Elder Centipede's head and plowed two long traces under his feet.


Ming Jing twisted his neck and his eyes had switched to samsara eyes.


Susanoo, who was hundreds of meters high, rose from the ground and withstood Elder Centipede's impact. Then he grabbed the front half of Elder Centipede's body with both hands, and with an Uchiha hug, he smashed him to the ground ferociously.

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