Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 305: The Eye of Samsara and the Sword Master Society

Chapter 307 The Reincarnation Eye Technique and the Sword Saint Meeting

When Ming Jing opened his eyes again, the Samsara Eye had disappeared and returned to its normal state.

The reason why Uchiha Sasuke's Rinnegan can't be closed is because this guy directly opened it with the ultimate Yin power, and it was also the Rinnegan of Roku Magatama.

Without the supply of the Immortal Human Body, there is no Yang Release that can match the Rinnegan Eye. Even with Uchiha's bloodline, when Uchiha Sasuke used the Six Magatama Rinnegan Eye, he fell into a trap similar to the original time and space Sharingan Kakashi. In the same predicament, my body couldn't bear it and I became a man with kidney deficiency.

On the contrary, Uchiha Madara can freely switch between the three forms of three magatama, eternal kaleidoscope and samsara eye, and can perfectly control his samsara eye.

Mirror is now in the same state as Uchiha Madara, or even better.

"Becoming stronger? Doesn't that mean that with my current level of superpower, it will be more difficult to satisfy your training?"

Fubuki sighed.

"No, this is just a change in his eyes. His physical strength and other aspects have not changed much."

Ming Jing shook his head and said.

"Do you want to test your current power? But I have to remind you, don't use too much force and break things. This is the reason why Boros sealed most of his power with armor. His strength has reached your level. , I’m afraid most of the matter in the universe can be destroyed by you.”

Jinos reminded.


Ming Jing nodded slightly, and together with Jinos, Fubuki, Mosquito Girl and the Armored Gorilla, they passed through a long tunnel and were brought to a wide and huge underground square.

"The training room I once built in the Evolution House can withstand the full supply of a weirdo like Asura Unicorn, who is also at the top of the dragon level, but it will definitely not be able to stop you."

"The current training room was upgraded based on the original technology using alien alloys disassembled from the spaceship. I'm not sure what your current strength is, but in short, you can still take it easy. OK."

Kinos turned on the switch, lit the light source, turned his head and said to the mirror.

"I see."

Ming Jing walked into it and felt the power of the Samsara Eye carefully.

Then he slowly stood up on his tiptoes, finally leaving the ground, causing his body to float.

"Does Uchiha Mingjing even have super powers now?"

The armored gorilla asked, tilting his head.

"No, it's not a superpower. Although it looks like it, I'm sure it's not."

Fubuki shook his head.

"It should be that he has mastered the ability of repulsion. The sensory materials on the floor have been oppressed by varying degrees of repulsion. Although it is weakening quickly, I think this is because he is now more proficient in controlling repulsion."

Kinos held a tablet, looked at the data on it and commented.

"Turn on the training robot."

Kinos pressed a button on the tablet.

The ground in front of Ming Jing suddenly moved to both sides, revealing a rectangular hole. Then, a row of robots rose up from the bottom of the hole.

"Ding Jing, these are robots I made with alien technology. Although they are not equipped with any powerful weapons or powerful armor shells, the defense power of each one is comparable to that of a ghost-level monster. I just gave it to you to try. try."

Kinos's voice came through the speakers on the ceiling.

"I see."

Ming Jing nodded slightly, and then raised a hand towards the robots rushing towards him.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The repulsive force surged out in all directions with the mirror as the center, instantly sending the robots flying to the wall and falling into pieces.

"The defense is really good, so I can use more force."

Ming Jing twisted his hands and put away his palms.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

A group of robots quickly flew out of the wall and flew towards the mirror.

Before it even got close to the mirror, it flew away faster than before.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Ming Jing had a great time playing, constantly strengthening the repulsion and suction, and within a few moments he became familiar with the basic abilities of these samsara eyes.


These robots, which were as durable as ghost-level monsters, were dismantled into a pile of scrap metal by Mingjing and fell to the ground.

"Then, there is another ability..."

Ming Jing clasped his hands together, then slowly opened them.

A small black light spot floated out from it.

"Earth Explosion Sky Star!"

The irresistible suction force comes from the small black dot, attracting everything around it.

First came the broken floor tiles caused by the aftermath of the battle, then these robots. Finally, the suction force was so strong that the walls and ground cracked, and large chunks of gravel flew towards the condensed ball several meters in diameter.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop it! Stop it, Uchiha Mirror!"

Jinos's face changed drastically and he shouted at the mirror.

Just because of the strong wind generated by the suction, Kinos's voice was slightly distorted, and only Fubuki, who was closest to him, could barely hear it clearly.

"What a strong suction!"

Fubuki's pupils were filled with shock, and her green dress and white fluffy coat were fluttering in the wind, revealing her sexy and plump figure.

A faint blue light covered Fubuki's body surface, and suddenly, Kinos felt that the wind around him became much lighter.

Ming Jing did not continue to make a fuss, but just stopped, stretched out a Susana-skeleton arm from behind, and punched the Earth Blast Star that had not yet completely condensed into shape.

"Next time you want to experiment, I suggest you go find an uninhabited island in the sea. Otherwise, I guess the entire Z city won't be enough for you."

Jinos complained as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I'll pay attention."

Kinos waved his hand and called the armored gorilla to clean the scene.

"It's a pity. I originally thought that if these robots were damaged, they could be repaired or something. Now it seems that they will probably have to be rebuilt."

Looking at the ruins all over the ground, Genos felt helpless.

Although he has now become an emerging giant in the catering industry, he cannot withstand such hardships.

"Is controlling gravity and repulsion the new ability after your eyes evolve? Then you have to plan a new development plan for your newly acquired abilities to improve your strength."

Kinos took out the tablet again from behind and began to write and draw on it.

"It's not just these, it's just... there is another ability that I can't express for the time being."

Ming Jing touched the eye sockets above the eyelashes and said.

After opening the Samsara Eye, he indeed awakened a new pupil technique.

Like Madara, there is only one, but Madara's Ring Graveside Prison is a magical skill of torturing vegetables + a magical skill of immortality, and it can also enhance his combat power a bit. However, this one of mine seems to be a little unfavorable.

This pupil technique is called the Divine Mirror Eye, which can reflect all things, allowing the owner to see through the essence of all things and phenomena, understand the most essential rules, and be able to rely on his own power to imitate and evolve these things and phenomena.

"Can't show it?"

Jinos looked a little curious.

"That's not entirely true. After Fubuki showed off his superpower just now, I seem to understand how to use my new ability."

Ming Jing shook his head, and then the same blue light as Fuxue appeared on his body.

The armored gorilla who was carrying the remains of the robot felt a lightness in his hands, and the things in his arms suddenly floated up.

"Super, super power? When did you get it?"

Fubuki didn't know that this was the first time she had been shocked recently.

"Just now, I learned how to use your superpower after watching you use it."

Ming Jing said seriously.

"In other words, you can now copy other people's abilities?"

Fubuki was unsure.


Ming Jing shook his head.

"What I can do is not just these. I use my eyes to see clearly the process of you using your superpowers, understand the nature and rules of all the things behind it, and then use my power to repeat the process. , not just copying.”

"Furthermore, my own mental power is already very strong. If I continue to strengthen it, I will probably be able to awaken superpowers like telekinesis. And your power is far behind mine, so I can quickly of control.”

Fubuki looked like she didn't understand.

"I do understand."

Jinos pushed up his glasses again, his eyes deep.

"In this way, you can see everything in the world, then everything in the world can be your teacher, and the best teacher is nature!"

"Suppose you see a sunspot explosion, can you artificially create a solar storm that sweeps the entire galaxy? If that's the case, tsk tsk."

Kinos did not continue.

If there really was such power, maybe the entire earth would be destroyed accidentally, right?

"Theoretically, it is indeed possible, but the premise is that I have the energy to create a solar storm of that scale. As for me now...maybe I can only destroy Z City and several surrounding cities? "

Ming Jing estimated somewhat uncertainly.

"What do you mean by being able to do nothing?"

Fubuki couldn't help but complained silently.

"Speaking of which, since you now have superpowers, then I..."

"No, no, no, Uchiha Mingjing still needs you. The gravity training room must have a superpower connected to external instruments to exert its true power."

Jinos interrupted, while turning his back to Fubuki, he glanced at Ming Jing several times.

Brother can only help you so far.

"Aren't you going back to eat hot pot today?"

On the way back, Chui Xue found that the path Ming Jing took seemed to be wrong.

Today is obviously a Saturday supermarket sale, so the bald man in the cape should have prepared a lot of food, right?


Ming Jing shook his head.

"Atomic Samurai plans to introduce me to the swordsman masters of the Sword Saint Association. We have already made an appointment. I shouldn't be free today."


Fubuki looked a little depressed and walked away.

Ming Jing looked puzzled.

What's wrong with this woman?

Could it be that I really have that much charm?

Thinking of this, Ming Jing popped out a piece of Tian's tail feather from the scabbard and looked at his handsome face with the smooth mirror-like reflective surface.

Well, it’s possible!

Ming Jing thought wildly for a while, then threw these things behind and strode away.

In fact, Fubuki just felt a little lonely and longed for excitement and true friends.

Since she was a child, she has lived under the shadow of her elder sister Tornado. She has never had any real friends. Her friend Sykes from school also parted ways because of different ideas.

Later, due to her own reasons, she established the Fubuki Group, but she was also lonely and wanted to find a real like-minded partner?

Although Fubuki recognized the people in her group, she also knew that the relationship between those people in the Fubuki Group and herself was more of a leader and subordinate, and they admired and loved her more because of her ability and other factors.

The Fubuki Group was not up to the standard in front of those powerful bigwigs.

Saitama's hot pot group really gave her a different feeling.

Saitama's heartlessness, Genos's weird seriousness, etc.

Of course, Fubuki admitted that among them, she did have the best impression of Uchiha Mingjing.

After all, Saitama's face was so simple that it only took ten seconds to draw it, and Genos's personality was too serious.

In comparison, Uchiha Mingjing is handsome, strong, and has a personality more like a normal person.

The normal Uchiha Mingjing came to a dignified and simple attic with an invitation in his hand.

“You must be the Uchiha Mingjing that Senior Kamikaze mentioned!”

A young girl with wheat-colored skin, carrying a sword on her back, hurriedly ran from the attic to Mingjing.

“Ah, it’s me.”

Mingjing smiled and nodded.

Kamikaze is the real name of Atomic Samurai.

“My name is Yu Da, and my father is Tianqing, a veteran of the Sword Saint Society. Please follow me. My father and the head of the society have been waiting for a long time!”

Yu Da bowed to Mingjing lightly, and then pulled Mingjing into the attic.

This little girl was very enthusiastic and kept chattering along the way, but most of them were news she saw in the news or the Hero Association, and she also asked Mingjing about a lot of news that the media had heard about. She was just like a 16 or 17-year-old star-chasing girl.

"Finally you're here, Scarlet Ninja."

Walking into the attic, Atomic Samurai happened to walk down the stairs with an old man with wrinkles on his face.

In the hall, there were also three of Atomic Samurai's apprentices, and Springbeard, the 33rd A-class hero.

"This is the leader of the Sword Saint Society, Hirin, and Springbeard over there, who is the apprentice of Hirin leader. They have good strengths like my three useless disciples and the Yuda brothers and sisters, and are considered to be the reserve members of the Sword Saint Society."

Atomic Samurai hung a toothpick and introduced them one by one to Mingjing.

"Hirin leader and Springbeard, I have heard of your names for a long time."

Mingjing shook hands with Hirin.

"It should be me who has heard of your names for a long time."

Hirin responded with a smile.

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