Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 307 Earth-shattering Star! Send you to space

Chapter 309: Chibaku Tensei! Send you to space

"Centipede Great Entanglement!"

The centipede elder was not to be outdone, and squirmed his body, trying to entangle Mingjing's complete Susanoo.

With his body several thousand meters long, he could do this.


"Wood Release: Woodman Technique!"

A huge wooden Buddha appeared, filling Susanoo, and Susanoo also turned into armor and draped over the wooden Buddha at this time.

The wooden man merged with the complete Susanoo, and his body was raised again. He held the upper half of the centipede elder's body with one hand, stepped on the lower half with one foot, and clenched the remaining hand into a fist, hammering fiercely at the old face of the centipede elder.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

The defense was not broken, and even because of the body structure of the insect, the body of the centipede elder did not suffer much shock.

But this does not mean that the centipede elder will not feel pain.

"Oh? Is the body so hard?"

Mingjing raised his eyebrows slightly.

The body of the centipede elder became more and more manic, and the huge power almost broke free from the restraints of Susanogi Buddha.

If Mingjing had the strength to kill the centipede elder before opening the Samsara Eye, he would have to pay a certain price, but now...

"Shinra Tensei!"

Mingjing stood on the head of Susanogi Man and spread his hands to the sky.

The powerful repulsive force gushed out, and the centipede elder's body, which was heavier than a mountain, was instantly bounced off and smashed into the ground, destroying the entire forest on the outskirts of S City.

The Super Shinra Tensei that Pain used with all his strength could destroy the entire Konoha in an instant, while Mingjing's chakra was stronger in quality and quantity, and his Samsara Eye was his own, so he had stronger control over it and consumed less energy when using it.

Although the range of this Shinra Tensei was not as good as Pain's, the power was more concentrated, and even Elder Centipede was not in a good situation.

At this moment, Elder Centipede had already started to shove his head into the ground, drill down, and try to escape.

Except for the previous explosion, no one could suppress him so easily in a battle.

If Uchiha Mingjing really had any powerful moves, he might be beaten to death like two years ago.

This time, the gods might not save him.

"Senjutsu·Wood Release·Powerful Thousand Hands·Top Buddha!"

Mingjing clapped his hands, and the Susanoo Buddha under his feet changed again, rising hundreds of meters in height again, and countless wooden hands covered with solid golden Susanoo scales grew behind him.

Elder Centipede is several thousand meters long, but that is only after it is stretched straight. In normal state, the horizontal height exposed is only a few hundred meters.

Therefore, the Thousand-Handed Buddha is looking down from a high place. Thousands of huge golden wooden fists are like meteors and fire feathers, hitting Elder Centipede directly, with surging momentum, as if destroying the world.

At this time, Elder Centipede's upper body has just drilled into the ground.

The earth is shaking. Atomic Samurai and Bang Bang on the other side find that they can't intervene to help Uchiha Mingjing. It's good enough not to be affected at this time.

Now they can't even stand on the ground.

Bang picked up the upper half of Genos's body, and with a flexible body, he jumped a few times and ran out on huge pieces of rubble that flew up one after another.

"Hey, hey, hey! This movement is a bit too exaggerated!"

When Atomic Samurai ran away, he didn't forget to look back and looked behind him. He was so shocked that the grass in his mouth fell.

He didn't dare to think about how he could survive if he encountered such an attack.

Although he was confident that he could chop these golden wooden fists with his own ability, there was still one after chopping one, and it was endless, powerful, and all-round. He thought that he might only be able to withstand the first few waves and would be submerged in this power that was more terrifying than a large-scale natural disaster.

Atomic Samurai would definitely not be able to withstand it, but Elder Centipede still managed to withstand it.

However, no matter how strong his defense was, the exoskeleton shell on the outside of his body now had a lot of damage.

"Oh? Can you take it?"

Mingjing was a little surprised.

This guy's defense is really top.

Now after opening the Samsara Eye, his pupil power has been improved compared to the Eternal Mangekyō period, and the power of Susanoo has also been strengthened to a certain extent.

Elder Centipede's ability to withstand it was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

It seemed that he knew he couldn't escape, and Elder Centipede finally started a desperate fight at this moment.

"The centipede!"

The purple-black body, which is thousands of meters long, shuttled quickly at this moment, and continuously collided and rubbed with the mighty Thousand-Handed Buddha.

"Is it just this level? The defense is indeed very strong. Perhaps there is no dragon-level monster with stronger defense than you, but the attack power..."

Mingjing shook his head.

Is the attack power of the centipede elder strong?

Of course it is very strong, but this strength is relative to others.

Among the dragon-level monsters, the attack power of the centipede elder can definitely be ranked in the upper reaches. The huge size and tonnage, and the hard shell make his physical attack extremely powerful. Under the impact, it is like a super-enhanced high-speed rail.

Give him a certain amount of time, it is enough to easily destroy all the buildings in a city.

But compared with his defense, which is almost the strongest among dragon-level monsters, his attack power is actually a step lower. It cannot reach the top level of dragon-level, and it is difficult to cause damage to the mighty Thousand-Armed Buddha. How much actual harm.

"I'm just using you as a sandbag to try out new moves."

On top of the majestic Thousand-Hand Buddha, Ming Jing clapped his hands and spread them apart.

A small black light point floated out, suspended in the sky, absorbing all surrounding matter.

At first, Elder Centipede didn't pay attention.

But soon, this small black light spot attracted more and more things. In order to protect this small black light spot, Mingjing released a wooden dragon to wrap it, and then used the tree world to descend to further increase the size of the sphere.

Finally, in a short period of time, the ball had expanded into a large ball with a diameter of several hundred meters, and the suction force became stronger and stronger.

Elder Centipede finally got scared and once again had to work hard to get under the ground.

"it's useless……"

Ming Jing stretched out a hand towards Elder Centipede.

"Super · All Things Heavenly Yin!"

The suction force, tens of thousands of times stronger than the Fiji Cup, appeared, making it increasingly difficult for Elder Centipede to drill downwards. His body involuntarily floated in the low altitude, with only his head and tail still firmly fixed on the ground. An upside-down U shape.

Mingjing lifted Susanoo, controlled the wooden giant Buddha to grab Elder Centipede's body with each arm, and hugged him. Then Lin Daiyu uprooted the weeping willow and pulled Elder Centipede out of the ground.

The greater the mass, the greater the attraction of the Earth Explosion Star to it. The thick and solid wooden Buddha also floated into the sky together with Elder Centipede.

Elder Centipede was stuck in mid-air with nowhere to rely on, and his body was still controlled by the Giant Wooden Buddha. He was unable to resist at all. He could only be absorbed by the Earth Explosion Star and folded into it.

Pieces of gravel continued to fly toward the sky.

"Hey, hey, hey! Scarlet Ninja! It's us, don't suck us in too."

Atomic Samurai thrust his sword into the ground, and was hugged by Bump and Bangu behind him. Finally, Genos was held tightly in Bangu's arm.

Of course Der Spiegel noticed what was going on here.

Even the suction force on the Atomic Warrior side is relatively weak.

After confirming that Elder Centipede had been initially controlled, Ming Jing clapped his hands again, and thick trees flew out from under his feet and flew towards several people, tying them up and bringing them to him.


Bang Gu patted his waist, put Genos down, and said:

"Scarlet Ninja, why do I feel that your strength is more than twice as strong as when you fought against the alien invasion?"

"Ah, there has been a little progress recently."

Ming Jing said modestly.

It's just that he obtained the Perfect Immortal Body and Wood Release, and by the way upgraded the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to the Samsara Eye.

"Maybe your understanding is a little different from my understanding..."

Bump couldn't help but complain.

"As expected of Mr. Ming Jing! Even if his strength becomes stronger, he still maintains a humble attitude. I understand! Attitude determines everything. Only by remaining humble can we always ensure that we can make steady progress!"

Genos looked like he suddenly understood, and he wanted to take out a small notebook and write down his thoughts on the spot.

"Not only is he stronger than us, but his disciples are also so enlightened. Compared to Cha Lanzi... ugh."

Bang Gu looked helpless and looked at Ming Jing with a bit of envy.

"Speaking of which, Scarlet Ninja, do you plan to keep this big ball hanging in the sky? If it is so big, it should affect the magnetic field and gravity here, right?"

The Atomic Warrior raised his head and looked at the huge sphere with a diameter of a thousand meters in the sky and said.

"And if Elder Centipede cannot be killed, then the placement of this sphere will be very problematic. If someone breaks the seal one day and releases Elder Centipede, it will probably be a big trouble again."

Bang Gu took over the conversation and said.

"It's possible to kill, it just takes some effort, but it's really hard to deal with this Earth Exploding Star."

Ming Jing dragged his chin and thought.

Just now I was just enjoying myself and showing off, and I forgot how to deal with the aftermath.

Mainly because my hands were too itchy. I just got the reincarnation eye and wanted to find something to test its power, but I happened to bump into Elder Centipede.

Any other weirdo wouldn't be qualified to let Ming Jing use this trick.

At this moment, a small green figure descended from the sky, with one hand on his waist and one hand pointing at everyone, and said loudly on the spot:

"Hmph, Baga is Baga. A group of S-class heroes can't even handle such a trivial matter, and you! Scarlet Ninja, you act like I'm powerful and invincible all day long, but it turns out that you need to deal with even a weirdo. It’s really embarrassing to go through so much trouble and make such a big fuss. In the end, I have to take action to solve it. It’s really troublesome, so why don’t you let me worry a little bit more!”

Tatsumaki stood on the ground with a tigerish face and kept cursing.

"I'm really sorry, Little Tornado, but I want to know if you have a way to deal with Elder Centipede and this big ball?"

Bang Gu smiled at Tatsumaki in a coaxing tone.

"That's not that simple. If you're afraid of any impact on the ground, why not just send it directly to space?"

Tatsumaki crossed his arms and said with disdain.

"Take it to space to solve it? That is indeed a good idea."

Ming Jing nodded with approval.

He really didn't expect this.

"Super Shinra Tenzheng!"

Powerful pupil power surged in Samsara's eyes, and Ming Jing's figure quickly rose into the sky, while using repulsion to control the Earth Explosion Star in the sky to fly higher into the sky.

"Hey, hey! I told you I'll take care of it, Scarlet Ninja, what the hell are you doing!"

Tatsumaki stomped his feet angrily, then a blue-green light emitted from his body and flew into the sky.

"Well, these young people are really energetic. Compared with them, we are really old."

Bang Gu watched the two people flying farther and farther into the sky, stretched his waist again, and said with a smile.

"You can't say that, Mr. Bang Gu."

The Atomic Warrior found another piece of grass from somewhere and held it in his mouth.

"Age has never been a limit for our pursuit of limits. Although Elder Centipede is very strong, and Tatsumaki and Scarlet Ninja are even stronger, this has never been a reason for us to put a layer of shackles on ourselves. It is precisely because With people who are stronger than us, we can see the road ahead and have more motivation to pursue breakthroughs! "

The Atomic Warrior pulled out his sword, looked at his face reflected in the sword, and grinned.

Genos slowly lowered his head and fell into thought.

Maybe, not only can I learn from these two teachers, but I can also get the nutrients I need to grow from other powerful S-class heroes.

High in the air.

A huge ball with a diameter of a kilometer roared through the clouds in the sky.

"Hey! Wait a minute, I told you to stop! Just leave it to me later!"

Tornado flew behind Ming Jing and shouted.

"Okay, since you are going to send this thing to space, and you can't breathe in space, without atmospheric pressure, your body will definitely not be able to hold it, so let's go back first."

Ming Jing turned his head away, glanced at Tatsumaki who was following closely behind him and said.

Tornado rolled his eyes at Ming Jing, then waved his hand, and a sphere about three meters in diameter appeared next to him.

"The air inside is enough for me to breathe for a whole day! The superpower is enough to protect me and maintain normal pressure."

Seeing this, Ming Jing could no longer refuse.

"Then come and help me work harder and send it out quickly."

The next second, Ming Jing rushed to a super strong force to lift the Earth Explosion Star and send it to the sky.

Ming Jing also unfolded the complete Susanoo at this moment, pushing it with Shinra Tensei and pushing with Susanoo's hands.

It didn't take long for the two of them to leave the atmosphere.

There is also a certain amount of air inside the Susanoo, enough for the mirror to breathe.

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