Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 300 Itachi Uchiha's plan

Chapter 302 Uchiha Itachi’s plan

To be honest, I was worried that Indra's chakra would not be enough.

As a result, he sucked blood once, and Uchiha Madara used a Rinshaku clone to take the damage on his behalf.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara's Tomb Clone could recover one every one or two minutes, which allowed Ming Jing to get an unknown amount of blood from Uchiha Madara's body...

In short, the Indra Chakra extracted from this should not be too little.

In other words, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the Celestial Body, Indra Chakra, Asura Chakra, and all the conditions that may be required to awaken the Samsara Eye have been met by myself.

If you open the Samsara Eye, your strength will naturally be greatly improved.

Not to mention, according to Genos, his strength has not actually reached the limit of what he can currently achieve.

With the help of Boros's training facilities, the time required to reach the limit can be greatly shortened.

"Kushina and I will also strengthen our training in the future and strive to enable the golden mode of the spotted senjutsu tailed beast to be activated for a long time. By then, the top combat power on our side will be greatly improved."

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Namikaze Minato said seriously.

"Minato, if we weren't in a serious high-level meeting right now, I would definitely laugh at you."

Listening to Namikaze Minato's strange name, Senju Tobirama couldn't help but complain.

"And that Ultimate Storm Tailed Beast Chakra Golden Spiral Shuriken, Kurama said he was not satisfied with the name you gave him."

Kushina conveyed the opinion of Kyuubi in her body.

Namikaze Minato smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said:

"Yes, really, but this is a name I have been thinking about for a long time. It is very different from the previous names. I think it is quite good."


"Is there any difference? It's still the same..."

Jiraiya spoke out what everyone was feeling.

The Third Hokage smiled slightly but hesitated to speak.

He wanted to ask Ming Jing how his wood escape ability came about, but he found that this kind of thing shouldn't be asked.

Today, Uchiha Mingjing's strength, status and prestige in Konoha have reached a point where he is far superior to others.

Even the two previous Hokages and Kato Dan, the current fourth-generation Hokage, are a few points behind Uchiha Mirror in terms of reputation.

If Uchiha Mingjing doesn't want to say it, there is no need to say it, and no one can force him to say it.

The third generation is also worried that this wood escape was obtained in some "incorrect" way. If he really asks, it will be troublesome if there is a gap in the follow-up and the outcome is not good.

Now Konoha must unite to fight against Uchiha Madara, and to fight against Uchiha Madara, we can only rely on Uchiha Mirror.

"Fugaku, why didn't you say a word from the moment you came in? Is there something on your mind?"

Kato Dan suddenly looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who had been silent and lowered his head since the beginning.


Uchiha Fugaku sighed heavily, then stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Sorry, I couldn't tell you in advance that my eldest son, Uchiha Itachi, decided to defect and join Uchiha Madara, becoming an undercover agent placed by the village next to Madara."

Uchiha Fugaku said shockingly.

Everyone didn't recover for a while and looked a little surprised.

"Fugaku, didn't I say before that it is not the turn of young people like Itachi to be responsible for this kind of thing? We are not without a chance of winning against Madara now, Itachi... there is no need to do such a thing!"

Kato Dan asked Uchiha Fugaku.

"Sorry, Bro, but Itachi told me that this is the best solution to win at the minimum cost. As Itachi, who has a very similar life experience to Uchiha Madara, there seems to be something different in Madara's heart. He is The only suitable candidate."

Uchiha Fugaku clenched his fists, forced himself to control his emotions, and said calmly.

That was the eldest son he valued most!

But Uchiha Fugaku himself also believed that this was necessary.

Ming Jing covered his forehead helplessly.

Although this family's experience has changed a lot compared to the original time and space, their personalities remain the same.

The reality has changed because of his arrival, but the characters of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto born in their previous life experiences will not change.

Therefore, as the eldest son, Uchiha Itachi, the teachings he received from them would not change much from the original time and space.

They are all the kind of personalities who like to take responsibility for themselves when something happens, have a strong sense of mission, are paranoid to the point of being mentally ill, and like to think wildly and do incomprehensible things for this reason.

"Tsk, Fugaku, since you're just saying it now, it means Itachi has already left the village, right?"

Ming Jing sighed and asked Uchiha Fugaku.

"I have done a lot without telling you. Itachi has deep feelings for the village, and his love for the village is above his own life. If he defected from the village, he would be the one who would feel the most discomfort. In addition, there are other things I arranged Means, it may be possible to open the kaleidoscope..."

Uchiha Fugaku didn't answer directly, he just talked about his arrangements.

But this has also revealed the truth.

Among the people, only Qianju Tobirama felt that this was not a problem at all.

Is it surprising that Uchiha would do such a thing?

At the same time, on the opposite side of the lake downstream of the Nanga River.

This is a tributary of the Nanga River that branches off from the lake. The water in the stream is rushing and shining with golden light in the evening sun.


A ninja stepped heavily on the water, creating ripples.

Uchiha Shisui carried Sasuke on his back, quickly stepped through the water gate, and chased towards the forest ahead.

"Senior Shisui, brother, he..."

"Sasuke, if it were you, you would definitely be able to persuade Itachi to come back! What he cares about most is you!"

Uchiha Shisui placed his hope on Itachi's beloved Sasuke.


Sasuke responded with a serious face and nodded heavily.

Even with Sasuke on his back, Shisui was still very fast, flickering in the forest like a phantom.

In Shisui's eyes, a pair of three-magatama Sharingan eyes were spinning, quickly collecting information in the forest.

Footprints that were deliberately covered up, broken branches used to lure pursuers, or a few hairs used to create suspicion...

"Itachi! You are indeed here!"

At the edge of the forest, Shisui finally found Uchiha Itachi.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was leaning against a big tree, gnawing on dry food from the stream water he had collected earlier.

"As expected, I caught up with you. As expected of you, Shisui."

Uchiha Itachi was stunned for a moment when he saw Sasuke being carried by Shisui on his back. He felt a little panicked, but he still managed to calm down.

"Itachi, I taught you these tracking and counter-tracking skills. How could you escape my sight? Stop it! Before things get irreversible!"

Uchiha Shisui shouted at Uchiha Itachi.

"You brought Sasuke here because you want to use him to threaten me? Unfortunately, I have cut off all the ties in the past. Even my parents and brothers can't shake my determination."

Uchiha Itachi played with the Konoha forehead protector in his hand and said coldly to Uchiha Shisui.

In fact, Uchiha Itachi was panicking now.

Why did you bring Sasuke too!

How can I act like this?


Sasuke couldn't help shouting at Itachi Uchiha.

"There is no other way. It seems I can only find a way to take you down first."

Shisui sighed, put down Sasuke, formed a seal with his hands, and instantly formed a dozen clones, all rushing towards Uchiha Itachi.

"Is the mirror instantaneous..."

Uchiha Itachi glanced at it, retreated with the sword in his right hand, and formed a seal with his left hand.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

Two of the most outstanding Jonin of the younger generation of Uchiha started a fierce battle on this land.

Not far away, two faces appeared on a big tree.

One is Bai Jue, and on his chest is the head of a scorpion wrapped by him.

"What do you think? Is Uchiha Itachi acting?"

Bai Jue asked Xie under his chin.

"I don't know. Let's see if he is willing to take action against Uchiha Sasuke. If so, it means that he has indeed severed the bond."

Xion responded coldly.

"But, didn't Madara-sama say that if Uchiha Itachi really defected to us, Uchiha Sasuke must not be harmed, and we must find a way to help Uchiha Sasuke open his eyes."

Bai Jue spread his hands and replied.

Xie was silent for a while before asking Bai Jue.

"Is Uchiha Shisui the only one here?"

"There must be more than that. A few kilometers away, there are three police detachments approaching. Sarutobi Asuma, Shiranui Genma, Metkai, and Kakashi are the top ones who have a good relationship with Uchiha Shisui. The Jonin is also speeding up here, and when these people arrive after a while, Uchiha Itachi will definitely not be able to escape."

Scorpion became even more silent.

The strength that Metkai has shown now is already a full-fledged shadow-level powerhouse. Even if the Eight Gates are opened, he may not be qualified to intervene in a fight at Madara's level. Kakashi has also passed the shadow-level threshold now. The strength of the strong ones, Asuma and Shiranui Genma, has also reached a level close to Kage level.

Even though Scorpion has now accepted the puppet legacy of Chiyo and Ebizo and transformed them into human puppets, which are more than twice as strong as before, he still feels a little scared when facing this lineup.


Bai Jue suddenly reminded him.

Scorpion turned around and saw Uchiha Itachi threw a kunai with a detonating talisman at Uchiha Sasuke who was hiding behind a tree.

Shisui was startled, and then quickly teleported to the clone next to Sasuke, jumping away with Sasuke.

Seeing this, Itachi Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief and pressed a button on his palm.

This is a remote-controlled detonating talisman invented by Kabuto Yakushi, a disciple of Orochimaru. It can control whether the detonating talisman explodes or not. However, not many people know about this thing. It is still in the testing stage. It was Uchiha Fugaku who used his power as a high-level official in Konoha. Then he secretly bought a few from the roots and gave them to Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi was very confident in his ninja throwing skills and ensured that his attack would leave at least a small hole in Sasuke's arm.

If Uchiha Shisui didn't rescue him in time, Sasuke wouldn't be in serious trouble.

However, Uchiha Shisui didn't know this. He only knew that Uchiha Itachi really took action against Sasuke!


The detonator exploded.

Uchiha Shisui hugged Sasuke and jumped to the side, his Sharingan eyes full of anger, staring at Uchiha Itachi.

If he hadn't saved Sasuke just now, would Sasuke have been killed by the detonating tag on the kunai?

How could a ninja student who had just been in the ninja school for less than a year escape the attack of Uchiha Itachi, a powerful Uchiha jonin with three magatama Sharingan?

"Nisan... You are not Nisan, Nisan will not want to kill me, you are not!"

Sasuke looked scared, then stood up and roared at Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi, who was standing opposite, saw it clearly.

Sasuke's eyeballs had turned red, and one of the magatama was spinning rapidly.

While feeling relieved, Uchiha Itachi had to deal with the powerful Uchiha Shisui.

"You beast, Uchiha Itachi, I misjudged you at the beginning!"

The three magatama Sharingan in Shisui's eyes spun rapidly, and even afterimages appeared.

The Demon Slash was unsheathed, and turned into a blade of fire wrapped around it, slashing towards Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Shisui had been holding back before, but at this moment, he was really angry and went all out.

Although both of them were Uchiha with three magatama Sharingan, Shisui could use the Mirror Instant Body, had a higher attainment in breathing techniques, and had received the true teachings of Mingjing in swordsmanship.

Although Uchiha Itachi's strength was not bad among the jonin, he was only a 13 or 14-year-old boy after all. Compared with Uchiha Shisui, he was naturally not as good as him, and could only barely resist for a while.

"Go ahead."

Seeing this scene, Scorpion and White Zetsu looked at each other, and the former put the latter under his arm and walked out of the tree.

After leaving the organic matter, the effect of the Mayfly Technique disappeared, and the auras of the two were revealed to everyone without reservation.

"Not good, this is!"

Uchiha Shisui was suddenly shocked.

"Red Secret Technique: Hundred Machines!"

Hundreds of human puppets in tattered red robes rose up in a black mass, with the exception of the twelve at the head, who were wearing white robes.

They were Chiyo's Ten Kinmatsu People, and the human puppets made by Scorpion from the corpses of Chiyo and Ebizo.

These two were first-class masters in the ninja world before their death. Although they were good at puppetry, their physical bodies were not as good as those who specialized in this way or developed in all aspects, but they were much stronger than ordinary jonin.

Under the hands of Scorpion, a puppetry genius who was no less than the founder of puppetry, Monzaemon, the strength of these two corpses was not less than that of the Ten Kinmatsu People.

And this was not the strongest puppet under Scorpion.

"Magnetic Release: Sand Iron Time Rain!"

One by one, fine needles condensed into sand iron poured down like an overwhelming force.

Uchiha Shisui protected Sasuke behind him, and used the Demon Slasher to swing a dense blade of light, splitting all the sand iron.

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