Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 301 Madara's Request

Chapter 303 Madara’s request

Then, Zhisui looked at the figure flying in mid-air.

The third generation Kazekage puppet!

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Scorpion's strength itself is at the forefront of the shadow level, and now it has risen to a level that no other puppet master has ever reached.

Because there has never been a puppet master who can control so many puppets like Scorpion, and there has never been a puppet master who can control so many puppets like Scorpion.

Although Shisui was powerful, he was still more than a little bit inferior to Scorpion. He also had to protect Sasuke, a loser. Soon, he had a few more wounds on his body.

【Damn! You shouldn't have brought Sasuke here! 】

Shisui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and thought in front of Sasuke.

[Damn it, Shisui shouldn't have brought Sasuke here! 】

Uchiha Itachi also couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.

He was really afraid of Scorpion's strength, which made both Shisui and Sasuke explain this.

"What, you can't help but want to break the bond yourself? Uchiha Itachi?"

A White Zetsu emerged from the ground, ran to Uchiha Itachi, and said with a playful smile in his electric voice.

"Why, can you help me achieve this goal? Maybe with this pain, I can also open the same eyes as Madara and Uchiha Mirror!"

Uchiha Itachi made a fanatical look and asked Bai Zetsu.

In fact, the three magatama in his Sharingan were spinning very fast when he attacked Sasuke in front, and now there are afterimages, as if something is about to change.

"Hehe, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. Even if you can do it, at most you will be the next Uchiha Fugaku. But don't worry, since Madara values ​​you, he thinks you have the potential to reach his level."

Bai Jue said with a smile.

Uchiha Itachi was silent for a moment, thinking about it, but he couldn't think of anything about himself that was different from other Uchiha.

Although his talent is slightly higher than others, and he has a very similar origin to Uchiha Madara, Madara's eyes on him are definitely not just because of these things.

"What should we do next?"

Uchiha Itachi continued to ask tentatively.

"Of course you are escaping! A lot of Konoha Jonin are hunting you now. If the top brass of Konoha and even Uchiha Mirror are alerted after a while, even Madara-sama may not be able to bring you back intact. go out."

Bai Zetsu said matter-of-factly, while taking the initiative to climb up Uchiha Itachi's body, wrap him up, and slowly sink into the ground.

"What about Scorpion?"

"He'll find a way out."

The figures of Bai Zetsu and Uchiha Itachi slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.


Scorpion suddenly sighed.

"I originally thought that you would be my first puppet with Sharingan. With your strength, you are enough to become the thirteenth Chikamatsu. Now I'm afraid I have to wait until next time."

Xie said with some regret and stopped operating the puppet.

While Zhisui was wondering, several figures suddenly rushed out of the forest on one side.

"Breath of Thunder·Shape of One·Thunderbolt Flash!"

"Breath of the Wind·Three Types·Singran Wind Tree!"

Kakashi and Shiranui Genma charged forward, one on the left and the other on the right, and cleared away a large number of puppets in an instant.

And closely followed by Asuma.

"Breath of sound·Shape of Wu·Ming string chorus!"

Asuma sent sparks and lightning along the way, accompanied by continuous explosions. Then the two flying swallows in his hands came together, extending a long chakra wind blade, and slashed towards the scorpion's head.

"Mechanism shield seal."

Scorpion waved his hand lightly, and a puppet quickly moved in front of him. Light blue chakra glowed from his body and condensed into a shield.

This made Asuma's attack ineffective.


Asuma yelled.

"Breath of Rock·Two Forms·Sky Face Shattered!"

Metkai's figure descended from the sky, with his nunchucks from top to bottom, he blasted the chakra shield with one blow.

"Ah da~"

After Akai landed on the ground, he quickly turned around and kicked sideways, smashing Xie's head with one kick.

Various parts were scattered all over the floor.

"It's not the real body, this is a puppet!"

Shisui frowned, quickly stuffed Sasuke into Shiranui Genma's arms, stepped on it, and turned into a beam of fire and slashed at a certain puppet.

"Breath of Fire·One Type·Shiranui!"

Another head fell to the ground.

"Oh, it's so fast, I didn't even have time to react."

The moment the head hit the ground, the color on it gradually faded and turned into a completely white head.




Streams of white smoke came out, and many puppets present were reverse-channeled at this moment and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"We have already secretly transferred our bodies and used puppets to indirectly control other puppets. No wonder the strength of these puppets has dropped a lot just now."

Kakashi picked up a part on the ground and touched his chin to judge.

"Even this is amazing. Such puppetry has almost reached an unbelievable level."

Asuma took out a cigar and said while lighting it.

"Well, is Fugaku-senpai's youngest son okay?"

Metkai looked at Sasuke who was being carried on his back by Shiranui Genma.

"No injuries, it's just Sasuke's current mental state..."

Shiranui Genma sighed.

"This is not real, this is not real, this is not real Nissan..."

Little Sasuke's eyes were dull, staring at the place where Itachi disappeared before, and he couldn't help mumbling.

"Hey, I mentioned it to Clan Chief Fugaku and asked Sasuke to take some time off during this period and take a leave of absence from the ninja school."

Shisui said with a sigh.

"That's all I can do. I'll talk to the old man about it when I go back."

Asuma took off the cigar and said to Shisui.

A few hours later.

Uchiha Itachi followed Bai Zetsu to a huge cave in the Land of Rain.

In the center of the cave is an extremely huge square.

Only half of the square was occupied by a huge thing.

This is a humanoid monster with ten pillars on its back and nine eyes on its body.

Uchiha Itachi looked carefully and found that the monster's first, sixth and seventh eyes had been opened.

There was a coffin placed above the monster's head, and Uchiha Madara was sitting on the coffin, dragging his chin with his hand and looking at Uchiha Itachi.

"You are finally here, Uchiha Itachi."

Uchiha Madara said to Uchiha Itachi with great interest.

"You once told me that you could bring me more powerful power. In order to pursue this power, I came."

As Uchiha Itachi spoke, he glanced around with his peripheral vision and found that except for a few White Zetsu, he saw no one else from the Akatsuki organization.

"Are you pursuing power? This is very consistent with the character of an Uchiha. So tell me, what is your purpose of pursuing power?"

Uchiha Madara continued to ask.

"This has nothing to do with you, Madara. My goal is to pursue power. You also need someone with enough power to help you fight against Uchiha Mirror. You just need to give me this power, or tell me how to find this power." Just use the method, and I will naturally help you later.”

Itachi Uchiha had a fanatical look on his face that was unique to an Uchiha, and he shouted at Madara Uchiha.

"The acting is good. Although there are still some flaws, considering your age, it is already very good."

Uchiha Madara grinned at Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi's heart suddenly trembled.

Is it a test?

Considering that Uchiha Madara is estimated to be almost a hundred years old now, has a lot of life experience, and the eyesight of the Rinnegan can see every detail on his face, maybe he may not be able to deceive him.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi simply stopped acting like this and regained his composure.

Just let Madara not know what he is really thinking.

Uchiha Madara jumped down from above lightly and walked towards Uchiha Itachi.

"Since you want to pursue power, why not go to Uchiha Mingjing? He also has the most perfect Mangekyo Sharingan, and even perfectly transplanted the cells of that guy Hashirama. He almost has the same power as me plus Hashirama. All the power, why, didn’t he tell you?”

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Itachi with a pair of oppressive Rinnegan eyes and asked.

There was no genjutsu torture, but Madara still brought huge psychological pressure to Uchiha Itachi.

"According to Uchiha Mingjing, Orochimaru, and Tsunade's genetic sequence testing of most of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan-enabled Uchihas, Uchiha Mingjing has genes that are very close to the Uchiha ancestors. This is why he has Because of such a powerful force, as for the wood escape transplant, only the core leaders of Konoha Village are qualified to know about those things, and I, the former ANBU captain, still lack the authority."

Uchiha Itachi truthfully told what he knew.

This information won't have any big impact.

Uchiha Madara touched his chin and fell into thinking.

Just like the speculations of Black Zetsu and Bei Ruhu, the reason why Uchiha Mirror is so strong is most likely due to the return of blood, which makes his Sharingan very close to Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan.

The first person to propose this idea was Hei Zetsu, because this guy had actually seen Indra and believed that Uchiha Mirror's pupil power had reached the same level as Indra during the decisive battle with Asura.

Beiliuhu recognized the possibility of this speculation from a biological perspective. Even if the probability is small, it still has a chance of happening.

"I see, then Uchiha Itachi, show me your ability, your...Mangekyo Sharingan."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Itachi and said to him.

Uchiha Itachi finally couldn't control himself now.

"what are you saying?"

"It must be very painful for you to leave Konoha and attack your beloved brother with your own hands, right? I didn't expect you to turn on the kaleidoscope so easily, but fortunately, with such ability, my subsequent Planning saves a lot of trouble and you can already help.”

Uchiha Madara said with a chuckle.

"In any case, my Rinnegan is the final form of the Sharingan. Even the power of Uchiha Mingjing's eyes will be suppressed by me, let alone you? The abnormality of your pupils cannot be hidden from me. "

Uchiha Itachi was silent for a while.

The opening of the Mangekyō Sharingan was beyond his expectation. According to his own guess, it might have been opened when Sasuke shouted that he was not his brother.

Originally, he wanted to use this pair of Mangekyo Sharingan as a hidden trump card to deal with unknown risks in the future, but now it seems...

"One is called Tsukuyomi and the other is called Amaterasu."

Uchiha Itachi said expressionlessly.

Because of the Uchiha Mirror, Amaterasu Black Flame has been known to many people. Now Uchiha Itachi only hopes that Uchiha Madara doesn't know about Tsukuyomi, and he uses the reason that he has just turned on the kaleidoscope and is not familiar with it to fool him.

"Tsukuyomi, I understand."

Uchiha Madara nodded casually, feeling reassured.

What he wants to do is infinite Tsukuyomi, so how can he not know the pupil technique of Tsukuyomi?

Even as the original leader of the Uchiha clan, he had learned about many Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Techniques that had appeared in history from the classics passed down from the clan a long time ago, including Tsukuyomi.

"Next, follow me and prepare to do three things."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Itachi and said calmly:

"The first one is to unlock the ultimate weapon of an Uchiha who was once sealed by the Senju clan."

"Second, I want Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Third, if Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan cannot meet my expectations, I want you to join me in helping Uchiha Sasuke open the Mangekyō Sharingan, and then seek his Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Complete these and you will gain great power."

Uchiha Itachi kept these things in mind one by one, thinking about Madara's intentions, and finally replied:

"I see."

Transfer the scene back to the Country of Fire, Konoha Village.

"Where is Uchiha Mirror? Now that Itachi's defection has spread, we need someone with enough weight to suppress this matter."

Senju Tobirama asked Uchiha Fugaku with a stern face.

He actually suspected that everything Uchiha Itachi did was instructed by Uchiha Fugaku, and the purpose was to hedge his bets, so his tone was not very good.

"I have no idea."

Uchiha Fugaku sat on a chair, closed his eyes, and said expressionlessly.

In fact, he was not sure what his real thoughts were, and he was even less sure what Itachi would do.

"Mr. Mingjing just took a third version of the golden potion made directly from the first-generation cells and went to practice. It seems to be related to his subsequent improvement in strength. It should not happen again in a short time."

Orochimaru walked in from outside the house and said calmly.

"Hey, this time, the Third Generation and I will come forward to calm things down, as well as the Second Generation Sir. Your reincarnation in the dirty land is no secret now. The three Hokages of ours have come forward, isn't it enough to suppress the impact of the defection of a mere Itachi? ?”

Kato Dan sat in the main seat and said he had a headache.

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