Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 299 The Nine-Tailed Fox that Can Fly the Thunder God and Conduct Lightning

Chapter 301 The nine-tailed fairy fox that can fly and guide thunder

The next second, Namikaze Minato appeared in front of everyone holding Kushina's hand.

"Kushina, it's time to fuck!"

Namikaze Minato stretched out his fist towards Kushina beside him.

"Nine Lama said that it's a pity that he can't beat Uchiha Madara and the First Hokage in person, but it would be good to recover some interest from their younger brothers first."

Kushina smiled and bumped fists with Namikaze Minato.

A golden chakra coat instantly appeared on the two of them, followed by a huge golden fox head. Finally, standing in front of everyone was a huge golden giant fox that was not inferior in size to Bokuto and the complete Susana. .

Nine huge fox tails fluttered behind him, and the mysterious black lines made the nine tails even more extraordinary.

"This is...Kyuubi?"

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Ohnoki stared blankly at the golden nine-tailed giant fox in front of him.

Why are there so many ninjas flying Gundams now?

What happened to this era?

And why are these Gundam pilots either Konoha ninjas or Konoha rebellious ninjas! ?

Can't they also come to Iwagakure Village?

"Kyuubi... It's okay. I didn't have time to find you, but you came to the door first, which just saved me the trouble."

Beiliu stood on top of the castrated wooden man and shouted excitedly.

Obviously, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Kushina, we don't have much time, let's fight quickly!"

In Kyuubi's head, Namikaze Minato said to Kushina solemnly.

"Well, I don't have enough combat experience. I'll leave the main job to you and the support to me!"

As Kushina said this, six diamond chains stretched out from behind her.

Six or seven years ago, this number was only four, but now with the improvement of Kushina's personal practice, the number has naturally increased.

But now, these six diamond chains are mixed with Nine-Tails' chakra and magic, and their power is even more amazing.

"Then let's go, Kushina! Kyuubi!"

Namikaze Minato clapped his hands together, and the palms that controlled the Kyuubi also clapped together.

When the hands spread out, Beiliuhu also aimed at this place and blasted a huge wooden dragon.

However, mysterious rune seals appeared on Kyuubi's palms, swallowing the wooden dragon.

"The Flying Thunder God Guides Thunder!"

Senju Tobirama had long noticed the changes in the situation on the battlefield. His rich combat experience made him immediately teleport to the back of Bokuto with the Flying Thunder God, swinging forward the trident kunai that Namikaze Minato had given him before. .

The wooden dragon launched by Bei Liuhu collided with the wooden man beneath him.

The next moment, chains with golden light were also wrapped around Beiliuhu, and the huge golden nine-tails rushed in front of Beiliuhu, spinning a spiral shuriken with golden light in his hand.

"Immortal Technique·Wind Release·Ultimate Storm Tailed Beast Chakra Golden Spiral Shuriken!"

At this moment, Namikaze Minato shouted out the name of the move that he had been thinking about for several days.

"Why is it called like this again..."

Kushina said with a speechless face as she controlled the diamond chain with her hands.

Kushina was complaining, but Beiliu didn't even have the intention to complain at this moment.

Damn it!

Why is Konoha still plotting against me like this?

The wooden man's limbs were entangled with diamond chains, and he could only struggle. He was about to be attacked by an attack whose power was proportional to the strangeness of its name.

In the time of crisis, Beiliuhu once again used his special skills.

"Bai Jue help me!"

Bai Jue A Fei immediately emerged from Bei Liuhu's body, wrapped him up and went down.

For this most important subordinate in his hand, Uchiha Madara left many trump cards for him.

The Art of Mayfly allows Bai Jue and the wrapped creatures to move quickly through any organic matter.

The wooden Buddha is an organic matter.

"Minato! That guy wants to run away!"

Kushina shouted hurriedly.

Of course, in fact, because her chakra is connected to Namikaze Minato at this time, the thoughts and memories of both parties can be known to each other without reservation, and Namikaze Minato can naturally know the location perceived by Kushina.

At this moment, the golden nine-tails really transformed into a golden flash.

In just an instant, Namikaze Minato's figure crossed a long distance, holding a large golden rasengan in his hand, and hit a high mountain heavily from top to bottom.

The mountain instantly turned into a small basin.

Bilihu, who was hiding underground, was lucky enough not to be hit, but the powerful impact still caused him to suffer.

You know, now he has the double protection of Bai Jue coat and Steel Escape.

At this moment, all the reincarnated beings of the dirty land except Senju Hashirama were controlled by Bei Liuhu and rushed over, trying to stop the golden nine tails.

It's just that most of these reincarnated people from the filthy soil were tied up with diamond chains and sealed in cocoons after more than ten seconds.


Kushina suddenly shouted at Namikaze Minato with an ugly look on her face.

Namikaze Minato instantly understood that there was not much time left to maintain this posture.

"Then let's make a bet with the last blow!"

Namikaze Minato clapped his hands again.

The huge golden nine-tails suddenly made a gesture of raising its head to the sky and roaring.

Black and purple chakra balls suddenly condensed in Kyuubi's mouth, and with the massive output of chakra, the golden Kyuubi's body also flickered on and off.

"Tailed beast jade!"

The red beam of light spurted out from Kyuubi's mouth in an instant, destroying the entire land in front of it and blasting into the ground.

Underground, Bei Liuhu spat out a large mouthful of blood, staining Bai Jue's coat and the soil in front of him red. Then his eyes went black and he fainted.

But Bai Jue A Fei did not faint, but continued to move forward wrapping Bei Liuhu's body with his own body.

The golden Nine Tails disappeared, and Princess Minato Namikaze hugged Kushina and fell handsomely from the sky to the ground.

"Beiliuhu's aura has just weakened a lot! But he is still moving!"

Kushina coughed twice and said to Namikaze Minato.

At this moment, a flying thunder god kunai was inserted into the ground, and Senju Tobirama, the fastest among the people, flashed to Namikaze Minato.

"Minato, there's no need to chase anymore! You can't continue to maintain the same state just now. Although Beilihu was obviously seriously injured, we are not sure whether he can still perform the large-scale ninjutsu like just now. If so, I'm afraid. It will be very troublesome, and I am worried that Kushina and the nine tails in her body will be damaged."

Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice to Namikaze Minato.

They didn't know that Beiliuhu was fainted now, but they knew that he could still move quickly and must still have some fighting power, so they were still very afraid of Beiliuhu.

This is like fighting a wolf with a hemp stalk.



Ming Jing and Uchiha Madara can naturally sense the movement in the distance.

Comparing the combat power of that golden giant fox, it is definitely not inferior to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.


Uchiha Madara's face looked a little ugly.

Not only has the current Uchiha Mirror surpassed him, and he needs to join forces with the Senju Hashirama who was reincarnated in the dirty land to match him, but now the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails seems to have the power to be no less than him and Hashirama.

The difficulty of capturing Kyuubi has increased by an unknown amount compared to before!

"Uchiha Mirror, the next time we meet, it will be the death of you and Kyuubi!"

Uchiha Madara said harsh words, stuffed Senju Hashirama back into the coffin, carried it with one hand, and flew away with all the Susanoo.

Ming Jing just stood quietly in the ocean of magma that had cooled down because of the two people's stop.

He didn't stop Uchiha Madara.

After all, if he stopped him and continued to fight, there would be no result.

Others basically have no ability to intervene in the battle between the two. The only exception is the fairy fox mode jointly performed by Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

But their fairy fox mode can only last for a short period of time. It can help them suppress Uchiha Madara in a short period of time, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat him so easily.

In addition, Spiegel's goal has been achieved.

"Uchiha Madara's blood... Indra's chakra, now I have it."

Ming Jing raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the sky tail feather in his hand that looked as bright red and transparent as blood jade due to absorbing a lot of Madara Uchiha's blood.

Now, my reincarnation eye is in trouble.



After the First World War, it was already time for the sun to set and the sky to be filled with red clouds.

In the Hokage Building, an impromptu Jonin Conference was in progress.

"According to statistics from the Ministry of Government, in this battle during Uchiha Madara's attack on the Five Kage Conference, Hidan, an important member of the Akatsuki organization, has been joined by three jonins, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui and Senju Yamato. The seal is currently being held in the S-class interrogation prison at the root, and will be tortured and studied by Lord Orochimaru himself."

"In addition, during this battle, a total of fourteen powerful people who were reincarnated by the dirty soil were sealed, including the third generation of Kazekage and the third generation of Mizukage..."

Nara Shikaku held a list that had just been tallied, stood under the Hokage and a group of senior officials, and said to all the Konoha jounin.

"But in contrast, in this battle, the village had a total of seven jounin, sixteen special jounin, ninety-four chuunin, and a total of one hundred and seventeen of the village's most elite ninjas died heroically."

"The following is the list of casualties. The jounin who died are Uchiha Na, Sarutobi Oishi, Hyuga Kinmon, Kagawa Riyu, Namashida Suchi, Ise Shinae..."

While Nara Shikaku was thinking about it, Kato Dan took off the Hokage hat on his head, laid it flat on the table, and made a gesture of mourning.

A group of Konoha senior officials followed closely, followed by nearly two hundred Konoha jounin below, with solemn expressions.

"Yoshitoki Yamama, Nobuhiro Mizuguchi, Shinji Shimada..."

These ninjas all died in the process of fighting with the other members of the Akatsuki organization and the reincarnated people of the dirty land, except for Beiliu, Uchiha Madara, and Senju Hashirama.

Shikaku Nara read a long list for a long time, including many people Ming Jing knew.

Uchiha Na is a member of the Uchiha clan who was promoted to Jonin last year. Sarutobi Oishi is a close associate of the third generation of Hokage in the Sarutobi clan. Hyuga Kinmon is the brother of Hyuga Temon, Ming Jing's contemporaneous and subordinate.

Namashida Tsuchi was acquainted by Ming Jing at the Konoha border stronghold. He was just a special jounin more than ten years ago. In the past two years, he relied on his years of accumulated military exploits to exchange for high-level ninjutsu and master it in the village. , became a Jonin.

This is one of the few legends in Konoha who can still be promoted to jounin when he is over forty.

It is worth mentioning that this man also has a son named Ningzu Dodo, who is very talented. He has become a special jounin at the age of fifteen or sixteen. He is a jounin seed cultivated by Konoha's top management. He may become a jounin in the future. The elite Jonin, Namikaze Minato even planned to teach him the Flying Thunder God.

Ise Shinae also worked with Ming Jing in the Third Ninja War. The Ise clan he was born in is also a branch of the Senju clan, and he is a subordinate whom Tsunade trusts very much.

After reading out the list, Kato Dan stood up again, explained the various matters discussed in the Five Shadows meeting before, and gave his instructions.

The Jonin meeting ended here, but things were far from over.

A group of Konoha senior officials once again held a small meeting in the conference room.

"Ding Jing, the situation of your fight with Madara..."

"It's a tie. Madara and the first Hokage who was reincarnated in the dirt join forces. I can't defeat them. But compared to last time, Uchiha Madara also needs the help of the Rinku clone this time to maintain the battle."

Ming Jing sat in his seat, holding his hands on the table, and replied to Kato.

"Madara and Big Brother have joined forces, and their strength has reached an unimaginable level. I took a look at the place where you fought before the Jonin meeting, and it has turned into a place several times larger than the Valley of the End. Basin, I don’t know what kind of trump card they will come up with next time.”

Thousand Hands Tobirama sighed.

The situation now is almost the same as what he saw when he was young.

When Uchiha Madara opened the Sharingan, Senju Hashirama also awakened the Wood Release. When Madara opened the Kaleidoscope and used Susanoo, Senju Hashirama also developed the Wood Dragon Technique, but soon , after Uchiha Izuna was seriously injured by Tobirama and died, Madara opened the Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, and then the first generation developed the Bokujin technique.

Even though Madara found Kyuubi as a psychic beast after his defection, the original generation still had a true thousand hands.

The strength of the two people has been chasing each other for so many years, but in the end Senju Hashirama was always able to surpass Uchiha Madara by one point.

The situation now is very similar.

Uchiha Madara's strength and Ming Jing's strength are constantly improving.

"Then next time, if Madara's strength is still increasing, then Mingjingyou..."

Qiu Daoqiu Feng wanted to speak but stopped.

"I have found my way forward, and my strength has not reached its limit yet."

Ming Jing responded calmly.

He should already have Asura's chakra in his body now. After all, so many golden potions were not in vain.

Next is Indra's chakra.

In the previous battle with Uchiha Madara, he had relied on Bruce's ability to absorb a lot of Uchiha Madara's blood.

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