Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 291 Kinos's interpretation of the limiter

Chapter 293 Kinos’ interpretation of the limiter

Clean light shone into the room, and Ming Jing changed out of his sweat-stained training clothes, revealing his strong and muscular body.

"how do you feel?"

Jinos was holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand and asked while drinking it

"It's not bad, it has some effects, but the time is a little short."

Ming Jinghao didn't care about the mosquito girl's naked gaze, took a towel from her hand, wiped himself, and changed back into his original clothes.

"If you want to use this thing for daily training, you will probably have to build a large power station to supply power to this thing so that you can use it from time to time. Of course, if you can call a powerful enough superpower If so, I might be able to give you a taste of White Dwarf star training.”

Jinos looked at the astronomical figures on the instrument panel next to him that showed the battery capacity, and sighed.

"Is it a powerful enough superpower..."

Ming Jing rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

Poros should have used Goryuganshup as a tool man for training.

This one is the top telekinesis master in the universe, a superpower on the same level as Tatsumaki.

"So, if I call Tatsumaki, who is second in S class, will I be able to enjoy the same level of training intensity as Boros?"

You call this enjoyment?

Kinos suppressed his desire to complain and explained to Der Spiegel:

"It's unlikely. Even with the help of top superpowers, it would still require a huge amount of energy to supply. Unfortunately, the power ball on the spacecraft was destroyed in the battle.

That thing should be a super large dark matter reactor. Although the antimatter particles inside have super energy, they require an extremely harsh environment to be stable in space. They have already produced annihilation reactions with the positive matter in the outside space and have returned Into the void of the universe.

Otherwise, Kusno and I might be able to study something from it, which would have an immeasurable huge impact on the entire human society. "

Jinos said with some pity.

"That is a very advanced technology. Not only is the energy extremely huge, it is also extremely clean and safe. Even if an accident occurs, it will be automatically annihilated like this time. The technological content is at least two generations ahead of human technology. We and them The gap is like the gap between the Stone Age and modern times. With that thing, you can train as long as you want.”

Ming Jing nodded, taking this matter to heart, and then said:

"Does Dr. Kusno have a suitable method? I remember that the energy core in Genos's body should also be a very powerful reactor."

"Genos, Ming Jing, what do you think of Genos's strength?"

Kinos asked.

"Well... the strength has improved compared to before. It is not a problem to fight against ordinary ghost-level monsters. There is also a chance of winning against stronger ghost-level monsters, such as Mosquito Girl. But if you want to deal with dragon-level monsters, I am afraid that you are not strong enough. "

Ming Jing made an estimate and replied.

Mosquito Girl's expression dropped when she heard this.

"Hey, hey, that iron boy has become stronger, but that doesn't mean that I haven't become stronger. My strength now is different from what I used to be!"

Upon hearing this, Ming Jing glanced at Mosquito Girl, assessed her aura, shook his head and said:

"Let's fight between the two of you, 伱四, Genos six, and now Dr. Kusno is also using the alien technology obtained from the spaceship to strengthen Genos. By then, he should be a threat to the dragon level ability.”

Upon hearing this, Jinos waved his hand to Mosquito Girl to signal her not to interrupt, and then said:

"Even if Genos's strength can reach the level of threatening dragons, the energy core in his body can only support him to this level at most. No matter how hard Kusno strengthens, it is impossible to reach your level.

Therefore, it is not very realistic for you to rely on this energy core to drive. After all, no matter how strong the energy is, it can only support Genos alone. If you want to really drive the gravity exercise room for a long time, the energy required is at least more than Genos's energy core needs to be two orders of magnitude higher. "

"It's a pity that such a good training facility can't be used often."

Ming Jing sighed.

"Not necessarily. Although the technology of the dark matter reactor cannot be studied, there are still some sub-level technologies on the spacecraft. It will take some time to make a breakthrough. Then you can buy one nearby. Land, build a large power station of our own, which will be enough to support your long-term star-level training. With the help of superpowers, you may be able to open the white dwarf star. "

Jinos shook his head.

Mingjing understands that it will probably take a long time to realize these things.

Whether it's research on kinos or building a large power station, it's both money and time consuming.

"By the way, there's something I almost forgot to tell you."

Jinos slapped his head and pulled up a photo on the computer.

"I took down the monitoring equipment on this spaceship and saw the scene of you fighting against Boros that day. I also saw the scene where Saitama defeated Boros later. After that, I analyzed and studied the entire process. Saitama said comprehensively If you pass it, you will finally have a simple understanding of the so-called limiter.”

Ming Jing's eyes moved and his attention was immediately attracted.

Regarding the information about the limiter, it is never too much to pay attention. If you can open the limiter, then your strength will definitely reach the Six Paths level, and all the difficulties you are facing now can be solved head on.

"I hired someone to collect all the personal information about Saitama in the past three years, and found that a year and a half ago, he was far from being so powerful, and his head was not bald."

Kinos listed rows of photos on the monitor, from left to right, showing Saitama's appearance in different periods.

At the beginning, he was still a handsome man in a suit with thick hair. Later, his hair gradually thinned out. Two years ago, he became half bald, and a year and a half ago, he became completely bald.

"Three years ago, he almost lost his life even when fighting a wolf-level monster, but he was able to break through his own limits every time, so that his strength showed a breakthrough leap, raising his upper limit, so that his strength would improve rapidly in the future."

"Of course, this process can be said to be extremely difficult, requiring extremely high personal qualities, and luck factors are also affected. You know, I have always been deeply researching human evolution. When I was 20 years old, I published a paper about the upper limit of human genes. Whether it is intelligence or strength, it can be improved through training, but there is always an upper limit, just like an iron door, firmly blocking everyone outside."

"But now, I think this theory can be further revised. Suppose the potential for growth in all aspects of a human individual is set as a long and narrow passage, then this door will block countless human elites outside the door, and most humans will not even be qualified to stand by the door or even see the door from a distance."

Kinos pulled a blackboard and drew a line on it to represent this passage, and put a dot in the front position to represent this door.

"When people have gone through a series of training and battles and have reached the gate, they need to push it open before they can continue walking, but this is difficult.

The road before was already difficult to walk, and the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. At first you run, then walk, and finally crawl to the gate, and then you have to push the gate open, which is almost impossible."

"Then, Doctor, have you found a way to push the gate open?"

Mingjing asked Kinos.

"I'm not sure."

Kinos shook his head.

"In my guess, there are three ways to get people on the road ahead."


"The first one is the most difficult one. Continue to follow the previous method, insist on training, insist on fighting, and have a firm enough belief to guide, then it is possible to push the door open. The human body has limits, but the spiritual will does not. If your spirit and your belief are strong enough, then you can guide your body to break through the limits."

"The second is to become a monster. There are many types of monsters, including special intelligent creatures like the deep-sea tribe, animals and humans that have mutated due to environmental pollution, and monsters like the mosquito girl and the armored gorilla that are created by artificial scientific means. However, I think the monsters are the same as those of the environmental pollution type, and they are all caused by the interference of external factors.

But I What I want to talk about is the fourth category, the weirdos who failed in the first breakthrough method. I have seen some people who became coke weirdos because they loved drinking coke too much, and some who became fishing rod weirdos because they were obsessed with fishing, and even some who became weirdos because they loved tap dancing too much.

Whether it is art such as music and dance, or bad habits such as drinking coke and picking noses, when a person is too addicted to it, it is possible to reach the pinnacle in a specific aspect, touch this door, and fail to break through. Then, without opening the door, they will take a detour and become a weirdo, and the successful breakthrough is the first situation I mentioned before. "

Kinos drew a ray at the position of the point on the line on the blackboard, wrote a "②" on it to represent the second situation, and added a "①" on the original line in front.

"What about the third method?"

Mingjing glanced at the mosquito girl, and asked Kinos with a vague guess in his heart.

As expected, Genos said:

"The third method is actually similar to the monsters created by external means such as Mosquito Girl and Armored Gorilla. It is to bypass the gate through artificial transformation and technological experiments. However, the effectiveness of this method depends on the sophistication of the external means. A typical example is your student Genos, who gained the power to become an S-class hero through Kusno's technological transformation. The higher the means of transformation, the farther the final landing point of this bend will be."

This time, Genos did not draw on that point again, but started from a certain position on the line before that point, drew a semicircle, and finally landed behind the point.

"However, it is worth noting that this gate does not represent the entire species limiter, but only a small part of it. After passing through this gate, your strength can continue to increase, but it will eventually reach a limit. At this time, you have to open a second gate, which is even more dangerous than the previous one. There will be a third door and a fourth door later. I don’t know how many there are, but what I know is that Saitama has opened countless doors and can be regarded as a human who has perfectly unlocked the limiter."

After Jinos finished speaking, he felt thirsty and drank the freshly brewed coffee.

The armored gorilla wore an apron and brought another plate. On the plate were two cups of coffee, one for Kinos and one for Mirror.

"What about me? Doctor, do you think I have touched this door? Is there any way to help me unlock the limiter?"

Ming Jing took a sip of coffee and asked.

"I have no idea."

Genos answered simply.

"I don't know of any way to open the limiter for you because you're too strong."

Ming Jing did not expect this answer and looked at Jinos curiously.

"Like Saitama three years ago, he was just an ordinary office worker. There are many ways to put pressure on an ordinary human being and help him break through his limits, but if you want to help a Lianlong-level monster, you can easily attack him. Kill the person who breaks through... I really can't think of any way to put pressure on you. Maybe that's why Saitama didn't take action against Boros right away. His subconscious told him that the pressure Boros put on you will help you go through this. After repeated training, the S-class hero's strength has reached its limit and has broken through the limits."

Kinos explained.

"But I think you don't need to worry too much about this at the moment, because since you can feel the effects when training in Boros' gravity training room, it means that you haven't reached your limit yet."

Ming Jing suddenly showed a look of understanding.

When he underwent the last genetic modification and awakened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he actually felt that his strength had reached its limit and it was difficult to make any progress.

However, the genetic modification jointly carried out by Genos and Kusno enabled him to open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and all aspects of himself have undergone qualitative changes, which is equivalent to the third method of breaking restrictions mentioned by Genos. By bypassing this door, there is a certain distance between himself and the next door.

Although it is difficult to make a qualitative change because my current strength is too strong, I can still make some progress more or less.

"I understand. I will also pay attention to those powerful energy sources in the future. Then, I will leave first."

Ming Jing drank the coffee in his cup and walked out.

Naruto World, Fire Country, Konoha Village.

Oya Chengyan wore small square sunglasses and presented an account book to the mirror with a respectful expression.

"Mr. Spiegel, this is this year's bill. In addition, I hope to acquire a piece of land in the eastern suburbs of Konoha and develop a high-end resort. Konoha Village is very powerful. If we can develop another one that can satisfy those A place where aristocrats and rich merchants have extravagant needs, coupled with the sense of security brought by Konoha's strong strength, it will definitely attract many wealthy people..."

"Why don't you take these things and give them to the fourth generation? If you need approval, the fourth generation is responsible for the approval. Why are you looking for me?"

Ming Jing took the account book, glanced at it quickly, and put it on the table.

"Master Ming Jing is joking. I just think it would be more appropriate for you to hand these things over to the fourth generation. Through you, the fourth generation will be more likely to relent and agree to my business plan."

Oya Chengyan pushed up his glasses and said humbly.

He knew very well who he really wanted to hold.

Although Naruto is theoretically the core of Konoha Village, now, the most important core of Konoha is actually Uchiha Mirror.

What's more, he is still the future Hokage of Konoha. Kato Dan also allows Ming Jing to intervene in all aspects of the village's affairs to prepare for the future.

Regardless of reputation, strength and power, Uchiha Mingjing can be regarded as a hidden Hokage. It is not an exaggeration to say that Konoha is now a dual system governed by the current Hokage and the crown prince, but Uchiha Mingjing is on weekdays. In the process of managing the village, the Yondaime is the main one.

Oya Chengyan knew that only by hugging Ming Jing's thigh tightly could he gain a certain status in Konoha, enable his daughter to gain a firm foothold in Konoha, and even hope to squeeze into the core of Konoha's next generation. .

"Okay, whatever you want."

Ming Jing decided that these trivial matters could be left to Kato Dan to handle.

"Speaking of which, Qianno should also go to ninja school today, right?"

Hearing Ming Jing take the initiative to mention his daughter, Oya Chengyan smiled even more.

"Ah, yes, I sent her to school in the morning. She is now placed in the same class as Namikaze-sama and Fugaku-sama's son."

Naruto and Sasuke are now at the age of attending ninja school...

Ming Jing fell into deep thought for a moment.

In the original time and space, these two were the destined saviors who could seal Kaguya, and in the next twenty years they would be the strongest combat force in the ninja world. They were also the most important main combat force in the early and mid-term against Otsutsuki from outside the world.

But now, everything is completely different.

Uchiha Obito has not turned black, but is now entrusted with important tasks by Uchiha Fugaku in the police force. As a result, Uchiha Madara, who caused all the consequences of the original time and space, did not die, but gained more power than at his peak. , and gathered the Akatsuki organization under his command.

The strongest people in the ninja world now are himself and Madara Uchiha.

Then when Otsutsuki comes in the future, you will have to fight it on your own.

"Lord Ming Jing, I will take my leave now."

Seeing that Ming Jing was lost in thought, Oya Chengyan saluted and planned to leave.

"Go ahead."

Ming Jing waved his hand, watched Oya Chengyan leave, closed his eyes, and began to think about the next strategy.

Breaking the limiter seems unlikely in a short time, and there doesn't seem to be much that I can do to enhance my strength now.

One is relying on the blood absorbed by Bruce to strengthen his body and strengthen his armament, while the other is continuing to study swordsmanship.

However, as of now, these two abilities won't be of much help to improve his strength.

Armed color domineering has been trained to the extreme, which is the level of Garp at his peak, but it still cannot bring about qualitative changes.

The strength will be enhanced, but it will only be raised from the original 5 to 6 or 7.

No matter how strong the destructive power of armed color Haki is, there is an upper limit, and the level of his own armed color Haki is not low, and the comprehensive destructive power is already close to or even reaching this upper limit, no matter how strong it is, it can't get any stronger.

The same is true for swordsmanship. The strongest one at present can rise to the level of Hawkeye Mihawk.

Then count the remaining abilities in your body. The cultivation of the three attributes of wind, thunder, and fire chakra has almost reached its limit. In terms of these three attributes, even the Third Hokage, a ninjutsu master who is proficient in five attributes, can display Ninjutsu is not as strong as mine——

In these three attributes, the two people's attainments have almost reached their limits, but Ming Jing's chakra is of higher quality, larger, and more efficient in output, so its power is naturally different.

If you want to continue to improve in ninjutsu, there is actually only one way left, and that is to integrate the blood successor limit or the blood successor elimination.

But this obviously takes a lot of time, and whether one can synthesize a bleeding successor depends on luck. With good luck, an ordinary jounin will also have the opportunity to integrate the bleeding successor boundary.

What's more, is there a blood successor higher than the Sharingan in this ninja world?

"After all this calculation, there are only a few ways to improve your strength. One is to use the gravity training room to polish your strength. The effect of this thing is quite good, but it requires a lot of energy. In a short time, it is estimated that The conditions are no longer met.

The other is the next step of genetic modification, integrating the genes of the Asura lineage such as Senju and Uzumaki into my own body to obtain a more advanced Wood Release and Immortal body.

The last one is..."

Ming Jing touched his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan twice.

"Upgrade the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to the Samsara Eye!"

If he could also open the Samsara Eye that was equal to Madara's, then he would definitely be strong enough to suppress Uchiha Madara!

"I just don't know what the specific conditions are for upgrading the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Eye to the Samsara Eye. The path is divided into yin and yang, evolving into two poles. The two forces are mutually exclusive. When they are combined into one, all things can be obtained. The literal interpretation is When the ultimate Yin Escape and Yang Escape are fused together, you can gain the all-encompassing power of the Samsara Eye, but to what extent are the Yin Escape and Yang Escape the ultimate?"

Ming Jing secretly deduced in his mind.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the Immortal Body can definitely represent high-quality Yin and Yang escapes, but it is hard to say whether it is the limit, because in theory, the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan comes from Indra, the ancestor of the Sharingan. , the power of the immortal human body also comes from Asura, and the source of power for these two people is the Six Paths Immortal Na Laodeng.

Among the known examples of advancing from the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to the Samsara Eye, Uchiha Madara relied on the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama to gather the chakra of Indra and Asura.

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