Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 292 Madara's Actions

Chapter 294 Madara’s actions

Sasuke Uchiha of the original time and space was the reincarnation of Indra. After receiving the power given by the Sage of Six Paths Naoden, he opened the Six Magatama Samsara Eye. He started directly from the source and skipped the acquisition of Asura Chakra. this process.

Looking at these two people, have they opened up their complete immortal bodies?

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Uchiha Sasuke certainly didn't. When he fought Otsutsuki later, he often lacked pupils and chakra, and fell into an embarrassing situation similar to Kakashi's in the original time and space. He needed chakra to supply his eyes and became kidney-deficient.

And what about Uchiha Madara? Yes, but it is definitely not as good as Senju Hashirama. Although he can perform large-scale wood escape, he cannot summon the Bokuman Buddha like the first generation. Otherwise, it will be the Susanata Buddha.

If Yamato is a disabled version of the immortal body, then Uchiha Madara is the advanced version of the immortal body, and Senju Hashirama is the perfect version of the immortal body.

"Let's see how the next step of genetic modification will be. Even if the reincarnation eye cannot be opened by then, the strength will be further improved. Moreover, the village has its own first-generation cells. At that time, whether it is directly transplanting the first-generation cells or calling Orochimaru Just use the first-generation cells to make an enhanced version of the golden potion for me, and I can get Asura chakra. If it's not enough, just ask Orochimaru to make a few more."

Ming Jing dragged his cheeks and pondered secretly.

In terms of the difficulty of opening the Samsara Eye, I should be lower than Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara had been blinded by an eternal kaleidoscope before opening the Samsara Eye, but he had both eyes, and his own eyes were definitely closer to Indra.

In addition, Old Man Madara only has a piece of meat he bit off from Hashirama, and the Asura chakra he can obtain is limited, but the Konoha Village has most of Senju Hashirama's corpses——

Uchiha Madara bit a piece of meat, and after the death of the first generation, the second generation cut a little bit for experiment, Danzo cut a little piece for experiment, Orochimaru cut another piece for experiment, and half of it was already used.

And after taking the golden potion for so many years, I already have an incomplete version of the immortal body. After further genetic modification, the immortal body will be more complete than Uchiha Madara.

In addition, Orochimaru was able to use technological means to extract chakra from Hashirama cells to make a golden potion. In this regard, he was ahead of Madara by an unknown amount.

Calculated in this way, Indra Chakra is missing.

And now Sasuke is not the reincarnation of Indra Chakra, so he can only plan from Uchiha Madara.

"We still need to think about it in the long term."

Ming Jing tapped his fingers on the table, summoned a ninja from the intelligence analysis class to bring the current situation of the ninja world and all the information related to Uchiha Madara, and began to make plans.

at the same time.

Ninja school.

After Miyagi Yan came out from Ming Jing's place, he walked all the way here and waited for his daughter to pick her up from school.

Now, because of Ming Jing's guarantee, his daughter is also in Konoha, and the family also has the precious pupil technique blood successor limited blood dragon eye, the top management of Konoha agreed to incorporate him into Konoha after a meeting and negotiation. , it just can’t enter the core layer of Konoha.

Therefore, Miyajoyan naturally bought an apartment in the center of Konoha, and because this person was rich, he bought a large courtyard with servants to serve him.

"Mrs. Mikoto, Mrs. Kushina, and Jonin Itachi."

While waiting for his daughter, Oya Chengyan saw the three people chatting outside the door and took the initiative to say hello.

These people are all family members of two high-ranking Konoha officials, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku, and Oyajoyan believes that it is necessary to build a good relationship.

Although the Uchiha mirror is shining on him, he still has to have a good relationship with other senior officials, at least not on bad terms.

"Ah, it's Chengyan, you're here to pick up Qianno, right?"

Uchiha Mikoto started chatting with Oya Chengen with a smile on her face.

Uchiha Itachi looked at this scene and then looked at the school playground.

It's one minute until school is over.

Not long after he graduated, he became a chuunin and joined the ANBU. He became the captain of the ANBU at the age of twelve this year and obtained the title of Jonin, tying the record set by Kakashi back then.

Soon, the bell rang, and a group of first-year Ninja School students rushed out.

A smile finally appeared on Uchiha Itachi's stern face. He took his brother Sasuke's hand and stood next to his mother Mikoto.

Kushina also found Naruto, and Miyajo En also left with Qianno.

It is not the reincarnation of Indra and Asura. The characters of Sasuke and Naruto in this life are different from the original time and space.

Fortunately, Sasuke was a typical Uchiha who looked like he was showing off, but was actually very emotional. However, his father was a high-ranking official in Konoha and the leader of the Uchiha clan, and he came from a distinguished family. Uchiha Itachi usually worked in the ANBU and rarely went home. She dotes on this younger brother very much, and Uchiha Mikoto also dotes on him, so she has developed a more exaggerated character.

Uchiha Fugaku was worried that Sasuke would become a playboy when he grew up, and he had already thought of handing Sasuke over to Uchiha Yu for training.

Today, this 80-year-old man is extremely famous and has become a legend within the Uchiha clan.

The trained Uchiha Mingjing is powerful in the ninja world, and then Uchiha Shisui has also become famous in recent years. In the ninja world, his popularity is catching up with Kakashi, who is two years older than him. Next, Uchiha Itachi is also slowly rising. A new star has risen, and it seems that the potential is no worse than Kakashi Wazuo's.

Everyone felt that this old man was the person who understood Uchiha best and could best train Uchiha to become talented.

As for Naruto - Naruto Namikaze, the change in personality is completely different from that of the original time and space. He is no longer the hot-blooded idiot. While inheriting the cheerful personality from his parents, he also appears calm, intelligent, and decisive in his actions. He took off the appearance of a young Minato, and even his hairstyle was deliberately styled by Kushina to be exactly the same as Minato's.

"Originally, the Third Ninja World War ended, and Sasuke should have lived in a stable and peaceful era. However, not long after Sasuke was born, Uchiha Madara came out to cause chaos. Last time, he even hit outside the village."

Uchiha Itachi held Sasuke's hand and followed his mother, feeling a little worried for a moment.

People of Sasuke's generation also went to ninja school.

As the second son of the patriarch of the most powerful family in the ninja world, Uchiha Sasuke began to refine chakra and conduct basic ninja training a year before entering ninja school.

In Uchiha Fugaku's view, although Sasuke's talent is not as incredible as his brother's, he is still considered very good. Compared with other ninjas, he is definitely a genius among geniuses.

Coupled with the abundant resources and strong guidance in the family, it is impossible for Sasuke to make rapid progress and possibly graduate early.

But what Uchiha Itachi feared the most was this.

"Uchiha Madara's peace cannot last for so long. Waiting for such a long time must be preparing some conspiracy. The situation in the future will become more chaotic. When Sasuke graduates, he will also need to face a new war."

Itachi Uchiha thought about the battle between the two perfect Susanoos who were like gods that he saw in the village that day, and didn't know how to face the future.

In the past three ninja wars, a shadow-level strongman was enough to turn the tide of the war, but now, a shadow-level strongman may not necessarily become the main force.

As soon as Uchiha Itachi and others returned home, Uchiha Mikoto went to the kitchen to get busy.

Uchiha Fugaku said that he would come back from get off work early in the evening to celebrate Sasuke's enrollment.

Just as Mikoto entered the kitchen, the next moment a ninja from the police department came in and informed them that Fugaku had been called to the Hokage Building, saying that the senior management had an important meeting tonight and might not come back.

"Did something big happen?"

Itachi Uchiha looked at Sasuke playing in the yard and fell into deep thought.

Hokage Building.

Several high-level officials in Konoha held an emergency meeting.

Because just now, a big event happened in the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara and the Akatsuki organization finally appeared.

Although they appear at the same time, they are actually separate.

Uchiha Madara appeared alone in Sunagakure Village, single-handedly suppressed Sunagakure, and captured the One-Tail Jinchuuriki who was still a child alive on the spot.

Chiyo and Ebizo, two elders of Sunagakure Village, were killed in the battle against Madara. In order to save Sunagakure Village, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa surrendered to Uchiha Madara and joined his command.

Only high-level Ye Cang and her team, who were still on mission outside the village, escaped.

On the other side, the Akatsuki organization appeared in Kirigakure Village and negotiated with the Fourth Mizukage. Under coercion and inducement, the entire Kirigakure Village defected to Uchiha Madara.

However, some Kirigakure ninjas were unwilling to give in and chose to betray Kirigakure Village and began to flee.

It can be regarded as a tradition of Kirigakure Village to rebel against ninja.

"Calculating this, Uchiha Madara has controlled two of the top forces in the ninja world at once. If you include the Akatsuki organization, almost half of the power of the ninja world is already in Madara's hands."

Kato Dan put the information on the table and said with a heavy expression.

"The Fourth Mizukage is secretly controlled by Uchiha Madara. This is the conclusion that Mingjing came to based on intelligence analysis earlier. At first, we old guys couldn't believe it, but now it seems that it should be true."

Qiu Daocheng said with a sigh.

"And Rasa, after Chiyo and Ebizo died in the battle, and the first jinchuriki was captured alive by Uchiha Madara, he actually chose to surrender to Uchiha Madara on the spot. This was beyond everyone's expectations."

Tsunade looked through the information and said.

"Unexpected and reasonable, according to the information detected by the roots, in order to create the most qualified tailed beast weapon, Rasa chose to use his young son as a jinchuriki. This guy is from Sunagakure Village. A ruthless person who can abandon everything personal for profit.

Chiyo and Ebizo died in battle, which means that Sunagakure Village has no ability to resist in front of Uchiha Madara. If it continues to resist, Sunagakure Village may be destroyed immediately. In order to save Sunagakure, Luo Sa has no choice but to lead the village to Madara. There is no alternative to surrendering allegiance. "

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth and said calmly.

If he were sitting in Luo Sha's position, he would make the same choice.

Because this is Luo Sha's only way to survive, and they are all ruthless people.

"I can understand a little bit. When I sit in the position of a shadow, I can't help myself most of the time. I can only force myself to get rid of those unnecessary emotions and make the most correct judgment that is most suitable for the current situation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was getting older, sighed and said.

But no one answered him.

What he did during his reign is obvious to everyone.

Seeing the silence, Sandai was a little embarrassed, and then quickly changed the topic.

"What on earth is that guy Madara trying to do?"

"It should be a tailed beast."

Jiraiya spoke attracting everyone's attention.

"Konan told me that in the past, Madara used a plan to create the ultimate weapon to attract Nagato, collect all nine tailed beasts in the world, and then use the secret technique of the reincarnation eye to fill the nine tailed beasts into one In the body of the monster, the ultimate weapon with the power to destroy the world is created, in order to make the big countries that initiate war in the ninja world feel the pain and deter them, so as to achieve the effect of bringing peace to the ninja world. "

"Absolutely ridiculous."

Senju Tobirama commented coldly.

Relying solely on strength to bring peace to the shinobi world may work for a while, but it may not work forever. His eldest brother Senju Hashirama is the best example.

Strength is a necessary means to achieve peace, and maintaining peace requires not only strength but also a long-term stable system.

It's just that the tailed beast system of the ninja village established by Senju Hashirama failed.

Jiraiya remained silent and didn't speak.

Senju Tobirama is an old-timer, and Nagato is his dead disciple. It’s not good for him to go either way.

"Now it seems that Madara's hibernation during this period should be about collecting intelligence about the jinchūriki. With his strength and current power, except for the tailed beasts of Konoha, he can say that he can capture the rest. What's next? During this period, in order to strengthen the protection of the jinchuriki of the village, Obito must always stay by Nohara Rin's side, and Minato should not be too far away from Kushina. In the event of an accident, time and space ninjutsu should be used to immediately transfer the jinchuriki. "

Kato Dan brought the topic back to the topic and arranged.

"Ah, I understand. I will explain it to the three of them later."

Namikaze Minato nodded.

"Ding Jing, what do you think?"

Kato Dan looked at the silent mirror.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the top management of Konoha, Ming Jing's voice is definitely the most important.

"If Madara wants to collect the nine tailed beasts, then it is not a matter for our Konoha family, but a matter for the entire ninja world. To deal with Madara, Konoha cannot be the only one to do it, and two of the five major ninja villages have already surrendered. Now that Uchiha Madara is gone, the other two villages should be unable to sit still."

Ming Jing said with a sneer.

"you mean……"

Orochimaru showed a thoughtful expression.

"Yes, the Five Kage Conference is held. The nine tailed beasts are related to the most important heritage of each village. Moreover, Uchiha Madara has now occupied two ninja villages. Who knows where the next target will be."

Uchiha Mingjing knocked on the table and said.

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