Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 290 New Genetic Modification Plan and Boros' Training Facility

Chapter 292 New Genetic Modification Plan and Boros' Training Facility

The next day, early morning.

"The murderer must be among us!"

Child Emperor said decisively as he looked at the zombie man lying on the ground with blood on his neck and a machete next to him.

"As an S-class hero, it is hard to imagine that anyone can assassinate the zombie man, and there are no weirdos nearby. Only you, who are also S-class heroes, have the ability to assassinate the zombie man! Moreover, they are either the top of the S-class or masters with very fast speed."

Child Emperor rubbed his chin, his eyes constantly wandering around King, Flash Flash and others.

Genos asked: "But, isn't it said that Zombie Man is immortal? But why is he still lying on the ground motionless? Is he asleep?"


Child Emperor said: "How is it possible! Who would be so bored that he would sleep in the corridor? Could it be that Zombie Man couldn't fall asleep so he just cut his neck to make it easier to fall asleep?"

"Wait, you guys have been talking here for so long, why don't you watch the surveillance?"

Saitama raised his hand and said speechlessly.

"Humph, how could a master of this level commit a crime so easily leave such a simple evidence."

Child Emperor put his hands on his shoulders and said in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter if I watch it anyway."

Saitama scratched his head and said.

Ten minutes later, in the monitoring room.

Everyone looked at the surveillance footage that Xiqi had called up and was speechless.

Child Emperor was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig out a three-bedroom and one-living room with his toes.

"By the way, what on earth are Mr. Mingjing and Tornado flying out in the middle of the night for?"

Genos looked confused and said while looking at the surveillance screen.

King was thoughtful and touched his chin.

"King, do you know anything? With your strength, you should have been able to detect their movements last night, right?"

Seeing King's expression, Xiqi couldn't help but ask.

The plots of the love games he had cleared quickly emerged in King's mind, and then he thought about the situation last night, and immediately said:

"Scarlet Ninja and Tornado are both single young people in their twenties, with similar age, status, and strength, and they are both very good-looking. It just so happens that they drank so much alcohol last night, and they were alone. What will happen next should be a matter of course, right?"

King was suspicious in his heart, but he was used to putting on a calm face in front of others, so in the eyes of others, King's words were very confident.

"Is that so? In the past, everyone treated Tornado as a child because of her appearance and personality. Now that I think about it, she is old enough."

Siki suddenly realized.

"Scarlet Ninja is indeed a very attractive boy." The sexy prisoner nodded in agreement.

"Ugh... dead shemale, can you stop disgusting me?"

Metal Bat made a vomiting gesture and said disgustedly.

"Bat-chan, are you jealous? It's okay, I understand."

The sexy prisoner said to Metal Bat with a gentle face.

It would have been better if he didn't say it. When he said it, Metal Bat vomited out what he had eaten last night on the spot.

At this moment, the door was knocked open, revealing the figure of the zombie man.

"Oh, I was wondering why I couldn't find anyone after searching for several times. It turns out that they are all here. Scarlet Ninja and Tornado just came back. Xiqi, didn't you say last night that you still have a meeting today? Scarlet Ninja said Tornado was tired all day last night and needed to rest in the morning. She didn't plan to go. Just inform her about the content after the meeting."

"Ah, I understand. It's rare for young people to be energetic and busy all night, but it's understandable."

Xiqi looked like he knew everything.



The morning meeting lasted for four hours before it ended.

After the meeting, Xiqi immediately found Mingjing.

"Mr. Scarlet Ninja, did you have a good night last night?"

Xiqi, wearing a neat suit, stood in front of Mingjing and greeted.

"Ah, it's okay, just a little tired."

Mingjing replied.

Tornado is quite strong, but she was still drunk last night. Mingjing didn't think about hurting Tornado. He waited for the girl to get tired and the alcohol to wear off. Naturally, she would want to go back to sleep, so Mingjing also accompanied her to fight all night.

"Ah, I'm also an experienced person. Although I can't stay up all night like you young people, I have some experience. If you need it, I can provide some 'health-preserving' prescriptions here." Xiqi said with a smile. "Uh... Although I don't know what you are talking about, I don't think I need any health-preserving prescriptions." "Ah, I forgot that Mr. Scarlet Ninja is also proficient in medicine and should also be familiar with pharmacology. I said too much." Xiqi thought that the young man was shy and embarrassed, and then he straightened his face. "Ahem, Scarlet Ninja, I actually have another mission this time." "Is it about the disposal of spacecraft wreckage?" Mingjing had expected it. "Well, that's right. Although the Crimson Ninja, Tornado, Saitama and others made the greatest contributions to the alien invasion, and the spoils should be handled by you, but you also know that such a large spaceship wreckage is in City A, and we have no way to rebuild it, so..." "Ah, I know, it's okay, if Metal Knight wants it, let him recycle it himself."

Ming Jing waved his hands indifferently and said.

Within a week, he had taken Kunos and Kinos to dismantle the most valuable things in the spacecraft and took them away in batches with seal scrolls.

There's nothing left for the Metal Knights to do.

"Ah, thank you for your understanding. According to the results of the discussion between the association and Metal Knight, the final research results obtained on the wreckage of the spacecraft will be shared among S-class heroes as a reward for your participation in this battle."

Xiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he still felt a little uneasy.

The Scarlet Ninja is obviously a very proud person, and his strength is definitely second to none among S-class heroes. According to the post-war descriptions of many S-class heroes, his strength is not inferior to that of Tatsumaki, and even because of his comprehensive abilities Sexuality is slightly stronger by a factor or two.

Now that Tatsumaki has hooked up with the Scarlet Ninja again, and considering Tatsumaki's character, if the Scarlet Ninja doesn't agree, he may really have a big conflict with the Metal Knight, which will have a certain impact on the association.

It is a good thing to have this result now.

After saying goodbye to Xiqi, Ming Jing left here.

However, he did not return to his house in the no-man's land of City Z, but came to a building in City Z.

The twelve characters "Evolved Takoyaki Global Chain Store Headquarters" are on the top of the building, shining brightly in the sunlight.

At the bottom of the building is the laboratory that Kinos spent a lot of money to build.

"Genos, I didn't expect that just a short time ago, you really made a career."

Ming Jing sat in front of the table and said in wonder.

"Ah, it's nothing. With my IQ, I only need to study a little bit in business, and my business methods can be better than most businessmen. In addition, with sufficient technical skills, our takoyaki is low-cost, and according to the octopus on the market We have developed a variety of flavors that are most suitable for the public’s taste buds, and we deserve such success.”

Jinos said while fidgeting with his hair.

His Evolution Takoyaki has opened many branches around the world. Now there are Evolution Takoyaki chain stores in almost every city. It is an emerging enterprise that has been gaining momentum recently.

"If I hadn't spent most of the proceeds to build this laboratory, my company could have more than doubled in size now. Of course, there is no need for it yet."

Kinos swirled the red wine in his glass, then drank it all.

"So, what about those things I asked you to study?"

Ming Jing asked Jinos.

“There were some results, but not very good results.”

Jinos brought the mirror and came to a giant electronic screen.

"I have studied these new genetic samples you brought me, and it is indeed very likely that they have a common ancestor with you Uchiha. That should be the originator of your special bloodline, right? Do you want to compare these genes with the previous ones? It’s the same as genes, but it will be much more difficult to integrate into your body.”

Kinos called up pieces of data and displayed them in front of the mirror.

"The cell samples I cloned based on these genes have extremely strong vitality, especially this one, which is so overbearing that it can devour almost all other cells as nutrients. If it is an ordinary person, transplanting such overbearing genes will It is likely to cause inevitable damage to the body."

"what about me?"

"You are an exception. Although you are not as good as the genes of the previous batch of your Uchiha clansmen, they are of the same origin as you. With your genes and physical abilities, transplantation is not a problem at all, but the problem lies in other people's genes. One serving.”

Kinos pointed at the screen and said:

"The shape expression of this No. 3 gene pool should be the same as your Uchiha's. It is in the eyes. If I transplant it to you, I don't know if it will have any impact on your eyes, and the possibility of success is even higher. Much lower."

"For example, if the genes of those Uchiha people at the beginning match your genes at 90 to 95 percent, this is because of similar blood. And in the No. 2 gene pool Those genes also come from an ancestor that is closer to you, and I can feel that you yourself should have been strengthened by the products of these genes, so the compatibility can be 80%. "

Ming Jing nodded slightly, indicating that what Genos said was true.

They have been taking the golden potion for quite some time. To this day, even Uchiha Fugaku said that he can feel the pupil power consumed by his pupil technique decreasing, and he has the ability to recover a small amount of pupil power.

Looking at it as a whole, I actually have a junior version, or a incomplete version of the immortal body.

In this way, it makes sense that the genetic match between Senju Uzumaki and Senju Uzumaki would be high.

"As for the No. 3 gene, the difference in the expression properties of the eyes is too big with your Uchiha Sharingan. Although it is also the same origin, it is more ancient. The compatibility may not even be seventy. I don't recommend you to go Take the risk."

"For example, humans and monkeys are not only mammals, but also primates. They also shared a common ancestor many years ago. However, if a part of the monkey's genes is transplanted into a human, it may not necessarily work. "It brings good results because humans don't need that much body hair and they don't need that long tail."

Genos's explanation was easy to understand, and Ming Jing quickly gave up the idea of ​​transplanting the genes of the Hyuga clan.

"Then when can the transplantation of the No. 2 gene bank begin?"

Ming Jing asked Jinos.

"It still needs a little time. Just use the nanorobot from last time. I need to modify the algorithm based on your current physical condition. And this time there is no excuse to ask Kusno to borrow supercomputer permissions. We can only rely on our own savings." Money, but with my company’s current ability to attract money, it won’t take long.”

"I understand, but what about those things brought back from the alien spacecraft? Are there any that can be used?"

Ming Jing nodded and continued.

"In this case, it depends on your definition of useful."

Kinos pushed up his glasses, walked to the wall, and pressed a button.

Suddenly, a long tunnel appeared underground.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a huge basement that is larger than two football fields. There are various instruments and weapons that Kinos considered valuable obtained from the dark pirate ship.

"Most of the weapons here, according to the regulations of the Influence Association, are as lethal as the damage caused by ghost-level monsters. Only a small part of them are comparable to dragon-level monsters. They are very useful for other people, but they are really useful for you. It’s tasteless.”

As Kinos said, the weapons here are basically of no use to Ming Jing.

"We all know your strength. You can crush most dragon-level monsters at will. The power of these weapons may not be as powerful as the sword energy you wield. Even if it is used as an auxiliary, I can't think of anything. It can help your fighting ability."

Jinos spread his hands and counted Ming Jing's abilities one by one.

"You can sense and see through, but radar and spectroscopic fluoroscopy will have no effect on you. The strongest alloy is not as hard as your body, and you can even transform into that flying golden giant, so the exoskeleton armor And large mechas won't be of much help to you. You can even breathe fire and discharge, and you can also blow out tornadoes. You still have plenty of combat experience. To be honest, there are no flaws that need to be made up for. "

"That's right, then it's really of no use."

Ming Jing dragged his chin and said.

With Boros' strength, the things on the spaceship are useless to him. Although Ming Jing's strength is not as good as Boros, it is still somewhat stronger than the three most advanced combatants on his ship. It is somewhat similar to Boros's situation.

“Actually, that’s not to say that there aren’t places that can be used.”

Kinos turned a corner and took the mirror to an instrument that seemed to be as big as a single-storey house.

"According to the information I deciphered, this gravity room should be a place where Boros usually exercises. It can adjust the size of gravity according to the output of energy. With the help of superpowers, the effect can be doubled. I think , it should also play a certain role for you.”

"Gravity training room, super powers..."

Ming Jing touched the casing of this large instrument and raised his eyebrows.

To this day, Enelu's thunder and lightning has little effect on him.

The body's resistance to lightning has almost been fully stacked, and Ming Jing can now even use high-voltage wires to jump rope.

This thing came out just in time.

If it can help a strong man like Boros, it can also help him.

"Want to try the effect first?"

Kinos pointed to the gravity training room and asked the mirror.


Ming Jing nodded and started doing warm-up exercises on the spot.

"Then let me explain to you first. This gravity training room is divided into three levels. You can freely condition. It is divided into three levels: standard star level, white dwarf level and black hole level. The gravity intensity of each level will be greatly increased. Growth, and the energy required for each level is also extremely huge. The electricity in this building alone may only allow you to try the standard star level, but the energy required to turn on the white dwarf star for one hour is enough. Supply energy to the entire Z city for a month."

"As for the black hole level, humankind's current power generation capacity cannot be used. Even the energy of the destroyed power ball on Boros's ship is estimated to not be able to sustain it for long. According to the content of the information I uncovered, Boros also relied on his ship. Only with the super strong mental power of a large octopus can he activate the black hole level for his own training. It can't be achieved by pure energy drive, no matter how huge the energy is. This has already involved some things that human beings' current technology has not yet achieved. exposure to the laws of physics.”

As he spoke, Kinos adjusted the equipment, and finally clicked a button to open the door to the gravity exercise room.

"Before you go in, take off your clothes and put on these special clothes. Ordinary clothes will be torn apart by the strong gravity inside. Only special clothes can withstand it, and there is a switch on it that can stop you from pushing to the limit. It’s time to activate emergency procedures for interruption.”

In the sky, the mosquito girl flapped her wings and delivered a folded sealed unlined garment.

"Okay, then I'm going in."

A few minutes later, Ming Jing, who had put on new clothes, moved his hands and feet. After feeling that there was no obstacle to his movement, he entered the door of the gravity exercise room.

Jinos pressed the button and closed the door. The mecha gorilla stood in front of a device similar to a rudder and pulled it down.

"Standard stellar gravity workout, start!"

In the gravity training room, Ming Jing suddenly felt a strong pressure covering his body. He stumbled and almost lost his balance.

However, after adapting for a few seconds, he took another step and was able to move more freely.

This is just the standard star level of the first gear. It probably won’t have much training effect on Boros himself.

Der Spiegel estimates that if it were the highest black hole level, it would only put pressure on Boros in pink form at most.

For Boros, that is already a form that will shorten his lifespan. Boros does not need to use this form to exercise.

"Standard star class, white dwarf star, black hole class, the names are quite impressive, but they are just using celestial bodies to classify the gravity. The gravitational acceleration of the white dwarf is 180,000 times that of the earth, and even atoms can be crushed Broken into free electrons, if there is an existence that can withstand the gravity of a white dwarf star or even a black hole, it can destroy the earth and even the solar system with just a few clicks.”

Ming Jing pressed his hands on the ground and did a few push-ups to test his strength. He stood up again and punched forward.

The gravity on the surface of the sun is thirty times that of the earth's surface. Der Spiegel estimates that the gravity here should be more than thirty times.

This is caused by the difference between standard stars in the universe and the sun.

Ordinary humans can only withstand two or three times the gravity of the earth at most, and those who are trained may be able to withstand five or six times, while astronauts selected from thousands of people can withstand ten times the gravity.

But this does not mean that they can act normally under multiple gravity conditions.

"Here, my speed has slowed down to the point where it is not much worse than that of an ordinary jounin. It is roughly equivalent to my speed when I first went to Demon Slayer World more than ten years ago. In this case, high-intensity training is required here. Exercise should have a certain effect on my body.”

Ming Jing waved his fist and silently estimated in his heart.

The strength of ordinary jounin is already pretty good. In the one-punch world, it is not a problem to become an upper-level B-level hero. It is enough to deal with ordinary tiger-level monsters. If you are lucky, you may be able to become an A-level hero.

However, for Ming Jing, in this gravity training room, his speed dropped by an unknown number of times. After all, he was on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, and his speed was also his signature mark. It has been sung in the ninja world for more than ten years.

"Try using the sword here and see if Bruce can handle it."

Thinking of this, Ming Jing took out the Tail Feather of Heaven and began to practice the sword shape of Breath of Sun on the spot.

The material of the Heaven's Tail Feathers is hard, and Bruce obtained the ability of the Vampire Fruit to further strengthen the essence of the Heaven's Tail Feathers. Subsequently, Ming Jing also absorbed the blood of multiple powerful beings, and continued to strengthen himself, enough to withstand this level of gravity, without Any discomfort.

"This level of physical body! Incredible! He can still dance the sword under the influence of this level of gravity, and the speed is far beyond the level of normal humans! The data uploaded from the sensor of the training suit also shows that his body does not have any discomfort. !”

Dr. Kinos stood outside, watching Ming Jing's movements through the monitor in the gravity training room, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew that Mingjing was very powerful, and now it was much stronger than his most outstanding creation, Ashura, but now he had a more intuitive expression.

"Fortunately, it was the Beast King who faced him instead of me."

The armored gorilla looked at the surveillance screen and thought secretly.

He had done experiments for Genos, but with his ghost-level body, he was almost crushed by the machine, unable to move even an inch.

Ten minutes later.

"Hey! Uchiha Mirror, how are you feeling now?"

Kinos shouted into the microphone.

"It's not bad. I've sweated a little. This place can really help me a lot."

Ming Jing said with a smile to a speaker made of some kind of alloy above.

"Then I'll turn off the equipment first. The reserve power I've saved for half a month has almost been used up by you!"

Jinos pressed the button, and Ming Jing suddenly felt his body light up, and the door in front of him slowly opened.

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