Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 289 Problem Child

Chapter 291 Problem Child

"Scarlet Ninja? Are you going to stop me? I thought you were someone who recognized the concept of perfect justice like me..."

Sweetheart Mask's expression was a little unkind, and she struggled to free herself twice, barely breaking free.

Even if he paid his own way to be ranked at least in the middle of the S class, but at this moment he found that his physical body was still a few points behind Ming Jing.

"No, I mean, these are the king's trophies. Even if you want to dispose of them, you have to ask him first, right?"

Ming Jing explained and looked at King.

Only then did Sweetheart Mask realize that King's imperial engine had started to roar at some point. Looking at King's fierce yet calm and cold face, he couldn't help but feel a little wary.

The strength of these two people seemed to be above his.

"Since it is the trophy of the most powerful King on the surface, it is really hard for me to interfere, but Mr. King, I think as one of the top people on this planet, you should not want these evil and dirty existences to tarnish this beautiful place. world."

Sweetheart Mask showed a perfect smile and said to the king.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"They are just prisoners who were captured and tortured for information. Once their value is used up, you can do whatever you want with them."

King Qiang calmed his expression, imitated the words of some characters in the adventure game, and then turned around and left.

It's still too dangerous here, so he should go home and play love games.

"As expected of a king, it's nothing to capture these prisoners, but being able to protect these prisoners when the spacecraft is about to fall and bring them out intact is enough to show how powerful he is."

Super Alloy Black Light said with a sigh.

"A being like King who seems to be full of flaws but is so strong beyond imagination, even I am..."

Bang Gu clasped his hands behind his back and looked at King's retreating back. A simple, bald face appeared in his mind.

For a strong man of this level, it doesn't matter whether he has a so-called flaw or not?

A meteor streaked across the sky.

A capsule-shaped delivery cabin landed near the spacecraft, and a black metal robot walked out.

"Metal Knight? Another guy who waits for all the enemies to be eliminated before rushing over."

The metal bat looked at the metal knight with a dissatisfied expression and said.

The Metal Knight didn't pay attention to the words of the metal bat and walked to the edge of the wreckage of the spacecraft.

"Awesome, this spaceship..."

"We took down this spaceship. It's really great."

Ming Jing put a hand on the metal knight's shoulder, and used his fingers hard, leaving deep finger marks on the black steel.

"Scarlet Ninja, what do you mean?"

The black robot's eyes flashed red and asked Ming Jing.

"What do you think?"

The mirror also shines with a pair of scarlet eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan eyes, as if it can see through the robot, Dr. Forboy standing in front of the screen thousands of miles away - he is the controller of the robot, the true identity of Metal Knight .

"Just like Sweetheart Mask has no right to deal with the king's trophies, you are not the one who defeated the enemies on this spaceship and crashed the spacecraft. So I think you should have no right to deal with the wreckage of this spaceship, no. ?"

The metal knight was silent for a moment before speaking:

"But besides me, who else is capable of handling this ship?"

"How can you be so sure that you are the only one capable of handling it?"

Ming Jing asked rhetorically.

The target of Metal Knight is nothing more than the alien technology on this spacecraft.

But these things are still useful in the hands of Mingjing.

There are Genos and Kusno in the One Punch World, Caesar in the Pirate World, and Orochimaru in the Naruto World. They are all top-notch scientific research experts.

The Metal Knight was silent, and finally said:

"I will discuss it with someone from the association."

After saying that, the black robot blew out a stream of exhaust gas from its feet and left the scene.

From Foboy's point of view, with such a large spacecraft wreckage here, no matter what, at least it cannot escape.

Since the scarlet ninja is unwilling to get involved in his loot, he can also exchange it with something of sufficient value.

As for the attitude of the association, Metal Knight is not worried.

As the most important technological support of the Heroes Association, if the Heroes Association wants to rebuild its headquarters and rebuild City A, it cannot do without his help.



A week later.

City B, which is adjacent to City A, is one of the most luxurious hot spring hotels.

"Hiss...ah! It's so comfortable that it makes you want to sleep. Genos, how do you feel?"

Saitama squinted his eyes, leaned against the wall, slumped in the comfortable hot spring water, and asked casually.

"Sorry, Saitama-sensei, my body is entirely made of metal, so I can't feel anything."

Genos sat in the hot spring, straightened his chest, and answered loudly.

"That's really a pity. This hot spring water is very pleasant. When I soak in it, I feel like my old bones are a few years younger."

Bang Gu clasped his hands behind his head, put a sweat towel on his forehead, and groaned.

"Yeah yeah."

Saitama smiled and nodded, then looked at the mirror.

"What do you think? Mirror?"

"Ah, it's pretty good, but unfortunately there are still some flaws."

Ming Jing was lying on the edge of the hot spring, commenting on the wall.

"Eh? Flaw? Isn't it said that this is the best hot spring hotel in the surrounding cities? I feel that it is obviously perfect."

Saitama looked confused.

"Ah, the disadvantage is that it's not big enough."

Ming Jing touched his nose and answered the question inappropriately.

In fact, he didn't mean it at the beginning. What he saw with the transparent world was actually various organs and tissues under the skin.

It's just that since his transparent world has further evolved into the powerful see-through effect, he can automatically adjust the perspective effect according to his own needs.

Then I accidentally became fascinated by it...

The hot spring room next door.

Tatsumaki looked at the size of several women's association staff, then looked at his tablet, snorted, and silently sunk his head underwater.

"Ahhh! Sexy prisoner! What are you going to do!"

A sharp sound came from another hot spring room, interrupting Ming Jing's appreciation of the beautiful scenery.

"Ah, metal bat, I just worry that your body is not developing normally. After all, you are still in adolescence..."

"Then go and see other people!"

"Look at me! I don't mind if you look at my strong muscles! Hey, ha, hey! This is the latest fitness move I learned, which can perfectly show off every inch of my muscles!"

Listening to the fracas next door, Ming Jing couldn't help but feel lucky that she wasn't in the same room as the sexy prisoner.

Here are Saitama, Genos and Banggu, and the others are S-class heroes with relatively normal personalities such as Atomic Samurai, Flash Flash and Zombie Man.

If I were next door and the sexy prisoner suddenly attacked me, I would definitely use a knife!

At this moment, a staff member from the Heroes Association came to the door of the hot spring room and knocked on the door a few times.

"Teacher Saitama, Teacher Mingjing, let me go!"

Genos stood up and walked out, opened the door a crack, exchanged a few words and then closed it again.

"Genos, what is going on outside?"

Saitama yawned and said.

"Mr. Xiqi has arranged a banquet of the highest standard and invites everyone to attend the celebration banquet."

Genos answered seriously.

"Oh, the highest-level banquet, a celebration banquet?! Does that mean there are a lot of delicious food!"

Saitama's eyes lit up.

At that moment, the group of people wiped their bodies, wrapped themselves in bathrobes, and followed the waiter into a luxurious hall.

Long tables were neatly placed on both sides, with some appetizing fruits and desserts on them, and a bottle of high-end wine next to them.

"This alien invasion of the earth has been recognized by the association as the largest disaster in history. Some top leaders of the association have already believed that this disaster should be rated as a god-level disaster. However, these are not much different from today's relation."

Xiqi, also wearing a bathrobe and holding a glass of wine in his hand, walked onto the stage.

"Today's celebration banquet is to show you your performance in defending the earth. The other is that I think the threat to the end of the earth may not have been eliminated. Only by surviving these six months can we To ensure that we get through the crisis safely, this time I also use the name of the celebration banquet to invite you to continue discussing the topics that were not completed at the headquarters meeting a week ago. "

"But this hot spring trip lasts for two days and one night. I think we can talk about these contents tomorrow and let's not mention it tonight. In short, I am very grateful to everyone for their contribution in protecting the earth, so please relax tonight Come on down and enjoy!”

"Well, cheers!"

Xiqi raised his wine glass high.


The crystal clear wine entered his mouth, and the spicy and fiery feeling gave Ming Jing the feeling of flames flowing down his throat.

After taking it into my stomach, I just feel the heat in my stomach.

Mirror actually doesn’t drink much.

It's hard to say for other ninjas, but Uchiha ninjas are relatively strict in observing the three ninja taboos.

In other words, many ninja clans handed down from the Warring States Period are like this.

Because during the Warring States Period, enemies could attack at any time, and all ninjas must keep their heads clear at all times to be ready for orders and ensure their combat effectiveness.

This tradition has been passed down to this day in the Uchiha, Hinata and other ninja clans with relatively strict family traditions.

However, although he has not drank much since he was a child, Ming Jing's drinking capacity is not bad.

The powerful body functions and strong body control ability make Mingjing not drunk if he doesn't want to.

Not getting drunk after a thousand cups is just child's play for him.

"This is the legendary Pour Dragon Wine. It must be quite old. When I was young, I drank it from an old man in the martial arts world. Later I asked someone about it. The price is not cheap. One bottle is worth the price of my dojo. Just half a year’s expenses.”

Banggu took a sip, smashed it in his mouth, and commented with a satisfied look on his face.

"It is indeed a good wine, easy to drink, but it is very strong. Legend has it that it is called this because it means that even a giant dragon can get drunk. Now it seems that it is indeed well-deserved."

Atomic Samurai agreed.

After hearing what these two people said, Ming Jing couldn't help but take a few more glances at the wine bottle in his hand.

The status of Atomic Samurai and Bang Gu is not low. One is a member of the Sword Saint Society and a world-renowned swordsman master. The other is also Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world and has extensive knowledge.

They all said so, so this wine must be a first-class wine.

See if you can ask Xiqi for some more and bring them to Tsunade and Whitebeard.

Thinking of this, Ming Jing took the wine and stepped forward to talk to Xiqi, and got the desired result.

Xiqi said that this wine was provided by the super-rich Agni, the big financier behind the association.

After he heard about the alien attack and personally rushed to the ruined City A to watch the battlefield, he took out the wine he had collected for many years and planned to use it to entertain these S-class heroes.

As one of the founders of the Heroes Association, even the most important founder, he certainly knows the important information within the association, and also knows how great the impact of this incident will be.

Being able to defeat multiple powerful S-class heroes on his own, the enemy's strength is no longer as simple as the Dragon level. After all, no matter how difficult the Dragon level was in the past, it was easy to capture them when a tornado was deployed.

If this crisis is not resolved within City A, it is likely to turn into a disaster that could exterminate humanity.

The definition of a divine disaster is a crisis that may lead to the destruction of mankind.

Closer to home, after Ming Jing learned from Xiqi that there were a few spare bottles of Pour Dragon Wine in the venue, he asked the waiter to pack two bottles and planned to take them home later.

"You want to pack it up and take it home? Is it so delicious?"

With a surprised look on his face, Tatsumaki drank the Changgaogao brand milk in the cup, used his superpower to control the wine bottle to fly over, and poured a full glass of wine into it.

"This wine... burp, so spicy! Is there anything good to drink!"

After Tatsumaki took a sip, he felt his cheeks were hot and his head was dizzy. Then he moved the quilt to the side of Ming Jing next to him.

"As expected, I'm still not good at drinking. Well, since this wine is very expensive, don't waste it. I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

"Um... Isn't it a little bad to ask me to deal with it after you've already been drinking?"

A few black lines flowed down Ming Jing's forehead, and he said speechlessly.

"Well, drinking and stuff like that is an adult's business. You kid, you better stop being pushy and just drink milk. Ming Jing, that glass belongs to you, and the rest of the bottle of wine belongs to me."

Saitama walked over with a smile, picked up the bottle of dragon wine that originally belonged to Tatsumaki and returned to his seat.

"Tell me, who are you talking about?"

Tatsumaki clenched his fist viciously.

His body floated into the air, but he put his hands on his hips and said:

"I am definitely the one who drinks the most here today!"

"Um... How about I order a bottle of... Changgaogao brand milk for you?"

Ming Jing picked up the milk carton Tatsumaki had hidden under the table and said.

"Eh? Changgaogao brand milk? Isn't that the same brand as Tongdi's milk?"

Saitama dragged his chin with one hand, leaned over to the boy emperor's table opposite, looked at the words on the milk carton there and said.

"Ah, yes, according to my test results, this brand of milk is rich in nutrients and is the most suitable drink for minors to grow taller!"

The Child Emperor held up a glass of milk and said.

"By the way, metal bat, I remember you are also underage, do you want some too?"

The Child Emperor issued an invitation to the metal bat.

Metal Bat is seventeen years old, just one year shy of adulthood.

"No need, I'm satisfied with my current height."

The metal bat shook his head and drank orange juice quietly - the law here stipulates that minors are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages.

"So that's it, Changgaogao brand milk."

Ming Jing reached out and compared the height difference between Tatsumaki and himself.

Well, there is an obvious difference between 1.82 meters and 1.5 meters.

The # symbol visible to the naked eye appeared on Tatsumaki's forehead, and the blush on his face was unknown whether it was from drinking just now, or from being angry, or both.


Tatsumaki reached out to take back his glass of wine from Ming Jing's table, and used his super power to fly back the bottle of wine that had just been taken away from Saitama's table.

"Stop looking down on others, I can definitely drink more than you!"

Tatsumaki shouted, first he raised his head and drank the glass of wine in his hand, wiped his mouth, then directly held the bottle with both hands and started blowing.

"Awesome! I didn't expect that a mere girl could drink better than me!"

Venerable Shirt couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Tatsumaki's behavior.

"That... of course... hiccup~"

Tatsumaki said something drunkenly, burped, his eyes blurred, and shook the half bottle of wine left in his hand.

She couldn't blow a bottle at a time.

"Forget it, let her take it easy first."

Ming Jing shook his head, picked up a piece of steak and started eating.

The dinner in the evening was cooked by the world's top chefs using the most expensive and top-quality ingredients. Even though Ming Jing had seen many worlds, he thought it was only the food in the sea restaurant in the East China Sea of ​​One Piece. Can overcome.

In terms of skills, they are both top chefs in the world, and there is no world dedicated to chefs like the Spirit of the Shokiji in their respective worlds, so there won't be much difference in the upper limit of their cooking skills.

Even though the world of One Piece has extraordinary abilities, the world of One Punch also has various technological aids.

The only thing that can affect the quality of these foods is the ingredients.

As for ingredients, there are an incredible number of species in the pirate world. Even if there are weirdos in the One Punch World, generally no one would use their bodies as ingredients.

This pour of dragon wine is indeed as powerful as the Atomic Samurai said.

After a while, the sexy prisoner had already pulled the equally drunk vest master to dance ballet in the center, while the super alloy black light was showing off his muscles on the other side, constantly changing the poses of fitness.

Tatsumaki didn't seem to be that dizzy anymore, but he had already started to get drunk in his position and yelled non-stop.

As a primary school student, Tong Di was the first to leave. According to his words, he needed a healthy routine to maintain his learning efficiency.

Followed by king.

With a game console in hand, he could stay up all night for three days and three nights, but there was no such thing here. As an ordinary person, he was the second person who couldn't stay up.

Soon, everyone left one after another, even the pig god who kept eating also left. Before leaving, he just asked someone to reheat the remaining food and send it to his room for a midnight snack.

Tatsumaki kept shouting until the end, and she was accompanied by Ming Jing and Zombie Man.

Ming Jing is not drunk, and his strong energy is enough to allow him to continue fighting for three days and three nights. Zombie Man is even more incredible. His body has unlimited recovery ability, and he can continue fighting for a week. His body's metabolism is also extremely fast, and alcohol has just It is broken down once it enters the stomach.

"The room the three of us just shared was at the end of the corridor. Scarlet Ninja, it's time to send the tornado back, otherwise she can make trouble here all night."

The zombie man said as he looked at Tatsumaki who kept giggling while controlling the chopsticks to float in the air with his super powers.


Ming Jing nodded, and then stood on both sides of the tornado with the zombie man.

"Qiudou, what are you doing?! Huh? Why am I flying without using my superpowers?"

Tatsumaki said in a daze, and then he realized that he was being picked up by Ming Jing and the zombie man.

Because both of them were much taller than her, her feet were floating off the ground.

Halfway through, the confused Tatsumaki realized something!

she! Tatsumaki, a young girl in her prime, fell into a male-dominated situation in the middle of the night!

"What are you going to do!"

Tatsumaki panicked and used his super power to break away, floating in the air and shouting.

"Of course I'll take you to your room."

The zombie man had a matter-of-fact expression on his face.

"Go to my room? What do you want to do!"

"Let you sleep."

Ming Jing spread his hands and said.

Tatsumaki protected his chest with his hands and looked at the two of them as if he was a pervert.

"Uh...you misunderstood, I'm not interested in children."

The zombie man said with a pulled face and a speechless expression.

"Anyway, I'll send you back to your room first. Going to bed early and getting up early will help your body grow taller."

Ming Jing covered his face and said.

"Damn! Look down on me again! I'm obviously not any younger than you!"

Tornado bared his teeth and claws.

"Uh... I'm going to take the liberty to ask, Tatsumaki, this year you..."

The zombie man asked sarcastically.

Tatsumaki just snorted, looked at him with contempt, and said:

"Don't you know it's very presumptuous to ask a beautiful girl her age?"

"I know this. I remember writing it down when I was reading the Hero Illustrated Book. If you calculate it this way, you, Tatsumaki, will be twenty-eight this year. Having said that, you don't look like you are twenty-eight at all. "

Ming Jing dragged his chin and said seriously.

"It turns out he's already twenty-eight, not much younger than me."

A look of understanding appeared on the zombie man's face.

"You two bastards... I'm going to kill you!!!"

"I will die first to respect you."

The zombie man decisively took out a machete, wiped it on his neck on the spot, and fell to the ground.


Don't think I can't see that your heart hasn't even stopped beating.

However, the zombie man just lay down on the ground and fell asleep on the spot. His ability to fall asleep was extremely powerful.

"If you want to fight, go outside. Otherwise, there will be too much noise and everyone will be woken up."

Ming Jing said helplessly.

What kind of problem children are they?

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