Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 286 Three top fighters

Chapter 288 Three top combatants

A group of S-class heroes stood in the huge golden Susanoo, and were led by the mirror to fly towards the spaceship in the sky.


Tatsumaki was still angry. He didn't stay in Susanoo with everyone, but relied on his super power to send himself into the sky.

"Scarlet Ninja, be careful. The turrets on the spaceship have begun to turn. They have probably locked onto us and are ready to attack!"

The Child Emperor licked the lollipop and said to the mirror.

"I see."

Ming Jing nodded and replied, controlling Susanoo to raise the Sun Mirror.

"call out--"

"call out--"

"call out--"

The fort in the sky launched a volley of fire.

The tornado flying behind Susanoo raised his mind and was ready to take action to protect everyone in front.

"Yasaka no Magatama!"

Golden Magatama shot out one after another, colliding with the missiles in the sky, exploding into fireworks.

"You have some skills."

Tatsumaki pouted his little mouth and waved his little hand. The remaining missiles in the sky stopped immediately, then changed their direction and shot back to their original position.

"How about it, Child Emperor, have you found the entrance to the spaceship?"

Super alloy black light asked the child emperor.

A mechanical arm protruded from the schoolbag behind Tong Emperor, and something like a flashlight protruded from the end of the mechanical arm, emitting rays to scan the front.

"No, not yet, but I'm working on it."

The Child Emperor tapped quickly on a screen with his hands and replied.

"No need to look for it, we just break through the surface of the spacecraft and get in!"

Mirror controlled Susanoo to land on the surface of the spacecraft and said.

Susanoo was hundreds of meters tall, but it was pitifully small compared to this spaceship.

The cross-sectional area of ​​this spacecraft is comparable to that of a large city. It is full of oppression when it is parked in the sky.

"The Breath of the Sun·The Pattern of Picking Up·The Radiant Grace!"


A spiral of flaming sword energy enveloped Genos's incendiary cannon and bombarded the surface of the spacecraft, leaving a large hole with wires and sparks on the edge.

"This should be some kind of unknown alloy, which contains various metal elements. My comparison in the database did not find any element on earth that can match it."

The Child Emperor took out the scanner and scanned the entrance of the cave.

"It doesn't matter if it's metal or not, if you're scared, just say, I'll get in first!"

The tornado took the lead, using telekinesis to expand the hole, and then quickly floated forward.

"The enemy's strength is unknown. I propose joint action."

The child emperor took out a new lollipop, licked it to strengthen his courage and said.

"I agree."

King was the first to speak.

He wished they could act together, otherwise he would have to send it to any weirdo he met.

"Then let me take the lead! My muscles have been tempered over time and are strong enough to withstand all attacks. With me in front, none of you will be harmed!"

Super Alloy Black Light put on a classic fitness pose and said.

"Yes, my suggestion is that King, who is the most powerful among us, will be responsible for guarding the back road to avoid attacks. Flash and Scarlet Ninja, the two fastest ones, are separated at the front and rear ends, and can provide support at the first time at any time. The remaining How about the people below and me sit in the middle to provide support?”

The Child Emperor said as he boarded the mecha that the backpack behind him turned into.

In the spacecraft monitoring room, a large blue octopus with a blue body and multiple tentacles was looking at the monitoring on the screen with a panicked expression.

"This bald head is so ridiculously strong! And that green-haired female creature, it feels like my telekinesis is about to catch up with me! And the team behind, how can it be so strong!"

Goryu Ganshupu stretched out two tentacles and hugged his head with a look of panic on his face.

"Hey! Meruza Garudo, what are you doing? Why have so many people invaded the spacecraft?"

Goryuganshup shouted into a communication device.

"The enemy is very strong and they are fighting."

The voice of Meruza Garudo, the dragon-level monster on the ground who was fighting four S-level heroes, came back through the communication device.

Ge Liugan Xiupu looked embarrassed.

Judging from the performance of the people who boarded the spacecraft, it is estimated that the strength of this planet is indeed very powerful, and it is possible that Meruza Garudo is trapped below.

He, Meruza Garudo, and a combatant named Gloribas were the three highest combatants on the ship, second only to Boros in strength.

Each one of them has at least mid-to-upper dragon level strength on earth, and Goliuganshupu is known as the number one telekinesis master in the universe.




Alarms sounded one after another on the spacecraft.

"Warn intruders, warn intruders! Please stop destroying immediately and leave this spacecraft! Warning, leave this spacecraft, otherwise we will dispatch the most senior combatants to destroy you!"

Saitama stood at the intersection and touched his shiny head.

Supreme combatant?

That should be awesome, right?

At this moment, Saitama heard a familiar voice coming from a passage.

"What! This is so scary! What supreme combatant, you come here to find me!"

Tatsumaki casually crushed a group of weirdos with his telekinesis, stood at the entrance of the passage and shouted around.

"Eh? Are you the kid who ranks second in S-class?"

Saitama dragged his chin and looked at Tatsumaki curiously.

"Who is the child and who is the child! I am twenty-eight years old this year, who do you think is the child! You are just a B-level guy, how did you end up on this ship?"

Tatsumaki crossed his arms and looked up and down at the stunned Saitama in front of him.

"Uh... Okay, but there are two roads ahead. How do you plan to go?"

Saitama decided not to worry about the child, so he changed the topic.

"Hmph! You're finally scared. Do you want to go with me? I plan to go find the boss here. I don't have the energy to distract you to protect you. Forget it, you go to the road behind me and then go left and then right. You should If you meet someone else going in the other direction, I won’t accompany you!”

Tatsumaki flicked his little head, picked a direction at random, and flew over in a floating direction.

Seeing this, Saitama had no choice but to walk in the remaining direction.

"What! You didn't take my words seriously at all!"

Goryu Ganshupu slapped the table angrily.

"But it's just right! Let Glolibas take the elite combatants to deal with those people first, and then I will kill the green-haired female creature. By then, Meluza Garudo may also have killed the ones on the ground. Those enemies, when the time comes, our three top combatants will join forces to deal with the guy with the flesh-colored armor on his head, and you can’t tell the shade!”

Goryu Ganshipu believes that there is not much in this universe that can stop their three top combatants from joining forces.

if so……

Goryu Ganshipu looked at the monitor at the top.

In the picture, Boros was wearing heavy armor, standing in the throne in the spaceship hall, waiting quietly.

He firmly believes that if someone can break through all the obstacles and come to him, it should be the old enemy he has been looking for for twenty years who can be evenly matched with him!

"Teacher Mingjing! A large number of life reactions have been detected ahead!"

Genos, who was standing behind Ming Jing, suddenly stopped and said.

"Scarlet Ninja, and Genos-san, if an enemy appears, let me take the lead! I will definitely guard you, because no one can break my strength, which is stronger than steel. flesh!"

Hearing this, Super Alloy Black Light showed off his exaggerated biceps and shook his chest muscles.

"The enemy is already here, and not only from the front, there are people surrounding us from every direction."

Ming Jing looked up and looked around and said.

With his sense of sight, he could already feel the auras coming from all around.

The strongest one should not be considered weak even in the dragon level.

Among the remaining ones, one or two may barely be considered dragon-level, while most of the rest are at the ghost-level and tiger-level levels.

"Eh? Wait, where is the king?"

The child emperor who followed suddenly shouted, and then looked at Flash Flash.

He is the person closest to the king.

"He said he wanted to find a place where he could go for a while. Otherwise, he would only be able to use half of his strength if he was holding back his urine. As a result, he would not be seen after he went to go."

Flash held the sword and said speechlessly.

"Well, I thought I could get a glimpse of the strongest man on the planet in this battle, but with the king's strength, there is no problem even if he doesn't team up with us. The most important thing now is to deal with these enemies in front of us! "

In the mecha, Emperor Tong looked at the pile of red dots displayed on the radar and said with a serious expression.


At this moment, metal doors opened one after another on the surrounding walls, revealing groups of aliens.

"I am the top combatant of the Dark Thief Ship, Gloribas! Intruders, prepare to capture them without mercy!"

In the center of the gate directly in front, a monster with a height of eight or nine meters and three heads roared towards Ming Jing and his group in front.

As the strongest man on earth, King is now in a panic.

"Those people...were they walking so fast? They are lost now and are finished."

King looked at the scenery around him that he didn't recognize at all, and fell into panic.

At the beginning, as the person who breaks the rear, he does not need to enter the battle at the beginning, which is the safest.

The enemies encountered along the way were all pushed past by the super alloy black light, and it was not the King's turn to take action.

It's just that the spaceship was too big, and King felt his feet were a little sore after walking in it for a long time. He wanted to use the toilet as an excuse to take a short rest before catching up. However, other heroes' tutorials were too fast, so King couldn't follow and got lost.

So now, King is left alone.

Without any S-class heroes around him, the strongest man on the surface could be said to be panicking.

"What should I do? I'm nervous, and I really want to go to the toilet now. This spaceship is so big, and where is the toilet? I can't just urinate here. In that case, wouldn't it be very dangerous to be discovered? Awkward?"

The king was caught in a dilemma.

And on the other side.

"Na, Nani! How come this guy's defense is so strong! My invincible claws that can break steel can't break the surface defense of this black creature!"

A tall weirdo who looked a bit like a lobster was scraping against the super alloy black light with difficulty.

"Hmph! How can a mere piece of steel compare to my hard-tempered body!"

The super alloy black light stood still, with his hands on his hips, looking at the lobster monster attacking him, and then punched it out, smashing it to pieces.

"Damn, this guy is a bit tricky! Let's work together to hold him down first, and wait until the top Glolibas has eliminated the enemy, and then let him handle it!"

A relatively strong weirdo who barely touched the edge of the Dragon Level was immediately frightened and swarmed forward with the surrounding combatants.

In other directions, Flash Flash, Zombie Man, Pig God, Child Emperor, Drive Knight and Genos are fighting against a group of elite combatants on the spaceship.

The members on this spaceship have been fighting with Boros for many years, and their strength is actually not bad.

There is not much representation in the original work, because Saitama is running around in the spaceship alone, and he kills most of the elite members of the dark pirate ship who were sent to intercept the enemy.

In fact, the overall strength of these people is quite strong, and many of them are enough to cause ghost-level or even dragon-level disasters on the earth.

"Dark Matter Attack!"

"Acid attack!"

"Double Breath of Fire Sulfuric Acid!"

"Meteor Punch!"

Gloribas screamed loudly and fought fiercely with Ming Jing.

"You're quite powerful! You actually blocked a dozen of my special moves! It seems that the natives of your planet are quite capable!"

Gloribas, who had three heads, had lost one of his heads at this time, but he was rapidly repairing and growing.

"You guy...you have to call out the name of a move before you even make a move. Do you think that every move you know is a special move?"

Ming Jing complained speechlessly to the three-headed monster in front of him.

"Wrong! It should be said that every move of me, Lord Glolibas, is a sure-kill move! Lord Boros said that there are people on this planet who can fight him. The strongest among these people is you. Prophecy The one who got hit must be you! You actually blocked my special move perfectly!"

Gloribas gasped, looked at the mirror and shouted.

"Well... the person in the prophecy should be someone else."

Mirror asked himself, there was no way he could take an attack like Boros's that destroyed the surface of the earth with one blow.

That kind of fighting power is definitely at the level of the Sixth Level, and it is probably relatively strong among the Sixth Level.

However, for Boros, turning on that state and using such a move will also greatly reduce his lifespan, and he will not use it easily.

Ordinary opponents are not qualified to let him use this move, and it is estimated that these crew members may not have seen it.

"Stop lying! I saw the form of the energy giant you turned into before! But if you want to face Lord Boros, you need to prove yourself to me, Gloribas!

Next, I will also use my final form! Take a good look! "

Glolibas's body muscles rapidly expanded and exploded, emitting a dazzling blue-black light. His body also expanded rapidly, and broke through the ceiling, and finally transformed into a tower hundreds of meters tall, almost as tall as a complete body. Zuo's big guy.

"This guy really has something."

Ming Jing frowned slightly and had no choice but to activate the full Susanoo body as well.

In the original work, when this guy just showed up, he only had time to introduce himself before he was punched by Saitama. He had no chance to show off his strength. Now that he meets Ming Jing, he has the chance to show it off.

"Every time I use this form, it will destroy the structure of the spacecraft due to its excessive size. But now the spacecraft has been destroyed by a full 30% by your people, and that's not bad at all!"

The sound of Glolibas' urn sounded, and Mirror's Susanoo rushed towards him with a ten-fist sword in his hand.

"Look at my ultimate invincible supernova explosion!"

"Breath of the Sun·Fifteenth Sword Form!"

There was a sound like a landslide and rocks cracking. King, who was more than a thousand meters away, was so frightened that he shook his body and hurriedly lifted up his pants.

"What happened? Fortunately, I didn't pee on my pants!"

King tied up his belt and was about to leave the corner when he heard voices coming from all around.

"Who is excreting here casually? I don't know that low-level combatants like us have a hard time cleaning the house! Damn it! My nose is too sensitive to smell. It feels so uncomfortable!"

"that is!"

"It can't be those outsiders! Or is it those senior combatants?"

"That shouldn't be the case. Those outsiders are very powerful, but now the senior combatants have rushed over. They should all be there, right?"

"It's also possible that Glolibas's full-strength attack was too loud and someone peed their pants."

"You bastard, you pissed your pants!"

"Eh? I didn't tell you, why are you anxious?"

"Okay, okay, the battle between those outsiders and Master Glolibas will be too loud, and it will affect us. It's better to escape quickly!"

A series of words frightened the king and stopped him in place.

This means there are a lot of weirdos ahead...

Well, there are indeed many.

King was panicking in his heart and his heart beat faster, but he still looked calmly at the large group of weirdos squeezing out in front of him.

"Outside, outsider!"

A fat pink weirdo was startled and pointed at the king in front of him.

"Dong dong——"

"Dong dong——"

"Dong dong——"

The king's heartbeat quickened again and he started the imperial engine.

"Okay, what a compelling voice!"

A tentacled monster was so frightened that his pants became wet.

The long-nosed weirdo standing next to him had just activated his ability to search for nearby smells to see if there were any foreign accomplices. When he was stimulated by the colleague who was scared to pee next to him, he was immediately fainted by the smell and fell to the ground!

"How scary! This man looks so fierce! He actually scared a low-level combatant to death with just one look!"

A green-skinned monster said tremblingly.

The king didn't speak, he just looked at the weird people in front of him with a stern face and a pair of tiger eyes.

He was also afraid in his heart, and so were those low-level combatants.

The entire spaceship is as big as a large city. Those higher-level combatants are responsible for fighting. Although these low-level combatants are also combatants, they are just waving flags and cheering. They are usually responsible for the internal cleaning of the spacecraft, hull maintenance, etc. A series of chores, not very strong.

"Don't be afraid! Well, no matter how scary that guy is, he's just a person. We have hundreds of combatants here. How can we be afraid of him if we swarm him!"

The tentacled monster who peed his pants couldn't help shouting.

A group of low-level combatants seemed to be affected by his words and were somewhat ready to take action.

At this moment, the ceiling suddenly collapsed, and a huge golden foot stepped down, trampling hundreds of low-level combatants to death, and then lifted it up and stepped forward.

Including that weirdo with tentacles.


A low-level combatant swallowed and looked through the large hole in the ceiling at the god-like golden Susan fighting with the gigantic Gloribas in the distance.

"Are these outsiders...all so strong?"

The green-skinned monster muttered to himself.

"Maybe this guy isn't that strong?"

Suddenly there was a voice from the crowd.

But no one dared to gamble.

King was silent for a while, then suddenly said:

"Actually... in our place, the person you just saw and I are rated at the same level, but my ranking will be a little higher..."


The green-skinned monster decisively put down his weapon and knelt on the ground!

"Spare my life! I don't want to die yet!"

"Hey, hey! You are too spineless!"

"But I don't want to die..."

"This guy hasn't even started yet!"

"It was because he didn't take action that I surrendered. They must have needed prisoners to torture the intelligence. I was afraid that it would be too late to surrender..."

Before the green-skinned monster finished speaking, these low-level combatants fell to their knees.

"Sorry! Sir! You don't need to be the prisoner! We will tie ourselves up ourselves!"

king:...? ? ?

In the monitoring room.

Tatsumaki almost fainted on the spot, holding on to the wall to barely prevent himself from falling.

Not far away, a blue octopus tentacle monster had a big hole in its head, and blue liquid flowed out, making no sound.

The ceiling had already been blown away in the duel between the two of them, and the floor on the ground had collapsed due to Goryu Ganshupu's telekinesis moves.

"Such a strong guy is actually not the boss of this ship. I don't know if he can win now."

Tatsumaki braced himself and sat down in front of the monitor screen.

In the screen, Super Alloy Black Light, Flash Flash, Pig God and others have now finished dealing with a group of senior combatants and are rushing forward.

In another surveillance screen, the perfect golden Susanoo cut off the last head of the giant Glolibas with a sword.

"According to what the big octopus just said, he, the monster on the ground, and the one fighting the Scarlet Ninja should be the strongest ones on this ship besides their leader. Next, it should be up to the Scarlet Ninja and the others. Can you continue walking?"

Tatsumaki held on to the monitoring table and planned to get up and go to help.

Although the battle with the telekinetic octopus had almost reached her limit, Tatsumaki felt that without her, she would probably be dead.

The scarlet ninja is very strong, but the enemy leader can suppress a strong person like three telekinetic octopuses, so his strength is estimated to be terrifying.

Tatsumaki believes that only by gathering the power of her and the Scarlet Ninja, and cooperating with other S-class heroes, may there be a chance of victory.

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