Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 287 The powerful Boros!

Chapter 289 The Powerful Boros!

Below, City A.

Unlicensed Knight, Lightning Max, Stinger, and other heroes quickly gathered and cooperated with the Hero Association to carry out rescue work in City A, which was already in ruins.

"What is the situation now?"

Xiqi calmed down and asked a young cadre with stubble on his chin.

"Silver Fang, Atomic Samurai, Metal Bat and Sexy Prisoner are still fighting a powerful monster with strong regenerative ability under the spaceship. Iai Gang had one arm destroyed when he participated in the battle before. According to him, Atomic Samurai has found the enemy's weakness and the situation is improving."

"What about the one in the sky?"

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"Tornado has used his superpowers to destroy the muzzle of the spaceship, and Scarlet Ninja has also used his ability to bring most of the remaining S-class heroes up there. According to the news sent back by Child Emperor, they are fighting a large number of powerful monsters, but the enemy is very strong. Tornado is now exhausted, and Scarlet Ninja has just experienced a hard battle and defeated two high-level combat forces on the ship."

The bearded man took out the tablet, and the screen showed a picture taken in the distance.

The pattern shows the scene of the huge complete Susanoo fighting the giant Gloribas.

"So what chance do we have of winning now?"

Siki said in a deep voice.

Judging from the enemy's ability to destroy the entire city of A in an instant, if this team of S-class heroes cannot eliminate the enemy, then the subsequent situation may indeed be as the great prophet Xibabawa said - the earth is doomed!

"Child Emperor said he is still uncertain, because according to the news they learned from the enemy, there is another extremely powerful creature on this spaceship, but the Scarlet Ninja does seem to be very confident."

The bearded man replied.

Xiqi's face still had a worried expression.

He didn't know where the Scarlet Ninja's confidence came from.



Mingjing's confidence, of course, came from a bald devil.

"It's really hard to deal with."

Mingjing exhaled a long breath and sealed Gloribas's huge body with the Ten Fist Sword, waiting for Bruce to slowly refine it in the future.

"Next, it's Boros. Saitama, hasn't he made a move yet?"

Mingjing frowned slightly and looked in a certain direction on the ship.

His observation Haki told him that there was an extremely powerful and unfathomable breath there.

But now, this breath is moving towards me.

Oops, I said too much when I was talking to Child Emperor just now.

The heavy sound of metal collision came slowly with the oppressive footsteps. In front of him, a one-eyed blue-skinned alien wearing orange armor appeared in Mingjing's sight.

"The breath on your body is sharp and calm. Every move reveals your sharp vigilance after hundreds of battles. You can deal with the giant Gloribas. You should be the strongest creature on this planet. That's great."

Boros's tone revealed scrutiny and expectation.

"I have fought in space for many years, dominated the universe, and it is difficult to find an opponent. Until 20 years ago, a famous prophet in the universe told me that there are strong people on this planet who are as strong as me. I came here. So, the person I am looking forward to, will it be you?"

"Uh... It shouldn't be. There are still people stronger than me on this planet."

Boros was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Gloribas can become the top fighter on his ship, which means that his strength is also a master in the entire universe. There is no creature on the general life planet that can be compared with the top fighter.

Even if it is stronger, it may be equal. If there is someone who can defeat Gloribas, he is definitely a strong man in the universe.

But it is not so easy to kill Gloribas, and if it is that kind of strong man, Boros would have beaten him to the door long ago, trying to see if he can become his opponent.

Boros has a general understanding of what happened on the spacecraft.

Although the four people on the ground can defeat another top fighter, Meruza Garudo, it took them so long to defeat him, which means that although there are strong people, there should be no one who can become his opponent.

There is also a top fighter, Goryuganshup, who is the top telekinesis master in the universe, but was defeated by a green-haired female creature with the same ability.

The fact that the opponent could defeat Goryuganshup by himself was enough to show that he was a top-notch warrior, but he was obviously not in a very good condition after the fight.

In the past, Boros might have let him recover and give him a chance to challenge himself, but now he was able to defeat Gloribas in a relatively intact state.

This was enough to show how strong the opponent was.

But the opponent actually said that there were people stronger than him on this planet?

"Really? A seemingly ordinary life planet actually has so many strong people. Now, I am even more excited. Does that mean that as long as I defeat you, I can bring out the strongest person on your planet!"

Boros said excitedly.

Mirror: (,, # Д)! ! !

"Well, how about I make a phone call to contact..."

"Stop talking nonsense, watch me!"

Boros couldn't wait and punched him.

Fortunately, Ming Jing foresaw what was going to happen one second in advance. The hand that was originally going to take the phone suddenly changed its position and was filled with armed domineering energy, which stirred up lightning and punched it back.

Armed color domineering + thunder escape chakra mode + strange power!

The dull shock wave exploded, and Ming Jing took a dozen steps back, but Boros did not take a step back, but instead rushed over.


Ming Jing cursed secretly, holding the Tail Feather of Heaven in hand to greet him.

In an instant, two streams of light kept shuttling around the spacecraft, destroying countless buildings every time they collided.

"What happened!"

Feeling the roar from outside, Genos blasted open the top of the spacecraft and walked to the deck.

"That is……"

Genos used a pair of upgraded electronic eyes to barely capture the two moving trajectories in the air.

"It's Teacher Ming Jing! Who is the enemy he is fighting?!"

Genos pays for himself. Compared with when he first met the two teachers, his strength has improved to a certain extent, but against these two people...

"Their speed is faster than mine."

Flash Flash stood beside Genos with a solemn expression and said.

The Venerable Master in the vest remained silent, feeling that he might not be able to withstand the attacks of these two men.

"The chance of the energy level erupting on their bodies exceeds every previous dragon-level disaster, and the data shows that there are more hidden energies in the enemy's bodies that have not yet exploded."

The Child Emperor was sitting in the mecha, tapping the keyboard with both hands quickly.

"Can the Scarlet Ninja hold on?"

Zombie Man asked as he loaded his pistol.

His frontal combat ability is not very strong. What is strong is his terrifying self-healing ability. He can drag to death enemies at the level of Asura One-Horned Immortal one after another. To give a specific analogy, it seems that there is no Adamantium alloy, but he has self-healing ability. A more capable Wolverine.

"have no idea."

The Child Emperor shook his head and said.

"It doesn't matter! I can definitely help! Because no matter how strong the enemy is, they will never be able to break the defense of my super strong muscles!"

Super Alloy Black Light stood on the spot and said to Poss.

"Hmph! I just said that without me, you can't do anything!"

The tornado slowly landed from mid-air to everyone, with an arrogant expression on his face.

She had just rested for a while, and she was still capable of fighting in a short period of time.

"Very good, with the tornado here, we can formulate a plan and cooperate with the scarlet ninja to try to defeat the enemy!"

The Child Emperor said excitedly.

Genos looked at the battle in the distance and the people discussing, and fell into thinking.

The strongest of the enemies has appeared, but where is Saitama-sensei?


Ming Jing was punched into the building and felt sore all over.

Ever since he opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, he has seldom suffered this kind of sin again.

"Very good, I can't even kill you like this. I'm really looking forward to you being the strongest person on this planet. Tell me your name. You are qualified to make me take it seriously."

Boros's oppressive figure slowly walked towards the mirror.

The sound of metal falling to the ground sounded, and Boros took off his armor as he walked.

"I am your mother!"

Ming Jing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and cursed.

Why hasn't Saitama come yet?

If this continues, he will have to use the power of the heavenly hand + the reincarnation watch to run away.

"Very good, your mother, I remember your name."

Poros nodded.

SPIEGEL:? ? ? ?

Did you misunderstand something?

This is a curse word, not a name!

Poros continued:

"This armor is used to seal my overly powerful power to prevent it from causing too much impact in my daily life. Now, your mother, you are qualified to see me in this form!"

Boros's blue body gradually turned into dark blue, and stripes lit up, and his body was blooming with pink energy.

Along with its powerful momentum to break the seal, the ground beneath his feet exploded into countless rubbles at this moment.

"Next, let's end the battle!"

Poros clenched his fist and punched the mirror.

"It's now!"

In the distance, Lord Vest saw the opportunity, his arm muscles bulged, and he threw the super alloy black light towards Boros.

The super alloy black light made a movement like Ultraman flying, and met Boros' fist.


Super Alloy Black Light's body was instantly smashed into the ground of the spacecraft.

"Pencil missile!"

Small pencil-like missiles were shot from the pencil case barrel on the Child Emperor's Fearless Titan mecha, shrouding Boros.

"A senseless attack."

Smoke and dust were billowing, and Boros felt that the injury had only broken a layer of skin on his body, but he didn't care.

He could recover from this injury in just one breath.

"Where are you looking!"

Flash Flash's figure sneaked up behind Boros at some point.

"Flash Slash!"

The bright sword light was like a flash of light, slashing towards Boros' head.

"The speed is good."

Boros stretched out his hand and pinched Flash Flash's tachi between his two fingers. He paused with his hand and immediately crushed the tachi in half.

Flash Flash retreated violently, clutching his chest.

The half-broken blade was stuck in his chest.

"It was so dangerous... If I hadn't hid in time, I might have been stabbed in the heart!"

Flash Flash had cold sweat on his forehead, and his eyes were fixed on the battle ahead.

At this time, the super alloy black light had emerged from the ground, and with a super alloy rocket launcher, it hit Boros's stomach and knocked him into the air.

"You have good defense. You can actually block my punch without getting hurt. It seems you are worth taking seriously."

After receiving a full blow from the super alloy black light, Boros still commented in a mood.

Super Alloy Black Light's little eyes widened.

Because he saw that the wounds he had finally left on Boros with his full blow healed in an instant.

"What are you serious about? Stop looking down on others!"

Tatsumaki roared angrily, and used his super power to fix Boros' body in the sky, and kept crushing Boros with the gravity moves he had just learned in actual combat.

"Using telekinesis to affect gravity, is it Goliuganshupu's move?"

Boros couldn't help but glance at Tornado.

"Scarlet Ninja, what are you waiting for! This guy's energy is too strong, I can't suppress it!"

Tatsumaki blushed and said holding his breath.

"What did you think I was doing just now?"

Ming Jing replied.

He was just absorbing spiritual energy, or natural energy.

If he hadn't upgraded his Immortal Mode to Immortal Cultivation, which made him stronger again, he might have been killed by Boros just now.

But even so, the magical chakra stored in Mingjing's Dantian is said to be exhausted.

The pressure Boros brought to him was too great.

It was only now that the celestial chakra in Ming Jing's body had recovered to a certain extent.

The huge complete Susanoo appeared again, and in mid-air, the huge black flame dragon hovered and roared above the Juken Sword, and then rushed towards Boros below.

"Breath of the Sun·Nineteenth Sword Form·Amaterasu Dragon Dance!"

A pillar of black flame appeared that penetrated the sky and the earth. Even with the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Ming Jing felt that his power was a little weak and he needed to rest for a while to recover.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan does not represent a steady stream of pupil power, but a pupil power that has the same regenerative ability as other ordinary chakras. It is just that the quantity is larger and the quality is higher than that of the Mangekyō Sharingan. Generally speaking, it will not Use it to the point where you need to rest.

Even Sasuke, who had the Samsara Eye during the Boruto period, would fall into a state of kidney deficiency where his pupils were weak.

The situation in front of me is naturally not an ordinary situation.

The complete Susanoo coupled with such a large-scale Amaterasu Ryūmai is a big burden even for the current Ming Jing.

"Excuse me, have you eliminated the enemy?"

Flash Flash was supported by the Venerable Vest, and he staggered up and looked at the huge black pillar of flame in front of him.

The middle part of the spaceship of the entire Dark Thieves Group has now been penetrated by the black flame pillar and penetrated deep into the ground.

"Probably, no one can survive such a powerful attack."

Venerable Vest said uncertainly.

"No, my radar sensor tells me that the energy level below is still rising!"

The driver knight said in a horrified tone.


A terrifying pink energy shock wave emerged, knocking everyone around away.

Boros, whose whole body turned pink and entered his third form, rushed out of the ground and frowned as he looked at the black flames burning on his body.

"Even if I overload and activate this form that will lead to a sharp reduction in lifespan, can't I extinguish this flame?"

Boros felt the pain caused by the burning of the Amaterasu Black Flame on his body, clenched his fists and said silently.

"How could...there be such a powerful enemy!"

Flash Flash glanced at the unconscious Venerable Vest next to him, and finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground as well.

At this time, even the powerful Tatsumaki couldn't help but fall into a coma.

The moment Boros rushed out, she protected everyone with her telekinesis, but her telekinesis was still shattered by Boros' powerful energy shock wave, causing her brain to trigger the protective mechanism and fall into a coma.

There are only two people left standing in the field now.

Uchiha Mirror, and Super Alloy Black Light.

Both are physically extremely powerful people, and the physical defense ability of Super Alloy Black Light is enough to rank first among the S-class of the Hero Association.

The pink skin and outer layer of flesh and blood on Boros' body quickly detached, causing the Amaterasu Black Flame to escape from the body, and then grew back in the blink of an eye.

"You are really amazing for being able to force me into this form. To be honest, even if there is no master on your planet who can fight me, my trip is not in vain! Next, I will defeat the rest. You, then face the strongest existence on your planet!"

Boros stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, his one eye revealing a surging fighting spirit.


Super Alloy Black Light was a little frightened, but feeling his strong body, he still puffed up his chest.

"Scarlet Ninja! There are only two of us left! I use my indestructible muscles to block his attack, and you are responsible for using that black flame to cause damage to him! I don't believe that he can still recover!"

Super Alloy Black Light turned his head and shouted at the mirror.

"No, no need."

Ming Jing turned his head and looked at a bald man walking slowly.

"The person who can deal with this guy is here."

After hearing Ming Jing's words, Boros turned his head and looked at Saitama.

The man in front of him looked ordinary, and even had flaws all over his body, but Boros could feel the threat he brought to him.

Even Asura Unicorn can rely on his insect-like intuition to sense Saitama's terror, let alone Boros, whose strength is almost at the level of a god?

"Why did you come now?"

Ming Jing asked Saitama.

"Ah, I got lost on the spaceship before. I was looking for the toilet for a long time. I just noticed the movement here and came here. I took the opportunity to watch you fight for a while."

Saitama scratched his head and said.


"Are you just watching? Don't you know that we were beaten badly by this guy?"

Ming Jing complained silently.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just watched your battle, and suddenly I remembered that when I first became a hero, I seemed to often face such difficult battles like this. As a result, after I lost my hair more than a year and a half ago, I suddenly discovered that there seemed to be an enemy. It can be solved with one punch. I feel like if you continue to fight, there should be some benefits. "

Saitama said seriously.

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Could it be that Saitama sensed something related to the limiter?

"You should be done talking."

Poros walked toward Ming Jing and others.

"Newcomer, you must be a stronger creature on this planet than them! Tell me your name!"

Boros looked at Saitama with anticipation in his eyes and said solemnly.


"Very well, Saitama, please, can you give me a truly hearty battle!"

Boros roared and charged towards Saitama.

Saitama glared with dead eyes and punched Boros randomly with his left hand.


Boros, who had seemed invincible before, was instantly beaten through the spacecraft and smashed into the ground.

Super Alloy Black Light's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Is this level B?

The terrifying and powerful man who could beat more than half of the S-class heroes in the association into coma was actually punched away by this unattractive bald head?

"Ahahahaha! That's it, Saitama! This sense of threat is what counts as fighting!"

Boros jumped back to the spaceship, and his broken left hand quickly squirmed with flesh and grew back.

"Well, you are strong."

It was the first time that Saitama saw a weirdo who could withstand one of his punches and not die, but could still act like a normal person after a few seconds. He seemed a little surprised, and then his expression became more serious.

He hoped that the person in front of him could also bring some pressure to him.

"Next, let me go all out here!"

Boros roared angrily and charged towards Saitama again.

In an instant, the voices of the two turned into streams of light that were almost imperceptible to the naked eye and shuttled through the entire spacecraft. The sound was several times stronger than when Ming Jing fought Boros in the armor state before!

If Boros in the armor state gives Ming Jing a slightly stronger feeling than himself and Samsara Eyespot, then Boros who takes off the armor to release the seal and enters the second state actually has the strength equivalent to Six Paths Naruso, which can be regarded as Entering the edge of the six levels.

Now, Boros, who has entered the third state, is even more terrifying in strength. Even after pushing him to the limit and turning his body into black, he can destroy the surface of the earth with a single blow with all his strength.

Even the few moves he has now fought with Saitama have further severely damaged this spaceship that is almost comparable to a large city.

If this battle were moved to the ground, it would be enough to destroy City A again.

And even in the world of Naruto, Ming Jing didn't know whether the Six Paths Sage had such terrifying strength.

After all, according to legend, the reason why the eastern part of the Ninja World Continent is densely covered with islands seems to be caused by the battle between Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura to seal Kaguya.

But even that would only break half of the ninja world's continent.

Maybe giving them a certain amount of time can destroy the earth's surface, but it will never be like Boros' Roaring Star Cannon, which can directly destroy the surface with one move.

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