Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 285: Boros Arrives

Chapter 287 Boros Arrives

"Liu Shui Rock Breaking Fist!"

In the deep mountain dojo, Banggu put on a posture and showed it in front of everyone.

"How about it, are you interested in giving it a try? With your abilities, you should be able to learn it quickly."

Mr. Banggu put down his posture and asked the crowd with his hands behind his back.

"I thought you had something important to do. It turns out that you are recruiting apprentices. I am not interested. Genos, Mirror, you go ahead."

Saitama said with a bored look on his face.

Whether he knows martial arts or not is meaningless to Saitama.


"I don't need it anymore. What I need is more power and more ferocious firepower."

Genos said with a straight face.

"Well, it's not difficult. I've already learned it."

Ming Jing flashed a pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan Eyes and said to Bangu.

"You are not allowed to insult Liu Shui...Eh? What did you say? You have already learned! You must be lying!"

A man wearing a white training robe stood up with a look of horror on his face.

The last time I saw someone who could learn other people's moves after just one look was Hungry Wolf.

Bang Gu was also surprised and wanted to pull off his beard.

"How about giving it a try?"

Seeing the disbelief on their faces, Ming Jing asked tentatively.


Bang Gu said with a serious face, making hook-like gestures with his hands.

Ming Jing was not humble and made the same starting gesture, and then moved his hands like running water, directly in front of Banggu.

Bang Gu was shocked.

An expert will know if there is any as soon as he makes a move. Ming Jing's move is a routine he just showed. It's called Finger Insertion, which specializes in attacking the enemy's weak points.

And what Ming Jing used was somewhat different from the Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist practiced by Bang Gu himself. Although the moves were the same, the moves had a strong style of Uchiha Ming Jing's own style, which was swift and agile without losing the sense of power. The two words elegance and violence are perfectly blended together.

"This... this, this is the Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist? Can you still use it like this? So... so powerful."

Charanzi looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the center of the gym, and her mouth grew wide.

"Both of them are strong men who have experienced hundreds of battles. Even though they have put away most of their strength at this time, it can still be seen that their fighting awareness is sharp."

Genos said calmly with his yellow electronic eyes shining.

He originally thought it was useless, but since Mr. Ming Jing seemed a little interested, he might as well record the scene and go back to figure it out.

"Most of the strength..."

Charanzi looked at the cracked ground and swallowed.

He seemed to remember that this scarlet ninja seemed to be able to summon a giant several hundred meters tall, right?

Wouldn't it be possible to chop down the mountain where this Taoist temple is located?

After a fight, Mr. Banggu took the initiative to stop.

He was now very sure that the person in front of him had indeed learned the Flowing Water Shattering Fist after watching him demonstrate it once.

Although the Flowing Water Shattering Fist is more than just these, the most essential meaning of the fist is already contained in it. Uchiha Mingjing can use these moves after just one look, and he can roughly understand the essence of the boxing technique after a few actual combats.

Later on, he no longer sticks to any specific moves in his fists and kicks, but when he strikes, he uses every opportunity and every opportunity to penetrate like running water.

"For someone like you, even my former disciple Hungry Wolf can't compare to your qualifications in martial arts."

Bang Gu clasped his hands behind his back and couldn't help but admired.

"The Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist is indeed extraordinary, but this floor..."

Ming Jing looked at the floor that was cracked due to the fighting between the two sides with some embarrassment.

"Charanzi, after the guests leave, you will be responsible for repairing it."

"Yes, master."

Chalanzi said with a bitter expression.

Bang Gu opened his mouth, but the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say them.

He really wanted to recruit apprentices, especially the three people in front of him. Each one was stronger than the other. Even the worst Genos was at the level of an S-class hero. He didn't have to worry about being attacked by hungry wolves.

According to Banggu's estimation, and based on Hungry Wolf's progress, he is now estimated to be barely able to fight against the lower-ranked S-class heroes, so there is no need to worry.

But the problem is that he wants to drag these three people to the dojo, but most of them don't really think highly of him...

But it happened that Uchiha Mingjing learned the Flowing Water Breaking Fist...

"Mr. Banggu, I don't see many disciples in the dojo, and I haven't seen any publicity. Why don't you let me take the lead and promote it on some TV programs? In addition, I will pay more attention to the news about the hungry wolf."

Ming Jing also thought that he had learned other people's skills and had to make some repayment.

"TV show?"

Bang Gu touched his beard, thought for a while, and nodded.

"If there is any news about Hungry Wolf, I hope you can tell me that as his master, there are some things that I still have to resolve with my own hands."

Bang Gu sighed.

Suddenly, the door to the gym was opened.

A staff member of the Heroes Association fell to the ground exhausted and shouted breathlessly:

"Your Excellency Silver Fang! I am sent from the association headquarters! There is something important to do, so all the S-class heroes must be gathered together! There are also Scarlet Ninja and Devil Cyborg, please leave as soon as possible!"



City A, headquarters of the Heroes Association.

"Ding dong~"

The elevator door opened, and Ming Jing, Saitama, Genos and Bangu walked out side by side.

In the passage ahead, a tall middle-aged man with a piece of grass in his mouth and his hair combed into a messy high ponytail was walking on the road holding a sword.

"It's Silver Fang, long time no see."

Atomic Samurai greeted Bangu.

"Long time no see, Atomic Samurai."

Bang Gu responded with a smile.

"Well, there's also the Devil Cyborg and the Scarlet Ninja, and this... unfamiliar face?"

The Atomic Samurai looked at Saitama curiously.

"This is Saitama. He has extraordinary strength and will become an S-class hero sooner or later."

Banggu explained.

"Hello, uncle."

Saitama held out his hand to the Atomic Samurai.

"I'm only thirty-seven years old, not old enough to be called an uncle."

Atomic Samurai didn't shake Saitama's hand.

In his opinion, who doesn't know Saitama's true strength, a B-level hero is not worth mentioning.

After all, with just three disciples, he is already second only to Sweetheart Mask among Class A.

"This handshake should wait until you reach S level. Scarlet Ninja, I heard that you are also a good swordsman. If you have time, we can learn from each other. By the way, I can introduce you to people from the Sword Saint Association."

The Atomic Warrior held weeds in his mouth and said to the mirror.

"Ah, definitely."

Ming Jing nodded.

Atomic Samurai should be regarded as one of the ceilings of swordsmanship in this world. It is also good for Ming Jing to communicate with this powerful swordsmanship.

"I heard that there are B-class trash fish here? Who brought B-class here? It's too rude to us. I'm not happy! Get out of here!"

A series of curses sounded like a bitch's, and a short legal lolita with green curly hair walked out of the elevator, pointed at Saitama, and kept talking.

"Hey, whose bratty kid is this? He's lost?"

Saitama drew several black lines on his face and pointed at the tornado and asked.

"It's just the second-ranked Tatsumaki in the S class. It is said that he is a superpower."

Genos glanced at Tornado and said.

"What? Just? How can you talk like a tin can? Believe it or not, I will dismantle you into scrap metal... Hey, hey! Don't leave! Are you ignoring me?"

Xiao Tatsumaki was furious and stepped on the floor with his high heels and cursed.

After not walking far, the four members of Ming Jing quickly arrived at the door of the conference room.

There, a blond man with a slender figure and a handsome face that looked like a woman was leaning against the door, looking at the mirror.

"Hey, aunt, we meet again."

Saitama had a stupid smile on his face and greeted Flash Flash.

Flash showed a # symbol on his forehead and roared:

"I told you I'm a boy, a boy! Who are you calling auntie?"

Genos put his mouth next to Ming Jing's ear and whispered:

"Teacher Ming Jing, this guy came to our house to look for you several times before, but you were not at home at the time."

"I see."

Ming Jing nodded slightly and looked at Flash, who was quibbling with Saitama about his gender.

"You are Flash Flash, the thirteenth S-class, right? What do you want from me?"

Flash made an expression as if he didn't care about the fool, looked at the mirror, and said:

"Scarlet Ninja, you are not from a ninja village, but a family ninja that has almost been lost in history."

"My father, my grandfather, all the ancestors in the family have been ninjas for generations. It has been passed down for I don't know how many years."

Ming Jing said truthfully.

Flash Flash looked as if this was indeed the case and said:

"No wonder, apart from the ninja village, it is estimated that only hidden family ninjas like you have the possibility to be passed down. But since you are also a ninja, it means that that guy will find you sooner or later. Maybe in the future, we will have Opportunity to join forces.”

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is this guy talking about people from the ninja village? It seems that there is a ninja king in the ninja village. His strength is unknown and he is said to be very awesome. However, when he was looking for Flash, he met Saitama, so no one knew how awesome this person was.

But after Sonic Sonic and Flash Flash obtained the Ninja King's Ninjutsu Scroll, their strength improved greatly. The latter could even perform two dragon-level monsters in an instant when using special skills.

It can be seen from the side that the strength of this ninja king is probably extraordinary, but he was unlucky to meet Saitama.

Ming Jing wanted to ask again, but at this time Xiqi had already walked to the front of the conference room table and invited all S-class heroes to sit down.

Ming Jing had no choice but to put the matter aside for the time being.

There are now 18 S-class heroes in the Hero Association. The first Blast and the sixth Metal Knight were not present, so there were 8 S-class heroes sitting on both sides. Xiqi stood at the top. Seeing this, Saitama could only sit down. Go to the lower position on the opposite side.

"Can I have a cup of tea?"

Saitama asked blankly, feeling a little thirsty.

The serious atmosphere at the scene was instantly broken.

A robot rolled its wheels and brought Saitama a cup of hot tea.

"So why did you call us here today?"

Banggu asked as he sat in his seat.

"The devil knows."

Tatsumaki was still fuming, crossing his arms and groaning.

"The locations of Explosives and Metal Knight are unknown and cannot be contacted. It won't be a problem to wait any longer. Therefore, an emergency meeting will be held now. I, Xiqi, will explain this meeting to you. Let's get down to business."

"This time I invite you, the most powerful S-class heroes in the world, not for anything else, but to ask you to protect the earth!"

Xiqi said with a sincere expression.

"Hey, what on earth is causing so much trouble? I turned down my sister's piano recital and came here. If it's nothing serious, be careful I smashed the headquarters."

The metal bat crossed his legs on the table and said with an arrogant look.

This person's character is a bit like a rebellious delinquent.

In other words, this seventeen-year-old boy was originally a rebellious delinquent.

"Hmph! How are you going to smash that stick of yours?"

Tatsumaki snorted.

The two just started bickering in front of everyone.

Xiqi sighed helplessly.

He knew it would be like this.

Many of these S-class heroes have great personalities.

But he wouldn't dare to reprimand these S-class heroes.

Because these guys can really demolish the association headquarters.

"Ahem, everyone, listen to me first."

Xiqi coughed twice and said.

However, Tatsumaki was still arguing with the metal bat, and by the way, Flash Flash was also involved.

"The great prophet, Sibbava, is dead."

Xiqi's voice was not loud, but the dispute in the field stopped immediately.

All S-class heroes know the importance of Xibabawa.

Even Ming Jing, a foreigner, has seen it in newspapers.

This person can only predict some of the disasters, but his predictions about the future are never wrong.

Among everyone present, only Saitama was still confused.

"Sucking daddy baby? Who is that?"

The character prisoner who had previously cooperated with Genos in the fight against the Deep Sea King immediately explained to Saitama.

"In the future tense half a year after the language, Lord Xibabawa suddenly looked panicked and had difficulty breathing. As a result, he choked to death while eating a throat lozenge."

An association official standing behind Xiqi came forward and said.

"The problem lies in the last words of Mr. Sibbawa before his death."

Xiqi took out a folded piece of paper from his suit pocket.

"Although Mr. Xibabawa could not speak because his throat was stuck with sugar, he still wrote these words with all his strength."

Xiqi spread out the paper, and there were a few large characters written crookedly on it.

β€”β€”The earth is going to end!

The faces of all the heroes who knew about Xi Babawa changed their expressions. Even the second-in-command, third-in-command and fourth-in-command, Tatsumaki, also had serious expressions.

Except for Mirror, Saitama and Genos.

They know there's no problem Saitama can't solve.

"Even if dragon-level disasters occurred in the past, Master Xibaba never said anything like the end of the world. This shows that this time the disaster level is definitely higher than dragon! Moreover, it will definitely happen within half a year!"

Xiqi slapped the table and said seriously.

"I see."

The police dog man's face was calm and his tone was calm.

"I've finished eating the potato chips. Is there anything else to eat?"

This is the Pig God touching his belly.

"So, do we need to formulate corresponding countermeasures to prepare for this disaster?"

The zombie man leaned on his seat and said in a deep voice.

"Well, in short, please be prepared for a big war within half a year!"

Xiqi lowered his head and pleaded with the S-class heroes.

"Saying it's within half a year actually means it could be tomorrow or today, right? Maybe in the next second?"

Saitama put down his tea cup and raised his hand.

"Who are you……"

Before Xiqi could ask any questions, a roar sounded outside, causing the floor to tremble.

"This building has been attacked?" Genos asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Impossible, this is the headquarters of the association, who would be crazy enough to knock on the door." Super Alloy Black Light touched the bald head that was as shiny as Saitama, and said with a puzzled look on his face.

Ming Jing quickly turned his head and looked in a direction outside the association building.

There were several fast-moving auras there, but the strongest one was only at the ghost level, so there was nothing to fear.

Those were the Sky King and his men who died on the scene.

As for what killed them...

Ming Jing slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"The disaster you just mentioned is greater than a dragon... is probably coming."

He sensed the appearance of a huge spacecraft in the sky that was too large to even be covered by his own perception range.

"Scarlet Ninja, what did you find."

Flash Flash felt that he was somewhat familiar with Ming Jing, so he asked.

Ming Jing pointed upward.



The building shook again, and an explosion echoed outside.

The originally pure white lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only a few flashing red warning lights.

"The power system was cut off and emergency backup power was activated."

An electronic female voice sounded and the lights returned.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xiqi slapped the table, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared on the table.

"The damage rate...99.8%? In an instant, the entire city A was destroyed except for the association building that Metal Knight helped build!?"

Xiqi hugged his head in despair, thinking of what Ming Jing had just said.

"Disasters above dragons... aren't they... gods? Scarlet Ninja, you also discovered..."

Xiqi looked up and saw that Ming Jing and Saitama had disappeared, leaving only a big hole in the ceiling.

"so big!"

Saitama looked at the huge spaceship in the sky and said, then he kicked off his feet and jumped onto the spaceship with brute force.

A group of S-class heroes such as Ming Jing, Tatsumaki, Super Alloy Black Light, Genos, and Child Emperor came out through the hole in the ceiling.

The Silver Fangs, Atomic Samurai, Metal Bat, and Sexy Prisoner learned through surveillance that a powerful weirdo appeared on the ground and seriously injured Iai Steel, who was second in A-level, and went straight up the stairs to deal with the weirdo.

Ming Jing glanced at the monsters on the ground fighting four S-class heroes, and then at the huge spaceship in the sky.

The monster on the ground is called Meruza Garudo. It has five heads, has super regeneration ability, and is considered powerful even in the dragon level.

But with four S-class heroes, including the experienced Silver Fang and Atomic Samurai, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them.

The trouble is from heaven.

The overlord of the universe, Boros.

This so-called overlord of the universe has conquered countless planets in his life. He feels lonely because he is too strong, and hopes to meet an opponent who can fight with him.

The latter heard from a certain prophet that there was someone on Earth who could rival him, so he spent twenty years coming to Earth.

The person who is evenly matched with Boros in the prophecy is definitely not Saitama. Mirror guesses that it is probably an exploded or fully grown hungry wolf.

But Blast hasn't shown up for many years, and Hungry Wolf is still just an ordinary master who struggles to defeat the lowest S-level players.

This guy's strength is strong enough to destroy everything on the surface of the earth. Fortunately, there is Saitama, otherwise Ming Jing really doesn't know what to do.

"There are four S-class heroes on the ground, which is enough to deal with. The problem is, how can we get that thing in the sky? If we fly up directly by plane, we will probably be shot down by artillery shells in an instant."

The Child Emperor licked the lollipop and pointed at the big guy in the sky.

"King-Sang, as the top expert in S-class, I want to hear your opinion."

Super Alloy Black Light turned his head and looked at King who had just emerged from the pit and said.

The emperor's engine started, and King was embarrassed in his heart, but he still looked calm on his face.

"That thing is in the sky, and I can't reach it. Otherwise, you should call the Metal Knight over as soon as possible."

"What! It's really embarrassing. You are the strongest man on the face of the earth? Forget it, what's the use of you? It's enough for me to take action alone."

Tatsumaki put his hands on his hips, pointed at the king and cursed.

"Hey, Little Tornado, be careful, don't piss off the King, you'll die."

Super Alloy Black Light made a scared look and said to Tatsumaki.

Everyone felt that King's strength had reached an extremely terrifying level.

In other words, the king's strength depends on the upper limit of the opponent's imagination...

"Teacher Ming Jing, Teacher Saitama should have already taken action. Let me try first to see if I can hit the spaceship with my incendiary cannon."

Genos couldn't think of any solution for a while and said to the mirror.

"Hey, hey, hey! Tin Can, didn't you hear me just now! I said I'm enough by myself!"

Tatsumaki turned his fire and pointed it at Genos.

"Hey, Genos, be careful, don't piss off the tornado, you'll die."

Super Alloy Black Light ran to Genos' side again and whispered.

Genos's yellow electronic eyes instantly turned into Saitama's same dead fish eyes.

Why did he feel like he had heard this somewhere?

Moreover, he felt that if he quarreled with a child...it would be embarrassing.

Even though this person is not a child, he looks just like one.

"There are a lot of powerful auras on the spaceship. Emperor Tong, please come up with all the S-class heroes. I can send everyone up."

Ming Jing stroked his sword and looked at the huge spaceship in the sky and said.

The flesh and blood of those weirdos that Bruce absorbed before have been turned into blood and nutrients to support Ming Jing. Now there are many powerful people on this spaceship, just in time to supply himself.

In this way, your own strength can be slightly enhanced.

"Hey! You guy, why are you pretending to be cool? I already told you that I can solve it on my own. You and that tin can are indeed a team. It's really annoying, disgusting, and no way out!"

However, no matter how the tornado screamed, a group of S-class heroes walked to the top of the building and prepared to set off.

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