Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 282: The Battle of Marineford! Mingjing and Whitebeard at full firepower

Chapter 284 Heading to war! Mirror and Whitebeard in full force! (10,000 words)


"How about... let me take a sip before continuing the treatment?"

Whitebeard still couldn't help it and glanced at the wine jars piled in the corner.

The alcohol bug in his stomach was aroused again.

At this moment, a crew member on Whitebeard's ship ran over in a panic, waving several newspapers in his hand.

"Dad! It's bad! The Navy, the Navy is going to publicly execute Ace in Malevando in three days!"

Whitebeard took a newspaper and looked at it with an ugly expression.

Der Spiegel also took a copy and read it.

At the same time, Caesar held a phone bug and floated out from the airship next to him.

"Captain! This is the phone bug given by the World Government."

Ming Jing understood what Caesar meant and glanced around.

"Young ones, please calm down first, and then keep your distance from Yuan Xiaozi."

Whitebeard spoke immediately.

Ming Jing nodded slightly to White Beard, then used his shadow clone to raise a sound-barring barrier on the spot before answering the call.

"Moses Moses."

"Moses Moses, following the fate of the country, I am the marshal of the navy, the Warring States Period."

"Ah, he is actually such a big shot as the Warring States Marshal~"

"Have you read the latest news papers?"

"It's a coincidence. I happen to be reading the newspaper right now."

"Then you should also know that we are about to execute Fire Fist Ace, right? Fire Fist Ace is the captain of Whitebeard's second division. With Whitebeard's character, he will definitely come out to rescue Fire Fist Ace, and As the Shichibukai, you must arrive at Malevando within three days to serve as our important combat force against the Whitebeard Pirates."

On the other end of the phone, Warring States said in a deep voice.

Jiguo Enichi is the top combat power in the sea. Sengoku does not expect this person to fight Whitebeard with all his strength, but even if he lets go, he can still stop the high-level combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, even though Warring States was known as a wise general, he never imagined that everything he said now would be clearly heard by Whitebeard, the rightful master.

"Three days? That's a bit tight."

"Is there something wrong with you?"

"A friend of mine, or rather a subordinate, is going to have a baby during this period..."

"You must be present no later than two nights later, otherwise we will re-evaluate your title as Shichibukai."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, do you think... is the title of the Shichibukai important to me now?"

Ming Jing chuckled lightly and said.

Warring States' heart suddenly sank.

This man is already a veritable fifth emperor. Regardless of whether he has the title of Shichibukai or not, the navy seems to be unable to do anything to him.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Since the Navy has the ability to attack Whitebeard, it naturally has the ability to attack you."

"Okay, okay, why don't I go? I just want to see what kind of commotion the strongest man in the world can make."

Ming Jing smiled and hung up the phone.

"The distance to Malinfando from here is not that close. It seems it's time for you to set off. It's enough for me to be able to recover to my current condition."

Whitebeard held Cong Yunqie and walked towards Mingjing.

"No, it's time for us to set off."

Ming Jing smiled slightly and said:

"Our destination is the same, isn't it? Sabo, call Kella and let her go. I just can't arrive with you. Just put me off the ship when we get to Marinevando. In the two and a half days before that, I can still continue to treat you, so you probably have to endure drinking for a few more days. "

"Following the fate of the country."


"Are you really going to stop thinking about what I just said in the cabin?"

"I've said it before, I'm not interested in being someone else's son."



Two days later, at night.

Ming Jing came to Marine Fando at the Navy Headquarters alone.

"Long time no see, Jiguo Enichi, I didn't expect you to become so strong now."

A tall beauty wearing pink clothes and a coat of justice welcomed Ming Jing in.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, but Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit is still so charming."

"Just kidding."

Peach Rabbit shook his head and said.

When the two of them fought against each other, the person in front of them still became a great swordsman after fighting with him. At that time, there was not much difference in strength between the two.

But now, it is said that this man can fight Kaido for two days and two nights without deciding the outcome, and his strength is obviously superior to his.

It took Taotu more than ten years to close the gap between general candidates and generals.

Like Marco, if she didn't have any adventures, the upper limit of her strength in this life might be locked here.

Taotu brought the mirror to a conference room.

At this time, Navy Admiral Aokiji was sitting at the head of the table, but not all the others were sitting down at the bottom - at least it seemed that they didn't want to be weighed down by a navy.

Boya Hancock sat at the window next to her, Moonlight Moriah simply stood aside, and Hawkeye leaned against the door with a knife on his back.

He seemed to have been waiting for Ming Jing from the beginning, because after Ming Jing came in, he never took his eyes away from Ming Jing.

Bartholomew Bear sat quietly in his seat, holding the Bible in his hand, and the only one still sitting was Doflamingo, but this one raised his feet directly on the table.

"You look very strong and meet my expectations. Are you interested in communicating?"

Hawkeye looked at the mirror up and down and said.

"Of course, or in other words, I can't wait."

Ming Jing stared at the eager Hawkeye in front of him and said.

Hearing this, Eagle Eye reached out to Heidaoye behind his back.

"Hey, I say, if you want to do something, don't do it here."

Qing Zhi, who was sitting in the first place, said with a speechless expression.

Hawkeye paused, retracted his hand, and said to the mirror:

"Then, when this matter is over, we should be able to find a place to have a fun fight."


Ming Jing nodded slightly.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let me just talk about the things that Marshal Warring States told me."

Aoki said lazily, looking unmotivated.

Each of these Shichibukai had more personality than the last. Marshal Sengoku was worried that letting others come would not be able to suppress these Shichibukai. Among the generals, Sengoku was afraid that there would be conflicts when Akainu came, and Kizaru had to get off work early, so he I chose the Blue Pheasant.

"Wait a minute, didn't you say there are seven people in the Shichibukai? Why did I only see six? Where is Kaixia Jinbei?"

The Pirate Empress Boya Hancock suddenly said.

"Kai Xia Jinbei caused a scene at the Navy Headquarters because he opposed the public execution of Fire Fist Ace. Now he has been revoked from his position as King Shichibukai and is imprisoned in Impel Down Castle."

After Qingzhi explained, he began to explain some matters.

Most of the matters were insignificant matters, and these Shichibukai didn't pay much attention to these things.

The only important thing is that before tomorrow's execution, Shichibu Kaitou and several giant navy vice-admirals stood at the front of the execution platform.

This is to allow the Shichibukai to block the impact of part of the Whitebeard Pirates at the beginning of the battle, and to block some of their high-level combat power.

In this way, these Shichibukai can also be forced to exert more force.

The next day.

The scene of Malevando was spread to every corner of the world through the camera phone bug.

In the square, one hundred thousand of the most elite naval soldiers stood here. Dozens of warships surrounded the entire island, and artillery pieces were also displayed on the shore.

Behind the three admirals was the execution platform built by the navy for Ace.

"Still haven't you observed the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

After the execution platform, Sengoku looked at Garp who walked aside because he was in a bad mood, and asked a rear admiral next to him.

"Not yet. Every patrol ship we sent out has not returned. Admiral He speculates that the Whitebeard Pirates sent part of their force to intercept and kill our search team."

"Then don't send any more, and ask someone to bring Ace out. At the moment before execution, there is no way that the Whitebeard Pirates will not fall into our siege."

The Warring States Marshal waved his hand and said.

Soon, Ace was escorted by two executioners and sent to the execution platform.

Sengoku walked to the execution platform, took the phone bug from a marine next to him, and began to speak.

"Today, I have something important to tell you. About this man, the meaning of Portcas D. Ace's death here..."

Ming Jing stood in front of the crescent-shaped square, listening to Warring States' speech boredly.

Ace's identity was a secret to others, but he already knew it.

What really concerned him was whether the next action could proceed as he expected.

Soon, after everyone was shocked, as time passed, hazy pirates suddenly appeared on the sea.

In the bay, the Moby Dick and four huge ships rose from the bottom of the sea.

Fifteen captains of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared one after another.

This is because all the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates are coated, so they can sail smoothly from the bottom of the sea and break through the warship blockade outside Marinevando.

Of course, the price for doing this is that they will be surrounded by the navy.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, Whitebeard walked to the front of the deck with Cong Yunqie on his back.

Pretending not to recognize Mingjing, Whitebeard's eyes quickly swept across Shichibukai's body and looked at the execution platform in the distance.

"Warring States, we haven't seen each other for decades, right? Is my beloved son okay?"

Whitebeard's voice was not loud, but it still followed the vibration of the air smoothly and reached everyone's ears.

Warring States looked at Whitebeard with a solemn expression and remained silent.

Whitebeard's condition somehow looked much better than he imagined.

Was it forced?

But it doesn’t look like it…

"Just wait a little, Ace. I'll get you back to the ship soon."

The veins in Whitebeard's hands popped out, and he punched the air heavily.

The terrible vibration caused the air to crack, and the water in the sea turned into two overwhelming waves under the vibration, rushing towards the navy headquarters.

If left alone, this tsunami would be enough to submerge the entire naval headquarters, causing the navy to experience a large number of attrition at the beginning of the battle.

Aokiji was still the same as in the original time and space, becoming the first navy admiral to take action, freezing the tsunami with his ability, and launching an attack on Whitebeard.

After a round of fighting between the two sides, Qingzhi was knocked out of the air by Whitebeard's punch and fell into the sea.

As a result, the entire bay was frozen by Aoki Pheasant's ability.

"You're quite capable, Kuzan little brat."

Whitebeard looked at the frozen bay and grinned.

"Although the ships are blocked and unable to sail, it just creates a foothold for us. Next."

Foil Bista jumped from the ship, led everyone, and charged towards the navy headquarters.

"Fufufufufufu, have you started? I said, you two monsters came here to watch a show, or do you want to give it a try?"

Doflamingo let out a devilish laugh and looked at the two great swordsmen beside him.

"I want to try to see how big the gap is between me and that man."

Hawkeye took off the black knife from behind and swung the knife forward heavily.

The turquoise sword energy more than ten meters high broke through the frozen sea and went straight towards Whitebeard.


Hawkeye's sword energy was blocked by Diamond Jozi.

In terms of strength, there is naturally a gap between him and the general Yonko, but his defensive ability is enough to temporarily block attacks of this level.

At the same time, the Giant Vice Admiral who was at the forefront also led countless marines to start a chaotic battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the sky, the veteran actor Kizaru who was paddling was blocked by Marco, and Hawkeye was also blocked by the foil foil Bista, and they began to compete with each other in swordsmanship.

"Skuard, what are you doing!"

Whitebeard suddenly reached out and held down Scuyard behind him.

"Dad, I..."

Scuyard's movement gave him pause.

Nowadays, Whitebeard's old injuries have healed by more than 80%, and are at their peak condition in the past ten years. He did not fail to respond to Scuyard's attack like he did in the original time and space.

Looking at this scene, Akainu's face darkened.

A drop of cold sweat left on Scuyard's face.

But Whitebeard stuffed the long knife he had snatched back into Skuard's body, and put his arms around Skuyard.

"This is not the time for a son to be rebellious, Scuyard, it is not the turn of outsiders to get involved in family matters. If there is any dissatisfaction, as long as it is a family member, then everything can be discussed, right? "

"I...I know, dad, it's Admiral Akainu...he said Ace is Roger's son, but back then my fleet was killed by Roger..."

"I see."

Whitebeard turned around, leaving his back to Skuard, and looked at Akainu in the distance with stern eyes.

He has been a pirate for who knows how many years, and has witnessed countless deceptions and betrayals on the sea.

And now, Whitebeard is angry.

Because someone is driving a wedge between him and his family.

"This is too much, Navy."

Whitebeard picked up Congyunqie, looked at the gap opened by Little Oz, and jumped off the deck in one step.

"Those who want to charge with me, please follow me!"

Whitebeard roared and rushed forward quickly.

Scuyard was the first to hold the knife and followed.

"Have we finally put in the last main force?"

Akainu stood up from his seat and clenched his fists as he looked at the path of blood created by Whitebeard's fruit-shaking ability.

"Meteor volcano!"

Countless magma fists fell from the sky like meteor showers.

The navy and the pirates were already fighting together. Although Akainu would kill many pirates by doing this, he would also kill a lot of the navy.

Whitebeard looked at this scene and just stretched out his fist and shot a shock wave into the sky, destroying all the magma fists.

"Two guys who were AWOL."

Akainu glanced at the two empty seats next to him, and then glanced at Whitebeard who was quickly rushing towards the execution platform, so he stood up and rushed towards Whitebeard.

"Fufufufufu, we are the only two left here who haven't taken action yet. Jiguo Yuanyi, I'm very curious, what are you thinking about? Logically speaking, you are on the same level as that white beard. ”

Doflamingo smiled exaggeratedly and looked at the mirror with his eyes hidden under his pink sunglasses.

"You want to teach me how to do things?"

Ming Jing gently put his hand on the tail feathers of the sky and looked sideways at Doflamingo.

At this moment, Doflamingo felt his heartbeat speed up.

The man in front of me is very dangerous!

"Of course not, I just heard... you have a very powerful scientist named Caesar, right? Why don't you lend him to me? I can introduce you to a good project..."

The shining blade suddenly revealed half of it.

"I'm not interested in."

"This... okay, then I'll go to work, please do as you please."

Doflamingo lowered his head slightly, lowered his sunglasses, gestured to the mirror, and then stretched out his finger in the direction of the battlefield.

"Ah, actually, I have to work too."

Ming Jing suddenly pulled out his sword, stood next to Doflamingo and said.


Before Doflamingo could react, a bright sword light flashed, and the thread he was about to use to cut off little Oz's body was cut off by the mirror.

The next moment, Ming Jing's figure appeared on the execution platform.

"Jigoku Enichi, what are you..."

Sensing that something was wrong, Warring States had entered the state of the Golden Buddha.

"Of course doing what I want to do."

After Ming Jing said this, he glared at Warring States.


Sengoku relied on his sense of sight and color to avoid the bright mirror's Amaterasu.

"This black flame is..."

A piece of information that he had seen many years ago quickly appeared in Warring States' mind.

"Open it yourself with your mouth."

Ming Jing threw away the replica of the key he stole last night and threw it out.

Ace shook his head and took the key with his mouth.

Stealth is a ninja's specialty, and stealing is even more so.

What's more, Ming Jing didn't steal the key. Instead, after finding the key, he went to One Punch World, found a locksmith and made an identical one, and then put the original key back.

"Oh my, it would be bad if I really asked you to release this guy~"

Kizaru, who was paddling and fighting with Marco, noticed this scene with his sense of sight. He still had enough energy to reach out and shoot a yellow light at the key in Ace's mouth.

However, Ming Jing, who had seen and heard Haki to the extent of being able to foresee the future briefly, used Susanoo to protect himself and Ace at the moment Kizaru's laser beam was about to arrive.

"Why does this ability... give me an inexplicably familiar feeling?"

Porusalino recalled his confrontation with someone on the Shampoo Islands many years ago.

"It's you! The God-Slayer of Chambord!"

Sengoku looked at the golden-orange Susanoo and understood everything immediately.

The golden Buddha waved his fist and blasted towards another golden giant.

"Breath of the Sun·Fifteenth Sword Form."

Ming Jing also controlled Susanoo and slashed with his sword.

After one blow, both sides were evenly matched.

"Exploding pheasant mouth!"

A giant ice crystal bird streaked across the sky and rushed towards Susanoo in the mirror.

But it was Qing Pheasant who saw this scene and took action.

"Mirror Fire Flame!"

Without the need for Ming Jing to take action, Ace, who had untied his restraints, took action to block Aoki Pheasant's attack.

His attainments in Haki are not good, but his development of fruit abilities is quite good, otherwise he would not be able to become the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ace would definitely have no way to deal with a high-level fruit like the Rock Berry Fruit, but against the counter-attributed Aoki Pheasant, although he couldn't beat the opponent, there was no problem in temporarily resisting the opponent's attack with his ability.

"It just so happens that when we deal with Whitebeard today, we can also deal with you, the God-killer who has been hunting for many years."

Warring States once again controlled the golden Buddha and collided with Mingjing.

"Are you really confident that you can kill me and Whitebeard at the same time?"

Ming Jing smiled slightly and turned to look to the other side.


A terrifying shock wave came, and Sakaski was punched into the ground by Whitebeard. Then Whitebeard stretched out his hand to pinch his throat and lifted it up with one hand.

Although Whitebeard seems to have suffered a lot of injuries, for Whitebeard whose strength has returned to near its peak, it is not impossible to kill a naval admiral with all his strength.

"Garp! What are you still hesitating about?"

Sengoku, who was opening the golden Buddha and facing the mirror's Susan, couldn't help but shout.

Garp stood by the execution platform, clenching his fists.

"Whitebeard! Your opponent is me!"

Garp turned around and roared towards the place where Whitebeard and Sakaski were fighting.

"Gla la la la, you want to kill me, this lava brat is still a little too young, Garp, let me see if you have regressed after so many years!"

Whitebeard punched Sakaski into the ground again, stepped on Akainu's head with one foot and laughed.

At this moment, several meteors flew in the sky, and then quickly enlarged.

"Ace—I'm here to save you!"

Luffy rushed to the scene with Jinpei and a group of people who ran out of Impel Down City.

"That old guy... and that red-haired one, have they become stronger after so many years?"

Crocodile held a cigar in his mouth, first glanced at Whitebeard, and then looked at Ming Jing who was fighting with Warring States in the distance.

Although he left Alabasta, the former Shichibukai was still leveled up by Luffy in the Grand Line, and was finally thrown into Impel Down City Prison.

"Eh? Has Ace been rescued?"

Luffy looked surprised, looking at the figure in the distance in the raging flames.

"Luffy, get out of the way."

Garp walked towards Luffy step by step with slow steps.

The position where Luffy fell happened to be stuck between Whitebeard and Garp.


Before Luffy could understand the situation, Jinbe, Crocodile, and Ivankov stood in front of Garp.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Garp. Whitebeard is kind to Fish-Man Island. Even if you are a naval hero, I will not let you take action against Mr. Whitebeard today."

Jinbei put on a fish-man karate stance and said.

"Only I can kill that guy, not your navy."

Crocodile also showed off his golden hook.

"And me, Grandpa!"

Luffy also stood beside Jinbe.

He knew that Whitebeard was there to save Ace.

For Garp, the strength of these people is actually just that, but the problem is, there is his grandson among them.

Garp couldn't hit Luffy hard.

Ivankov watched this scene, silently took out a signal rocket and lit it.

There was a loud bang in the sky and fireworks were in full bloom.

At the same time, Big Bear, who noticed this scene, silently walked towards Luffy's location.

If something unexpected happened, he would send Dorag's son away as soon as possible.

Beyond the iron walls of Malevando's fortress, under the sea.

Whitebeard Pirates' "Ice Witch" Whitebey is currently standing in a coated ship with Sabo and others.

"It's Ivan's flare! Caesar, are you ready?"

Kerra stood on the bow of the ship, saw the strong light in the sky through the water, and shouted to Caesar behind her.

"You shouldn't question me, the most outstanding scientist in the world. If you do, ask the one with long ears!"

Caesar replied loudly.

He is now sitting in a strange device with Enel.

"Then let's start taking action!"

Kerla controlled the ship to rise slowly.

at the same time.

On the battlefield.




The confrontation between Daibutsu and Susana continues.

"Jigoku Enichi, that must be your pseudonym! Godslayer! What is your true identity!"

Warring States opened fire and roared towards Ming Jing.

According to his idea, Ming Jing should have changed his name after assassinating the Tianlong people, and thus escaped the search of the World Government.

"Since you asked sincerely, I might as well tell you mercifully."

Ming Jing reached out to his eyes, took off his contact lenses, and revealed a pair of scarlet and mysterious eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan.

"My real name is Uchiha Mirror!"

Uchiha mirror?

A question mark flashed in Sengoku's head.

I've never heard of this name before?

Could it be that it's another fake name?

"Feel the power of Uchiha, the power that makes even gods despair."

The light of the Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan becomes more and more dazzling.

The golden-orange Susanoo quickly grew taller and turned into a giant standing tall on the sky and the ground. Then a thick black Tengu armor appeared on his body, and a pair of wings that covered the sky and the sun grew out of his back.

"Gu la la la, that's really good power! Yuanyi... no, the mirror boy!"

The white beard with many colors on his body laughed and hammered Sakaski away.

If Aokiji hadn't left Ace behind in time and came to support him, Sakaski would have been seriously injured and his strength would have been greatly reduced even though he wouldn't have died.

"Hey, hey, this is a bit exaggerated, isn't it?"

Ace looked at this Susano giant hundreds of meters tall with a surprised expression.

The huge little Oz might look like a newborn baby in front of it.

"It's really scary~"

Kizaru kicked Marco away and said in an exaggerated tone.

Everyone present, whether they were marines or pirates, were inwardly surprised by this size.

Except for those terrifying sea kings hiding in the deep sea, they have never seen anything bigger than this thing.

But the one whose heart trembled the most was a woman.

"Is he... the God-slayer who killed the Celestial Dragons?"

Boya Hancock feels that she may have a different relationship.

Although she felt relieved that Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon, this one actually killed a Celestial Dragon!

"Gu la la la, Ace has been rescued, kids, prepare to break out!"

Whitebeard shattered countless ice cubes with one punch, and also hit Aokiji to Akainu's side. Then he picked up the Congun Kiri and blasted a powerful concussive slash towards the outer wall.

The surface of the iron wall mixed with sea-floor stones shattered layer by layer and collapsed suddenly.

This is the combat power of Whitebeard, the world's number one man who has regained close to his peak combat power!

A mere admiral would only end up being suppressed if he faced Whitebeard at this time.

"Whitebeard, don't even think about escaping!"

Relying on Aokiji's delay, Akainu managed to recover, and with one attack, the Hades dog blasted towards Whitebeard.

At the end of the road, Whitebeard did not use any fancy moves, but continued to swing forward with a concussive slash.

Only this time, this slash was blessed with entwining overlord-colored domineering energy.

Seeing this, Aokiji had no choice but to step forward and use a move to strengthen the Ice Gloves, and together with Akainu blocked Whitebeard's full attack.

This move is Aoki's combination of the iron fist skills taught by Garp with the domineering winding and fruit abilities. In the future of the original time and space, he even used this move to cause a lot of damage to Garp.

The smile on Whitebeard's face did not diminish, but his expression became much more serious.

With his current strength, he could suppress one admiral, but if there were two, he might be the one suppressed.

For Der Spiegel, it's actually the same.

The Warring States Marshal was actually a few years older than Whitebeard, but he didn't have so many injuries and was better maintained, so he still had the strength of a general.

Coupled with the addition of a general named Kizaru, Ming Jing also felt it was difficult.

As for Kizaru's original opponent, Marco, he had already been stopped by Peach Rabbit.

But for this situation, Ming Jing and Whitebeard had already made preparations in advance.

A blurry shadow was cast on the square of Malevando.

"Ahahaha! Let's try Uncle Caesar's latest weapon of mass destruction!"

In the sky, an extremely large battleship was flying at this moment.

In terms of size, it is more than twice as big as Whitebeard's Moby-Dick.

This is a super battleship that the Uanfan Pirates just customized in the Capital of Seven Waters a month ago and plans to use it as the main ship of their own fleet.

However, in fact, this is a battleship built by Dorag after obtaining information from the Mirror, finding Pluto's design from the Capital of Seven Waters, and mobilizing the power of the revolutionary army.

Dorag's original idea was to build another Pluto, but unfortunately, the resources of the Revolutionary Army were still too short.

Although under Dorag's persuasion, Bingshan decided to build a Hades for the revolutionary army, but if he wanted to rebuild a Hades, even if the fishman Tom was resurrected, it would be difficult for him to make a fool of himself without sufficient resources.

So the plan could only be changed, allowing Drago to go to Wano Country to find Hades, while Hingshan built an ultimate youth version of Hades in the name of building a ship for the Uanfan Pirates, and named it the "Reaper".

But even so, the power of this Death is still impressive. After being transformed by Caesar, it has the function of flying with the ability of a natural fruit user, and is equipped with a series of powerful weapons made by Caesar.

"Try the brand new invention made by Uncle Caesar! Activate the Apocalypse Cannon!"

Caesar licked his lips excitedly and reached out to press the button on the console.




Countless cannonballs were fired from the Reaper's barrel at this time, bombarding Marinevando's buildings wantonly and causing chaos.

"Long Ears, it's your turn to end!"

Caesar yelled behind him.

"I know, sissy."

Enelu held a golden tin staff in his hand, which turned into a bolt of lightning and fell from the sky.

The continuous roar of thunder and lightning resounded throughout the world.

"Are the members of the Uanfan Pirates also participating in the war? It seems that you have joined forces with Whitebeard a long time ago!"

Warring States suddenly looked a little ugly.

Now that the Uanfan Pirates have a high-level combat force like Eniro, what about the others?

Reality soon gave the answer.

There was another loud noise, and "Ice Witch" Huaidibei drove her icebreaker and knocked a big hole into the iron wall of Marine Fando.

"Now, it's time to charge!"

Kuina, Sabo, and Korra joined the battlefield with a group of revolutionary army members from the Uanfan Pirates.

But the most eye-catching ones were the two old men standing at the front, wearing slippers and flowery pants.

They are Rayleigh and Kurokas. One was the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, and the other was the ship's doctor of the Roger Pirates.

These two people came here naturally because Ming Jing passed through the Revolutionary Army in advance and told these two people about Ace's life experience.

As old crew members on Roger's ship, they would not easily see the captain's only son die.

The two One Piece crew members were quite fierce in combat, especially Rayleigh, who directly challenged Kuzan to a duel.

"Senior Marco, can you give this position to me?"

Guina held the famous sword Huazhou in her hand and looked at Taotu with eager eyes.

She is now the top swordsman, but she is still far away from being a great swordsman.

And this time, she wants to imitate her teacher, challenge Peach Rabbit, and break through the limits!

Moreover, a few years ago, she had already set Taotu, who was also a female swordsman, as one of her goals.

"Are you that guy's student? Although I am no longer that guy's opponent, you are still far away from challenging me!"

Peach Rabbit pulled off the coat of justice that was torn by Marco's flames, revealing his tall figure.

At this moment, Jinpiluo and Huazhou collided.

On the other side, while dealing with a naval admiral in front of her, Kerla turned part of her attention to Kuina.

Once Kuina is no match, she will help.

Although she thinks she is not as powerful as Kuina and Sabo, Kerra is confident that she is still capable of helping them now.

"fire punch!"

"Dragon Hook Claw!"

Ace and Sabo went back to back and destroyed large swaths of the navy.

"I never thought we would have the chance to fight together again! Ace."

Sabo used the stick in his hand to wave a sword energy directly in front of him and said with a smile on his lips.

"I thought about it, but I didn't expect it to be on such a big stage!"

The flames surged. Even though Ace was in a bad state due to his previous prison life, Ace was performing at an extraordinary level at this moment.

As Ace said, this battle was originally a grand ceremony planned by Marshal Sengoku before he left office. It would involve Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, known as the strongest man in the world, and Roger the Only One Piece. The funeral of his bloodline was to fight back against the tide of the great pirate era before retiring, and to declare to the world the power of "justice".

So the footage here has been spread around the world via camera bugs.

For a time, the world was in shock. Every newspaper office and every news reporter was extremely busy at this time.

In Mariejoia, the five old stars were looking at the scenes broadcast on the screen with gloomy expressions.

"What on earth is that guy from the Warring States Period doing! Didn't he promise us that Whitebeard and Ace will definitely die this time? Why did such a change happen!"

Saint Satan said angrily.

"This is mainly due to the wrong fate of the country. No, it was Uchiha Akira, the God-killer, who became the Shichibukai, which directly changed the situation of the war. And for some reason, Whitebeard's physical condition has recovered a lot compared to before! He The strength shown now is not much different from that of twenty years ago.”

The Environmental Martial God Maz Sheng said while stroking his long beard.

"Now what?"

asked Saint Pit, the god of agriculture and war.

"Let the CP department block the signal transmission over there first. The follow-up situation of this battle can no longer be released. It will encourage the pirates' arrogance. In addition, we just received the news that Red Hair and Kaido have also arrived. In the sea area near Malevando, we cannot predict what decision the red hair will make in the future, but the consequences are already unpredictable, so I suggest sending out the Knights of God.”

Nasjuro Sei, who was holding the first-generation Onei Tetsu, said in a deep voice.

"Is it necessary to send out the Knights of God?"

One of the Five Old Stars questioned.

"This is already another person after Rocks who dares to attack the Tianlong people. In order to prevent him from becoming the second Rocks, I think it is necessary to dispatch the Knights of God. Moreover, this battle has been fought like this. The Knights of God must be dispatched to end this."

Nasshou Langsheng replied.

"Then let's do it. I'll go find Saint Jialin."

Saint Satan stood up and left the venue alone.

Thanks to book friend 20220804231118713 for the 102 starting coins!

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