Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 281 The Fifth Emperor of the New World

Chapter 282 The Fifth Emperor of the New World

After that day, the "Four Emperors" of the new world became the "Five Emperors".

Some of the top brass of the navy regretted pushing a super strong man who had a very good relationship with the navy to become a pirate. At the same time, they were glad that this man was now a Shichibukai and could be counted as one of their own.

While this battle announced the birth of a new maritime emperor, Ming Jing's fleet also truly showed its own banner for the first time.

"Uanfan Pirates."

In fact, Ming Jing meant to use his surname, Uchiha, as the name of the pirate group. However, in Japanese, the pronunciation of Uchiha sounds almost the same as Uchiha, and the pirate logo designed by Ming Jing himself is a symbol from The skull that evolved from the Uchiha clan emblem has its upper and lower sides separated. It looks like a skull with its chin and the upper part of its head separated, or it looks like a round fan.

Under the skull, there is a pattern of two long swords crossed diagonally, which represents the tail feathers of the sky.

Because the pirate logo is full of elements of the Uchiha fan, the outside world naturally called the "Uchiha Pirates" the "Uchiha Pirates". Even though the name was later considered a bit inferior, it has already been spread. , it is difficult to change, so I have to let it go.

The reason why this battle changed the world is actually not just because there was an additional "Emperor of the Sea".

Because after this great battle, the Kingdom of Mogara welcomed a guest.

Portcas D. Ace.

A long time ago, before Ace went to sea, he and Luffy recognized this childhood sworn brother in a newspaper.

At that time, he had just become the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. After recognizing Sabo from the newspaper, he came to the Mogaro Kingdom alone and met Sabo.

With Ace's stimulation, everyone's help, and the guidance of Ming Jing's spiritual transformation, Sabo finally recovered his childhood memories and recognized Ace.

With Ace's Maebashi connection, the Ufan Fan Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates secretly reached an alliance - Ming Jing still carries the identity of the Shichibukai, so it is impossible to form an alliance directly.

"Did Esta... be captured by Blackbeard and presented to the World Government in exchange for the position of the Shichibukai?"

Sabo frowned and looked at the newspaper Kella brought back.

He wanted to save his brother.

"Robin, where is Teacher Yuanyi?"

Sabo asked Robin.

"The captain's room, we are still communicating with that person."

Sabo followed Robin's words and turned his attention to the captain's cabin.

He knew that Der Spiegel was currently discussing with Dorag the impact of this incident and his next actions.

Even though he was extremely anxious, Sabo just stood outside the captain's cabin and waited quietly.

"Are you sure?"

The phone bug faithfully conveyed Dorag's voice to Ming Jing's ears.

"I saw Whitebeard's injuries during the last alliance. I can cure 80% of his injuries."

Ming Jing did not answer Dorag directly, but said this.

Dorag was silent for a while, seeming to be hesitating about something.

"Even with you and Whitebeard, there are still three generals in the navy, as well as Marshal Sengoku, and..."

"Luffy will definitely save Ace, right? With Luffy here, what do you think Lieutenant General Garp will do?"

"Dad... there is a high probability that he will take action to show that he is on the side of the navy, and then find a reason to stand aside."

"I am the Shichibukai, one of their own in their eyes, and our goal is just to rescue Ace, and then use this opportunity to use Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, to test the hands of the World Government. Is there anyone else? What trump card."

In the distant country of Wano, Dorag stood on a building, looking at Hetan Orochimaru traveling with great fanfare in the distance, and suddenly thought of his son.

"Be careful, and if possible, try to look after Luffy for me. In addition, more specifically about the location of Hades, through Robin's translation of the historical text, I have roughly determined its location in Wano. If there is a war, If it breaks out, I think Kaido will definitely leave Onigashima, and that’s the best time for me to take action. As for Ace’s matter, I will tell Xiong and ask him to do his best to cooperate with you.”

"I see."

Ming Jing hung up the phone and walked out of the captain's room.

"Teacher Yuanyi..."

When Sabo saw Ming Jing, he hurriedly spoke out.

Behind him, Kuina, Kerra, Robin and others stood in a row.

"A new storm has appeared. Next, it depends on whether the old-era ships were destroyed in the storm or whether they can continue to sail forward with the help of the power of the storm."

Der Spiegel turned its attention to Saab.

"Saab, Enel, Caesar, after a while, you will come with me to patch up that old-era ship to make it stronger. Kerra, Robin, Kuina, prepare to call all the battles." Members, it won’t be long before a war that changes the world is waiting for us.”

Everyone responded in unison, and Ming Jing took Sabo, Eniro, and Caesar onto a small airship.

This is a combat airship built by Caesar after arriving in the Kingdom of Mogara and having sufficient resources on hand.

Either Caesar or Enel can make the airship take off by his own ability, and when both are present, the gas jet and electric energy drive can greatly speed up the airship.

Before departure, Der Spiegel specially moved a bunch of medical equipment onto the airship.

Sphinx Island, the home of Whitebeard.

Nowadays, the Whitebeard Pirates are wandering in the sea not far from here.

At this time, Ming Jing's airship also flew into the sky over this sea area.

Inexplicably, the sky became dark and covered with dark clouds.

Below, two terrifying auras collided together, and a powerful shock wave surged out along with red lightning, tearing the sky apart.

"Huh? This is..."

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows, swung his long sword in his hand, and his indomitable sword intent immediately broke through the aftermath of the collision of these two top overlord-colored domineering auras.

"What day is it today? You young descendants are coming to my boat one after another."

Whitebeard leaned on Cong Yunqie, glanced at the red-haired man who put away the famous sword Griffin in front of him, and then looked at the airship with the fan icon in the sky, then returned to his position, Dama Jin The knifeman sat down.

The airship slowly landed on the sea, retracted its airbags, and transformed into a medium-sized ship.

"Yanjian, Jiguo Yuanyi, why did he come here?"

The red-haired man was a little confused and looked at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard did not answer, but looked at the two people who slowly boarded the ship.

"Gla la la la, Enichi Tsukuni, are you here to persuade me like the red-haired kid?"

"Why don't you introduce the other guests first? Whitebeard."

Ming Jing threw a jar of wine at Whitebeard, looked at Shanks and said.

"Well, well, well, I shouldn't need to introduce you, right? I said, you have red hair and use a sword like me, you must be my fan, right?"

Shanks, who had just exchanged moves with Whitebeard, was laughing and joking at this time, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the several wine jars carried on Sabo's back.

He could already smell the aroma of the wine that Whitebeard drank.

It’s actually a wine I’ve never drunk before!

"Do you think this is possible?"

Ming Jing looked at Shanks speechlessly.

In a way, the main characteristics of Enichi Tsukuni and Shanks are quite close.

He has red hair and uses a sword.

"It can't be true, right? Then I have to charge you royalties. The wine looks good to me!"

Shanks had a cynical smile on his face, but in his heart he was calmly trying to figure out Ming Jing's purpose.

He remembered that the newly promoted Sea Emperor in front of him still had the title of Shichibukai.

Does this person come here for the same purpose as himself?

Or are you here to join forces with Whitebeard?

"Gla la la la, Jiguo Enichi, can you bring more other wines next time? The flavor of this is different from other fine wines on the sea, and it really makes me feel a little novel."

Whitebeard dropped the empty wine bottle and looked at the wine jar on Sabo's back.

Whitebeard is a heavy drinker and has drank wine from almost every place on the sea in his life. No matter what kind of wine it is, he can tell where it comes from as long as he takes a sip.

But Ming Jing's wines are different. Some come from the Naruto world, some come from the Demon Slayer world, and there are also wines from the One Punch Man world that are brewed using modern techniques.

This gives Whitebeard a great sense of freshness.

"Your body isn't built for that much alcohol."

Ming Jing shook his head and said, taking down a jar of wine and throwing it to Shanks.

Shanks opened the wine jar and started drinking impatiently.

"Gu la la la, Yuan Xiaogui, aren't you and Marco able to treat this?"

Whitebeard said nonchalantly.

Shanks' eyes moved slightly.

"Hey, that kid, I remember that you and Ace are sworn brothers. Are you planning to take action this time?"

"Almost, but in order to avoid the failure of the operation and causing my subordinates to be sad, I have to help you treat your injuries before that, but now..."

Mirror turned his attention to Shanks.

"I think you know this identity very well, Whitebeard, right?"

"Of course, seeing the face of that brat Shanks, I remembered which bastard left these scars on my body, but little Yuan, how do you know these things?"

Whitebeard touched the scars on his body and asked the mirror with a slight surprise.

Shanks also looked at Ming Jing with curious eyes.

He knows his life experience and even has contact with Wulaoxing.

The incident in the Valley of the Gods decades ago was caused by the Tianlong people who launched a massacre in the Valley of the Gods, but were attacked by the Rocks Pirates, and the two sides started a war.

The Rocks Pirates at that time were ridiculously strong. Even Whitebeard and Golden Lion, who had reached their peak, were only the second and third members of the pirate group. The young Charlotte Lingling and Kaido were also there. within this team.

Faced with such a lineup, even the Knights of God, the highest combat organization among the Celestial Dragons, suffered a disastrous defeat. As the strongest combat force of the Knights of God, Garin Sheng was also seriously injured at the time and could not carry his newborn. His son fled and placed the infant Shanks in a box as a prize.

Later, Roger also came to the Valley of the Gods for some reason. After Garp heard from the Warring States Period that Roger was here, he followed Roger's traces to the Valley of the Gods.

As a result, a war broke out between several forces. The once powerful Rocks Pirates disappeared. Kaido, who was still a trainee member, obtained the Fish Fruit Blue Dragon form as one of the trophies from Charlotte Lingling. Max was adopted by Roger, and Garp gained great credit and fame, becoming a naval hero.

"I have a good relationship with another Shichibukai, Bartholomew Big Bear."

Ming Jing said vaguely.

"So this is ah."

A look of understanding appeared on Whitebeard's face.

Big Bear was also one of the witnesses of this incident. He was originally a resident of the island. With the help of Ginny, he stole the Meat Ball Fruit and rescued more than 500 people.

In fact, Ivankov was also one of the people who witnessed this world. He also stole the Blue Dragon Fruit, but it was snatched away by Charlotte Lingling.

"Ahem, I can guarantee that what happened here today will not reach the ears of the fifth person before you take action."

Shanks wiped the corners of his mouth, put down the wine jar and said.

"Since you guys still have something to do, I'll leave first. Jiguo Yuanyi, I'll introduce you to a friend next time. Maybe you will get along well. Oh, I almost forgot. If you want to intervene in this incident, you should I’ll meet him before then.”

Shanks shamelessly took another jar of wine from Sabo and left without looking back.

"When you meet Mihawk, remember to say hello to me!"

Shanks waved his hands with his back to everyone, then jumped back to the Redfors.

"The next thing is between us."

Ming Jing withdrew his gaze and looked at Whitebeard.

"Tell Marco to clean up a room and get someone to help me move my things over there, and then we can start treatment."

"That's too much trouble, why not first..."

"If you want to save Ace alive, you'd better do as I say. At least I can heal most of your injuries. Otherwise, if you can't hold on in this battle, not only will you suffer If he dies, Ace and many others will have to be buried with him."

Ming Jing crossed his arms and looked directly at Whitebeard and said.

Whitebeard was silent for a while, sighed and nodded.

"Jozi, go help move those things from Ji Guoyuan's boat. Marco, come here!"

Soon, a clean and tidy room was packed out - this is the largest room on the Moby-Dick, because Whitebeard is six meters sixty-six meters tall, so the venue must be large enough.

"What are you going to do?"

Marco looked at Ming Jing who had put on a mask and a white coat.

"Operation, surgical treatment. After a while, you need to use your ability to help your father stop bleeding. Just leave the rest to me."

Ming Jing replaced the hanging bottle hanging on Baibeard's body with a hanging tag containing a golden potion.

"Your lungs must have been seriously injured. When you were young, your strong body could hold them back, but now it will definitely have a great impact on your continuity of combat, so I will treat your lungs I would remove the injured parts of my body and then use my other abilities to regrow them.”

What Ming Jing meant was to use the activation and regeneration technique to restore Whitebeard's lungs.

Although using the activation regeneration technique will damage Whitebeard's lifespan, if it is not treated, Whitebeard can only live for another two or three years at most, and he will die due to the onset of other hidden injuries on his body.

But as long as Ming Jing can follow the previously planned treatment plan, Whitebeard can still live for another ten years.

"Although there are many other injuries, logically speaking, your physical fitness will not drag you down to this extent. Therefore, there is a high probability that when you use the ability of the earthquake fruit, you will leave wounds all over your body. There are extremely small hidden injuries, and every time you use your ability, it will affect all the injuries on your body."

"Although I don't have the ability to help you restore it to its original state, just like if a broken mirror cannot be restored, it can still be used if you stick it with glue."

Ming Jing made a metaphor, and a light blue chakra scalpel lit up in his hand.

"Next, it might hurt a little."

"Come on, I've never been afraid of pain in my life."

"That's what you said."

Ming Jing shrugged and reached out to Whitebeard.

Three hours later.

Listening to Whitebeard's muffled sound coming from the room, many members of the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to go in and find out.

But no matter who it is, they will be stopped by Jozi and Bista standing outside the door.

As the old men in the Whitebeard Pirates, there is no doubt about the strength of these two captains. In the original work, the records of these two are also very consistent - they both fought against Hawkeye Mihawk head-on.

When he saw Whitebeard on the stage, Hawkeye swung a sword at Whitebeard, trying to see the gap between himself and the strongest man in the world, but was blocked by Jozi.

Since he wanted to see the gap between himself and Whitebeard, it can be seen that Hawkeye's move was definitely serious.

Bista also stopped Hawkeye in the War on Top. Although the two were fighting in a tacit understanding, there was no doubt that Bista was also very powerful.

This one is actually also a great swordsman.

"Brother Qiaozi, daddy...is he really okay?"

The fat man Bramank looked at the position of the cabin with a worried look.

"Marco is in there too, he'll be fine."

Jozi also glanced at the cabin behind him with worry, and replied to Bramank.

He knew how bad Whitebeard's current physical condition was.

But if Enichi Tsukuni can really cure his father's injury, then there is no doubt that the Whitebeard Pirates will become his strongest allies.

More than an hour passed.

In the room, Whitebeard's muffled sound had disappeared.

"Okay, Marco, don't hold me up. If you help me out, my idiot sons will be worried again if they see me."

Whitebeard pushed away Marco who wanted to help him, walked off the bed, and moved his body.

"I haven't felt this relaxed feeling for several years. Young man Yuan, why don't you become my son? After this fight is over and you have established your prestige in a year or two, I will be able to Retire well and live with my idiot sons, and then you will be able to inherit the huge business I have built in my life. "

"That's not necessary. I'm not interested in being someone else's son. You should leave your family fortune to Marco and Ace."

Ming Jing drew a few black lines on his face and refused.

When it comes to Whitebeard, he always feels like he will set a flag if he takes it.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about me. I know my abilities myself. At this age, my upper limit is here. I'm still far from being able to take over from my father. Ace has shown this You have potential, but you are still too young after all. If you saved my father, everyone will definitely agree with you."

Marco looked at Whitebeard who seemed to be resurrected with full blood, put his hands on his shoulders, pushed Ming Jing's shoulders and said.

"I told you I'm really not interested. I already have this ability. Why don't I build a bigger and stronger one myself?"

Ming Jing said helplessly.

"Gu la la la, do young people have the ambition to make a career on their own? At your age, you should indeed be experiencing the most unforgettable adventure of your life on the sea."

Whitebeard laughed loudly, opened the door and walked out.


"Dad! How do you feel?"

"Great, Dad! Have you recovered?"

"Little ones, let's have a grand banquet! Eat and drink enough, and then follow me to rescue Ace!"

Whitebeard waved his hands and shouted to everyone on the boat.

"Tsk, eat less at the banquet later, and don't drink a drop of wine. The operation can only be considered half completed now. The small hidden injuries and those easy-to-treat injuries on your body have been dealt with. The remaining half needs to be Wait until the effect of the medicine is fully exerted after a day before continuing."

Ming Jing took off his white coat, walked to White Beard and said.

"Gu la la la! No need! I know how my body is doing. I feel that I have completely regained my youth now. I can just travel and have a banquet at the same time. After eating and drinking, I can start fighting directly. !”

Whitebeard waved his hands indifferently, then picked up the wine jar and poured it into his mouth.

"Okay, Dad."

Marco snatched the wine jar from Whitebeard's hand.

"Since there is a possibility of recovery, don't let down everyone's hope!"

"Marco, you..."

"Dad, everyone hopes that every one of their family members can be safe!"

Jozi also took Whitebeard’s arm and persuaded him.

"Yes, Dad! When I was three years old, I knew that I had to listen to the doctor when I was sick!"

"Let's wait until everyone rescues Ace together to hold the banquet or something like that!"

"Yes, Dad!"

The crew members stepped forward to dissuade him.

They have been looking for famous doctors to treat Whitebeard for so many years. After finally seeing hope, how can they see the hope disappear?

"Oh well."

In order to avoid worrying his idiot sons, and to be in a better condition to save Ace, Whitebeard decided not to drink this time.

Thanks to "book friend 20220804231118713" for the 101 starting coins!

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