Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 283 The Knights of God

Chapter 285 Knights of God


Of course, Ming Jing didn't know that the signal here had been cut off by the World Government, nor did he know that the Knights of God had been dispatched.

The fierce battle has reached this moment, no matter who it is, there is a lot of color on them, even Ming Jing and White Beard.

If it weren't for the addition of Rayleigh, a top combat force, if it weren't for the fact that Mirror and Whitebeard weren't stronger than these admirals, and if it wasn't for Luffy's existence that had an impact on Garp, an important combat force in the navy.

I'm afraid that at this moment, their fate will be more serious.

"Everyone, prepare to evacuate! Whitebeard!"

Ming Jing gave Baibeard a look.

"Young boys, retreat, I and the kid from Mingjing will take charge of the rear!"

Whitebeard waved Cong Yunqie in his hand and shouted loudly.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

"Pirates! You can't leave!"

At this moment, the navy also became ruthless.

Especially Akainu.

"Big fire-breathing!"

The magma fist was exploded by Whitebeard's punch, but turned into countless magma bombs, falling towards the ground.

In order to make himself look less paddling, Kizaru also took advantage of this moment to take action.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Endless yellow light bullets poured out at this moment.

Susanoo also raised the sun mirror in his hand at this moment.


Countless golden chakra light arrows emerge from the sun disk mirror. Under the mirror's ability to foresee the future, the dynamic vision of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the super chakra control ability, they perfectly match Kizaru's yellow color. Photobombs collide and annihilate.

"What a terrifying sight."

Kizaru's tone remained the same, but his expression didn't look very relaxed.

This was the first time he saw someone being able to block all his moves using this method.

"It just so happens that I also have a move with a name similar to yours."

The mirror stood on top of Susanoo, controlling Susanoo to open his arms.

"Yasaka no Magatama!"

A large amount of golden magatama poured out, madly attacking Kizaru and Sengoku on the opposite side.

Another time, Aokiji and Rayleigh collided, and then the two were blown away by each other's attacks.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you to be able to fight, Whitebeard, after fighting that ice brat for a while, I feel like my waist is no longer my own."

Rayleigh held the sword, hammered his waist and stood next to Whitebeard.

"I have a white beard, why can't I be beaten?"

Whitebeard grinned and joined forces with Rayleigh to wave shock waves and sword energy to block all attacks from Akainu and Aokiji.

Under the interception of the three top combatants of Ming Jing, Whitebeard, and Rayleigh, most members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Uanfan Pirates had successfully ran out along the passage that Whitebeard punched before.

The Death God has also landed on the sea, picked up all the members of the Uanfan Pirates, and started a new round of cannon salvos to block the navy.

"Whitebeard, Uchiha Mirror, and Hades Rayleigh..."

Warring States stood in front of the three generals, looking ugly.

With this lineup on the opposite side, the Navy probably won't be able to score any big results today.

But even so, the Navy must go all out!

"All navies, pursue! For justice!"

Warring States took the lead and rushed forward.

Not far behind him were three generals of the Navy and Lieutenant General Garp.

He couldn't convince himself to attack Luffy and Ace, but Uchiha Mirror, Whitebeard, and Rayleigh were fully capable of withstanding his iron fist.

"What are you going to do?"

Rayleigh asked towards the white beard next to him.

"We can't win if we continue to fight. However, we will have to ask the navy for some more interest."

Whitebeard said solemnly.

A giant golden hand stretched out, sending Whitebeard and Rayleigh onto Susanoo's shoulders.

"Old man Lei Li, do you know how to be entangled in domineering colors?"

"If I could, the Pirate King would not be Roger but me."

"Then you can do whatever you want."

While Ming Jing opened his mouth and spoke, he controlled Susanoo to raise the Juken Sword.

Upon hearing this, Lei Li put the long sword into the scabbard and quickly made a draw slash.

A magnificent flying slash was struck by Rayleigh, but Garp used his full strength to smash it away with a pair of iron fists.

"Here we go, Mirror kid!"

Whitebeard shouted, twisted his body, used all his power to shake the fruit, and swung it forward.

The huge golden Susanoo also swung the Juken Sword at this time.

"Uchiha Style·Breath of the Sun·Nineteenth Sword Form·Amaterasu Dragon Dance!"

This move is the strongest attack that Ming Jing can currently use.

After practicing the Immortal Cultivation Technique, the power of this move was somewhat beyond Ming Jing's expectations.

And with the addition of Whitebeard's power, this move becomes even more terrifying.

At this moment, the sky was shrouded in endless dark clouds, and a huge fire dragon entwined with Amaterasu's black flames, with the blessing of Whitebeard's concussive power and overlord-colored domineering energy, had the power to destroy almost everything.

Even several navy admirals were frightened when they saw this scene.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were eclipsed, and all sounds could not be heard at this moment.

Until a terrifying shock wave came, followed by a loud noise that made people rush to deafness.

In the sea not far away, Shanks and Kaido, who were facing each other, turned their heads and looked towards the horizon.

In the other direction, on an extremely luxurious ship, Jialin Sheng silently put away his telescope and looked at the scene in front of him.

The seawater surged backwards, the wind raged, and the ship swayed up and down in the huge waves. Countless seawaters were like raindrops, accompanied by dead fish falling down one by one, as if there was a magnitude 12 earthquake on the bottom of the sea.

The sky in the distance was covered with clouds not long ago because of Whitebeard's domineering appearance, but now it looked so clear.

The clouds above Malinfando have been shaken away by the terrifying shock wave, leaving a huge circular vacuum zone.

And Marine Fando below was almost destroyed at this time.

All the buildings have disappeared, one side of the entire island has disappeared, and the other half has been torn apart. Perhaps in a few years, it will become a new archipelago.

It can be said that the Navy Headquarters, which symbolized justice, has disappeared at this moment.

Further away, Blackbeard saw the scene in front of him and decisively ordered the ship to stop, frowning at the sky and standing still.

"Lafayette, use the phone bug to contact the people watching the live broadcast elsewhere. I need to know what happened at the Navy Headquarters before making a decision."

A bad premonition arose in Blackbeard's heart.

His plan seemed to be failing.



Screams came from Akainu's mouth.

He thought that relying on his rock berry fruit ability, he could restrain the black flames, but he didn't expect that he would be restrained.

No matter how high the temperature of the magma is, Amaterasu will still burn it.

If it could be elementalized in advance and the burned part would be discarded after contact with Amaterasu, then it would be okay, but Akainu only realized something was wrong after he was burned and entered the elementalized state.

As a result, one of his hands was burned by Amaterasu.

So at this moment, a magma arm wrapped around Amaterasu Black Flame was lying quietly on the ground.

Warring States Garp looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

They cannot be elementalized like the natural type. If they are hit by Amaterasu, they can only rely on their weapons to resist.

As for whether the armed Haki can withstand the strange black flames, Garp and Sengoku are not sure.

Fortunately, it was the three generals who resisted Amaterasu Yanlong head-on.

Garp had previously blocked Rayleigh's flying slash with all his strength. Although he successfully destroyed it, his figure also retreated a bit under the reaction force.

Warring States, on the other hand, used the shock wave carried by his Buddha form to offset Whitebeard's shock.

Akainu gasped, looking at his missing arm with crazy eyes.

"Why are you still standing here! Why don't you come up with me and kill all those pirates!"

"Sakaski, I'm afraid... we can't do it."

Qingzhi spoke in a difficult tone.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Kuzan!"

Akainu picked up Aokiji's tie and shouted.

"No, no, no, Sakaski, Kuzan is right, because it seems that two more amazing characters have arrived. Red-haired Shanks and Beast Kaido, they seem to be as scary as Whitebeard. Where’s the monster~”

Kizaru stretched out his hand and pointed to the sea level in the distance.

Appearing there were Shanks and Kaido's pirate group.

You can tell who it is from the flag on the ship.

"Hohohoho! Whitebeard! It seems you are not too old to fight! I thought you would not die this time, and I wanted to come over to help you, but unfortunately I was stopped by this red-haired guy! "

Kaido held the mace and stood on the bow of the ship and laughed loudly.

"Tch, kid Kaido, I'm Whitebeard! He won't die that easily!"

Whitebeard, who was covered in injuries, was still full of energy and laughed.

On the Resford, Shanks made a move.

"Kaido, I thought you were here to cause destruction... Moreover, the scale of this war is no longer suitable for expansion. If I join you again, I am afraid it will turn into a full-scale war between the pirates and the World Government."

Shanks said helplessly.

"Who knows what you think, I am a pirate, can I still help the navy? Anyway, this old guy Whitebeard came out of the same boat as me, but the suggestion you just made is good. Total war between pirates and the world government!"

Kaido's eyes lit up.

"Hey! Whitebeard, Enichi Tsukuni! Are you interested in this proposal? Instead of being the Pirate King, it's better to be the King of the World!"

Kaido obviously thought of the great achievements performed by his young captain Rocks.

He knows the power of Whitebeard and has also fought against Ming Jing.

The three-person pirate group combined is a bit stronger than the Rocks pirate group in the past.

"Well, Tsukuni Enichi is my pseudonym. You'd better call me Uchiha Mingjing from now on. As for the all-out war you mentioned, I don't know if all the pirates can defeat the World Government, but If we join forces and form an alliance, we can completely compete with all navies. Even the world government can't do anything to us. Then we can develop our power, compete with the world government, and finally dominate the world!"

Ming Jing stood on the hull of the Death and said seductively to Kaido.

Although the three sea emperors united are certainly not as powerful as the World Government, they are indeed qualified enough to compete with the World Government.

Moreover, it can also attract most of the attention of the World Government. At that time, the Pirate Alliance will be in the open and the Revolutionary Army will be in the dark. Maybe there will be a chance to succeed.

"Dominate the world?"

Kaido was a little tempted, but he was a little doubtful. He planned to listen to his subordinates' ideas.

"I suggest you agree, Whitebeard."

Rayleigh, wearing flowered shorts, stood beside Whitebeard, pushed his glasses, and whispered:

"The Uchiha Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are allies, but the alliance has moved from underground to the open. You didn't have any conflicts in the past, and you have Ace and Sabo as a bond. After this incident, no matter what the future holds, you will definitely become each other's most reliable and firm allies."

Whitebeard nodded.

This time, the Whitebeard Pirates can be said to have received a great favor from the Uchiha Pirates. If there is anything wrong with the Uchiha Pirates in the future, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely go out in full force to help.

"So now, the Whitebeard Pirates have been fully targeted by the World Government. Ace is the son of Roger, and the World Government will definitely do everything possible to eradicate him. Not to mention Uchiha Mingjing, who is the God Slayer who killed the Celestial Dragons. Next, you must join forces to deal with the World Government, and Kaido will be your strongest helper."

"What about you, Rayleigh?"

Whitebeard asked Rayleigh.

"Ace is on your ship, what can I do? But I will not join your pirate group, but exist as a member of the alliance."

Rayleigh is very clear.

If the alliance is established, will there be a conflict between the three pirates?

Rayleigh doesn't know, but Kaido himself is a thorn in the side, and there is definitely no shortage of people with personality on the other two ships, so conflicts are inevitable.

If the conflict intensifies and the alliance collapses, it will be funny.

Rayleigh hopes that his existence can serve as a middleman to ease the possible conflicts among the three parties.

He is qualified to be this middleman.

"Gulala, I agree, but Kaido, I and Uchiha Mingjing will definitely be targeted by the navy in the future, are you sure you want to join in?"

"Gulala, Whitebeard, don't use this childish provocation, let's see how to deal with it next! It seems that some great old opponents have come to the navy!"

Following Kaido's gaze, the navy's warships surrounded a luxurious ship and chased it to the opposite sea.

"Incredible, this is simply incredible! The confrontation between the navy and the four sea emperors! The right arm of the Pirate King appeared! Each one is big news! And who is the mysterious red-haired man on that ship?"

In the distant sky, a flying bird with a camera phone hanging on its neck soared in the sky.

In a corner of the new world, Morgans looked at the photos on the fax machine one by one, his face full of excitement.

As the news king, this guy's ability to obtain news is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Not only does he have a large paparazzi under his command, but he can also tame birds through the power of the fruit.

Those news birds were born in this way.

The intelligence of the news bird is actually not low. If you can breed a news bird, Morgans can certainly breed a photography bird.

Because it flies high in the sky, the horned telephone bugs used by the CP department to shield the signal cannot cover it, so Morgans can use the high-altitude photography of these birds to understand the situation on the scene more intuitively.

Unfortunately, most of the birds near Marineford were affected by the previous battle, and only a few bird pirates were left to continuously transmit the captured images back.

But this is enough for Morgans to know what happened, and the remaining unknown ones are just his territory.

Make up some topics that can have traffic, controversy, and rhythm, and the sales of this issue of the newspaper will definitely explode!

"Shanks, now, what are you going to do?"

Mingjing looked at the man standing on the deck of the Fredes.

The person who came seems to be Shanks's father...

"It's time to end this war."

Shanks will not choose to stand on the side of the World Government.

After all, he is still a pirate, and so are the brothers on his ship. He can't abandon them.

Otherwise, with Garin Sheng's status among the Celestial Dragons and Shanks's achievements today, if he chooses to return to the Celestial Dragons, he will definitely succeed.

Shanks asked himself, is it still a free pirate on the sea that he really wants to do.

"Everyone, I hope you can give me a face and let me go to the other side to talk."

Shanks asked several people with one hand holding the sword.

Whitebeard looked at the Whitebeard Pirates who suffered heavy casualties behind him and nodded:



Mingjing also nodded.

It's not impossible to go to war with the World Government now, but the longer it is delayed, the more beneficial it will be for them.

Shanks took the boat to the opposite side of the World Government.

Akainu wanted to take action, but was shouted back by Garin Sheng.

Afterwards, Garin Sheng chose to get off the ship and went to the Fredes alone to have a father-son negotiation with Shanks.

Marshal Sengoku stood on the warship and sighed deeply.

He had originally planned to do his best to inflict heavy damage on the pirates before retiring, but this was the result.

Now, he had to take responsibility for the failure of this operation and resign.

Both were retired marshals, but the difference in process was vastly different from what he had imagined.

After Saint Garin arrived at Marinefando, the World Government had issued an order requiring everything to obey the orders of Saint Garin, the supreme leader of the Knights of God.

Including the admiral of the navy and the marshal of the Warring States Period, all must obey the orders of Lord Garin.

Garinsheng and Shanks talked for a long time on the Foredes, for more than twenty minutes.

In the end, the two used Overlord Color Coil to fight each other, and the aftermath of the fight tore the sky apart again.

Just when the navy thought that the negotiations had broken down and were about to take action, Saint Garin walked back from the Fredes.

"go back!"

Saint Jialin said with a gloomy expression. He seemed to have a unhappy conversation with Shanks, but he gave the order to retreat.

He wanted to persuade his son to return to the Celestial Dragons, and believed that Shanks' ability would definitely take over from him in the future and become the next leader of the Knights of God.

You know, Shanks is now 37 years old, and Garin Sheng is now over sixty years old.

But Shanks refused, saying that he would not return to the Celestial Dragons, and that once Saint Garin led the Knights of God and the navy to start a war with the pirates, he would do his best to prevent the outbreak of the war.

Jialinsheng wanted to take Shanks back on the spot, so the two sides exchanged moves.

The outcome was a deadlock. Saint Jialin also knew that once the war started, facing the combination of four sea emperors and one Pluto Rayleigh, even if his side could win, he would have to pay more than he did in the battle of the Valley of the Gods forty years ago. A more painful price.

Their side will pay the price, and so will Shanks' side.

So, facing his own son, Jialin Sheng, who had been arrogant and domineering all his life, chose to give in.

But this time Akainu didn't want to.

"Why let those pirates go! We obviously still have the ability to continue fighting..."

"Shut up!"

Garin Sheng gave Akainu a vicious look.

"This is an order from the World Government!"

After saying that, Jialin Sheng waved his robe, turned around and walked back to the cabin.

Akainu had a sullen face, clenched his only remaining fist, and stood there for a long time before he grunted unwillingly and returned to his ship.

He is an absolute soldier, and the Navy is an agency under the World Government. No matter how dissatisfied he is, Akainu will carry out his orders.

"Hey... go back."

Warring States sighed helplessly.

"The question is, where should we go back now? The Navy Headquarters... has been completely destroyed."

Lieutenant General He glanced at Marine Fando's position and sighed.

Marinevando, where they had lived for decades, was destroyed in one day, and the symbol of "justice" disappeared, which was a great shock to them, the old navy.

When the ship sailed past Marinefando, the seventy-seven-year-old Sengoku stared at the ruins in front of him, as if he saw the once prosperous navy headquarters, saw himself who was once high-spirited and ascended to the position of general, and saw the once self-satisfied and contented self. As a naval marshal, he conferred the title of a new generation of generals.

The scene in his mind suddenly disappeared, and what appeared in Seng Guo's eyes was the cruel reality.

Navy Headquarters is gone.

Garp stood silently next to Sengoku, leaning on the railing and closing his eyes.

In this battle, the navy's main high-end combat power did not suffer much loss, but judging from the result, they failed.

The Whitebeard Pirates achieved their goal and rescued Ace. Both Ace, who was originally going to be executed, and their real target, Whitebeard, now walked out of the Navy Headquarters alive.

Not only did the navy's strategic goals fail to be achieved, but it also suffered a huge loss of face, which dealt a heavy blow to "justice."

Karp believes that he actually has a lot of responsibility.

"Hey, okay, don't think too much, just think about what to do next, Warring States."

Lieutenant General He patted Garp on the shoulder and said to Sengoku.

"Go to the G1 branch. It's big enough to become the new naval headquarters."

Sengoku said with a sigh.

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