Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 275: The Art of Reincarnation

Chapter 276 The Innate Art of Reincarnation

"Yes, I personally send a child to the most dangerous enemy in the world. If I do this, what will be the difference between me and the third generation that I looked down on at the beginning?"

Kato Dan's face was full of complicated expressions.

"It has been quite a while since I became the Hokage of the village. Over the years, what I have done most is to weigh the pros and cons, do the greatest thing at the lowest cost, and think that some sacrifices are worth it. Unknowingly, I seem to have become the person I hate the most.”

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"In the past few years, Madara has been a sharp sword hanging over my head. I am very scared, afraid that I will not be worthy of the position of Hokage that I have worked hard for half my life. I don't want the Yondaime to be the last Hokage of Konoha. "

Ming Jing stared at Kato Dan, then looked at Uchiha Shisui who was half-kneeling with Uchiha Itachi, and finally moved his eyes to Kato Dan.

Kato Danya is already in his forties. He has transformed from the handsome man he was before to a handsome middle-aged man full of majesty and mature temperament. He originally had long light blue hair like the sky, but now he is still It is blue, but there are two white dragon whiskers on the forehead.

He ages much faster than Jiraiya and Orochimaru of the same age group.

The position of Hokage represents heavy pressure, and Madara's existence adds several heavy weights to this mountain-like pressure.

"It's not necessary. Even if Madara returns to the strength he once had when fighting the first generation, I may not be incapable of fighting."

Ming Jing opened his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and said to Kato Dan.

"your eyes……"

Kato Dan noticed that the pattern of Ming Jing's Mangekyō Sharingan changed.

It was originally a shuriken pattern with four corners. At this time, the tip of the shuriken extended back for a section, becoming more slender, and connected with the rear end of the previous section to form a perfect circle.

"This is a Sharingan that is superior to the Mangekyo Sharingan. Not only does it not have the flaws in the pupil power of the original Mangekyo Sharingan, but the quality of the pupil power has also risen to a higher level. In other words, my strength has also risen. ”

Ming Jing said this in the surprised eyes of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

at the same time.

Another place in the Land of Fire.

"Nagato! How are you doing now!"

Konan carried Nagato on her back and flew at low altitude relying on the wings conjured by the Dance of Shikizhi.

They didn't dare to fly too high, as that would be too conspicuous and easy to be discovered.

"Ahem, I can't die for the time being. I know that what that guy Madara said is all lies. What about helping me collect tailed beasts to make the Ten-Tails, and what about helping me develop the Akatsuki organization to fight against the five major ninja villages. They are just to plot against my eyes. It’s just a pretense.”

Nagato climbed on Konan's back and coughed.

"It's my eyes, not yours, Nagato, and I'm not lying. Collecting tailed beasts to create the Ten-Tails and developing the Akatsuki organization are indeed all I have to do to bring true peace to the ninja world."

Madara's voice suddenly sounded from the front.

Nagato and Konan's expressions couldn't help but change.

The ground trembled, and a huge wooden dragon slowly rose up, dragging Madara and appearing in front of Nagato and Konan.

Beside him stood a ninja with white hair and his whole body wrapped in bandages.

"Beiliuhu...you actually dare to betray me!"

Nagato opened his samsara eyes and looked at Beiliu fiercely.

"I didn't expect that the extremely powerful Payne would be controlled by such a sick man behind his back."

Beiruhu said looking at Nagato in front of him.

"Okay, it's time to get my eyes back. Let's do it, Beiliuhu, use the trick you just learned."

Uchiha Madara looked at Beiliu beside him.

Beiliuhu formed a seal with his hands and pressed them to the ground.

The three coffins rose one after another, and the coffin panels were opened, revealing three ninjas with cracked faces.

The art of reincarnation in the dirty land is very difficult. Even if you are given the method, ordinary ninjas cannot learn it.

After Madara and Zetsu searched the ninja world, they found that among the people besides Orochimaru, they were the most likely to learn the art of reincarnation.

Relying on his own scientific research ability, Beiliuhu finally mastered the art of filthy earth reincarnation recently, but it is only the original filthy earth reincarnation.

Even if Bai Jue is used as the material for the spell, the power of the Reincarnation of the Earth has only increased from 20% to 40 to 50%.

"This is...the third Kazekage, and the third Mizukage!"

There was a look of shock on Xiaonan's face, and the white wings behind her were flapping, and she was about to flee the scene with Nagato.

However, Beiliuhu controlled the Third Kazekage and used sand iron to drag everyone into the sky and chase them.

It is not surprising that Madara has the body tissue of the Third Mizukage on his hand.

As of today, Kirigakure Village is still under his control.

The Third Kazekage was reincarnated from the dirty soil of Bei Liuhu, and was used to deal with the flying unit Xiaonan. The raw materials were also easy to find. All he had to do was ask for some of the Third Kazekage's body tissue from Scorpion.

The position of the leader of the Akatsuki organization has changed from Pain to Madara.

After Madara regained some of his strength using Ji Yu Yu, he broke into the Akatsuki organization and guided Nagato as a guide.

Nagato has been watched by Madara since he was a child, and has been manipulated by Madara all his life. Madara knows everything about his personality and experience. With Madara's ability, he can naturally play Nagato in the palm of his hand easily. Akatsuki Organization Many members also joined under Madara's guidance.

Madara's control over the Akatsuki organization has long surpassed that of Nagato, a middle-class young man.

"Wood Release·Flower Tree Realm Descends!"

"Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Boundary Technique!"

"Ice Escape·Exploding Ice Crystals!"

Countless attacks hit Konan's Nagato, and even though the two tried their best, they soon became scarred.

"Nagato, what should we do now?"

Konan clutched her chest and looked at Nagato, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

"Go to Konoha and find Teacher Jiraiya! Now, only Konoha has the ability to stop Madara!"

"Going to Konoha? It's useless. When I take back these samsara eyes, even if Uchiha Mingjing and the gang from Konoha join forces, there is no way they can defeat me."

Uchiha Madara sneered, controlled Susaki, and stretched out his hand to grab Nagato.

"That depends on whether you have that ability!"

Nagato retorted, controlling the repulsion of the Rinnegan, and levitating his body.

His legs had lost the ability to move, and he had no choice but to do this if he wanted to maintain mobility.

"Madara, I will make you feel what pain is!"

Nagato faced the sky, opened his hands, and said to Uchiha Madara.

"Super Shinra Tenzheng!"

The sky lit up with white light, and a terrifying shock wave was instantly released.

Sand, iron, ice crystals, and trees all collapsed at this moment.

Beiliu hurriedly hid behind Madara, controlling the Third Kazekage and Third Mizukage to protect him.

Madara Uchiha frowned slightly, standing above the head of the Susaki man, controlling his fists and punching forward to reduce the damage caused by the shock wave.

Even Konan was inevitably hit hard when Nagato used a shock wave to send him high into the sky to help him escape.


The huge wooden figure with a hundred hands collapsed, and smoke billowed for a moment.

Beiliuhu pushed away the Third Kazekage and Third Mizukage who were rapidly repairing their physical injuries in embarrassment, cursing in his mouth.

If he hadn't had the foresight to use Kiyaro's technique to absorb the Dark Release from a Kirigakure ninja and the Steel Release from an Iwagakure ninja before taking action, greatly enhancing his own survivability, he might have had to explain just now. Here it is.

"You are very good. The degree of control over the Samsara Eye can be said to have exceeded my expectations. The power of this move is already close to the level when I was at my peak."

Uchiha Madara pinched Nagato's throat and lifted it up, speaking in his unique and menacing voice.

The Super Shinra Tensei can burst out with such power in a short period of time, and can almost destroy a large ninja village with one blow, which is also rare in Madara's opinion.

Nagato was speechless as Madara pinched his throat.

After being seriously injured and using the Super Shinra Tensei, he didn't have much strength to speak.

"Ah, you can't die yet. If you die, how can Madara-sama's plan continue?"

There was a hoarse voice, and a pool of black liquid flowed out from the gaps in Madara's armor and crawled onto Nagato's body.

"Master Madara, this body still has enough vitality to perform the art of reincarnation. Look..."

Black Zetsu said while controlling Nagato's body.

"Wait a minute."

Uchiha Madara stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Next, I will release the power of Earthly Resentment with all my strength, gather the power of the five hearts into one heart, and restore my physical condition to its peak. Although it can only last for ten minutes, it is enough. ”

Following Madara Uchiha's words, groups of black threads emerged from Madara's body and shuttled freely across Madara's body, transforming Madara's body to look younger.

Within a few minutes, Uchiha Madara's slightly aged face, which originally had some wrinkles, suddenly became more vibrant, and the wrinkles on his skin were smoothed out.

He returned to the physical state he was in when he had a life-and-death showdown with Senju Hashirama in the Ancient of Ends.

Even if it's only ten minutes.

And these ten minutes will soon be greatly extended.

"Now, we can begin."

Uchiha Madara said while forming seals with his hands.

Opposite him, Nagato, who was possessed by Black Zetsu, also formed the same seal as Madara.

The moment the seal was completed, Uchiha Madara suddenly reached out and touched his heart.

Reincarnation is not a jutsu that makes Madara younger, but a ninjutsu that resurrects the dead. Uchiha Madara uses the power of the earthly resentment to restore his youth and experience the process from life to death, and from death to life again. .

"Thump, thump..."

A strong heartbeat came from Madara's body.

On the other side, Beiliu sighed inexplicably.

He originally thought about whether he could take the opportunity to seize the Samsara Eye.

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