Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 274 Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Chapter 275 Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

"Congratulations, Ming Jing, the operation was successful.

Dr. Kusno said while looking at Ming Jing who slowly stood up from the operating table.

"Ah, thank you very much, Dr. Kusno, and Dr. Kinos."

Ming Jing slowly took off the bandage, opened his eyes, and felt the power of his eyes.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

In the past, although he could feel the powerful power from his Mangekyō Sharingan, compared to now, Ming Jing always felt that the feeling back then seemed to be missing something.

But now, the power in his eyes has become more surging and powerful!

The cultivation of pupil power in one's own eyes rapidly improves the quality and quantity.

This is the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan! This represents the unrivaled terrifying power of conventional ninjas!

"Perfect! This is so perfect! Quick! Uchiha Mirror, show me your current power! Perfect power!"

Dr. Kinos stood aside, trembling all over, and said in a crazy tone.


Kusno frowned, and just as he was about to scold Jinos, he heard a loud noise coming from outside.

"Is this...Genos' incendiary cannon? Has the meteorite arrived?"

Kusno looked out the window and murmured.

"Doctor, let's go first. At least with our ability, we can escort you out of the center of the meteorite fall."

The armored gorilla opened the door, looked at Dr. Genos and said, while Mosquito Girl nodded.

"No need!"

Jinos looked at the mirror with excitement.

"Perfect power needs a perfect platform to display! Uchiha Mirror! Let me see your power!"

"Ah, yes."

Ming Jing put on his clothes, moved his body, then stepped forward and broke through the roof.


Surging pupil power poured out from his eyes, and a huge golden giant standing tall on the sky appeared, with two wings on his back, a ten-fist sword in his right hand, and a sun mirror in his left hand, and he rushed towards the sky.


There was another loud noise, and the meteorite shattered under Saitama's fist. Countless fragments turned into streamer-like fireballs and fell toward the earth during the friction with the atmosphere.

"Did Saitama take action? In that case."

The domineering power of Ming Jing's knowledge expanded, capturing the falling trajectory of each meteorite fragment.

"Yasaka no Magatama!"

Golden magatama shot out one after another, blasting all the larger meteorites in the sky.


The Sun Mirror also released countless golden arrows at this moment, accurately colliding with each fragment of the meteorite and smashing it into pieces.

This is enough to minimize the subsequent damage caused by the broken meteorite.

"That's...Teacher Ming Jing's ability!"

Genos looked at the golden giant flying in the sky in surprise.

All he had seen before were half-body Susanoos. Although they were not small in size, how could the pressure be compared to the full-body Susanoo that was hundreds of meters tall?

"Is that the ability of Scarlet Ninja? Why do I think this ability is not comparable to Scarlet and Ninja? But it is indeed very strong. This is enough to minimize the impact of the falling meteorite. It's just a pity, it should still be possible Some people were injured."

Banggu said with his hands behind his back, looking at Susanoo in the sky.

After seeing Saitama's power, although he was surprised by the power shown by Ming Jing, he was still able to accept it.

After all, the old man has also seen the scene of Tatsumaki attacking with all his strength, but the old man also believes that relying on this golden giant, Uchiha Mingjing may have the strength to fight Tatsumaki.

"Unfortunately, if I had known this would happen, I should have advised Metal Knight to join me in taking action later. After Teacher Saitama exploded the meteorite, the two of us assisted Teacher Mingjing, which was enough to reduce the impact of the meteorite. "

Looking at the gravel falling like hail, Genos said in a deep voice.

Now, most people only need to hide under buildings that are strong enough to ensure basic safety.

Ming Jing thought so too, but he still came to the highway intersection on the edge of the city, changing the shape of the Susan like a powerful Susan, and protecting the place.

This can also be regarded as an application of chakra form change, but it is much more difficult than ordinary ninjutsu.

The meteorite fell, and most of the citizens in the city came here, trying to evacuate Z City.

The road is extremely empty, and the roof of the car may not be able to block the larger falling rocks.

"Are we... saved?"

A citizen stared blankly at the golden barrier a dozen meters above and murmured to himself.

"Great! Finally saved!"

Groups of citizens cried with joy, filled with the joy of surviving after the disaster.

"I caught it! I caught it! The one controlling the golden giant is the scarlet ninja! I saw him in the noodle shop a month ago!"

A girl with long hair shouted, waving a camera in her hand.

She just took two photos, one was of the complete Susanoo falling from the sky, and the other was taken after the focal length was extended, and it captured the prism position of Susanoo's head. Mirror.

Soon a reporter tried to buy these two photos from the girl with a high price.

So, the next day, these two photos made the headlines of major media.

"Oh, it's on the news. By the way, this is the first time since I started doing heroic activities."

Saitama said while eating breakfast and looking at the newspaper on the table.

Genos bought breakfast when he went out for breakfast, and the newspaper was bought on the way when he was buying breakfast.

The cover of the newspaper was the photo taken of the girl with long hair.

The huge golden Susan back has two wings, the shape is majestic, and the golden orange color makes it look like a god descending from the mortal world.

Opening the cover, the first picture is still a picture of Der Spiegel.

On the head of the golden Susanoo, in the diamond-shaped mirror, one can clearly see a tall figure wearing a blue and black haori, with bright red eyes matching the surrounding golden background, and Ming Jing's handsome face. They set off each other and have a different kind of beauty.

After that, there is the content of the main text, which reports in detail the background of the meteorite changing its orbit due to high-energy cosmic rays and eventually falling in City Z. After that, it briefly describes how several heroes destroyed the meteorite and saved the city. City Z, and the subsequent impact of this incident.

However, since the location of Genos, Metal Knight, Saitama and others is directly facing the center of the meteorite, except for a few heroes, no one there will still stay there when the disaster strikes, so about There is not a single photo of Genos and the others at the scene.

Instead, there are photos of Genos, Saitama and others on the official website of the Hero Association, which are interspersed in the text below.

"Speaking of which, our hero ranking has also improved this time, right? I don't know if I can reach B level. The weekly mission requirements are really troublesome."

Saitama put the shaomai into his mouth and said in a muffled voice.

"There has indeed been an improvement. My ranking has gone up one place, replacing Mr. Ming Jing's original 17th place. Mr. Ming Jing's ranking has risen to 15th. The original 16th place for Sexy Prisoner and the 15th place for Metal The bats were ranked 18th and 16th respectively.”

"As for Saitama-sensei, he has risen from the 342nd place in C-level to the 5th place. He should be promoted to B-level soon. Logically speaking, based on the teacher's achievements, even being fifth in S-level is not an exaggeration. However, The association seems to think that Metal Knight and I have greater credit for this incident.”

Genos said while looking at the rankings displayed on his phone.

"Oh, you're not even B-level yet?"

Saitama said with some pity, and then continued to ask:

"Where's the mirror? Why didn't you see him?"

"Teacher Saitama left before he got up. Teacher Mingjing said that he had to go back to his hometown for a while for some matters today. It seems to be the death anniversary of his relatives."

Genos said.

Naruto world.

Konoha Village, in front of the Memorial Monument.

Ming Jing placed two bouquets of flowers in front of the tombstones of Uchiha Chiji and Uchiha Linna respectively.

Today is their death anniversary, and it also represents the 14th anniversary of the arrival of Spiegel in this world.

In two months' time, it will be Ming Jing's twenty-fourth birthday.

"Have you decided yet? Teacher Duan."

Ming Jing turned around and looked at Kato Suan behind him and asked.

Behind Kato Dan stood Uchiha Itachi, who became a chuunin less than a year after graduating early and joined the ANBU.

"It depends on Itachi's own wishes. In fact, I am not willing to let Itachi go. These things should be borne by those of us in high positions, instead of pushing a young ninja into a pit of fire."

Kato Dan sighed and looked at Uchiha Itachi.

"No, Yondaime-sama and Mingjing-sama, this is the most appropriate method, and it is also a method that can achieve the maximum results at the minimum cost."

Uchiha Itachi half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said.

"See, that's why I came to you. I can't persuade him, but maybe you can."

Kato Dan said with a wry smile.

I don’t know what Uchiha Itachi has gone through, or how Madara came into contact with this kid again. Now this guy has made a suggestion to the village’s top management, that is, let him, who has always been paid attention to by Uchiha Madara, As an undercover agent, he lurked next to Madara, and then passed the information about Madara back to Konoha. Finally, Konoha's high-level combat forces ambushed him.

"Teacher Duan."

Ming Jing suddenly spoke.

"In fact, you may be more inclined to Itachi's choice in your heart, otherwise, you wouldn't come to me."

Ming Jing looked at Kato Dan and said.

Kato couldn't help but be startled, and then sat down on the spot with a wry smile on his face.

"Ding Jing, do you also think I have changed?"

Ming Jing still stood there without saying a word.

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