Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 276 Even after death, you still have to take the blame

Chapter 277 Even if you die, you still have to take the blame

If Madara intends to use the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth to help Madara return to his youth, then Beiliuhu can guarantee that he will stab Madara in the back and snatch the reincarnation eye for himself to use the art of Oni Yaluo.

Oni Meira's art can swallow the blood successor boundary, and in the ninja world, is there a stronger blood successor boundary than the legendary Sage's Eye and the Samsara Eye?

Unfortunately, Madara was still on guard against Bei Liuhu and developed a new ninjutsu directly through Ji Yu to perfectly resurrect himself.

"Young body, surging heartbeat, boiling blood...this familiar feeling."

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but close his eyes, savoring the vitality...and power that his young body brought to him!

However, he still lacks a pair of eyes that belong to him before he is complete.


Blood splashed out. After Black Zetsu broke away from Nagato's body, he took the initiative to dig out the Rinnegan Eye, and Nagato's body also fell to the ground helplessly at this moment.

He was already breathing too much out and taking in too little air, and he didn't have a few more minutes to live.


"Madara-sama, your eyes."

Black Zetsu held the Rinnegan and delivered it to Madara.

Uchiha Madara dug out the pair of three magatama sharingan eyes in his eyes and replaced them with his own pair of samsara eyes.

At this moment, he was the complete Uchiha Madara.

"It's a pity that even if Tsunade comes here, she can't save this guy. I still want to use his body for some living experiments."

Beiruhu walked to Nagato's body and said with a pity tone.

Nagato's ears moved but did not move again.

He can't see anything now and has no strength to say another word, but the Uzumaki clan's perception ability can still make him feel the surrounding atmosphere.

He knew that Xiaonan had escaped, so now, he could accept death calmly.

"You want his body? Are you using your ninjutsu to devour him?"

Uchiha Madara wiped away the blood and tears left when he changed his eyes, opened a pair of oppressive reincarnation eyes, stared at Beiliu and said.

"Of course, the Uzumaki clan has a very strong physique. If I can devour him, then my body may be able to hold more blood."

Beiliu had already taken out the sealing scroll and planned to put Nagato's body inside.

"It's not necessary. Hashirama's cells can make your body stronger, and there are also Mudun's blood inheritance limits."

"Madara-sama is joking. Even if I use Kiyaro's technique, my body cannot withstand the overbearing power of the first Hokage's cells."

Beiliuhu shook his head and refused.

"Hmph, with your body, naturally you cannot withstand Hashirama's power. After all, in this world, only Hashirama is a ninja at the same level as me, not even Uchiha Mingjing."

Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly and threw a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes still stained with blood to Beilihu.

"The power of the Sharingan can balance Hashirama's power, and this pair of three-magatama sharingan has been cultivated by my body. Although it is not as good as the Mangekyo Sharingan, the power contained in it is still greater than that of the ordinary three-magatama sharingan." The Rinnegan, coupled with the bonus of the Oni Rame Jutsu, is enough for you to swallow Hashirama’s cells.”

Beiliuhu's eyebrows were filled with joy, and he received the pair of three magatama sharingan eyes into the seal scroll as if he had found a treasure.

"To be honest, I still want the Mangekyo Sharingan more. Even if I can't get the Uchiha Mirror, I can get the Uchiha Fugaku. Using the three magatama is still a waste, but it's better than nothing."

Beiliuhu put away the seal scroll while packing it up, and carried it behind his back.


Uchiha Madara looked at the horizon in the distance and murmured.

That's the direction where Xiaonan disappeared.

"Konoha will soon know that I have retrieved the Rinnegan Eye, but it just so happens that this village created by Hashirama and I also happens to be destroyed by me."

Madara Uchiha withdrew his gaze and looked at Black Zetsu.

"Inform us, gather every member of the Akatsuki organization, and start executing the tailed beast capture plan. Let's capture the most difficult Nine Tails first!"



Konoha Village.

"In this case, Itachi, you don't need to do those dangerous jobs. Next, I will transfer you to the Shadow Guards to personally guide you."

Kato Dan and Uchiha Itachi walked out of the campus where the Memorial Monument was located and walked towards the Hokage Building.

"I understand, Yondaime-sama."

Uchiha Itachi put on the mask of an ANBU ninja and nodded in reply.

At this moment, another ANBU ninja wearing an animal mask flashed in front of Kato Dan.

"Raven, what happened?"

Kato Dan asked looking at Uchiha Shisui in front of him.

Crow is Shisui's code name in Anbu, and he is now the squad leader of Anbu.

"Sir Yondaime, the police department found a woman outside the village. She said she had important information about Madara!"

"Where is she now?"

"She was seriously injured and has been urgently escorted to Konoha Hospital by Yosuke Jonin!"

Kato Dan hurriedly changed direction and rushed towards Konoha Hospital.

It didn't take long for all the high-level officials of Konoha who had received the news to gather in the intensive care unit of Konoha Hospital.

"what's going on?"

Akimichi Torifu, who arrived in a hurry, asked Uchiha Fugaku next to him.

"It's not clear yet. The woman fell into a coma after just saying Madara's information. She probably had to hold her breath to reach Konoha. Now Ming Jing and Tsunade are doing their best to rescue her."

Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly.

"What does that woman look like? You said she has blue hair, and that wooden sign with a frog pattern, you said the name written on it is Xiaonan..."

Jiraiya, the last one to arrive, asked everyone with a solemn look on his face.

"Jiraiya-sensei, this is the wooden sign that the medical ninja just found on her body."

Namikaze Minato took out a wooden sign with a frog painted on one side and black characters on a red background and said.

The character on it is Xiaonan.

Jiraiya took the wooden sign blankly.

"This is the wooden sign. Yes, it was made by me myself back then. Minato, this is the wooden sign that I told you your three junior brothers and sisters in the Land of Rain carry with them."

Jiraiya remembered the past and said while holding the wooden sign tightly.

"A disciple of Jiraiya? That should be someone who is friendly to Konoha, right? Did he accidentally discover Madara's traces and send the information, and then was pursued by Madara, and in the end only one person managed to come to Konoha alive? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched his beard and guessed.

"I'm afraid what she wants to say is not just this, but that Madara has gained eyes that are more terrifying than the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan."

Jiraiya looked serious and continued:

"The three disciples I accepted in the Land of Rain, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, all have good ninja potential, especially Nagato. I heard that he has the same eyes as the Six Paths Sage since he was born. , reincarnation eye.

For a long time, I thought he was the son of the prophecy predicted by the Great Toad Immortal. Now, I am afraid that these samsara eyes have fallen into Madara's hands, and his current power will become even more terrifying. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but show a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Jiraiya, why didn't you tell the village about the Rinnegan Eye? If we could have the Rinnegan Eye, then we would now..."

"You don't have to wait until now, Mr. Sarutobi, if that brat really comes to Konoha, Danzo will gouge out his eyes on the first day, and then you will scold him and send his body to me for study. "

Orochimaru took off his glasses with a smile and said to the third generation.

Sandai couldn't help but choke.

"Is I so unbearable?"

At this time, Orochimaru had already directed the topic elsewhere.

"Thanks to Ming Jing-kun, I have the opportunity to have a glimpse of the historical truth of the ninja world. Uchiha is the descendant of the eldest son of the Six Paths Sage, and inherited part of the power of the Immortal Eye. Senju and Uzumaki are the descendants of the second son of the Six Paths Sage. Inherited part of the ability of the immortal body, Jiraiya, I remember that kid has red hair, it is indeed possible that he is a member of the Uzumaki clan, but there is no reason that the person who inherited the immortal eyes is not an Uchiha, but a person from the Uzumaki clan. "

"But... according to Nagato, those eyes appeared shortly after he was born..."

"Then it's possible that someone replaced it, isn't it?"

Orochimaru retorted.

"Orochimaru, you mean these eyes are Madara's eyes?"

Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly.

"Otherwise? The one who is most likely to open the Immortal Eyes should be the Uchiha clan. Among the Uchiha clan, I think there are only two people who have the potential to open such legendary eyes."

"One is called Uchiha Mirror, and the other is called Uchiha Madara."

Orochimaru spread his hands and concluded.

"That's more troublesome than expected. If it's not Madara's original eyes, then it will definitely take time for Zai Madara to become familiar with the capabilities of these eyes. But if it's Madara's own eyes, then once they are replaced, he can Perfectly displaying all the power of the Samsara Eye!"

Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of sorrow.

"For the specific situation, let's wait for Ming Jing and Tsunade to come out, and then ask Xiao Nan to ask about the situation before making a decision. Ming Jing will definitely be our most important main force against Madara. We also need to understand the enemy's intelligence as much as possible through Xiao Nan and make decisions. Only with targeted arrangements can we improve our chances of winning.”

Kato Dan's words temporarily calmed everyone.

Even Kato Dan himself felt a little unsure after learning that Madara had obtained the Samsara Eye, but as Hokage, even in desperate situations, he had to show a calm side in front of everyone.

At this moment, Kato Dan only felt that he was really tired sitting in the position of Hokage.

With the busy government affairs and the need to balance the interests of all aspects of the village from time to time, coupled with the pressure brought by Uchiha Madara, Kato Dan only felt mentally and physically exhausted.

Now, as Hokage, he also needs to give to his subordinates and his wife, based on the hope of victory for everyone.

Perhaps, only in front of Uchiha Mingjing, he would be slightly different, not only because Uchiha Mingjing is Kato Dan's most trusted disciple, but also because Uchiha Mingjing is the one who can best give Kato Dan, the Hokage, the confidence to defeat Madara. people.

When the sky falls, there are tall people who can hold it up. Generally speaking, Hokage is the tallest one in Konoha, but for Kato Dan, Ming Jing's height is the tallest one.

As the destined fifth generation Hokage of Konoha in the future, Kato Dan can naturally transfer some of the pressure to Ming Jing.

Kato Dan now only hopes that these people, together with Ming Jing who has opened the Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, can fight against Uchiha Madara.

Ming Jing, who has high hopes, is currently in the operating room of Konoha Medical Department, treating Konan with Tsunade, pharmacist Nono U and Aburame Nami.

"The internal organs were dislocated and bleeding, the limbs suffered comminuted fractures, and there were numerous wounds left by sand, iron and other substances on the surface of the body. This injury is much more troublesome than the one suffered by the Inuzuka Mastiff."

Tsunade frowned, stretched out her hand and pressed it on Konan's body, using medical ninjutsu to barely save Konan's life.

"Injuries such as sand iron were the first to be left on her body. At that time, she should still have some fighting ability. Later, she should have encountered a large-scale and powerful crushing ninjutsu impact. She should have used some kind of He used ninjutsu with strong buffering capabilities to reduce the damage he suffered, and used his limbs to protect his main torso at the last moment, barely saving his life. "

Relying on the world-clearing and sharingan eyes, coupled with Ming Jing's knowledge of medical ninjutsu and intelligence analysis, Ming Jing immediately reproduced the situation of Konan at that time.

"First, let Nami use medical bugs to remove sand, iron and other debris from her body. Nonoyu will prepare a bottle of golden potion, dilute it four times and add nutrient solution as a potion to give her an intravenous drip."

"Yes! Tsunade-sama!"

Pharmacist No Naiyu hurried out of the operating room to prepare the medicine.

"Ding Jing, you and I use the art of regeneration to restore her injuries. The alignment of the internal organs and meridians in her body still depends on your ability. As for the comminuted fractures of the limbs, if the bone marrow cells are damaged and cannot be restored, , then we can only replace her with a metal skeleton."

Tsunade studied the CT images for a while and finally spoke.

When the sun went down, Xiao Nan finally escaped from the danger of life.

Although he has not been cured yet, he has regained consciousness.

When Konan opened her eyes, the first person she saw was Jiraiya.


Looking at Jiraiya standing beside the bed, Konan couldn't help but whisper.

"Well, Xiaonan, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you have grown into a beautiful girl."

"You still have the familiar tone of voice, Jiraiya-sensei."

Because she saw Jiraiya, a familiar old friend, Xiaonan gradually relaxed and answered every question from Jiraiya.

The other senior officials of Konoha were watching this scene in the monitoring room of Konoha Hospital. Uchiha Shisui was sitting at the table in the monitoring room, holding a pen in his hand, recording all the conversations between the two.

"It is indeed Madara's own eyes. According to Konan, Uchiha Madara's understanding of the power of the Rinnegan Eye is better than Nagato, who has developed the power of the Rinnegan Eye for many years."

Kato Duan crossed his shoulders with his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Repulsion, gravity, absorption ninjutsu, chakra devouring, channeling heretic demons, devouring souls, it is indeed the Samsara Eye, it has so many abilities."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips, his eyes filled with curiosity.

I really want to dig out my reincarnation eye and study it carefully...

"That's just the ability that Nagato can use. Since this eye is Madara, it will definitely be able to exert greater power on him."

Mirror looked at the surveillance screen. Halfway through the conversation with Xiao Nanchang, Jiraiya, who looked a little sad because of the death of Yahiko Nagato, said lightly.

"So Ming Jing, I heard that you have now awakened the stronger MangekyĹŤ Sharingan. Are you sure you can block Madara who has the Rinnegan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood nearby smoking his pipe and asked the mirror.

"I don't know. You have to fight it before you know it."

Ming Jing shook his head and said.

According to the image in his memory, Kudo Madara in the state of the Samsara Eye can be tied with the reincarnated Senjutsu Hashirama.

Madara used Yin Yang Release's black rod to restrain the first generation, and the first generation also used the Myojin Gate to suppress Madara.

According to Senju Tobirama's estimate, Hashirama's true Senju Tobirama at that time had close to 90% of its peak strength.

At that time, Uchiha Madara was in the state of reincarnation in the dirt and could only use part of the functions of the Samsara Eye.

The Eye of Samsara already belongs to the Six Paths level, and it cannot be reproduced simply by reincarnation.

The current Uchiha Madara has a complete Rinnegan, and his strength may be a bit stronger, but it should not be as strong as the Six Paths level.

The Samsara Eye is very strong, but Ming Jing believes that he should still be able to fight.

The Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan is indeed not as good as the Rinnegan, but it is enough to elevate a person to a level that is not weak even in the super shadow level. The complete Susanoo can match the technique of Bokujin, and then add the immortal His skills are not necessarily inferior to those of Immortal Magic Pillar.

Now, with the help of Bruce's power, Ming Jing has absorbed the power of the corpses of three peak dragon-level monsters including the Vaccine Man, the Giant Brother and the Asura One-horned Immortal. The strength of his body has once again risen to a higher level, and he is placed in the world of One Piece. It is already considered top level.

So with the Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan + Senjutsu, coupled with the top-notch vision color that can briefly foresee the future, and the realm of swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman, you may not lose if you encounter the Samsara Eyespot.

But even though Ming Jing said this, the Third Hokage was still not reassured.

As an old man who came from the Warring States Period, in his heart, the names Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama represented invincibility. The only ones who could deal with the other were each other.

Not to mention, Uchiha Madara has become stronger.

"The Yondaime, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, I have a suggestion that I need to seek your opinions on."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his pipe, looked at Orochimaru, then looked at Tsunade and said.

"Sandaime, are you thinking..."

Kato hesitated to speak but stopped talking.

"Using the art of reincarnation of dirty soil to resurrect the first generation? I don't care about that. You should ask Tsunade and Dan, they are the granddaughter and grandson-in-law who are related to the first generation, but I have to mention that the second generation invented the art of reincarnation of dirty earth. The technique can only give the resurrected person 20% of their strength, and it needs to be improved. Even if he is resurrected, it will be useless against Madara, who is now much stronger. "

Orochimaru said, tapping his fingers on the table.

"You just said that at least it can be improved, so..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tsunade and Kato Dan.

"Resurrection...Grandpa? Back then, Second Grandpa was actually able to continue to improve the art of reincarnation from dirty soil, but grandpa was disgusted with this kind of behavior that disturbed the dead, so he asked Second Grandpa to reincarnate dirty soil, which was against ethics and morals. After the magic was sealed, the original sealed book was born. If grandpa is resurrected, then..."

Tsunade sighed and gave the choice to her husband.

"Forget it, Dan, you are the Hokage, you decide."

"Now, even if we don't want to use dirty soil to reincarnate, we still have to give it a try."

Kato Dan sighed.

Because at this moment, Konan's voice was also transmitted along a button on Jiraiya's body that was equipped with a monitor.

"You mean...the enemies who attacked you along with Madara include the Third Kazekage and the Third Mizukage. They are still under the control of Konoha's rebellious ninja, Hiroyuki?"

Jiraiya had a look of disbelief on his face and asked Konan who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Well, many of the wounds on my body are caused by the sand iron of the Third Kazekage and the ice crystals of the Third Mizukage, but they make me feel very strange, and there are many cracks on my body."

Jiraiya couldn't help but pause for a moment, and immediately realized that this was the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth.

"Let Jiraiya ask how strong the Third Kazekage and the Third Water Shadow are."

Orochimaru sat in front of the monitor and said to Yamanaka Haiichi who was sitting at attention on one side.

Yamanaka Kaiichi hurriedly activated the telepathy technique and passed the message to Jiraiya.

"Then...what are the strengths of the Third Kazekage and the Third Mizukage?"

Jiraiya asked Konan, taking an orange from the table and breaking it into pieces.

"Not weak, but I feel like they haven't reached their true level, but the two of them together can definitely compete with a Kage who is at his peak."

Konan leaned on the hospital bed and took half an orange from Jiraiya's hand.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sensei."

"Ah, just take a good rest here. If you need anything, you can tell the nurse in the hospital. This old guy like me still has some status in the village. You can rest assured. In this world, There is no safer place than Konoha."

Jiraiya smiled and said to Konan, then walked to the door, closed the door and walked out.

Xiao Nan turned his head away, looked at the brilliant sunset on the horizon in the distance, and fell into silence.

"Does the enemy also possess the art of reincarnation? But why, this art has only been sealed in the sealed book. Outsiders have absolutely no chance to touch this ninjutsu."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone was full of surprise.

However, Konoha's protective measures for the Sealed Book can protect against powerful ninjas in the conventional sense, but they have no effect on Kaguya's creation, Black Zetsu, which has a strange life form.

"But the reincarnation of the dirty earth has indeed reappeared." Qiudao Qifeng spread his hands and said.

"Could it be Danzo who leaked it? Sandaime, could Danzo have access to the Sealed Book?"

Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly.

The Third Hokage fell silent.

It seems... if you throw the blame on Danzo, can you really explain it?

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