Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 273 Complete Susanoo!

Chapter 274 Complete Susanoo!

"The spiritual transformation technique was successfully performed, Dr. Kusno, Dr. Genos, I'll leave it to you next.

The tall robot detected Ming Jing's brain waves, lit up its red mechanical eyes, and emitted electronic sounds from the speakers below.

This is of course what Der Spiegel said.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Kinos patted his shoulder, walked to the computer with Kusno, and began to operate.

An hour later, outside the house.

"Genos, there shouldn't be anything wrong with Mirror, right? I've never heard of Mirror saying that he has any illness before."

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Saitama clasped his hands behind his head, holding a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, leaning against the door frame with a bored expression, and asked Genos beside him.

"Teacher Saitama, I believe that with the level of Dr. Kusno, Teacher Mingjing will be safe and sound, and I believe that with the power of Teacher Saitama and I, as long as a meteorite that can destroy City Z does not suddenly fall from the sky, this situation will happen. , then we will ensure that Dr. Kusno’s treatment can proceed smoothly.”

Genos said with a serious face.

At this moment, the two cell phones Genos carried suddenly rang.

Two mobile phones, one belongs to Genos himself, and the other is temporarily given by Mingjing to Genos for safekeeping.

Genos opened the mirror's one and planned to connect his own.

"Moses Moses! Is it the Scarlet Ninja?"

"No, I am Genos, a student of Mr. Ming Jing. The teacher is very busy now. What can I do?"

"Ah, is it a devil transforming a person? It turns out that you are staying with the Scarlet Ninja. Please rush to the association branch with the Scarlet Ninja immediately. Something important is happening!"

On the phone, the association staff said anxiously.


Genos glanced hesitantly at the treatment room behind him.

"Are you actually looking for two S-class heroes at once? It seems like it's a big deal. Genos, go ahead. I'm here, no problem."

Saitama said, patting his chest.

"Then, Saitama-sensei, I'll leave it to you next!"

Genos bowed slightly to Saitama, then turned and left.

"If you call two S-class heroes at once, is there really a meteorite going to fall?"

Saitama flicked his nose, glanced at the direction Genos left, and murmured to himself.

Saitama and Genos didn't expect that their joke would actually become true!

At this time, scholars from major observatories around the world observed a terrible phenomenon.

"In short, this is caused by the collision of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays produced by an accidental solar activity with a meteorite flowing in space. The strong kinetic energy generated caused the orbit of the meteorite to change and was captured by the Earth's gravity. We have already The data was sent to Metal Knight, and according to his calculations, the meteorite will fall to the earth within an hour."

"The landing location is City Z. If it cannot be resolved, the power of this meteorite will be enough to level City Z and cause major earthquakes in several nearby cities."

Genos stood at the entrance of the association branch, listening to Xiqi's voice coming from the mobile phone, his face serious.

"Is there really a meteorite coming? Teacher Ming Jing is still here receiving surgical treatment from Dr. Kusno. We must not let this matter have an impact on Teacher Ming Jing!"

When I walked into the door of the association branch, I saw that it was empty except for an old man with silver hair standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

He is the third S-class hero, Silver Fang, Bangu.

"What about the rest?"

"The only S-class heroes who were summoned are you and me. The others are either too far away or have other things to do. Some of them are cold-blooded animals and didn't come here because they thought things were too troublesome. By the way, where is the Scarlet Ninja? He should be in Z City too."

Bang Gu looked at Genos and said solemnly.

"Teacher Ming Jing is still undergoing surgery due to physical reasons, so I am the only one here for the time being."

Genos replied to Banggu.

At this moment, the drone's horn sounded on the street outside, informing every citizen of what was about to happen.

There are still thirty minutes until the meteorite arrives.

The outside was full of noisy people and honking cars. Every citizen was scrambling to escape from City Z. In the end, the excessive flow of people caused a huge traffic jam.

"how about you?"

"Call me Mr. Banggu. It is impossible for me to give up the dojo handed down from my ancestors. No matter what, I will live and die with the dojo. By the way, do you know Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist? That is our dojo..."

Banggu made two gestures, but Genos ignored him and ran out quickly.

He tried his best to stop the meteorite from falling.

In Kusno's research base.

Ming Jing's body is connected to tubes one after another, which continuously transport nutrients to the inside of the body and provide the huge energy needed for transformation.

"All the nanorobots have been injected into your body and will start working according to the algorithm I set based on your body scan results before. Because the modified genes will hardly change your body traits, the speed of transformation will be Soon, it will be over in about thirty minutes.”

Dr. Kusno looked at the real-time CT scan displayed on the screen, turned his head and said to the mirror.

"Thirty minutes? I don't know if it's too late, and..."

Dr. Kinos frowned and looked at the time on his phone.

"You just heard it, right? The city-wide broadcast. I wonder if your body can be transformed before the meteorite falls to City Z. Even if it is completed, I can't be sure whether you will be powerful enough by then to bring it with you. Let us survive the power of meteorites."

Jinos said worriedly.

"Ah, of course, don't forget, there is Saitama out there. Even if my genes are completed, I am not sure that I can block his attacks. Even if the transformation is not completed, then based on his The strength is completely enough to destroy the meteorite. Even if there are still fragments of the meteorite, I think the defensive strength of this base should be enough. "

Ming Jing, whose soul resides in the robot's brain, made an electronic sound and looked at a screen on the other side.

The screen there is divided into dozens of pieces, and cameras are used to monitor every corner of the base.

Saitama yawned boredly at the door.

Mosquito Girl and the Armored Gorilla were all the way together, patrolling the surroundings non-stop.

"Then, I'll ask Genos to call Saitama and ask him to stop the meteorite. I hope he can do it."

Kusno took off the hat on his head, sighed and took out his mobile phone.

Ming Jing silently withdrew his gaze and looked at his body sitting helplessly on the bed.

The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is almost here.

Unlike the two reincarnations of Indra, Madara and Sasuke, Ming Jing has a biological brother who has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, with current methods, it is very simple to solve this problem. Just integrate the genes of Ming Jing's original parents, Uchiha Chiji and Uchiha Linna.

If Ming Jing has biological brothers, then his genes must have been inherited from these two people.

In fact, the genetic samples taken out by the Mirror are not limited to these two people. The genes of the two Mangekyō Sharingan owners, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Obito, are naturally indispensable. Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, etc. are revealed to have the ability to open the Mangekyō Sharingan. The younger generation of Uchihas who possess the Mangekyō Sharingan aptitude also have genes.

There are also a few cell samples taken from the blind eyeball of the Uchiha mirror.

Coupled with the genes of other Uchiha clan ninjas collected by the Mirror, Dr. Genos recorded a gene sequence that was extremely likely to restore Yundra's genes.

This person even speculated that the gene of the ancestor of the Mirror has about a quarter of the contrast with normal humans. The source of this gene may be an unimaginably powerful creature.

Kinos did not think about aliens, because if there were indeed aliens, they would basically not be the same species as earthlings. In his opinion, they would probably be reproductively isolated from earthlings.

Kinos believes that the ancestor of the Mirror may be a human whose genes have mutated for some reason, or more likely a weirdo from ancient times.

This hypothesis was actually endorsed by Dr. Kusnow...

A loud bang echoed through the sky.

Countless missiles dragged their tail flames and poured onto the meteorite, causing the meteorite's landing trajectory to slow down, but then continued to fall quickly.

This is Metal Knight remotely controlling the robot and using meteorites to test the power of the missile.

"Isn't it true?"

Genos looked at the Metal Knight robot in the distance with its gun barrels turning red, and quickly opened a black metal box.

This is an experimental product produced by Dr. Kusno based on Genos' next upgrade plan. It can disassemble the box into several parts to enhance Genos' firepower and energy output.

"There are still 47 seconds until the meteorite hits, and it takes 8 seconds to assemble the parts... There are still five seconds before the full-power incineration cannon is charged!"

Genos opened a hole in his chest, put the last remaining blue energy reactor after the box was disassembled into his spare energy core, and his arms quickly transformed into cannon muzzles.


A terrifying orange-red energy beam erupted from Genos' body and bombarded the surface of the meteorite.

Bang Gu put his hand on his forehead to resist the dazzling light, and couldn't help but glance at the meteorites in the sky.

"The meteorite seems to have retreated a bit..."


"I seem to have made a mistake..."

Bang Gu was a little unsure again.

"Smelly old man!"

Genos couldn't help but cursed. As the energy was consumed, he stopped the cannon, staggered, and half-knelt on the ground.

"Old man, I'll leave him to you to take care of him!"

A voice suddenly sounded from the top of the building.

Saitama walked forward slowly and looked at the meteorites in the sky.


Genos was surprised.

"Who are you……"

Bang Gu was also curious.

"I'm just a hero out of interest."

Saitama looked up at the sky and kicked the ground with his feet, crushing the entire building. With a sound explosion, the figure disappeared instantly.

The next second, the huge meteorite in the sky exploded instantly, turning into countless dazzling meteors falling from the sky.

"Incredible! Such a powerful force! It actually broke the meteorite! But..."

Bang looked at the meteorite fragments scattered in the sky with some hesitation.

These things would probably cause considerable damage to the city if they fell.

"Saitama teacher? Why are you here? And where is Mingjing teacher?"

Genos stood up with Bang's help and asked Saitama.


Saitama scratched his head and looked into the distance.

There, a golden Susanoo giant as big as a mountain with wings on its back soared into the sky!

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