Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 263 The Sealed Book

Chapter 264 The Book of Sealing

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After one hour.

The battle between Ming Jing and the mirror body naturally ended with Ming Jing's true body winning.

To be honest, it felt a little strange to cut off the head of a person who looked exactly like me with my own hands.

When the mirror body is destroyed, what remains in its original position is a white light spot like a thick fog.

This is unconscious, but it contains extremely high-quality soul essence. Absorbing it can gain considerable benefits.

Ming Jing put his hand into it and absorbed it.

"Now, I probably understand what Teacher Duan means when he talks about realizing one's own soul."

After a long time, the white light point disappeared, and Ming Jing's spiritual body slowly opened his mouth and said.

Only now can his soul fill in the last small gap and become completely complete.

Although his soul itself was very strong in the past, now, Ming Jing can say that he can control his soul freely.

"The next step is to have an out-of-body experience."

Ming Jing slowly raised his head and flew towards the top of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, at a level where no one was watching, Ming Jing's spirit body slowly flew out of the Tianling Cap.

"You really succeeded, Mirror."

Not far ahead, Kato Dan's eyes flashed with blue light, staring at the spirit in the mirror in front of him.

With the help of mental power that is powerful enough to affect reality, Kato Dan can see the mirror in the spirit state.

"How does it feel?"

Kato asked the mirror with a smile.

It was clear that Kato Dan didn't open his mouth, but the words still entered Ming Jing's mind.

Ming Jing immediately understood that the communication method of the spirit body was different from that of the physical body.

In the case of a physical body, sound reception relies on the vibration of the air to form sound waves, which are transmitted to the ears. In the state of the spiritual body, it is a vibration of spiritual power.

"It's very strange. I can feel that I have lost my restraints, and my perception and movement speed have been greatly enhanced. But I also feel weak and insecure because my powerful body that can protect my soul is separated from me."

Ming Jing is self-taught and has mastered the method of using mental power to communicate.

"Ah, just like me before, now I will spread out my senses and pay attention to the situation of your spirit body at all times. Once your spirit body shows a decline in soul power, I will use my mind to protect your spirit body and explain Orochimaru will then use ninjutsu to summon your spirit body into its true form."

Kato Dan said.

Ming Jing nodded slightly, then passed through the wall and came to the laboratory not far away.

In the center here, the star meteorite is placed above an instrument.

Ming Jing's spirit body quickly floated around the star meteorite, receiving intense radiation.

Ming Jing could feel that an endless stream of energy was being transmitted to his spiritual body along the radiation, strengthening the quality of his soul.

Just like Kato Dan said, this is just like the transformation of water into ice. It is the different forms of the same thing, and there are various differences.

Suddenly, as if a certain boundary had been broken, everything around him was reflected in Ming Jing's mind exactly.

In the past, Ming Jing could do this with the domineering power of knowledge derived from the transparent world, but it was never as clear as it is now.

Because Mingjing seems to know how these things will change in the next moment.

"Orochimaru will look at the time in the next second."

"The third generation will go to the right."

"Senior Feng Feng will probably continue eating potato chips with a different flavor."

All the subconscious judgments in my mind were realized one by one.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a harvest, which could improve my knowledge to the level of being able to predict the future in a short period of time."

Ming Jing was having a great time until Kato Dan's voice came into his mind.

"Why did it take so long? Nothing unexpected happened, right? Do you need me and Orochimaru to take action?"

"No need, Teacher Duan, I just gained something new."

Ming Jing's mental power vibrated against Kato Dan's telepathy and transmitted his words.

Passing through the wall again, Ming Jing's spirit body flew back into the secret room and saw his true body sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"It looks like you succeeded."

Kato Dan's eyes were shining with blue light and he said to the mirror.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Duan."

Ming Jing's spirit body jumped and returned to his own body.

Familiar touches and sounds came from the body again. Ming Jing opened his eyes and looked around.

"Congratulations, Mirror."

Kato Dan and Namikaze Minato, who were waiting on one side, sent their blessings one after another.

Jiraiya also took the phone and sent the news to the laboratory where Orochimaru and the others were.

"The Yondaime, Mingjing's matter is over, what's next..."

Orochimaru, who hurried from the laboratory, seemed a little impatient.

For him, who is eager to learn all ninjutsu and master all truths, many things in the sealed book are coveted treasures.

"Ah, in that case, let's go to the Hokage Building."

Kato Dan said.

Suddenly, a group of Konoha high-level officials rushed towards the Hokage Building, causing some people on the road to think that something big had happened in the village.

The Book of Sealings is Konoha's most important ninjutsu heritage. Even some of the relatively "conventional" ninjutsu recorded above can bring a considerable improvement to a jounin-level expert, and such as Flying Thunder God, The forbidden technique of multiplying detonating talismans is enough for an elite jounin to reach the threshold of the shadow level.

Of course, now there are some additional contents on this thing, such as the Thunder Chakra Mode, Black Thunder Secret Technique, etc.

These were the results of when Ming Jing and Orochimaru teamed up to break into the Raikage Building and steal the Cloud Thunder Ninja Technique.

Of course such an important thing is guarded very closely, at least Mingjing feels it is more tightly guarded than in Yunyin Village.

It is also hidden in the secret room of the Hokage Building, but in fact, the underground of the Hokage Building is a secret base of ANBU.

In other words, this is the headquarters of Konoha's ANBU.

The ANBU usually has too many things to do with the Hokage, so it is actually the most convenient to set up the headquarters here. Once the Sealed Book appears, the entire ANBU + Hokage building will be alarmed.

In the secret room, there are also seals set by successive Hokages, Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina.

These people's sealing skills are much better than those fools in Yunyin Village.

In the original work, the only way for Naruto to obtain such an important thing as the Book of Sealings was through a trap set up by the third generation. Maybe the Book of Sealings that Naruto obtained only contained a ninjutsu such as multiple shadow clones.

"Duan, are you coming or am I?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Kato Dan.

"Sandaime, I'll do it."

As he spoke, Kato Dan walked to the front of the secret passage, turned his back to everyone, and placed his hands in seals on the door full of sealing runes.

The door slowly opened, revealing a wide and deep passage. In the passage, a tall red torii gate would appear every other section.

"This is the Myojin Gate that the first generation created after defeating Madara Uchiha and subduing the Nine-Tails using the secret technique of wood escape and Mito-sama's sealing technique. It was inspired by the secret technique of the first generation, the five-fold Rashomon. It was created by the first generation. A ninjutsu left by future generations. If one day the Nine-Tails riots, then those who have learned the Myojin Gate can use it to suppress the Nine-Tails. However, the prerequisite for learning this technique is to master a certain level of psychic techniques and immortality. Technique, unfortunately..."

Having said this, the third generation turned to look at Jiraiya with a dull expression.

"It's a pity that Jiraiya, the only one who knew both psychic arts and senjutsu, couldn't learn this ninjutsu at all."

"Aha, ahhahaha, old man, wasn't it that I had not yet mastered the immortal mode of cultivation? This time it will definitely work!"

Jiraiya smiled awkwardly, then patted his chest and said.

"Ah, I remember. What I learned that time happened to be the Triple Rashomon. What Tsunade took was part of the Second Hokage's research results on part of the forbidden medical techniques. Only Jiraiya, you idiot, learned nothing."

Orochimaru chuckled.

Orochimaru, whose personality has not darkened, actually doesn't mind making a joke to Jiraiya occasionally.

"Myojin Gate is usually placed here. Through Mito-sama's design and the seal imposed by the first generation of senjutsu chakra, Myojin Gate can flow on its own like the four elephant seals, and it can also absorb the natural energy in the air to replenish itself. This is also an important reason why the Myojin Gate can suppress tailed beasts for a long time. Once an unexpected situation occurs in the passage, the Myojin Gate will be activated by the mechanism jointly set up by the second generation and the first generation, and fall from above to suppress the attackers. Therefore, in Konoha, Orochimaru It's almost impossible for you and Ming Jing to directly sneak into the Raikage Building and steal the Cloud Thunder Ninja Technique."

Sandai said with a smile while smoking his pipe.

Ming Jing felt the pressure brought by the huge red torii gate above and nodded in approval.

This is basically a move left behind by Hashirama at his peak. Although it can only work in this specific place, and although it is not Hashirama's big move like Bokuto and the Buddha on the Top, there is no doubt that It also possesses extraordinary power.

If there was something of this level in Yunyin Village back then, Ming Jing and Orochimaru would definitely have to pay a huge price.

Ming Jing may be able to escape with the power of the sky, but Orochimaru may not.

Of course, Ming Jing believed that Uncle She would be able to escape with his survivability, but he would probably suffer a big loss.

As for now, although Mingjing's own strength is not as good as Senju Hashirama himself, he is not afraid of a Myojin Gate. Although the power of this thing is not small, its main function is to continuously control the enemy after it is controlled. Sexual repression.

After all, the original intention of the first generation to develop the Myojin Gate was to allow future generations to successfully deal with the Kyuubi. As for the first generation himself...

Not much use.

After crossing the long secret passage, Ming Jing and his party finally arrived at the final destination.

Kato Dan took out the key and opened the last door.

A sealed book as tall as a person was placed in the center of the room, with other sealed scrolls placed on the shelves on both sides.

Seeing this, Ming Jing can basically confirm that what Naruto got in the original work was a copy that recorded multiple clones.

"The one in the middle is the original of the Book of Sealing. The first page records the table of contents, and the following contains the contents of important forbidden arts such as Flying Thunder God, Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman, and Reincarnation of the Earth. The others are copies of the Book of Sealing, recording It includes the first generation's wood escape secret technique, the second generation's water escape ninjutsu and Mito-sama's sealing technique, etc., as well as some of the ninjutsu that the third generation and I and other people in the village left behind."

Kato Dan introduced while looking at the scene.

"This time, you can read all the contents of the sealed book, but I also hope that you can write some of your own unique skills on the copy to continue to add a foundation for the future generations of the village."

Kato Dan unsealed the seal, spread out the book, and displayed it in front of everyone.

"In this case, I will leave a copy of the essence of the breathing method and my understanding of the swordsmanship."

Ming Jing thought for a while and said.

The rest of the people also had their own plans. For example, Namikaze Minato planned to write down the "Wind Style Rasengan Shuriken" he had just researched.

As for the choice of content, Ming Jing first looked at Flying Thunder God.

Being able to awaken the time and space-related Mangekyō Sharingan pupil technique of the Sky Hand Power, Ming Jing's talent in this area is definitely not bad. He had also learned the mirror instant body transformed by Uchiha Kagami based on Flying Thunder God, so it was not difficult to understand it at this moment.

Orochimaru was concerned about the experimental materials left by the second generation Hokage. Jiraiya started to study the Myojin Gate again, and Namikaze Minato was also reading the content of the multiplication detonating tag.

This thing goes well with Flying Thunder God, and can perfectly make up for the shortcomings of Minato's insufficient attack power. Except that it needs to be paid for each use, which is not very friendly to Minato, a ninja from a civilian background, it can be said to be perfect.

After watching Flying Thunder God, Ming Jing also wrote down the content of Impure World Reincarnation and Mutual Detonation Talisman.

The current Impure World Reincarnation is not perfect. This is the initial version developed by the second generation of Hokage. Except that the body of Impure World Reincarnation can infinitely restore chakra and can be repaired if damaged, its strength is not very good. The biggest role may be to lure the enemy like the second generation of Hokage, or to cooperate with the Mutual Detonation Talisman to make a human bomb with an immortal body.

As for the Mutual Detonation Talisman, it seems a bit tasteless to Ming Jing who is facing it now.

His current attack power is already very high. If the Detonation Talisman is used less, the power is not as great as a sword energy cut by himself, but if it is used more, Ming Jing may not use it many times with his current wealth.

After all, if it is Ming Jing's turn to use the multiplication detonating tag, it means that the enemy's defense is too high for him to break through, or it is like Obito's Kamui, which requires a long bombing to take effect.

No matter which of the above situations, the number of detonating tags required is an astronomical number.

After checking some of the contents of interest in the seal book again, Ming Jing walked to the side, took down two blank ninjutsu scrolls, pondered for a while, and then picked up the pen to write.

Finally, Ming Jing extended his sword finger again and carved a "mirror" on the ground beside him.

If there are people who can make achievements in kendo, they can feel Ming Jing's sword intent on this word.

This is Ming Jing pointing out a way to the realm of great swordsmanship for the Naruto world and the descendants of Konoha Village.

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