Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 262 Breakthrough! Spiritualization Technique!

Chapter 263 Breakthrough! The art of spiritualization!

"In other words, the greatest use of this thing is to give it to the dead soldiers, or the ninjas of the ANBU and the root. When they are performing important tasks, they encounter enemies who cannot resist them, or face other fatal situations. Used in situations, it can kill the enemy together at the last moment, or when there is a lack of a sufficient number of strong men, some ninjas can subdue them to achieve strategic goals on a certain battlefield.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said while smoking his pipe.

Namikaze Minato's eyes moved slightly.

He doesn't like this kind of thing very much, but he also knows the importance of its existence.

"Maybe, but this thing actually gave me a lot of inspiration. At least it can be used together with the golden potion, which can allow the user to burst out with stronger strength in a short period of time while greatly reducing the sequelae. To be more specific, ...It's probably like how Senior Tou Feng used the Butterfly Transformation Technique. He had to rest in bed for several months before he could recover."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then if this thing is used well, wouldn't it be of great use at critical moments in the battle?

"Of course, the stronger the strength, the worse the effect of this thing on stimulating chakra. Ordinary genin and chunin can get exponential improvement in strength by taking it, but when it comes to Jonin, it is actually only 20 to 30% at most. In our case, Even less on my body.”

Orochimaru poured cold water on everyone again.

How can anything be so cheap?

If the effect of Heroic Water was so incredible, Takigakure Village would have dominated the ninja world long ago.

"Since the effects of Orochimaru-senpai's ninja and golden potions complement each other, I think Orochimaru-senpai's intention is to use this thing as a raw material to develop a second-generation golden potion, one that can be used even if we use it. A potion that bursts with stronger power in a short period of time, right?”

Ming Jing asked Orochimaru.

"Sure enough, Mr. Mingjing understands me. This is indeed one of my thoughts, but the problem is that the total amount of hero water we obtained from Longyin Village is only so much. It is unrealistic to rely on this thing to survive in batches. , so I prefer to make some other changes, such as trying to see if the water of heroes can drain the first-generation cells, reduce the threat of the first-generation cells, and then reproduce one or two wood escape ninjas that are stronger than Yamato. of."

"Okay, Orochimaru, I don't understand what you said about these human experiments. It shouldn't be for these things that you and Suan called us here, right?"

Jiraiya put his hands behind his head and said helplessly.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just want to introduce to you what I have gained from this trip. There are two important things next."

Orochimaru said this and looked at Kato Dan.

Kato Suan nodded slightly and looked at everyone.

"Two things, generally speaking, can be regarded as one thing, which is to comprehensively further strengthen the strength of the village's top management based on existing resources."

"The first thing is that Orochimaru and I have made a series of arrangements to use equipment to control the radiation energy of star meteorites to help Ming Jing practice the art of spiritualization."

"Wait a minute, isn't it very dangerous to practice the art of spiritual transformation? Ming Jing is now the most important fighting force in the village and the only one who can compete with Madara. There is absolutely no room for error!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly interrupted.

"I know, so we won't do this without absolute certainty of safety. However, because my telekinesis has undergone a qualitative change, I can protect Ming Jing's spirit body. Orochimaru has also mastered the art of reincarnation through the dirty soil. The method that can summon Ming Jing's spirit body back to the main body at any time is enough to ensure that Ming Jing is safe and sound with double insurance."

Kato Suan explained with a smile.

"Is that so? Then I'll be relieved."

Namikaze Minato nodded.

"Well, it is precisely because Ming Jing is now the most important combat force in the village, so in this process, other high-level Konoha combat forces will also be around to protect them at this time. Another thing, that is, I want to take advantage of this Opportunity to open the sealed book for all high-level officials in the village to browse to enhance the strength of the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stroked his beard with approval.

It stands to reason that those who have not made major military exploits are not allowed to browse the Sealed Book, but every high-ranking person here has made numerous major contributions to reach their current position, so they are naturally qualified.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen also roughly understood Kato Dan's thoughts.

Kato Dan must have wanted to use the sealing technique to strengthen the combat power of the village's top leaders, but more importantly, it should be to strengthen Ming Jing's strength.

Put the treasure on Ming Jing and make him a strong man who can defeat Madara!

The art of spiritualization, coupled with the ninjutsu in the Book of Sealing, such as the Flying Thunder God, the Mutual Detonation Talisman, etc., are enough to further strengthen Ming Jing's strength.

After all, no one knows when Madara will return to his peak form, and the best solution to deal with Uchiha Madara is to create a second Uchiha Madara!

As the strongest Uchiha today, Ming Jing is the most suitable candidate.

If this was ten or twenty years ago, Sandai would have been the first to stand up and oppose it.

After inheriting part of the Second Hokage's will against Uchiha, they certainly don't want a second Madara to appear in the Uchiha clan.

But the situation is different now. Konoha needs to deal with the threat of Uchiha Madara, and...

Sandai's son Asuma is now a student of Mingjing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still hopes that his son will have the opportunity to compete for the position of Hokage in the future. Judging from the current situation, Uchiha Mingjing is basically the fifth Hokage.

Just kidding, Uchiha Madara, who has not yet recovered to his peak state, can fight six Kage-level strongmen alone, and Mingjing is slightly stronger than Madara at this time. Who can stop him from becoming Hokage?

As a student of Mingjing, Asuma is undoubtedly qualified to compete for the future Sixth Hokage, and Asuma is still very satisfied in the eyes of the Third Hokage after being trained by Mingjing.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he has the strength close to the level of elite jonin, which is no worse than the three ninjas of the same period.

"If there are no other problems, I think we should start. How about Mingjing, are you ready?"

Orochimaru finally checked the operating status of each device and asked the other end of the phone.

"Ah, he is ready."

Kato Dan glanced at Mingjing who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the secret room and said.

Here, Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya took turns to activate the Sage Mode to protect Ming Jing's body, and Uchiha Fugaku was guarding outside the door.

By now, everyone also understood how hard it was to defend against White Zetsu's ability, which was to prevent Madara or others from sabotaging at this important moment.

On Orochimaru's side, Akimichi Tofu and the Third Generation accompanied Orochimaru to guard the meteorite.

As for Tsunade - her due date is next month, and she is now in Konoha Hospital with a big belly, accompanied by Kushina and three people from Minato's team.

Even if Tsunade has an unexpected situation, Obito can protect everyone with the Kamui space.

In the secret room, Ming Jing sat on the bed at ease, with his hands on his knees and his eyes closed, recalling the various experiences taught by Kato Dan in his mind.

The first stage is meditation, and the second stage is perception, carefully perceiving everything around, so as to get himself into the state.

These steps are not a problem for Ming Jing, who has reached the third level of mental activation.

In the third stage, one uses the spirit to perceive oneself, enters one's own spiritual world, and perceives one's own soul in it, that is, perceives "oneself".

The last stage is to control the soul to jump out of the body.

In the original work, Naruto's spiritual world is a sewer, which allows Naruto to talk to the Nine-Tails in it. Later, Naruto also talked with the Six Paths Sage here, and obtained the power of Yang, so that he had the combat power of the Six Paths level for a certain period of time.

Ming Jing's spiritual world is a world of swords.

In the thick white clouds, there are sword qi exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

He can reach the realm of swordsmanship of a great swordsman, and his understanding of the sword has penetrated into his soul.

"So, you are me? Or a part of me."

Ming Jing looked at the man in front of him who looked exactly like him and asked.

Teacher Duan didn't say that he would face this situation?

Is it because he came in through time and now he is facing the remnants of the original soul?

The other side confirmed Ming Jing's guess.

"Yes, I am you, Uchiha Mingjing, but I am not you either. However, I am still Uchiha Mingjing, the Uchiha Mingjing, the son of Uchiha Qianzhi and Uchiha Linna, the Uchiha Mingjing who has been admitted to the first place in the Ninja School many times."

Another Uchiha Mingjing replied.

"Of course, that is also just a part of me. I am also your opposite side, or your mirror image. Before, Danzo summoned me when he used the Yunwaijing, and I had a duel with you."

"Mirror image..."

Mingjing gradually understood.

This seems to be similar to the situation Naruto encountered when he faced the real waterfall on Turtle Island. He encountered his opposite side.

After Naruto reconciled with his opposite side, he entered the Nine-Tails Chakra mode and his strength increased greatly.

And what about himself?

Also, does this opposite side of himself know his memory and know that he can use the reincarnation watch to travel through the world?

The mirror image Mingjing did not give Mingjing much time to think.


Almost without any order, the two fists wrapped in lightning hit each other heavily.

"You know, I recognize you because you have done everything I want to do, defeated powerful enemies, revitalized the family, became the strongest in the Uchiha clan, became a high-ranking official in the village, and even became the village's Hokage in the future!"

"But I am also jealous of you! Why, all of this should have been mine! Mine! Why can only you enjoy these things, but I can't!"

"But now, I just need to defeat you here, and I can replace you and have everything you have!"

Mirror Mingjing said like crazy.

"I think I roughly understand what you are."

Mingjing said with a smile on his lips.

The other party is indeed his opposite, with all his abilities, but he should never be so strong.

Mingjing is not like Naruto. Under the influence of Ashura Chakra, he suppressed all the dark sides that he should have in his heart, and always showed the appearance of a kind-hearted hot-blooded fool.

The consequence of this is that once Naruto's dark side breaks out, it will be very powerful. Although Mingjing also encounters some annoying things at ordinary times, generally speaking, relying on his foresight, he lives a relatively happy life.

His strength also allows him to do things according to his own temperament. Even if he has a dark side, his strength will never be that strong.

That thing probably needs to accumulate enough negative emotions to be born.

The current one should be the result of the unborn dark side of me being created by a part of the soul that remained from the original body that has not merged with me.

The opportunity was probably the time when Danzo used the Uchiha Mirror's Mangekyō Sharingan to use the Ungaijing on the Mirror.

The cloud mirror replaces the role of the real waterfall in reflecting the inner heart!

"I was able to beat you back then, and it's not a problem now either."

Ming Jing held the mirror's fist with his palm and said with a smile.

"If the pupil power of that eye wasn't enough, how could I have lost!"


Ming Jing asked back, and in the next moment, a supersonic wave descended from the sky and attacked the mirror body.

The mirror body hurriedly avoided it.

The next moment, a huge bloody bat fell from the sky and turned into a long sword, which was held in Ming Jing's hand.

Mirror has a mirror body, but Bruce, who was born just a year ago and whose will was born from weapons and devil fruits, does not.

"Don't forget, I am the strongest when I hold a sword in my hand."

Ming Jing sighed, then charged forward with his sword.

Swordsmanship, Ninjutsu, Sharingan, Haki and Senjutsu, these five abilities are the five most important sources of Ming Jing's current strength. The most important of them is swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman.

If the peak strength ratings of Whitebeard and Roger are 99, then the strength of the other generals the Yonko are between 95 and 98. For example, Akainu and Aokiji are probably 98 or 97. Among the generals like Green Bull Shame is 95.

In the world of Naruto, this can probably be compared to Madara and Hashirama. Under normal circumstances, the two of them are also in this range, but the estimates of Rinnegan Madara and Senjutsu Hashirama can also reach 99, or even higher.

If we were to rate the current Mingjing, it would probably be similar to that of a deputy-level emperor like Marco, with a rating between 90 and 94. Before he became a great swordsman, Mingjing's strength might have been only around 90, which was slightly inferior to Taotu. After becoming a great swordsman, he further improved. When Bruce appeared, it would be higher, probably around 93 or 94.

The opposite mirror body does not have the tail feather of the sky in its hand. Although its strength can barely reach the threshold of this level, it is obviously no match for Ming Jing.

"Breath of the Sun·Fourteen Sword Forms!"

"Breath of the Sun·Fifteen Sword Forms!"

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